This resource was originally published on CLL Society here.
We have to know our enemy before we decide how to best target therapy. That is why testing before treatment…
Test Before Treat One-pager The PDF document below is a one page summary of what you need to know about the…
By Manali Kamdar, MD The presentation and course of CLL is strikingly varied in patients, with some individuals presenting…
Take Away Points: Prognostic markers help predict the likely outcome of cancer for a group, but less so for any…
Dr. Neil Kay on Prognostic Indicators and Standard Early Care for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: Dr. Neil Kay, a fellow Canadian, of…
Take Away Points: There are significant variations in how long patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) live. A small, but…
In part two of my interview from ESH in November 2014 from Greece with Professor Stilgenbauer of the University of…