Chat etiquette & guidelines:

  • Patient Chat is appropriate for patients, doctors, nurses, caregivers, mental health professionals, complementary care providers,  loved ones of patients, basically anyone and everyone that cares about improving the healthcare system and a patient’s journey through it.
  • Please try to stay on topic.
  • No problem if you jump in late, just say hello and join in.
  • Please don’t pop in and promote a business or product. If it is relevant to the discussion, feel free to share. We have had some companies not participate but just tweet out links. Please participate in the chat instead. Chatters will click through to your profile if they’re interested in you.
  • Please say hello even if you’re just following along. It helps us gage if the chats are reaching people.
  • Please share the chats with other people and Retweet as much as you can to help spread the word.
  • Discussion topics and questions are asked with a T1, T2, T3, etc. Be sure to include the appropriate number in your answer, T1, T2, T3. For example: We ask, “T1. What is your favorite color? #patientchat” You respond, “T1. Blue. #patientchat”
  • Be sure to include the hashtag in your tweets and responses.
  • Feel free to challenge the status quo with your responses and be creative! However, be mindful and polite at the same time.
  • Be respectful, even if you disagree with someone. Focus on dialogue and solutions.
  • Please don’t discount other people’s stories and experiences. You may disagree & think your way is better. Honor others’ experiences that are different from your own.
  • As #patientchat has grown in its reach, we regularly become a trending topic on Twitter. When this happens, you may see unrelated posts in the Patient Chat feed. This happens because other people try to abuse trending topics on Twitter and promote unrelated causes and spam. It is still safe to participate in Patient Chats. If this happens, you can BLOCK or REPORT the abusive tweet directly in Twitter. See Twitter’s abuse report guidelines.