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Lung Cancer Treatment Landscape Overview

Lung Cancer Treatment Landscape Overview from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Lung cancer treatments have been rapidly expanding, so what are the current options? Expert Dr. Christian Rolfo from Mount Sinai outlines the lung cancer treatment landscape and which patients might benefit most from some treatments.

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Dr. Nicole Rochester: 

Now, let’s delve into this very important topic, how can I get the best lung cancer care? And, Dr. Rolfo, we’re going to start with an overview of the lung cancer treatment landscape. We know that this landscape is rapidly changing and keeping up with the pace of developments could be a challenge not only for doctors, but certainly for patients and family members, so I was hoping that you could give us an overview of the current lung cancer treatment landscape.

Dr. Christian Rolfo: 

In the last year, lung cancer treatment was changing radically. We have actually, including some of their new concepts as precision medicine or personalized medicine, that we have actually different therapies that are specifically for some group of patients, that they have specific alterations in their tumors.  And when I’m talking about alterations, I refer to mutations, genomic alterations that can be targeted nowadays with specific medications, and currently, some of them are actually, the majority of them are actually pills, for example. So it was changing radically, and we are not using it like before chemotherapy for everyone. Another area of important interest was the introduction of immunotherapy, this is also an important tool for fighting cancer. And there you have a substance that are administered generally, all of them are intravenous, and this is the principle of that is to await from your own inner system, from the patient immune system, they are the tools to fight against the cancer. 

So it’s a very innovative way to approach cancer, and this is…the good thing is that these two approaches targeted therapies, immunotherapy, and also still obviously the combination with chemotherapy in some of the case with immunotherapy, we can use not only metastatic patients, so in patients who have advanced disease, but also we can use in patients who have earlier stage that they were operated, for example, and we want to prevent that this patient is not going to a further process of cancer metastases, or there are several, several innovations. Then we have innovations that are coming also from local treatments and we call local treatments the one that, for example, surgery or radiation, we have new technologies also that are arriving there, and the combination sometimes with the medical treatment or systemic treatments that are going everywhere that is the description of systemic are helping these patients to have not recurrence and improving. Actually, lung cancer survival was really improving in the last years, and we are very excited by that because, unfortunately, it’s very still an aggressive disease that we were able to change with all this armamentarium the prognosis of these patients. 

Three Myths Busted About Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

What’s the truth about non-small lung cancer myths? In the “Fact or Fiction? Busting Myths About Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer” program, expert Dr. David Carbone from The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center (OSUCCC) explains accurate information about three non-small lung cancer myths. 

1. Lung cancer is a disease of the older population.

Unfortunately, anyone of any age can develop lung cancer. A minimum age of 50 or older is required for some lung cancer CT screening programs, but many patients in their 30s or 40 or even younger have developed lung cancer. Lung cancer treatments have advanced in recent years, and research funding is important to continue developing new effective treatments.

2. Quality of life is greatly diminished after undergoing treatment for lung cancer.

Contrary to what many people may think, quality of life usually improves after starting lung cancer treatment. Lung cancer specialists want their patients to feel better, and improving their quality of life is the primary concern for them.

3. There are no effective treatments for advanced lung cancer.

Advanced lung cancer treatments have increased and improved as more research has been carried out. Time of survival was formerly measured in the number of months. But as better treatments have been approved for use, time of survival has been measured in the number of  years instead. Treatment options can vary by the situation of each patient, but treatments for advanced lung cancer have in general become more effective.

By understanding more about non-small cell lung cancer, detection efforts can be increased to improve health outcomes for patients of all ages, health situations, and lung cancer stages. If you want to increase funding for lung cancer research, take action to join lung cancer fundraising activities. In addition, the Lung Cancer Research Foundation is one credible resource for finding lung cancer information.