Should you consider participating in a prostate cancer clinical trial? In this webinar, Dr. Sumit Subudhi will explain the clinical trial process, address common patient concerns, and provide key advice for trial participation. Dr. Subudhi will also share an update on promising prostate cancer research.
Register today to watch online on Wednesday, March 15 at 1 PM Eastern (10 AM PT, 12 PM CT) for a 30-minute webinar and download the resource guide before the webinar airs.
This webinar will be recorded. If you would like to share the webinar with others, the replay will be available within the next few days. To receive a link to the recording, please register and you will be notified when it’s available.
I'll be at the March 15th Clinical Trials as a #ProstateCancer Treatment Option: What You Should Know webinar. Join me! Share on XGuest
Advocacy Partners
Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials 201 is brought to you by the Patient Empowerment Network. It is made possible through support from Janssen Oncology, Merck, and generous donations from people like you.