Learn Advocate Connect Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (LACNETS) provides a community of support and education for neuroendocrine tumor (or neuroendocrine cancer or NET) patients and caregivers.


LACNETS’ educational programs, including webinarspatient education conferences, a video librarypodcast, and blog, provide information on diagnosis, treatment options, research and resources. LACNETS develops patient-friendly educational content that brings the latest medical information and research studies to NET patients and caregivers.


LACNETS advocates for all people impacted by this rare disease to improve health outcomes through early diagnosis. We raise awareness about neuroendocrine and carcinoid cancers among healthcare professionals and the public.


LACNETS’ inclusive global community includes NET patients, family members, and caregivers. LACNETS makes it possible for patients to share experiences, encouragement, and hope through support groupsHealth Coaching, and NETCONNECT, a buddy program connecting a newly-diagnosed NET patient with a long-time patient.