Empowerment Lead Program Role Description 

Who are Empowerment Leads?

Patient Empowerment Network’s (PEN) mission is to fortify cancer patients and care partners with the knowledge and tools to boost their confidence, put them in control of their healthcare journey, and assist them with receiving the best, most personalized care available to ensure they have the best possible outcome.

PEN is a virtual community that supports patients through every step of their cancer journey. Their website, free webinars, and programs educate, then ACTIVATE cancer patients to become co-decision makers with their doctors; by knowing to ask the right questions, at the right time, empowered patients achieve better health outcomes

Established March of 2020, the Empowerment Lead Program is made up of highly passionate empowerment ambassadors volunteering from around the country, engaging with PENs network of cancer patients and families in the digital space and serving as a direct conduit of empowerment across a growing list of therapeutic areas including CLL, AML, MPN, Lung cancer, Myeloma, Thyroid cancer, Kidney cancer and more.


This strong team of compassionate volunteer Empowerment Leads does not give medical advice, instead, they help health communities adapt to the realities of living with a serious illness. PEN Empowerment Leads pay it forward as the communities’ human bridge to survivorship as they understand first-hand the anxieties and uncertainties that come with a cancer diagnosis.

Empowerment Leads create broader awareness of PEN’s resources within the cancer community through patient support groups, social media, expert interviews, conferences, and authored publications. Our Empowerment Leads represent the eyes and ears around their specific network, growing and engaging with the network.  


Through various mediums, social media platforms, and content formats such as PEN’s Activity Guides, Empowerment Leads develop specific messages, seek out resources, and contribute to amplifying the needs of specific health communities via guidance of an established editorial calendar. The time commitment for this role is 2-4 hours a month. Bi-weekly meetings occur at a scheduled time for Empowerment Leads to share updates on activities and best practices for the benefit of others. Lastly, a biannual virtual Empowerment Lead meeting occurs to bring all teams together for an opportunity to brainstorm on strengths and weaknesses.


  • Completely remote, you can work from anywhere! 
    • Utilize computer and webcam 


Full support received from Empowerment Lead Coordinator, Nykema Mpama, and Senior Programs Director, Aicha Diallo.

Interested in becoming an Empowerment Lead? Contact us at jobs@powerfulpatients.org