ABC Global Alliance
The ABC Global Alliance, a non-profit association registered in Portugal, is a multi-stakeholder platform for all those interested in collaborating on common projects related to advanced breast cancer (ABC) around the world. We are made up of people and organisations who are committed to develop, promote and support tangible improvements that will ultimately create awareness and actions that will improve and extend the lives of patients living with ABC worldwide.
The goal of the association is to improve and extend the lives of women and men living with ABC in all countries worldwide and to fight for a cure, to raise awareness of ABC and lobby worldwide for the improvement of the lives of ABC patients.
ABC Global Charter
The ABC Global Charter has been developed to address the most urgent and actionable gaps in the treatment and care of patients with advanced breast cancer (ABC) and define achievable and realistic goals to ultimately improve and extend their lives. These gaps and corresponding goals have been identified through intense discussion with all stakeholders involved in the field but mostly by patients and advocates.
It aims to drive change in the care of patients with ABC, tailoring actions to make them relevant and feasible for different geographies and capacities. The Actions for Change aim to achieve near and longer-term goals, to give patients a voice, to bring patient needs to the fore for driving decision-making and ultimately improve and extend their lives.