What Can Patients Do to Access Better Colon Cancer Care?

What Can Patients Do to Access Better Colon Cancer Care? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What can patients do to access quality colon cancer care? Dr. Suneel Kamath shares tips on how to advocate for yourself, the importance of quality care versus convenient care, and colon cancer resources.

Dr. Suneel Kamath is a medical oncologist at the Cleveland Clinic Cancer Institute. Learn more about Dr. Kamath.

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If patients feel like they’re not receiving good care or they feel like they’re being treated unfairly, what steps should they take to access better overall care?  

Dr. Kamath:  

That’s a touchy one. It makes me sad that that even happens, but it does. I would say just never be afraid to be an advocate for yourself. To me, it’s your life and the consequence of bad healthcare, unfortunately, is not going to be on those providers. It’s going to be on you. Unfortunately, I do hear from a lot of people they worry about burning bridges, or annoying someone, or angering the doctors that they’re working with. I would tell them, “Don’t worry about that.” I don’t think people need to care about my feelings or the doctor’s feelings about the situation. 

You need to make sure you’re getting the best healthcare possible. Always feel comfortable getting a second opinion, going to a bigger center. I always recommend go to the main hospitals in your area. In the U.S. especially, I think we’re too focused on convenient healthcare and not the quality of the healthcare. I would definitely advocate, even if it takes you an hour to drive downtown to Duke or Johns Hopkins in your area, or the Cleveland Clinic, or the Mayo Clinic, or whatever, it’s worth that time compared to the person who just might be five or 10 minutes from you.  


Right. Are there resources available now that might be useful for people who need, want more information?  

Dr. Kamath:  

Yes, are you talking about things that they could find online or read about? It’s in terms in of accessing care or just generally about … 


Yeah, accessing care.  

Dr. Kamath:  

Yeah. I think there, again, I would go back to the American Cancer Society. The other ones that are really great, too, are – for colorectal cancer, especially, there are a number of really great patient advocacy organizations. The two that are coming to mind are the Colorectal Cancer Alliance and then Fight CRC. Both of them have phenomenal resources as far as patients who have gone through the whole journey and various phases of the journey. What I love for them, too, is usually there’s somebody that can represent your area in those settings, in those support groups and whatnot.  

I definitely think they’re a great resource in helping people find out who are the best doctors in your area. How did you get connected with them? Unfortunately, we all have phone numbers online and whatnot to find us. But we all know when you call them you end up in this interminable loop, it seems like, sometimes to get an appointment. It’s hard to navigate it all. I think a lot of times these patient advocacy organizations can be great bridges to both finding who the right people are and how do you best get in with them.  

What Are Common Colon Cancer Health Disparities?

What Are Common Colon Cancer Health Disparities? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are common colon cancer health disparities? Dr. Suneel Kamath explains what a health disparity is, the groups impacted by these differences, and how the medical community addresses them in colon cancer care.

Dr. Suneel Kamath is a medical oncologist at the Cleveland Clinic Cancer Institute. Learn more about Dr. Kamath.

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What Is the Role of Genetic Testing in Colon Cancer Care?

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What Can Patients Do to Access Better Colon Cancer Care?

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Disparities in healthcare can impact a patient’s experiences and outcomes. What are some common health disparities?

Dr. Kamath:  

Yeah, there are so many. I think with colorectal cancer in particular, access is really a huge one. People who are in underserved communities, often people of color, have less access due to systemic racism in healthcare and in insurance, lack of opportunity with employment. I’ve always thought having a purely employer-based healthcare system is not the smartest idea.  

People who are often the sickest are the least able to work and the least able to maintain their health insurance. It does a disservice to our population to have thing set up that way. Yeah, I think that’s a huge barrier. I think there’s also a lot of stigma, especially amongst people of color, around colonoscopies, things to do with your colon and rectum and whatnot. I think that’s something we also need to work on, to normalize that as something that should be done regularly and that this isn’t a bad thing. It’s just something we all have to do. 


Right. Well, what is being done by the medical community to address these imbalances? 

Dr. Kamath: 

I’ve really seen, I think, a legitimate push towards community outreach in the last few years. Unfortunately, we’ve known about these disparities for decades and I think a lot has been said about addressing them since the ‘80s and ‘90s.  

But to be honest with you, I don’t think very much was really done until recently. What I’ve seen is a really concerned effort to put resources into identifying what are those barriers. Where is the distrust coming from? Who are trusted sources in your community? We’re tapping into pastors and preachers and the barbershop guy. You don’t ask people, “Who do you trust to get your information from?” If you don’t ask the question you’re never going to know. 

Recently, I think we’ve actually really done the work to find out what is going to motivate you to get something done? What’s going to make it feel normal to you and having trust healthcare? We’re seeing a lot more engagement, I think, as a result of that.  


Are members of the medical community going out into the African American community to find out who they should be talking to?  

Dr. Kamath:  

We have been, actually. I reviewed a grant – just to speak of Cleveland Clinic in particular, a couple of years ago that the project that is being funded by it is still ongoing. Basically, we conducted focus groups of people at church. After the service was done, we conducted a focus group to ask them, “What are your thoughts about screening?” It was for colon cancer and for others as well. “What are your thoughts about this? What are your fears about it? What are things we could do to make you feel more comfortable with accessing this part of your care? Who do you go to to get trusted information?”  

As a result of that, doing it in their community, in the church setting where they feel safe and comfortable, we saw significant spike in the number of people who came for colonoscopies, for mammograms. We do PSA testing there and we set up a lab there. We found a big spike in the number of people who got those things done and we identified quite a few people who had cancer at early stages and we were able to cure them at much earlier stages than otherwise.  

What Is the Role of Genetic Testing in Colon Cancer Care?

What Is the Role of Genetic Testing in Colon Cancer Care? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Dr. Suneel Kamath discusses the role of genetic testing in managing colon cancer. From understanding hereditary mutations to the significance of family history, learn why awareness is important.

Dr. Suneel Kamath is a medical oncologist at the Cleveland Clinic Cancer Institute. Learn more about Dr. Kamath.

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See More from DETECT Colon Cancer

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Research Advances in Colon Cancer Screening and Detection

Research Advances in Colon Cancer Screening and Detection

What Can Patients Do to Access Better Colon Cancer Care?

What Can Patients Do to Access Better Colon Cancer Care?

What Are Common Colon Cancer Health Disparities?

What Are Common Colon Cancer Health Disparities?



Where does hereditary testing or genetic counseling come in as a screening tool? 

Dr. Kamath:

Hereditary testing, I think, is so important. I wouldn’t say it’s the best screening tool. It’s often best once somebody has already been diagnosed and you know that the disease is in the family. I do think it’s really, really important for people who have a family history of any cancer. Again, I go back to the fact that I think a lot of us don’t really know our family histories. I find for a lot of people when they’re first diagnosed with a cancer, that’s the first time they go talk to Mom and Dad, and to Uncle Joe Aunt Shirley, and they say, “Hey, do we have anything like this in the family?” 

And it actually turns out – I often hear the second and third visits, “It actually turns out I do have a strong family history of cancer.” I just urge people that it’s not an easy thing to talk about, but have that conversation with your family. Also, be open to sharing that information if it was you because these things have heavy implications on everyone in your entire family.  

Also, importantly, it doesn’t have to be the same cancer. A lot of people think it’s only if you have a family history of colorectal cancer that you might be at increased risk of others. But there are many syndromes that link uterine with colorectal and stomach and breast and whatnot. Being aware of any family history of cancer can really help us trigger the right genetic testing to find out if you have a hereditary syndrome or not.