DETECT Endometrial Cancer Resource Guide

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What Questions Should You Ask About Endometrial Cancer Detection?

Gynecological cancer expert Dr. Nita Karnik Lee explains the importance of self-advocacy in endometrial cancer detection, including speaking up when you have concerns and seeking care early. 

Dr. Nita Karnik Lee is a Gynecologic Oncologist at The University of Chicago Medicine. Learn more about Dr. Lee.

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Related Resources:

Advances in Endometrial Cancer Detection

Advances in Endometrial Cancer Detection

How Does Biomarker Testing Impact Endometrial Cancer Screening and Detection?

How Does Biomarker Testing Impact Endometrial Cancer Screening and Detection?

Current Endometrial Cancer Treatment Approaches

Current Endometrial Cancer Treatment Approaches


Katherine Banwell: 

What questions should patients be asking their doctor about detection? 

Dr. Nita Karnik Lee:  

For uterine cancer or endometrial cancer, detection is really based on symptoms. If there are any of those symptoms that are happening, they really should be asking, hey, I need to see a gynecologist. I need to do a biopsy. We do, unfortunately, see many patients who are sort of told, oh, it must be fibroids. But that shouldn’t happen in post-menopausal patients. I’ve heard everything. I’ve heard patients sort of self-reflect, and say, you know what, I was stressed that day, or I moved the couch that day. I’ve heard all the different things we think about, because none of us wants to feel like there could be something wrong. We often justify. It was probably nothing.  

But the patients who do the best are the patients who have a spotting episode, they have a bleeding episode, they seek care right away. And then 80 percent of uterine cancers need only surgery, so that’s a good statistic compared to some of the other GYN cancers. I would say advocating for your symptoms, not being afraid of a symptom being worked up, because I think there’s a lot of fear with, if you report something, maybe it will be something.  

And getting over that sensation of it may not be. It may be something completely different that’s benign. But I think the earlier that we can see a diagnosis and get people to treatment and/or hysterectomy, that tends to do the best in terms of survival and just getting over this episode. 

How Does Biomarker Testing Impact Endometrial Cancer Screening and Detection?

How does biomarker testing impact endometrial cancer screening? Gynecologic expert Dr. Nita Karnik Lee reviews genetic mutations related to endometrial cancer and outlines key considerations for women with a family history of the disease. 

Dr. Nita Karnik Lee is a Gynecologic Oncologist at The University of Chicago Medicine. Learn more about Dr. Lee.

See More from DETECT Ovarian Cancer

Related Resources:

Advances in Endometrial Cancer Detection

Advances in Endometrial Cancer Detection

What Questions Should You Ask About Endometrial Cancer Detection?

What Questions Should You Ask About Endometrial Cancer Detection?

Current Endometrial Cancer Treatment Approaches

Current Endometrial Cancer Treatment Approaches


Katherine Banwell:  

What is the role of genetic and biomarker testing as screening tools?  

Dr. Nita Karnik Lee:  

Those two things are different in certain ways, and it’s actually really important to think about that as well because for genetic testing if you do have a strong family history, there may be times where you are going to see a cancer genetics person. They may say, hey, your mom had uterine cancer. Maybe they are diagnosed with a certain syndrome. Lynch syndrome is the most common one, which is caused by a mutation in some of the repair proteins that normally repair DNA. That’s something that can get diagnosed and predispose people to many cancers, the most common of which is colon or uterine cancer.  

So, in those patients, some of those patients will actually undergo endometrial biopsies starting at a young age, even if they don’t have any irregular bleeding. Biomarkers are something also really important for somebody who is diagnosed already with endometrial cancer. So, if you get diagnosed with endometrial cancer, we actually use the biomarkers, which are an example of proteins the tumor has on its cell surface that can be turned on and off. And that profile of which biomarkers are on and off gives us an idea, and now can really help guide a little bit of treatment for some patients. 

Katherine Banwell:  

Okay. Should women with a family history of endometrial cancer take extra precautions? 

Dr. Nita Karnik Lee:  

I think they need to be really aware about the symptoms, and they need to be really thinking about whether or not there’s any role for genetic testing. Some patients, they have a family history. They’ve done genetic testing. It’s negative. There’s not anything else that we would do. But in those patients, if there’s any vaginal bleeding, spotting, anything irregular, that might really jump on the symptom diagnosis, or the symptoms leading to diagnosis, or sometimes people have other issues. 

They have fibroids. They have other things going on, and maybe they need a surgery, and maybe having that family history in your background sways you a little bit more. Hey, maybe I will consider surgery. It’s probably not the only reason to do a hysterectomy, but it can contribute to the decision-making if that makes sense. 

Advances in Endometrial Cancer Detection

How are patients currently screened for endometrial cancer? Gynecological cancer expert Dr. Nita Karnik Lee discusses tools for detection and diagnosis of endometrial cancer and factors that may impact risk. 

Dr. Nita Karnik Lee is a Gynecologic Oncologist at The University of Chicago Medicine. Learn more about Dr. Lee.

See More from DETECT Ovarian Cancer

Related Resources:

How Does Biomarker Testing Impact Endometrial Cancer Screening and Detection?

How Does Biomarker Testing Impact Endometrial Cancer Screening and Detection?

What Questions Should You Ask About Endometrial Cancer Detection?

What Questions Should You Ask About Endometrial Cancer Detection?

Current Endometrial Cancer Treatment Approaches

Current Endometrial Cancer Treatment Approaches


Katherine Banwell:  

Dr. Lee, what are the screening tests for endometrial cancer? 

Dr. Nita Karnik Lee:  

That’s also a situation that we don’t actually have screening tests for uterine cancer. Again, PAP smears are usually normal in patients who have endometrial cancer because the PAP smear collects just the cells from the outside. Occasionally, sometimes cells that are in the endometrial lining can fall down into the cervix and get found on a PAP smear. 

But that’s actually, usually, the exception and not the norm. So, most women I operate on who have endometrial cancer will have had normal PAP smears. But it’s really important to know what symptoms would really trigger the first diagnosis. So, any type of vaginal bleeding after menopause, vaginal spotting, brownish discharge, or anything that seems unusual, really warrants a biopsy. That is not exactly a screening test because screening tests are usually for patients who don’t have any symptoms, but it is really a very important diagnostic test for someone who has any of those symptoms.  

Katherine Banwell:  

Have there been advances in screening or screening technology that patients should know about? 

Dr. Nita Karnik Lee:  

Yeah, people are talking about that. We know that there are certain risk factors for uterine cancer, so there has always been a discussion about, what about maybe we don’t screen everyone. Maybe we don’t biopsy everyone, but maybe we should be biopsying some people. So, the issue of patients who have obesity is one of the risk factors, not all of them, because some patients who have obesity don’t have this, and vice versa. 

Some patients are very thin and get endometrial cancer, because there are so many different types of endometrial cancer. But I think people have talked about the idea of people who have had a real cycle of irregular periods before menopause, and then may have some risk factors such as obesity, or metabolic syndrome, or diabetes, maybe they should get screened, but that has not been advocated at a public health level. Now, patients who do have a genetic mutation should get screening tests by the endometrial biopsy.  

Katherine Banwell:  

So, you mentioned some things to look for. How is endometrial cancer diagnosed? 

Dr. Nita Karnik Lee:  

It’s diagnosed when somebody usually comes in. Most of the people will be diagnosed because they have a symptom such as vaginal bleeding or vaginal discharge. Then they will have either an office-based biopsy, which is called an endometrial pipelle or endometrial biopsy. 

Or they can have something that people have heard of before, called a D&C. That stands for dilation and curettage. That means opening up or dilating the cervix just a little bit to allow an instrument to come in and do a small scraping of the lining of the uterus. So, one of those two ways is going to be the way this is diagnosed.