How Is CAR T-Cell Therapy Research Advancing Myeloma Care?

How Is CAR T-Cell Therapy Research Advancing Myeloma Care? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What progress is being made in furthering advancing CAR T-cell therapy for myeloma? Dr. Krina Patel discusses the manufacturing process for CAR T-cells, research updates for manufacturing CAR T-cells faster, and the benefits of bridging therapy for some patients. 

Dr. Krina Patel is an Associate Professor in the Department of Lymphoma/Myeloma at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. Dr. Patel is involved in research and cares for patients with multiple myeloma.

Related Resources:

How Can Myeloma Patients Access CAR T-Cell Therapy Clinical Trials?

How Can Myeloma Patients Access CAR T-Cell Therapy Clinical Trials?

Will CAR T-Cell Therapy Be Approved for Earlier Lines of Myeloma Treatment

Will CAR T-Cell Therapy Be Approved for Earlier Lines of Myeloma Treatment?

Advances in Managing CAR T-Cell Therapy Side Effects

Advances in Managing CAR T-Cell Therapy Side Effects



Are there other advances in CAR T-cell therapy that patients should know about?  

Dr. Krina Patel:

Yeah, so I think part of the issue right now is manufacturing and how long it takes for patients to get those cells. So, we use it to our advantage in the sense that earlier-line patients will have bridging therapy that we can give them while we’ve collected their cells and they’re being made; it takes are 4 to 6 weeks, or even eight weeks sometimes that we can give them a therapy that can knock their myeloma down before they get the CAR T.  

And again, this is really important that we have options available. So, in fifth-line we don’t have very many options available. So, a lot of my patients, we really are just struggling to keep the myeloma controlled, try to bring it down before they get their CAR T. We’re hoping that that CAR T comes in any day.  

When it goes earlier, I’m hopeful that now we’ll have options to actually bridge patients better because we’ll have more therapies they haven’t had. And the reason that bridging is so important is it really does decrease toxicity, some of the serious toxicity with see with CAR T; significantly decreases it.

And the efficacy. We see patients will do much better for longer if they have less myeloma going in than lot of myeloma going in. And so, again, I think because of that time, if we could get those cells earlier, that just makes it so much easier for all our patients to make sure that they’re able to get the cells. So, there’s quite a few different trials looking at fast CAR T production.  

And so, there’s the PH383, I think. I can’t remember the number exactly. But this is one of the studies that was happening at Dana-Farber, and Dr. Sperling has presented couple time. The cells are made within just 24, 48 hours. And then, they actually go in and as they’re killing the myeloma, they grow.  

So, they grow inside the body which is really, really, I think, a interesting way to develop CAR Ts for the future, make it more applicable and accessible. And then, there’s other companies in China. There’s the FasT CAR, which is a CD-19 plus BCMA, so two targets. But again, they can make their CAR Ts within a week.

And in the end, you have to still do quality checks for the FDA, which still take two weeks. So, it always will still be a few weeks, but still, the faster you can make those CAR’s, the more likely our patients are gonna be able to get it. And then, I think the combination studies. Again, there’s gonna be studies with different targets. So, there’s two CAR Ts, again, GPRC5D, that are going to be tested in the U.S.  

A phase two study. And then, also another phase one study. And then, the phase two study, that GPRC5D CAR T is going to have combination studies coming out very, very soon. Actually, it’s already open in some places, and more places that are opening soon.  

So, I think, yes, a lot’s going on again with new antigens and combinations. 

How Can Myeloma Patients Access CAR T-Cell Therapy Clinical Trials?

How Can Myeloma Patients Access CAR T-Cell Therapy Clinical Trials? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How can patients learn more about joining myeloma CAR T-cell therapy clinical trials? Dr. Krina Patel shares advice for identify and accessing these trials, noting that seeking care with a myeloma specialist can be most helpful. 

Dr. Krina Patel is an Associate Professor in the Department of Lymphoma/Myeloma at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. Dr. Patel is involved in research and cares for patients with multiple myeloma.

Related Resources:

Will CAR T-Cell Therapy Be Approved for Earlier Lines of Myeloma Treatment

Will CAR T-Cell Therapy Be Approved for Earlier Lines of Myeloma Treatment?

How Is CAR T-Cell Therapy Research Advancing Myeloma Care?

How Is CAR T-Cell Therapy Research Advancing Myeloma Care?

Understanding Myeloma Therapy Targets BCMA and GPRC5D

Understanding Myeloma Therapy Targets BCMA and GPRC5D



How can patients find and access clinical trials that are looking at CAR T-cell as an earlier line of therapy?  

Dr. Krina Patel:

That’s a great question. So, I think going to any place that is myeloma specific. So, basically a big center that has doctors that are doing myeloma research, they will be able to definitely get you into places that have some of these trials. But is one other place. It’s really hard. I will tell you that, if I wasn’t a physician or in medicine, I don’t think I would learn, I would be able to navigate it very well.  

And so, really either through your doctor and having them look this up for you, or going to patient groups. So, again, a lot of my patients are part of different patient groups where people will say, “Well, this is a trial that I was” or “This is a trial that my doctor told me about.” And then, asking. So, that’s the other big thing is constantly asking your doctor “What are my other options?” getting second opinions from myeloma experts, and then just paying attention to some of these resources that you have available. Right now, there are gonna be more clinical trials for earlier-line therapies and first-line with both cilta-cel and ide-cel 

There’s going to be clinical trials with new products: ddBCMA CAR T, that is likely gonna come out soon for earlier-line therapies. And so, there’s a lot happening, and so there might be different clinical trials in different places. But I think the fact that all this is going on at once is really important for our patients to know about. 

Will CAR T-Cell Therapy Be Approved for Earlier Lines of Myeloma Treatment?

Will CAR T-Cell Therapy Be Approved for Earlier Lines of Myeloma Treatment? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Is there an opportunity for myeloma patients to gain access to CAR T-cell therapy sooner? Dr. Krina Patel discusses the results of clinical studies for CAR T-cell therapy and the potential for patients receiving the treatment earlier in their myeloma journey.

Dr. Krina Patel is an Associate Professor in the Department of Lymphoma/Myeloma at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. Dr. Patel is involved in research and cares for patients with multiple myeloma.

Related Resources:

How Can Myeloma Patients Access CAR T-Cell Therapy Clinical Trials?

How Can Myeloma Patients Access CAR T-Cell Therapy Clinical Trials?

How Is CAR T-Cell Therapy Research Advancing Myeloma Care?

How Is CAR T-Cell Therapy Research Advancing Myeloma Care?

Advances in Managing CAR T-Cell Therapy Side Effects

Advances in Managing CAR T-Cell Therapy Side Effects



Dr. Patel, current CAR T-cell therapy is FDA approved for patients who have had several lines of treatment. 

But we know that there are a number of trials that are exploring this treatment in earlier lines. So, what is the progress on these trials? 

Dr. Krina Patel:

Yeah. So, I think we have two major ones that have already been done and we’ve heard the results from. So, CARTITUDE-4 was for cilta-cel in second to fourth-line; so, patients who have relapsed once, all the way up to three times.  

And then, KarMMa-3, which is ide-cel, which was one line later. So, that was third-line to fifth-lines; so, relapsed twice to four times. So, little bit different patient populations in the two trials. The trials were different in that patients had different therapies before too.  

But both were positive studies which was what was really exciting. So, in CARTITUDE-4 patients were randomized, meaning they got either the CAR T or they got a standard of care option. And the CAR T won by a lot. This was, we call, hazard ratios.  

But basically, the amount of different of patients surviving when they got CAR T without myeloma versus the standard of care was one of the biggest differences we’ve ever seen in a clinical trial for multiple myeloma. So, it’s – 



Dr. Krina Patel:

– something really pretty amazing. And then, KarMMa-3, that trial, same thing. There’s a huge difference in the patients who got CAR T versus the standard of care. The standard of care options were different in the two trials for the most part. So, again, different patient populations and different standard of care options, but the other big thing that the KarMMa-3 study did was they allowed for patients who are on the standard of care that, once they were relapsing, they could get the CAR T.  

And so, because we have this crossover the big controversial thing that came up was, “Well, patients aren’t necessarily living longer by getting CAR T earlier. As long as they get CAR T they do really well.” And so, that is why there was a big meeting with the FDA what we call the ODAC meeting.  

So, they had both companies present their trials to the FDA and to this advisory board that they had called ODAC, and thankfully it was positive. So, both studies were positive in terms of the advisory board saying that they agreed these should be moved up forward.  

So, now we’re just waiting and hoping the FDA approves them so that we can actually give it to patients. I think the biggest reason is access. So, we know that when patients are fifth-line, which is when it’s approved now, not everybody makes it to fifth-line. It’s really hard to get through all these therapies and then still be healthy enough to do this versus if it’s approved in second and third-line, that just means so many people can actually get these therapies and available to them.  

And the other big thing is the quality-of-life piece for CAR T. It’s been such a big difference when patients get a break from therapy for a year or two years or longer compared to being on continuous therapy. And so, both studies have had quality of life studies come out as well showing that difference between the standard of care versus the CAR T.  

Myeloma Support and Resources | Why It’s Essential to Voice Your Concerns

Myeloma Support and Resources | Why It’s Essential to Voice Your Concerns from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Why should you speak up when it comes to your myeloma care? Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi discusses the importance of sharing issues with your healthcare team in order to access support and resources that can help. 

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi is a hematologist and oncologist specializing in myeloma at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. Learn more about Dr. Ailawadhi.

Related Resources:

Accessing Quality Myeloma Care | Advice for Overcoming Obstacles

Accessing Quality Myeloma Care | Advice for Overcoming Obstacles

Key Advice for Myeloma Patients | Questions to Ask About a Care Plan

Myeloma Symptom Management | An Expert’s Approach

Myeloma Symptom Management | An Expert’s Approach



I would like to talk more about self-advocacy, Dr. Ailawadhi, managing the worry associated with a diagnosis, concerns about relapse, side effects. It can lead to emotional symptoms like anxiety and fear for many. So, why is it important for patients to share any worries they’re having with their healthcare team?   

Dr. Ailawadhi:

Yes.  Extremely important. See, nobody’s thinking, “Okay, I’m going to have cancer today.” Nobody’s prepared for it ever. Cancer is always a diagnosis that comes out of the blue, blindsides us, and then suddenly we have to change the rest of our life because of it.  Not only our life, our caregiver’s life, family’s life, everything changes.  

So, it is okay to admit that it is difficult. It is okay to admit that we need help. And, Katherine, I like your kind of the use of the word, self-advocacy, although I want to qualify it.  

A lot of times we say patients got to be their own advocates. But if a patient doesn’t know what to ask, they’re going to be lost. My thought is it is okay to – the first and foremost that a patient or their caregiver can do is please report your symptoms or how you’re feeling.  And those symptoms could be physical, those could be psychological.  Please report what are you feeling, what are the symptoms. On a drug, what are the side effects, et cetera, so that your healthcare team can try to address them. Don’t ever assume, “I am on chemotherapy. I should have diarrhea.”  No. Don’t think, “I’m on chemotherapy. Other patients outside in the waiting room look sicker than I. I feel embarrassed to ask a question.”  

We hear this so many times. A lot of patients will say, “I feel embarrassed to ask that I’m going through this symptom, because I see sicker people outside.” Yeah, but know when I’m with you as a patient, you are it. I’m not thinking about anybody else. And I don’t want anybody else’s decision to obscure or cloud our relationship at that visit.  Please report your symptoms. Please ask for help. 

To me, that is good enough self-advocacy. Self-advocacy is not saying, “I should get this treatment, not that treatment.” But self-advocacy could mean, are there clinical trial options?  I know I live far away from a large center. Could I get a tele-visit with a large center? Could I get a second opinion from someone? Those are all very, very reasonable questions, and by asking those questions, a patient is advocating for themselves.  


As you alluded, there’s a whole healthcare team working with each patient, and there’ll be people on that team who can help support a patient’s emotional needs.  So, one thing that’s on the mind of many viewers is the financial aspect of care. And you mentioned that earlier everyone’s situation is different, of course, but where can patients turn if they need resources for financial support?  

Dr. Ailawadhi:

Very important question. I can tell you every day when I come into my office, my nurse has a stack of documents ready for my signature.  Every single day. Today, there was only one, but there could be different numbers. And these are generally from foundations from diagnosis confirmations, et cetera. Things that we are filling on and signing on behalf of our patients so that they are able to receive resources, whether it’s from a pharmaceutical manufacturer, a foundation, or society that has funding available, et cetera. I should start by saying, Katherine – and I feel embarrassed to admit this, but I should start by saying, I may not have all the answers for my patient during that visit.   

But I think the very important piece where we can start is asking the patient, “Is this causing any financial strain on you?”  As I mentioned earlier, we don’t think about, “Oh, I’m going to have cancer today. Let me prepare for that.” Or “I’m going to have cancer five years down the road. Let me prepare for that.” We’re not always ready for this. It’s okay. It’s important for me to ask if there is a problem, and it’s important for the patient to admit there’s a problem or say, “Well, I’m having difficulty with copayments.” And whatever may be difficult for one may be okay for the other. So, I shouldn’t assume.  So, that discussion must happen.  

Generally, in our setup, what happens is if the patient brings up a concern, if I identify a concern, or if we think something may be going on, but we’re not very sure about it, we tend to bring in our social workers. The social workers are typically the ones who are able to do that discussion with the patient, talk about what are the resources available. What are the foundations that we can apply to?

We have patient navigators who can do the similar things. So, the patient navigator, social worker, there are different individuals who will be able to provide much more granular information. I also strongly suggest patients to join support groups.  

There are lots of resources, which I may not be aware of during our visit with a patient, but I can connect to the social worker, their patient navigators, and online support.    

Myeloma Symptom Management | An Expert’s Approach

Myeloma Symptom Management | An Expert’s Approach from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How are myeloma symptoms and treatment side effects managed? Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi discusses the importance of addressing symptoms, management approaches, and the necessity of communication between the patient and their healthcare team to ensure optimal care. 

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi is a hematologist and oncologist specializing in myeloma at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. Learn more about Dr. Ailawadhi.

Related Resources:

Understanding Myeloma Testing and Monitoring | An Overview

Understanding Myeloma Testing and Monitoring | An Overview

Key Advice for Myeloma Patients | Questions to Ask About a Care Plan

Available Myeloma Treatment Options for Patients | An Overview

Available Myeloma Treatment Options for Patients | An Overview



So, the symptoms of myeloma, as well as the side effects of certain medications, can vary greatly among those being treated. How do you approach symptom management with your patients?   

Dr. Ailawadhi:

It is extremely important that we focus on the symptoms, whether it’s coming from the disease or it’s coming from the treatment. Because frankly, if a person is responding to the treatment, you want them to stay on the treatment for a longer duration of time, so the disease can stay controlled.  If we don’t handle the symptoms from the treatment or the side effects that are happening or if the disease is causing too many symptoms, it is more likely that either we’ll start cutting down the drug too much or stopping the treatment, et cetera, and then the disease just comes back. In some cases, that is necessary, but generally we would like to modulate the treatment or address the symptoms.  

So, one important piece that we should do, or at least we try to do over here, is that every single time that we talk to the patient for any of the visits – while there is enough time spent on, “Well, these are your labs, your diseases responding markers, SPEP, and M spike, and light chain,” and all that stuff – we spend a lot of time asking about symptoms.  

It is, I understand, challenging to cover everything, but to familiarize what drugs cause what kind of symptoms, and at least making sure that we ask those from the patient.  For example, IMiDs like lenalidomide (Revlimid) can cause some diarrhea, can cause fatigue, can cause sleepiness. Well, I must ask about diarrhea from all my lenalidomide patients.  

Bortezomib (Velcade) can cause neuropathy.  It can give rise to shingles. I must ask my patients for every bortezomib-treated patient. “Hey, do you have any neuropathy numbness, or tingling?  

Are you taking your medication to prevent shingles, et cetera?” I’m just saying we may not be able to do a comprehensive review of every single symptom from every single patient, but whatever the target side effects are important to know every single time. We educate the patients about these side effects so that they are aware of them, and they can report these side effects. And then, if the side effects are happening, any symptoms are happening, then is it to the point that we need to stop the treatment?  

Frequently, we do take drug holidays for a few weeks just to make sure, okay, we know is it coming from the drug or the disease? And every now and then, we realize, well, the drug was not even causing the symptom, because we stopped it, and the symptom stayed. Or so then, why stop the drug? There’s no point stopping it if I can’t control the symptom.

So, understanding whether it’s coming from disease or drug or something else, addressing them, making the changes appropriately to lower the dose, space them out, et cetera. All of that is done. And of course, like I said, importantly, educating the patient is so very important. I’ll add one quick thing. We focus on the drug-related effects.  

As you rightly mentioned, Katherine, the disease itself can cause a lot of symptoms. So, generally, when I see a new myeloma patient, in the first couple of visits, we’ve done all the testing, we’ve discussed the treatment, and we’ve addressed some of the basic symptoms like pain, for example. That is big in myeloma.

But then, when the patient has started treatment, generally within the first two months, the focus that our clinic has is we need to control any side effects, and we need to address any symptoms that are being left over from the disease. And that’s when we start referring patients to interventional radiology for any bone procedures or palliative care for pain control or neurology for neuropathy, whatever so that we are controlling all the symptoms.  

And that’s when we hopefully get the patient as close to their baseline as possible.   

Available Myeloma Treatment Options for Patients | An Overview

Available Myeloma Treatment Options for Patients | An Overview from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are the current myeloma treatment approaches? Myeloma expert Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi shares an overview of treatment options, the necessity of combination therapy in myeloma, and the role of clinical trials in patient care. 

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi is a hematologist and oncologist specializing in myeloma at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. Learn more about Dr. Ailawadhi.

Related Resources:

Key Advice for Myeloma Patients | Questions to Ask About a Care Plan

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What Is the Role of Bispecific Antibody Therapies in Future Myeloma Care? 



What are the types of treatments available for people with myeloma?   

Dr. Ailawadhi:

So, myeloma has a lot of treatments available.  We can classify these treatments into different classes of drugs, or we can classify the treatment as early lines or late lines of therapy. Or we can classify these treatments into cellular therapy or targeted therapy or chemotherapy. There are ways of classifying it.  What I would suggest is we should think about classes of drugs.  We have something called proteasome inhibitors. That class has three drugs FDA-approved. We have something called immunomodulatory drugs. That class has three drugs also approved, but generally, we use two.   

Then, there are something called monoclonal antibodies. There are three drugs approved there as well.    

There are cellular therapies or CAR T-cell therapy. There are two of them approved.  There is also a stem cell transplant that is used as a part of treatment sometimes but is different from CAR T. Then, there are other immunotherapy, something called T-cell engagers, in which also there are three drugs approved. In fact, as I’m saying to you, I’m trying to think…yeah, wow. Every class has three drugs. That’s so weird. And then, there are some other classes of drugs. There is something called exporting inhibitors. There is a drug there. All said and done, there are these different classes of drugs.  

There are some guiding principles for myeloma treatment. Generally, three to four drug combinations or regimens are better than two drugs. So, a patient should be in the initial therapy or later lines. Also, preferably be getting a three-drug combo. And I forgot to mention steroids, which are an important part of every regimen in myeloma, almost every regimen. So, three drugs or four drugs are better than two. That’s important to keep in mind. Longer durations of treatment are generally considered better.  We should not tinker with the regimen’s recipe too soon. As long as the patient is tolerating for a longer duration before making any major changes like maintenance.  

Generally, maintenance in myeloma is not a response-assessed thing like, “Oh, you’ve responded in two months. We should go to maintenance.” Generally, in myeloma, maintenance transition is a time-dependent thing. Okay, you’ve had six or nine months or 12 months. We can go to maintenance, sort of a thing. So, even if somebody has responded, they may need the same treatment for a longer period of time to keep the disease quiet.  

And so, I think these are the different categories of drugs. We pick and choose from different categories to combine and make a regimen. The CAR T-cell therapy, the two CAR Ts that are approved, or the three T-cell engagers that are approved, they are all currently used as single agents. They are not combined with anything, not even with steroids. 


How do clinical trials fit into a treatment plan?    

Dr. Ailawadhi:

Okay, that’s an extremely important question, and you’re asking it from a person in my clinic about two-thirds of the patients who are on treatment at any given time are on clinical trials. So, I am very heavily, I shouldn’t say biased, but a proponent of clinical trials. In my opinion, clinical trials are a part and parcel of treatment for every single patient. In fact, when you look at the NCCN guidelines, which are National Comprehensive Cancer Network, which is large institutions across the country, and they make guidelines for all cancers, it is mentioned in every single setting that clinical trials should always be considered.  

So, I personally feel that whenever the patient is coming up with a treatment decision, we talked about shared decision-making in the beginning, it’s important for them to ask at every single juncture, “Do you have any clinical trials available for me? 

And if you don’t have any clinical trials available, are there any clinical trials that I should consider, even if it means going to a different place and getting an opinion?” I know logistically it’s challenging, but we should at least know our options. So, in my opinion, clinical trials should be considered at every single juncture, because that is how patients get access to either a new drug, a new treatment, or a different way of using the current drugs, which might actually improve upon their current state. So, everybody all the time should consider clinical trials.    

Understanding Myeloma Testing and Monitoring | An Overview

Understanding Myeloma Testing and Monitoring | An Overview from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What should patients know about myeloma treatment and testing? Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi shares an overview of myeloma testing and discusses the importance of getting key questions answered by your healthcare team. 

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi is a hematologist and oncologist specializing in myeloma at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. Learn more about Dr. Ailawadhi.

Related Resources:

Key Advice for Myeloma Patients | Questions to Ask About a Care Plan

Accessing Quality Myeloma Care | Advice for Overcoming Obstacles

Accessing Quality Myeloma Care | Advice for Overcoming Obstacles

Available Myeloma Treatment Options for Patients | An Overview

Available Myeloma Treatment Options for Patients | An Overview



What sort of tests should be done following a myeloma diagnosis?   

Dr. Ailawadhi:

Generally, when myeloma is suspected, we need to know what the basic blood counts are, something that is called a CBC, complete blood count. We’re looking for anemia, low white blood cells, low clotting cells, or platelets. We want to do serum chemistries or blood chemistries, looking for kidney function, liver function, electrolytes, calcium, et cetera.  

Then, we want to do some kind of an imaging of the body. Generally, routine X-rays are no longer done, and the most preferred is a PET-CT scan, a PET scan. We do PET-MRIs frequently. So, there are different tests available, but you want a good test to know what’s the state of bones and presence of any lesions or tumors. And then, the important question comes is doing a bone marrow biopsy.   

The reason for doing a bone marrow biopsy, and even if somebody has had a biopsy done from a compression fracture, et cetera, that diagnosed myeloma, a bone marrow biopsy still should be done. It gives us a lot of pieces of information.  

It tells us what is the percentage of plasma cells in the bone marrow. So, what is the disease burden we are starting with? Secondly, that bone marrow biopsy specimen can be sent for what is called a FISH testing, which is fluorescent in situ hybridization.  

It is basically looking for any mutations in the cancer cells. Based on those mutations, myeloma can be classified into standard or high-risk myeloma. And sometimes our treatment choices are differed based on whether somebody is standard or high-risk. So, blood work, basic counts – and I skipped over one of the things. Right after chemistries, I wanted to add also are myeloma markers.  

There are typically three lab tests of myeloma markers. One is called protein electrophoresis. It can be run in blood and urine. Ideally, it should be run in both. One is immunoglobulin levels, which gives us the level of IgG, IgA, IgM, et cetera. And the third one is serum-free light chains, which is kappa and lambda light chains. Neither one – none of these tests eliminates the needs for the other.

So, everybody, in the beginning, should have complete blood count, blood chemistries, SPEP or serum protein electrophoresis, urine electrophoresis, immunoglobulins, light chains, imaging, and then a bone marrow. This completes the workup. Then, based on that, the treatment can be determined.  


Well, you mentioned lab work. How often should tests and blood work be done?   

Dr. Ailawadhi:

Good question. Very, very important question because we see very frequently that the patients come in, they’re getting treatment somewhere, and every single time the patient steps foot in the door of that institution or wherever they’re going, they got a blood draw. That’s how they start their day. It’s needed more frequently in the beginning but needed less frequently later on.

Generally, the myeloma markers, those protein electrophoresis, immunoglobulins, light chains, they are frequently done just about every month. Generally, in myeloma, one month, three to four weeks is one cycle. So, at the beginning of every cycle, you want to know how good your response was. So, the myeloma markers once a month.  

The blood counts and chemistries in the first month, first one to two months, they can be done every other week or so just to make sure counts are fine, no need for transfusions, kidney/liver is okay, et cetera. But after the first couple of months, when the body is used to the drugs when the patient is settled with the treatment, frankly, once-a-month labs are good enough. We don’t really need labs on every single treatment visit. Because the other thing that happens is some of these drugs can lower the blood counts normally during treatment, but they have a rest period at the end of the cycle when the counts recover.   

So, if somebody does labs in the middle of the cycle when the counts are expected to be down but not an issue, treatments are stopped, and growth factors are given. And this is done, but that is not really necessary. So, first couple of one to two cycles, maybe every other week to make sure counts are okay. Myeloma markers monthly, but after the first couple of months when things are settled, once a month should be sufficient. 


Okay. What questions should patients be asking about their test results?    

Dr. Ailawadhi:

Yeah. Very, very, very important. In fact, whenever I’m speaking in a patient caregiver symposium or anything, I spend a lot of time on these test results because frankly, a lot of times it sounds like jargon and the people talk about, “Oh, my ratio is going up,” or the doctor is saying, “Hey, your immunoglobulins are normal. You’re in remission.” But so, I think the patients need to understand and ask from their doctors, “What is my marker of the disease that you will be following?” And I’ll tell you that immunoglobulins, that IgG or IgA level, is nearly never the marker. It’s either M spike or light chains, generally one of those.  

So, the patients need to understand what is their marker. They also need to know what did their bone marrow show. What was the percentage and what was the FISH result or cytogenetic result? I think other than the tests, I will also add the patients need to ask their doctor a lot of these questions that you’re asking me. How frequently are the labs going to be done? Why is it important?  Why was a certain treatment selected? What is the expected outcome? What are the chances that I can go into remission? How long does the intense treatment stay?  

When does it go to some kind of a maintenance? Et cetera, et cetera. Basically, you want to understand everything about the disease and its treatment. It is overwhelming. This is a lot of information. A lot of times the patients may say, “Well, I got a diagnosis. I got a treatment started. I just need to move on.”  That’s right. But once you spend all that time initially understanding your diagnosis and the treatment and the disease, it’ll make the rest of the journey much, much easier.  

The Benefits of Shared Decision-Making for Myeloma Care

The Benefits of Shared Decision-Making for Myeloma Care from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Why is working WITH your myeloma care team to determine a treatment plan so important? Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi reviews the benefits of the concept of shared decision-making and explains how myeloma treatment goals affect a patient’s care plan.

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi is a hematologist and oncologist specializing in myeloma at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. Learn more about Dr. Ailawadhi.

Related Resources:

Understanding Myeloma Testing and Monitoring | An Overview

Understanding Myeloma Testing and Monitoring | An Overview

Key Advice for Myeloma Patients | Questions to Ask About a Care Plan

Available Myeloma Treatment Options for Patients | An Overview

Available Myeloma Treatment Options for Patients | An Overview



So, when it comes to choosing therapy for myeloma, it’s important to work with your healthcare team to identify what might be best for you. How would you define shared decision-making and why is this so critical to properly managing life with myeloma?  

Dr. Ailawadhi:

Excellent question, Katherine. Shared decision-making or a process in which the physician, the health care team, and the patient, their caregivers, everybody comes together, shared, to make a decision that we feel is in the best interest for that patient at that time. That is the whole concept.  

Whenever we think about treatment decisions, in our mind, the three main components that have to be considered every single time. Not just newly diagnosed or relapsed or third line or whatever, every single time a treatment decision has been taken, we must consider patient-related factors. What is their preference? What are their goals? Do they have caregiver support? How far do they live? Do they want IV? Pills? Any side effects that are there?  

Comorbidities? Other issues? Financial conditions? Everything comes into play, patient-related factors. Then, there are disease-related factors. How fast is the disease growing? Is this new? Is this old disease, high-risk, low-risk, or standard risk? Or what has been given before, et cetera. So, patient and disease-related. And the number three is the treatment-related factors. What is being considered for the patient? What are the ins and outs, pros, and cons?   

All of this has to be laid out in front of the patient and preferably also their caregiver if the patient has someone who they can share their decision with.  

And when we put all of that in the mix, we come up with a decision which is hopefully in the patient’s best interest. They are more likely to go through with it. They are informed. They are involved in their care. And then, hopefully, if the patient starts on a treatment that they are interested in, knowledgeable about, and committed to, we’ll be able to keep the patient on that longer term and get the best benefit out of it.  

So, in my mind, the main reason for shared decision-making is to make sure my patient is committed to that treatment. They understand that treatment. And we make this kind of bond between us as clinicians and our teams and the patient and their home team, their family team, their caregiver team so that everybody is working together with a singular goal. Right treatment for the right patient at the right time because it must be patient-centric, not research or clinician, or drug-centric. 


What are myeloma treatment goals, and how are they determined?   

Dr. Ailawadhi:

So, I think the myeloma treatment goals can be very different depending on what vantage points you’re looking from. My treatment goal is to provide the best treatment for my patient that has least side effects, gets a deep control, and my patient’s able to live long with a good quality of life. Okay. But that’s my goal.  I need to figure out what my patient’s goals are, and sometimes our patient’s goals are very different.  A patient’s goal might be that they want to really avoid side effects. Well, they want to live, lead their quality of life, and keep traveling. And this happens on a day-to-day basis.  

Just the other day, one of the patients said, “Well, I really want to keep driving around in my RV with my wife, because that is what we had wanted to do at this point of our life. What can you do to help me control my disease, but keep me driving my RV?” And we literally had to figure out where all they were traveling. We identified clinics close to them and connected with physicians so that they could continue their treatment wherever they were. So, the patient’s goals are very important, and in fact, I would say they are paramount. So, understanding what the patient wants. They may be wanting to control pain. They may be wanting to just live longer.  

They may be wanting to delay treatment so that they could watch their daughter’s soccer game. I’m just saying that the goals can be very different. It is important to lay them out. Every time you’re making a treatment decision, the goals should be laid out into short-, mid-, and long-term goals. I should bring my goals to the discussion. The patient should bring their goals to the discussion, and we come up with whatever is the best answer for them that suits them.  

Advances in Managing CAR T-Cell Therapy Side Effects

Advances in Managing CAR T-Cell Therapy Side Effects from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What progress is being made in treating the side effects of CAR T-cell therapy? Myeloma expert Dr. Krina Patel discusses the research and advances being made in understanding and managing the common issues associated with this treatment.

Dr. Krina Patel is an Associate Professor in the Department of Lymphoma/Myeloma at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. Dr. Patel is involved in research and cares for patients with multiple myeloma. 

See More From Thrive CAR T-Cell Therapy

Related Resources:

CAR T-Cell Therapy for Myeloma | What Are the Advantages

CAR T-Cell Therapy for Myeloma | What Are the Advantages?

Recovering From CAR T-Cell Therapy | What Can Myeloma Patients Expect

Recovering From CAR T-Cell Therapy | What Can Myeloma Patients Expect?

What Side Effects Are Possible Following CAR T-Cell Therapy?

What Side Effects Are Possible Following CAR T-Cell Therapy?


Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Patel, what about managing the side effects of CAR T? Is that improving?  

Dr. Krina Patel:

It is. I think just the fact that we are now seeing less of the neurotoxicity that we were seeing in the initial patients that were getting CAR T, and the serious neurotoxicity like the Parkinsonianism or patients couldn’t walk or hold things because of the tremors they were having that were so significant.  

And then something kinda like Guillain-Barré where people are getting ascending paralysis. And so, again, those are very serious things that we don’t want any of our patients to get. And again, most of it was with cilta-cel and their CARTITUDE-1 study. There is a black-box warning with ide-cel too that that can happen.  

We just don’t see it at the same rate. And again, when patients got better bridging going into CAR T, that rate dropped from 6% to 0.5%. So, it really is a huge difference by just giving better bridging and having myeloma controlled better going in.  

We are seeing some other side effects that we didn’t necessarily see on the original clinical trials, like facial palsies. These are things where patients can talk very well anymore or their side of their face is drooping. And those are reversible thankfully, for the most part with steroids, things like that. So, we watch for that. There’s some other side effects.

Again, these are immune cells going into your body, so anything can happen. So, we definitely keep a close eye on all of our patients. But for the most part, especially things like infections and this neurotoxicity, we’ve learned that again the less myeloma going in, the better patients do and the faster they recover.  

So, for the most part, patients now are doing much, much better than when patients were originally on those trials where we didn’t know what was gonna happen. And I think the infection piece is such a big deal; that our patients definitely need supportive care.  

So, even though this is a one-and-done where you get your chemo, you get your CAR T’s and then you’re not on any myeloma therapy, you are on supportive therapies; so, things like IVIG for your immune system, things to protect you against something called PJP pneumonia for at least six months if not longer.  

You’re still on anti-shingles medication. So, it’s not that you stop all medicines, but it’s you stop the myeloma medicines. And then, at least for the first six months, maybe even up to a year we have to make sure you don’t get any major infections.  

Accessing Quality Myeloma Care | Advice for Overcoming Obstacles

Accessing Quality Myeloma Care | Advice for Overcoming Obstacles from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How can you access the myeloma care that is best for YOU? Myeloma specialist Dr. Krina Patel shares advice for patients, including the importance of a second opinion and key questions to ask your doctor regarding your disease and treatment plan. 

Dr. Krina Patel is an Associate Professor in the Department of Lymphoma/Myeloma at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. Dr. Patel is involved in research and cares for patients with multiple myeloma. Learn more about Dr. Krina Patel.

Related Resources:

What Is the Role of Bispecific Antibody Therapies in Future Myeloma Care?

What Is the Role of Bispecific Antibody Therapies in Future Myeloma Care?

Key Advice for Myeloma Patients | Questions to Ask About a Care Plan

Elevate | What Role Can YOU Play in Your Myeloma Treatment and Care?

Elevate | What Role Can YOU Play in Your Myeloma Treatment and Care? 



What hurdles to patients face when accessing quality overall myeloma care and what can be done to get over these obstacles?  

Dr. Krina Patel:

I talk about this a lot. 

So, again I think the biggest problem for me is that because myeloma care changes so fast, which is a good thing that we have all these options and we have so many new therapies, it’s really hard for people who don’t do just myeloma to keep up. I don’t think I would be able to. I don’t do breast cancer. I don’t do other cancers, so when I take my boards every 10 years, I have to learn a lot to take those.

So, it’s just a part of the system that this the problem. So, I think if you’re seeing a local oncologist that sees five myeloma patients a year, they’re gonna be stuck on what was the treatment when they did it last time for that last patient, which again might be very different now because things change so fast. 

And so, again, you want to get to a doctor quickly, and I understand that. When people hear “cancer,” they’re like “I gotta get treatment. I gotta go fast.” But part of it is, if you need treatment quickly to get to your doctor. But then, try to make a second-opinion appointment done, even virtually because we can do that now after COVID; we have so many more options for that.  

And get that second opinion just to say “Is this the right therapy for me? Going forward, what should I do?” So, patients, “Should I get a stem cell transplant?” if you’re newly diagnosed or not. “What kinda maintenance should I be doing? Do I have high-risk disease or not? What are the nuances of my myeloma versus everybody else that we need to be careful about? Should we dose reduce?” There’s a lot of those types of hurdles. Patients, if they have kidney failure form their myeloma, we should be decreasing the dose of some of the medications; those types of things that really we can help with to make sure those outcomes are in the best. 

And that first treatment really does matter so that we can reverse as much as possible, for patients who have kidney involvement versus bone involvement, to decrease the pain really quickly. Do we need to get our radiation doctors involved to get radiation to help make sure you don’t get a fracture from a potential bone lesion. So, I think, again, I understand the urgency of seeing somebody, of getting diagnosed, and starting therapy.   

But quickly get to a second opinion so that they can help. And then, again, some of these patient advocacy groups are amazing for myeloma. And I think there’s just so much information there that you don’t want to get overwhelmed, but at the same time you want to start going a little bit at a time at those things so that you can learn more about what you need to be asking and doing.  

Key Advice for Myeloma Patients | Questions to Ask About a Care Plan

Key Advice for Myeloma Patients | Questions to Ask About a Care Plan from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How can newly diagnosed myeloma patients be proactive in their care? Dr. Krina Patel shares key advice for patients, including the importance of making notes before office visits and the role that a care partner can play in overall support. 

Dr. Krina Patel is an Associate Professor in the Department of Lymphoma/Myeloma at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. Dr. Patel is involved in research and cares for patients with multiple myeloma. Learn more about Dr. Krina Patel.

Related Resources:

What Is the Role of Bispecific Antibody Therapies in Future Myeloma Care?

What Is the Role of Bispecific Antibody Therapies in Future Myeloma Care?

Accessing Quality Myeloma Care | Advice for Overcoming Obstacles

Accessing Quality Myeloma Care | Advice for Overcoming Obstacles

Elevate | What Role Can YOU Play in Your Myeloma Treatment and Care?

Elevate | What Role Can YOU Play in Your Myeloma Treatment and Care? 



For newly diagnosed patients, what key advice would you share with them? And are there specific questions they should be asking their doctor about their care plan? 

Dr. Krina Patel:

Yeah. So, I know it’s hardest for newly diagnosed patients. Most people have not even heard what multiple myeloma is. They’re learning how to spell it correctly and making sure it’s not melanoma. And this is a conversation I have with so many of my new patients that I think it’s really hard your visit, and maybe even your second visit, to ask all the right questions. So, really, coming home and every time you’re on a treatment or you’re talking about a treatment and you have a question, write it down because I know it’s really hard when we’re only there for 15, 30 minutes to talk to you.  

For us, we have MyChart, so my patients will send questions as they think of them through that. And I think that’s really important. Sometimes it’s hard to know what questions to ask when you have no idea what’s about to happen, and that’s okay. But I think as you’re going through therapy, really making sure that you ask about alternative therapies that might be available and why someone is picking one versus the other, making sure you know what supportive medications you really need.

And I will say that, with myeloma, a lot of our treatments are patient-friendly but they do cause side effects and infections, so, we have a lot of supportive medications we use; so, again, anti-shingles, potentially if you could get a blood clot, we have you on some type of blood thinner.  

We have people on against steroids because of all of our initial therapies have steroids. We wanna make sure you don’t get ulcers in your stomach, so we have patients on proton pump inhibitors. There’s a lot of things we do to again decrease that toxicity. So, that’s important.  

And then, I think the next part is when you’re on treatment, whatever symptoms you’re having keep a log of that. Some things are, okay, maybe it’s just a little bit here and there, that you’re feeling fatigued but then you’re better. But there are certain things that cause a lot of side effects that my patients sometimes don’t tell me about. So, the steroids can cause major insomnia for some of my patients where they don’t sleep for three days, and that’s not okay. We can decrease those.

So, there are ways to manipulate the treatments as we’re going through to make sure that not only are you having a great response but that you’re not having major side effects that are actually gonna hurt your health down the road. So, really important to discuss those things that you’re having as you’re going through.  


There’s also the importance of a care partner in your life –  

Dr. Krina Patel:



– right?  

Dr. Krina Patel:

I agree. So, I joke with my patients but it’s real; there’s actually a study that shows that men with three and a half women in their lives do much better in healthcare in general than those who don’t. So, I’m like “Go get more women in your life” – 


I love that.  

Dr. Krina Patel:

– or just caregivers in general.  

Men are great caregivers too, but really having someone there that can listen for you and write down those things because it is overwhelming. And when you’re on treatment there are a lot of times when you just can’t pay attention. You can’t focus. You can’t listen to everything. And so, the more people that are there, they’ll pick up other things.

So, a lot my patients will even have their loved ones on their phone with them, even if they can’t be there in person so that they can record. And a lot of my patients will record things and they’ll ask me; so, definitely as whoever you’re talking to if it’s okay to record. But most of us will say “Yes, it’s completely fine” so that you can listen to it again when you go home.   

What Is the Role of Bispecific Antibody Therapies in Future Myeloma Care?

What Is the Role of Bispecific Antibody Therapies in Future Myeloma Care? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How does bispecific antibody therapy impact the outlook for myeloma care and treatment? Dr. Krina Patel discusses how this treatment, and CAR T-cell therapy, are revolutionizing myeloma care.

Dr. Krina Patel is an Associate Professor in the Department of Lymphoma/Myeloma at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. Dr. Patel is involved in research and cares for patients with multiple myeloma. Learn more about Dr. Krina Patel.

Related Resources:

Key Advice for Myeloma Patients | Questions to Ask About a Care Plan

Accessing Quality Myeloma Care | Advice for Overcoming Obstacles

Accessing Quality Myeloma Care | Advice for Overcoming Obstacles

Elevate | What Role Can YOU Play in Your Myeloma Treatment and Care?

Elevate | What Role Can YOU Play in Your Myeloma Treatment and Care? 



What role do you foresee bispecific antibody therapies playing the future of myeloma care?  

Dr. Krina Patel:

So, I think bispecifics are phenomenal. I’m a CAR T girl, but in terms of access, I will say, that more of our patients around the world are going to have access to bispecifics.  

And it’s off the shelf, so you don’t have to worry about taking cells out, making it, waiting and hoping to get those cells back. So, many more patients are going to be able to get it. And I think ideally if everybody could get a CAR T, my goal would be a CAR T first and then a bispecific until we can cure myeloma. Unfortunately, for the most part right now with these therapies, as single agents we haven’t seen that the majority of patients are cured.  

So, my goal is to make sure that I have all the treatment options possible to keep patients doing well for as long as possible. And so, again, ideally CAR T, then maybe a bispecific because of the way those resistance mechanisms happen. But if we don’t have the availability of CAR T for everybody or you’re not eligible, I do think bispecifics are a great therapy. And I have again patients who are frail, who are older that we’ve been able to give bispecifics to and they’ve had amazing responses. And I think right now they’re single agents. But I do think that as we get these trials with combinations approved, we’ll see a lot more increase in use of those.  

Again, the side effects are still something we’re learning about. So, bispecifics with BCMA, infections are a really big risk, even more than CAR T.  

So, it’s really, really important that, if anyone has fevers or they don’t feel well, they see their doctor right way and make sure it’s not a strange infection that we don’t usually see that needs to be treated versus even a regular pneumonia that can be pretty dangerous when your immune system’s down.  

So, that’s important. And then, the GPRC5D, as I said, it’s the taste and the weight loss and things like on skin that we really wanna make sure we do as much supportive care for that as possible.   

What’s Next in Myeloma Research and Treatment?

What’s Next in Myeloma Research and Treatment? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are the next generation myeloma therapies? Dr. Krina Patel shares an update on new agents, such as CelMoDs, and discusses how combination treatment and sequencing of therapy will evolve in the future of myeloma care.

Dr. Krina Patel is an Associate Professor in the Department of Lymphoma/Myeloma at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. Dr. Patel is involved in research and cares for patients with multiple myeloma. Learn more about Dr. Patel.

See More from Evolve Myeloma

Related Resources:

Next Generation Myeloma Treatment Options

Next Generation Myeloma Treatment Options 

Evolving Myeloma Treatment Options | Bispecific Antibody Therapy

Evolving Myeloma Treatment Options | Bispecific Antibody Therapy 

Evolving Myeloma Treatment Options | CAR T-Cell Therapy

Evolving Myeloma Treatment Options | CAR T-Cell Therapy 



Dr. Patel, for the last few years advances in myeloma treatment have been focused on the cellular therapies like CAR T. Can you share what’s next in myeloma research and treatment? 

Dr. Krina Patel:

Yes, I think it’s been really exciting. The last 10, 15 years, really, we’ve just catapulted in the whole world of immunotherapies; so, from monoclonal antibodies to even IMids and CelMoDs and things that we’ll talk about a little bit now, and cell therapy as well as just other ways of engaging T-cells with the bispecific therapies too. So, I think what’s really exciting, that we have not just new mechanism of action that’s coming down the road but new targets.  

So, again, coming back to really the big stuff like immunotherapy that I really like a lot and what I really am excited about, we have different ways of using the immune cells to help fight myeloma.  

And so, things like IMids, lenalidomide, and pomalidomide that are older drugs that we’ve had since 2006, but really there’s newer ones called CelMoDs that are coming out that are being evaluated in clinical trials. One is called iberdomide. Another is called mezigdomide.  

So, we’re really excited about this really in combination therapy, just like the prior iMids were used. And what it really does is it improves your immune system; it activates it to a point where things like monoclonal antibodies, such as daratumumab or isatuximab or elotuzumab, can work better in synergy.  

But even new trials with some of our CAR Ts that we already have available, the BCMA therapies, combining it with these to see if we can make those T-cells work better. 

So, once you get the CAR T-cell infusion, can we give some of these therapies now to improve how long it lasts, how well they work. And the same thing with the bispecifics.  

These are therapies that are using the T-cells that are already in your body. Can we combine it with some of these of other immune therapies that will help the T-cells already there get activated, and then the bispecific takes them to the myeloma to really get treated. And I think those combination studies that are coming down are really, really exciting. And then, I think the new antigens, as I mentioned, not just BCMA therapy but we have GPRC5D and we have something called FcRH5.  

And to my patients, I say it’s alphabet and number soup basically but they’re really targets for myeloma that we’re finding. It’s pretty amazing, considering that we didn’t have a target for the longest time, like lymphoma when they had their CD19 and we were jealous. And now we’re finding all these targets and now we’re figuring out how do we combine different mechanism of action for different targets so that we can hopefully kill every last myeloma cell.  

Elevate | What Role Can YOU Play in Your Myeloma Treatment and Care?

How can you elevate your overall myeloma care and treatment? Myeloma expert Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi discusses advances in myeloma care, the importance of patient participation in myeloma treatment decisions, and shares key advice and resources for self-advocacy.
Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi is a hematologist and oncologist specializing in myeloma at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. Learn more about Dr. Ailawadhi.

Related Resources:

Self-Advocacy in Myeloma Care | Advice From an Expert

Self-Advocacy in Myeloma Care | Advice From an Expert 

Myeloma Combination Therapy _ What Patients Should Know

Myeloma Combination Therapy | What Patients Should Know 

What Should You Know About Emerging Myeloma Treatment Options? 



Hello and welcome. I’m your host, Katherine Banwell. It’s no secret that the quality of care that patients receive can vary depending on a number of factors and patients who are educated about their condition and involved in their care may have improved outcomes. That’s why the Patient Empowerment Network developed the Elevate Series, which aims to help patients and care partners be informed about their disease and more confident participating in conversations with their healthcare team.

In today’s program, we’re going to hear from an expert to learn more about myeloma and hear tips and advice for accessing better overall care. Before we get into the discussion, please remember that this program is not a substitute for seeking medical advice. Please refer to your healthcare team about what might be best for you. Well, let’s meet our guest today. Joining us is Dr. Sikandar Ailawadhi. Dr. Ailawadhi, welcome. Would you please introduce yourself?

Dr. Ailawadhi:

Yes. Thanks a lot, Katherine. Thanks for this opportunity. To all our viewers, listeners, I’m Sikandar Ailawadhi. I’m one of the hematologists oncologists at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. So, at this Jacksonville, Florida site of Mayo, I lead our myeloma group, and we have a very comprehensive program with inpatient outpatient treatment and lots of clinical trials, cell therapy, et cetera. I look forward to the discussion.  


Well, thank you so much for joining us today. I know you’re a busy man. I’d like to start by discussing your role as a researcher. You’re on the front lines of advancements in the myeloma field. So, what led you here, and why is it so important to you?   

Dr. Ailawadhi:

Yeah. So, Katherine, thanks for asking that question because before jumping into the disease state and clinical trials and data, et cetera, I think it’s important for all of us to keep in mind what kind of brought us here or what kind of keeps driving us further. So, I think for me, the decision to come to the field of multiple myeloma was very strongly influenced by my mentors.

My mentor who shaped my career and also got me interested in this area. I think during my training, it was the time that newer drugs were just beginning to come about. So, the field of myeloma was just beginning to change. And since then, obviously, there have been lots of advancements, lots of research, clinical trials, new drugs, so that the outlook for not only the myeloma patients has improved quite a bit.   

But also, for physicians, researchers, us academicians who work in this field, the opportunities are much, much more. And because I trained at a large academic center, I – and again, with working with my mentor, I got so interested in the clinical research because frankly giving the available drugs is one thing but being at that cutting edge where you can bring newer drugs to life, newer drugs to our patients’ lives, that was what was most important for me and is the driving force for my work today.  


Thank you for that explanation, Dr. Ailawadhi. I appreciate it. So, when it comes to choosing therapy for myeloma, it’s important to work with your healthcare team to identify what might be best for you. How would you define shared decision-making and why is this so critical to properly managing life with myeloma?  

Dr. Ailawadhi:

Excellent question, Katherine. Shared decision-making or a process in which the physician, the health care team, and the patient, their caregivers, everybody comes together, shared, to make a decision that we feel is in the best interest for that patient at that time. That is the whole concept.  

Whenever we think about treatment decisions, in our mind, the three main components that have to be considered every single time. Not just newly diagnosed or relapsed or third line or whatever, every single time a treatment decision has been taken, we must consider patient-related factors. What is their preference? What are their goals? Do they have caregiver support? How far do they live? Do they want IV? Pills? Any side effects that are there?  

Comorbidities? Other issues? Financial conditions? Everything comes into play, patient-related factors. Then, there are disease-related factors. How fast is the disease growing? Is this new? Is this old disease, high-risk, low-risk, or standard risk? Or what has been given before, et cetera. So, patient and disease-related. And the number three is the treatment-related factors. What is being considered for the patient? What are the ins and outs, pros, and cons?   

All of this has to be laid out in front of the patient and preferably also their caregiver if the patient has someone who they can share their decision with.  

And when we put all of that in the mix, we come up with a decision which is hopefully in the patient’s best interest. They are more likely to go through with it. They are informed. They are involved in their care. And then, hopefully, if the patient starts on a treatment that they are interested in, knowledgeable about, and committed to, we’ll be able to keep the patient on that longer term and get the best benefit out of it.   

So, in my mind, the main reason for shared decision-making is to make sure my patient is committed to that treatment. They understand that treatment. And we make this kind of bond between us as clinicians and our teams and the patient and their home team, their family team, their caregiver team so that everybody is working together with a singular goal. Right treatment for the right patient at the right time because it must be patient-centric, not research or clinician, or drug-centric. 


Yeah. Okay. That’s good advice. What are myeloma treatment goals, and how are they determined?   

Dr. Ailawadhi:

So, I think the myeloma treatment goals can be very different depending on what vantage points you’re looking from. My treatment goal is to provide the best treatment for my patient that has least side effects, gets a deep control, and my patient’s able to live long with a good quality of life. Okay. But that’s my goal.  I need to figure out what my patient’s goals are, and sometimes our patient’s goals are very different. A patient’s goal might be that they want to really avoid side effects. Well, they want to live, lead their quality of life, and keep traveling. And this happens on a day-to-day basis.  

Just the other day, one of the patients said, “Well, I really want to keep driving around in my RV with my wife, because that is what we had wanted to do at this point of our life. What can you do to help me control my disease, but keep me driving my RV?” And we literally had to figure out where all they were traveling. We identified clinics close to them and connected with physicians so that they could continue their treatment wherever they were. So, the patient’s goals are very important, and in fact, I would say they are paramount. So, understanding what the patient wants. They may be wanting to control pain. They may be wanting to just live longer.  

They may be wanting to delay treatment so that they could watch their daughter’s soccer game. I’m just saying that the goals can be very different. It is important to lay them out. Every time you’re making a treatment decision, the goals should be laid out into short-, mid-, and long-term goals. I should bring my goals to the discussion. The patient should bring their goals to the discussion, and we come up with whatever is the best answer for them that suits them.  


So, you’re trying to maintain an open dialogue, an open line of communication, yeah.  

Dr. Ailawadhi:



What sort of tests should be done following a myeloma diagnosis?   

Dr. Ailawadhi:

Generally, when myeloma is suspected, we need to know what the basic blood counts are, something that is called a CBC, complete blood count. We’re looking for anemia, low white blood cells, low clotting cells, or platelets. We want to do serum chemistries or blood chemistries, looking for kidney function, liver function, electrolytes, calcium, et cetera.   

Then, we want to do some kind of an imaging of the body. Generally, routine X-rays are no longer done, and the most preferred is a PET-CT scan, a PET scan. We do PET-MRIs frequently. So, there are different tests available, but you want a good test to know what’s the state of bones and presence of any lesions or tumors. And then, the important question comes is doing a bone marrow biopsy.   

The reason for doing a bone marrow biopsy, and even if somebody has had a biopsy done from a compression fracture, et cetera, that diagnosed myeloma, a bone marrow biopsy still should be done. It gives us a lot of pieces of information.  

It tells us what is the percentage of plasma cells in the bone marrow. So, what is the disease burden we are starting with? Secondly, that bone marrow biopsy specimen can be sent for what is called a FISH testing, which is fluorescent in situ hybridization.  

It is basically looking for any mutations in the cancer cells. Based on those mutations, myeloma can be classified into standard or high-risk myeloma. And sometimes our treatment choices are differed based on whether somebody is standard or high-risk. So, blood work, basic counts – and I skipped over one of the things. Right after chemistries, I wanted to add also are myeloma markers.  

There are typically three lab tests of myeloma markers. One is called protein electrophoresis. It can be run in blood and urine. Ideally, it should be run in both. One is immunoglobulin levels, which gives us the level of IgG, IgA, IgM, et cetera. And the third one is serum-free light chains, which is kappa and lambda light chains. Neither one – none of these tests eliminates the needs for the other.

So, everybody, in the beginning, should have complete blood count, blood chemistries, SPEP or serum protein electrophoresis, urine electrophoresis, immunoglobulins, light chains, imaging, and then a bone marrow. This completes the workup. Then, based on that, the treatment can be determined.  


Well, you mentioned lab work. How often should tests and blood work be done?   

Dr. Ailawadhi:

Good question. Very, very important question because we see very frequently that the patients come in, they’re getting treatment somewhere, and every single time the patient steps foot in the door of that institution or wherever they’re going, they got a blood draw. That’s how they start their day. It’s needed more frequently in the beginning but needed less frequently later on.

Generally, the myeloma markers, those protein electrophoresis, immunoglobulins, light chains, they are frequently done just about every month. Generally, in myeloma, one month, three to four weeks is one cycle. So, at the beginning of every cycle, you want to know how good your response was. So, the myeloma markers once a month.  

The blood counts and chemistries in the first month, first one to two months, they can be done every other week or so just to make sure counts are fine, no need for transfusions, kidney/liver is okay, et cetera. But after the first couple of months, when the body is used to the drugs when the patient is settled with the treatment, frankly, once-a-month labs are good enough. We don’t really need labs on every single treatment visit. Because the other thing that happens is some of these drugs can lower the blood counts normally during treatment, but they have a rest period at the end of the cycle when the counts recover.

So, if somebody does labs in the middle of the cycle when the counts are expected to be down but not an issue, treatments are stopped, and growth factors are given. And this is done, but that is not really necessary. So, first couple of one to two cycles, maybe every other week to make sure counts are okay. Myeloma markers monthly, but after the first couple of months when things are settled, once a month should be sufficient.   


Okay. What questions should patients be asking about their test results?   

Dr. Ailawadhi:

Yeah. Very, very, very important. In fact, whenever I’m speaking in a patient caregiver symposium or anything, I spend a lot of time on these test results because frankly, a lot of times it sounds like jargon and the people talk about, “Oh, my ratio is going up,” or the doctor is saying, “Hey, your immunoglobulins are normal. You’re in remission.” But so, I think the patients need to understand and ask from their doctors, “What is my marker of the disease that you will be following?” And I’ll tell you that immunoglobulins, that IgG or IgA level, is nearly never the marker. It’s either M spike or light chains, generally one of those.  

So, the patients need to understand what is their marker. They also need to know what did their bone marrow show. What was the percentage and what was the FISH result or cytogenetic result? I think other than the tests, I will also add the patients need to ask their doctor a lot of these questions that you’re asking me. How frequently are the labs going to be done? Why is it important? Why was a certain treatment selected? What is the expected outcome? What are the chances that I can go into remission? How long does the intense treatment stay?  

When does it go to some kind of a maintenance? Et cetera, et cetera. Basically, you want to understand everything about the disease and its treatment. It is overwhelming. This is a lot of information. A lot of times the patients may say, “Well, I got a diagnosis. I got a treatment started. I just need to move on.”  That’s right. But once you spend all that time initially understanding your diagnosis and the treatment and the disease, it’ll make the rest of the journey much, much easier.  


That’s really helpful as we drill down a little further. What are the types of treatments available for people with myeloma?   

Dr. Ailawadhi:

So, myeloma has a lot of treatments available. We can classify these treatments into different classes of drugs, or we can classify the treatment as early lines or late lines of therapy. Or we can classify these treatments into cellular therapy or targeted therapy or chemotherapy. There are ways of classifying it.  What I would suggest is we should think about classes of drugs. We have something called proteasome inhibitors. That class has three drugs FDA-approved. We have something called immunomodulatory drugs. That class has three drugs also approved, but generally, we use two.   

Then, there are something called monoclonal antibodies. There are three drugs approved there as well.   

There are cellular therapies or CAR T-cell therapy. There are two of them approved. There is also a stem cell transplant that is used as a part of treatment sometimes but is different from CAR T. Then, there are other immunotherapy, something called T-cell engagers, in which also there are three drugs approved. In fact, as I’m saying to you, I’m trying to think…yeah, wow. Every class has three drugs. That’s so weird. And then, there are some other classes of drugs. There is something called exporting inhibitors. There is a drug there. All said and done, there are these different classes of drugs.  

There are some guiding principles for myeloma treatment. Generally, three to four drug combinations or regimens are better than two drugs. So, a patient should be in the initial therapy or later lines. Also, preferably be getting a three-drug combo. And I forgot to mention steroids, which are an important part of every regimen in myeloma, almost every regimen. So, three drugs or four drugs are better than two. That’s important to keep in mind. Longer durations of treatment are generally considered better. We should not tinker with the regimen’s recipe too soon. As long as the patient is tolerating for a longer duration before making any major changes like maintenance.    

Generally, maintenance in myeloma is not a response-assessed thing like, “Oh, you’ve responded in two months. We should go to maintenance.” Generally, in myeloma, maintenance transition is a time-dependent thing. Okay, you’ve had six or nine months or 12 months. We can go to maintenance, sort of a thing. So, even if somebody has responded, they may need the same treatment for a longer period of time to keep the disease quiet.  

And so, I think these are the different categories of drugs. We pick and choose from different categories to combine and make a regimen. The CAR T-cell therapy, the two CAR Ts that are approved, or the three T-cell engagers that are approved, they are all currently used as single agents. They are not combined with anything, not even with steroids. 


Yeah, I see. How do clinical trials fit into a treatment plan?   

Dr. Ailawadhi:

Okay, that’s an extremely important question, and you’re asking it from a person in my clinic about two-thirds of the patients who are on treatment at any given time are on clinical trials. So, I am very heavily, I shouldn’t say biased, but a proponent of clinical trials. In my opinion, clinical trials are a part and parcel of treatment for every single patient. In fact, when you look at the NCCN guidelines, which are National Comprehensive Cancer Network, which is large institutions across the country, and they make guidelines for all cancers, it is mentioned in every single setting that clinical trials should always be considered.  

So, I personally feel that whenever the patient is coming up with a treatment decision, we talked about shared decision-making in the beginning, it’s important for them to ask at every single juncture, “Do you have any clinical trials available for me? 

And if you don’t have any clinical trials available, are there any clinical trials that I should consider, even if it means going to a different place and getting an opinion?” I know logistically it’s challenging, but we should at least know our options. So, in my opinion, clinical trials should be considered at every single juncture, because that is how patients get access to either a new drug, a new treatment, or a different way of using the current drugs, which might actually improve upon their current state. So, everybody all the time should consider clinical trials.   


That’s great information, Dr. Ailawadhi. Thank you for that. I’d like to add that if you’re interested in learning more about emerging treatments, such as CAR T-cell therapy, PEN has a number of resources available for you, and you can find these at, or by scanning the QR code on your screen.   

So, the symptoms of myeloma, as well as the side effects of certain medications, can vary greatly among those being treated. How do you approach symptom management with your patients?   

Dr. Ailawadhi:

It is extremely important that we focus on the symptoms, whether it’s coming from the disease or it’s coming from the treatment. Because frankly, if a person is responding to the treatment, you want them to stay on the treatment for a longer duration of time, so the disease can stay controlled. 

If we don’t handle the symptoms from the treatment or the side effects that are happening or if the disease is causing too many symptoms, it is more likely that either we’ll start cutting down the drug too much or stopping the treatment, et cetera, and then the disease just comes back. In some cases, that is necessary, but generally we would like to modulate the treatment or address the symptoms.  

So, one important piece that we should do, or at least we try to do over here, is that every single time that we talk to the patient for any of the visits – while there is enough time spent on, “Well, these are your labs, your diseases responding markers, SPEP, and M spike, and light chain,” and all that stuff – we spend a lot of time asking about symptoms.  

It is, I understand, challenging to cover everything, but to familiarize what drugs cause what kind of symptoms, and at least making sure that we ask those from the patient. For example, IMiDs like lenalidomide (Revlimid) can cause some diarrhea, can cause fatigue, can cause sleepiness. Well, I must ask about diarrhea from all my lenalidomide patients.  

Bortezomib (Velcade) can cause neuropathy. It can give rise to shingles. I must ask my patients for every bortezomib-treated patient. “Hey, do you have any neuropathy numbness, or tingling?  

Are you taking your medication to prevent shingles, et cetera?” I’m just saying we may not be able to do a comprehensive review of every single symptom from every single patient, but whatever the target side effects are important to know every single time. We educate the patients about these side effects so that they are aware of them, and they can report these side effects. And then, if the side effects are happening, any symptoms are happening, then is it to the point that we need to stop the treatment?  

Frequently, we do take drug holidays for a few weeks just to make sure, okay, we know is it coming from the drug or the disease? And every now and then, we realize, well, the drug was not even causing the symptom, because we stopped it, and the symptom stayed. Or so then, why stop the drug? There’s no point stopping it if I can’t control the symptom. So, understanding whether it’s coming from disease or drug or something else, addressing them, making the changes appropriately to lower the dose, space them out, et cetera. All of that is done. And of course, like I said, importantly, educating the patient is so very important. I’ll add one quick thing. We focus on the drug-related effects.  

As you rightly mentioned, Katherine, the disease itself can cause a lot of symptoms. So, generally, when I see a new myeloma patient, in the first couple of visits, we’ve done all the testing, we’ve discussed the treatment, and we’ve addressed some of the basic symptoms like pain, for example. That is big in myeloma.

But then, when the patient has started treatment, generally within the first two months, the focus that our clinic has is we need to control any side effects, and we need to address any symptoms that are being left over from the disease. And that’s when we start referring patients to interventional radiology for any bone procedures or palliative care for pain control or neurology for neuropathy, whatever so that we are controlling all the symptoms.  

And that’s when we hopefully get the patient as close to their baseline as possible.   


I would like to talk more about self-advocacy, Dr. Ailawadhi, managing the worry associated with a diagnosis, concerns about relapse, side effects. It can lead to emotional symptoms like anxiety and fear for many. So, why is it important for patients to share any worries they’re having with their healthcare team?   

Dr. Ailawadhi:

Yes. Extremely important. See, nobody’s thinking, “Okay, I’m going to have cancer today.” Nobody’s prepared for it ever. Cancer is always a diagnosis that comes out of the blue, blindsides us, and then suddenly we have to change the rest of our life because of it.  Not only our life, our caregiver’s life, family’s life, everything changes.  

So, it is okay to admit that it is difficult. It is okay to admit that we need help. And, Katherine, I like your kind of the use of the word, self-advocacy, although I want to qualify it.  

A lot of times we say patients got to be their own advocates. But if a patient doesn’t know what to ask, they’re going to be lost. My thought is it is okay to – the first and foremost that a patient or their caregiver can do is please report your symptoms or how you’re feeling. And those symptoms could be physical, those could be psychological. 

Please report what are you feeling, what are the symptoms. On a drug, what are the side effects, et cetera, so that your healthcare team can try to address them. Don’t ever assume, “I am on chemotherapy. I should have diarrhea.” No. Don’t think, “I’m on chemotherapy. Other patients outside in the waiting room look sicker than I. I feel embarrassed to ask a question.”  

We hear this so many times. A lot of patients will say, “I feel embarrassed to ask that I’m going through this symptom, because I see sicker people outside.” Yeah, but know when I’m with you as a patient, you are it. I’m not thinking about anybody else. And I don’t want anybody else’s decision to obscure or cloud our relationship at that visit. Please report your symptoms. Please ask for help.  To me, that is good enough self-advocacy. Self-advocacy is not saying, “I should get this treatment, not that treatment.” But self-advocacy could mean, are there clinical trial options?  I know I live far away from a large center. Could I get a tele-visit with a large center? Could I get a second opinion from someone? Those are all very, very reasonable questions, and by asking those questions, a patient is advocating for themselves.  


As you alluded, there’s a whole healthcare team working with each patient, and there’ll be people on that team who can help support a patient’s emotional needs. So, one thing that’s on the mind of many viewers is the financial aspect of care. And you mentioned that earlier everyone’s situation is different, of course, but where can patients turn if they need resources for financial support

Dr. Ailawadhi:

Very important question. I can tell you every day when I come into my office, my nurse has a stack of documents ready for my signature. Every single day. Today, there was only one, but there could be different numbers. And these are generally from foundations from diagnosis confirmations, et cetera. Things that we are filling on and signing on behalf of our patients so that they are able to receive resources, whether it’s from a pharmaceutical manufacturer, a foundation, or society that has funding available, et cetera. I should start by saying, Katherine – and I feel embarrassed to admit this, but I should start by saying, I may not have all the answers for my patient during that visit.   

But I think the very important piece where we can start is asking the patient, “Is this causing any financial strain on you?” As I mentioned earlier, we don’t think about, “Oh, I’m going to have cancer today. Let me prepare for that.” Or “I’m going to have cancer five years down the road. Let me prepare for that.” We’re not always ready for this. It’s okay. It’s important for me to ask if there is a problem, and it’s important for the patient to admit there’s a problem or say, “Well, I’m having difficulty with copayments.” And whatever may be difficult for one may be okay for the other. So, I shouldn’t assume. So, that discussion must happen.

Generally, in our setup, what happens is if the patient brings up a concern, if I identify a concern, or if we think something may be going on, but we’re not very sure about it, we tend to bring in our social workers. The social workers are typically the ones who are able to do that discussion with the patient, talk about what are the resources available. What are the foundations that we can apply to? We have patient navigators who can do the similar things. So, the patient navigator, social worker, there are different individuals who will be able to provide much more granular information. I also strongly suggest patients to join support groups.

There are lots of resources, which I may not be aware of during our visit with a patient, but I can connect to the social worker, their patient navigators, and online support. 


Thank you for that. It’s great advice. As we close the program, what would you like to leave the audience with? Why are you hopeful?   

Dr. Ailawadhi:

First of all, I should admit, yes, I’m very, very hopeful for myeloma. I started my work with myeloma or my time working in this field in somewhere around the year 2000 or around that year. In the early 2000s, the average survival of a myeloma patient despite treatment was about two to three years.

Today, while national data is suggesting somewhere in the vicinity of 10ish years, give or take, all of us who are myeloma-focused physicians and have specialized centers that we work in, we have many patients who are living in excess of 10 years and pushing the envelope. In fact, my longest survivor is now maybe 34, 35 years with myeloma, and she’s not even been on treatment for a few years.  

This is what gives me hope. That it’s not only that patients are living longer, more and more patients are living with less disease burden, better quality of life, and in a lot of cases, not even on a treatment. Our myeloma world is now going from everybody should be treated forever and ever to there are many a clinical trial that are testing the hypothesis of, “Can we stop treatment? Who needs to be treated? Could we be getting closer to that elusive cure that we all are looking for in myeloma?”

So, to me, the hope is newer drugs that are better tolerated, providing better quality of life for patients. And in a lot of cases, the patients are not even on treatment. That is where we think we are making a change and making a difference. And you had started by asking me, “What is the driving force?” That to me is the driving force of why we get excited to come to work every morning, because we know that we can help someone else, and we can learn something new.


That’s very promising, Dr. Ailawadhi. Thanks so much for taking the time to join us today.  

Dr. Ailawadhi:

Absolutely. Thanks a lot for this opportunity.   


And thank you to all of our collaborators. To learn more about myeloma and to access tools to help you become a proactive patient, visit I’m Katherine Banwell. Thanks for being with us today.

Is Myeloma Research Examining Sequencing of CAR T and Bispecifics?

Is Myeloma Research Examining Sequencing of CAR T and Bispecifics? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Is the sequencing of CAR T-cell therapy and bispecific antibodies being examined in myeloma studies? Expert Dr. Ola Landgren from University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center discusses what’s known about sequencing of CAR T and bispecifics and what needs further study in clinical trials.

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Lisa Hatfield:

So with both CAR T and some of the bispecifics approved, obviously if a patient comes in and they need something right away, they’ll take whatever is first available. But all things being equal, if a patient says, well, I can, I have both CAR T accessible and bispecifics accessible. There are some patients out there, I’ve spoken with some who are wondering, is there a benefit to sequencing one before the other, or are there any trials looking into that?

Dr. Ola Landgren:

There are studies that have allowed patients to go on treatment with one of these modalities. For example, the bispecific antibodies with the prior exposure to a CAR T-cell therapy. There are also trials with CAR T-cell therapy that has allowed patients who have been exposed to prior antibodies, either bispecifics or the conjugated antibody drug conjugates, Belantamab mafodotin. So if you look at those studies and see how the numbers compare, if you are not exposed or you are exposed, I think the data is not entirely clear-cut.

There is no definitive study. Some data suggests that maybe it’s not that different, but then there are some studies that suggest that if you go to the antibody first that maybe that would lower the efficacy of the CAR T cell. So some people have for that reason said the CAR T cell should be done first. To make it even more complicated, there are some studies that have then taken time into the equation. So that means that you could have the patient treated with the antibodies for BCMA and CD3, and the antibody is given successfully for a long time, for many years. And eventually, unfortunately, the antibody may stop working.

Now, if you switch back to back to a CAR T-cell therapy without any other therapy in between, some studies indicate that that’s less likely to be beneficial. But if you instead do another target, say you did GPRC5D/CD3, or you did a completely different therapy with small molecules or you did carfilzomib (Kyprolis), or you did venetoclax (Venclexta), or IMiDs, or different types of combinations that are out there, been around for a long time, and you get good mileage out of those combinations.

Now, if that stops working, if you now go to this other therapy, you go back to the CAR T cell, that will suggest that the results are not that different. So I think that there are aspects that we don’t fully understand. I personally believe, based on what I’ve seen, based on what I know from treating thousands of patients with myeloma for almost 30 years I’ve been a doctor, I think time is probably very, very important. So if you go back to back from one therapy to the other, that’s less likely to be beneficial. If you go from one therapy, and it stops working and go to the other drug with the same target.

But I would say it’s not that different from how we think about IMiDs or proteasome inhibitors. If you were to go single drug with a proteasome inhibitor and you switch to single drug with another proteasome inhibitor, or the same thing with an IMiD, that’s less likely to work versus if you went to something else in between. So we just need to generate more data and learn. Lastly, I want to say that in my experience, from all I see in my clinic at the current time, I think the choice that patients make is based on personal preference and to some degree also the situation of the patient. I saw a patient yesterday, 50 years old, who came from another country and has relocated to us here in Miami and asked, what are the options?

And we talked about CAR T cells, we talked about bispecifics. And considering all the different factors that CAR T cell would imply that we had to give some other combination therapy for two or three cycles while we harvest the CAR T cells and manufacture the CAR T cells and then plan for the admission and give it, and also that the patient was not really very happy about the side effects in the hospital with CAR T cell. That patient shows the bispecific, but I’ve also seen other patients in the same situation saying, I’d rather do these different steps for two or three months, I stay in the hospital, and then I enjoy being off therapy.

Actually, I saw another patient just a few days ago, a gentleman in his upper 70s who we had the same conversation, and he had picked the CAR T cells. And I saw him with his wife and he has been off treatment for two years doing excellent. So different patients make different decisions. And I think that is just how the field is evolving. So I think we should be open to individual patient’s priorities and what they want, and we should just offer everything. And of course, we can guide if a patient wants us to give direction, but I think presenting it and let patients be part of the decision-making, that’s the future of how medicine should be practiced.

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