Finding Resources & Support in AML: A Patient Perspective on Giving Back
Casey Marsh, an AML patient advocate, shares advice on the importance of identifying resources and support when faced with a serious diagnosis, including her experience in connecting with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
Casey Marsh is an AML survivor and patient advocate. Casey is giving back by volunteering for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and has been selected as Houston’s honored hero for the 2019 Light the Night.
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Casey Marsh:
If people with AML are seeking for any type of resources of support, I would highly recommend going to their healthcare team first for any local suggestions that they provide. So, going to your team, that opens up the doors to communicating about these types of resources that you can find. So, for instance, myself, I was communicating with one of my nurses, and through that nurse, I found out about the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. And once they had given me that information about them, they actually reached out to me first. And from reaching out, they were able to establish that relationship, and then you may ask a lot more questions that you might’ve had or that you think of. And going through them actually opens the doors to an enormous amount of resources and support.
Now that I’ve been in my recovery for almost a year, I’m really investing myself in trying to give back. So, by doing that I have volunteered and teamed up with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to actually help them fundraise a lot of this money in awareness to people fighting leukemia and lymphoma. So, once I actually was discharged from the hospital last year, my husband and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary at Light the Night for the Leukemia Society. And ever since that, I have been drawn more and more to the program and what they offer to people.
So, I have actually been selected as Houston’s honored hero for the 2019 Light the Night, and I have also finished my official training to become a Leukemia and Lymphoma Society volunteer where I actually get to reach out to patients that are going through exactly what I went through.
So, I feel like going through all this a year later, this is where I’m supposed to be, and that’s to be giving back and educating people that are going through something similar to what I went through.