Tag Archive for: African American patients

What Are Myeloma Risk Factors for Veterans and First Responders?

What Are Myeloma Risk Factors for Veterans and First Responders? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Veterans and first responders may come into contact with myeloma risk factors, but what are they? Expert Dr. Krina Patel from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center discusses environmental risk factors for 9/11 first responders and veterans, average age of onset for different veteran racial groups, and proactive patient advice.


“…if you notice that anything is off, you’re not feeling well, or the lab, something is wrong with your labs, make sure to mention that to your physicians, they can first diagnose the correct thing, if something is going on. And two, if you actually have a diagnosis of cancer, I think talking to your teams that there are probably resources out there to help with a couple of things, I think one, even financial resources.”

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Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Patel, a lot of patients wonder what might have caused my myeloma, and there are some environmental factors that are known to have the association with myeloma, like Agent Orange exposure, and now we’re seeing an increased instance of myeloma and other blood cancers in the 9/11 first responders. For patients who might have concerns about this, do you have any suggestions or thoughts on that?

Dr. Krina Patel:

Yeah, I’ve actually quite a few patients that come up to me that were in previous wars or veterans, and the first thing I talk about is the 9/11 first responders. So people ask me if this they’re born with myeloma, that’s the number one question, and I say, you know, likely not, most people do not have genes that they were given by their parents, that causes myeloma.

All of us have different susceptibility to cancer based on how our immune system repairs itself, how our plasma cells repair themselves, the micro-environment, but it’s also our exposures, and we know that there’s certain exposures like Agent Orange, as well as those first responders that went in here in terms of epidemiology, in terms of the number of patients that ended up with myeloma at a younger age, a much younger age. They’re in their 50s, for the most part, that tells us that this was not something that those folks are going to get. This really was based on that exposure, and that’s the hard part of saying that something causes something.

I think we know with 9/11, the numbers were so high that this was a…listen, this is something wrong, that whatever they were exposed to during that process led to their plasma cells becoming myeloma at a much younger age, and it seems that a lot of them had more aggressive disease than the indolent slow-growing myeloma.

We see that a lot of patients get. The other big question I get is, How can we say that something caused this, and then again, it comes back to how many people are exposed and then how many people actually got that disease, and that’s why it becomes so hard. But I know a lot of my patients think about Roundup or different petrochemicals and things like that that they’ve been exposed to, and I know that the government and folks are looking into it because a lot of my patients are getting letters from us and things like that just to say, “Listen, I was exposed to this, could this have caused my myeloma?”

And again, the majority of patients are not exposed to things at that level that really tell us that that’s what caused their myeloma, but I do think that if you are exposed to something like Agent Orange or major petrochemical spill or something that is worthwhile noting at least, even though I most likely won’t be able to tell you it definitely caused the myeloma. We do know that there are environmental exposures that are more likely to lead to cancer, you know, we have these hot spots in the U.S. where especially those petrochemical companies are, where there’s a much higher level of just cancer diagnosis, not just myeloma up to cancer in general, compared to other areas where we don’t have those industrial companies existing.

Lisa Hatfield:

Do you happen to have any tips for patients who maybe were a part of 9/11 event or even veterans or first responders of any type, any tips for them in general?

Dr. Krina Patel:

Yeah, I think that the activations have here is that if you notice that anything is off, you’re not feeling well, or the lab, something is wrong with your labs, make sure to mention that to your physicians, they can first diagnose the correct thing, if something is going on. And two, if you actually have a diagnosis of cancer, I think talking to your teams that there are probably resources out there to help with a couple of things, I think one, even financial resources.

When stuff like this happens, usually there are some financial resources that pop up, and two, the mental aspect of this. You got this while you’re doing something you’re supposed to be doing and helping others, and really finding patient groups which are out there as well, so that you get the resources for just the ability to talk to someone about what happened and being able to go through that process as well.

Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Patel, are there any notable trends or patterns of the presentation and progression of myeloma and other blood cancers in veterans and first responders that differ from civilians?

Dr. Krina Patel:

Yeah, that’s a great question. I honestly don’t know if there’s been anything published that shows a difference, I tend to see my veterans are a little bit younger in general, average age for myeloma, 70 for Caucasian patients, it’s 65 for Hispanic patients and 66 for African American patients, right? So a lot of my veteran patients have been in their 50s, just a little bit younger than what I’ve seen with most other patients, and then in terms of patterns, not necessarily.

We think, oh, is it more aggressive? Is it not. I do have patients with aggressive disease, but I have patients that come in with MGUS or smoldering disease that eventually turns into myeloma isn’t necessarily high risk or aggressive, but again, I don’t know any data that’s out there that’s published, I think that would be worthwhile. But I will say my patients tend to be on the younger age.

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A Breast Cancer Expert’s Hope for the Future of Care

A Breast Cancer Expert’s Hope for the Future of Care/a> from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Is the future of breast cancer care hopeful? Expert Dr. Bhuvaneswari Ramaswamy shares encouraging research advances and discusses specific areas in need of improvement for all breast cancer patients.

Dr. Bhuvaneswari Ramaswamy is the Section Chief of Breast Medical Oncology and the Director of the Medical Oncology Fellowship Program in Breast Cancer at The Ohio State College of Medicine. Learn more about this expert here.

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Well, to close out our conversation, Dr. Ramaswamy, I’d like to get your thoughts on where we stand with research progress. Are you hopeful?

Dr. Ramaswamy:   

Extraordinarily hopeful. I mean, and I say this like I even said before, some of the things I was skeptical about. I have to pull back my skepticism, which I’m very, very happy about. The role of immunotherapy starting to come into breast cancer, newer drugs, oh my God, therapeutics has improved our understanding of how to prevent these cancers. Picking up those high-risk patients, looking at these liquid biopsies, our understanding of genomics and precision oncology, I just have so much hopes. Management of brain mats with radiation treatments that are so targeted, improving, reducing, or mitigating the side effects with the treat – with the less treatments for those patients who have less risk. I mean, in every possible way, we are improving the way – what we are doing. Can we do better? Particularly in some areas I do want to bring it out. I think we still lag behind in health equity.

I think still a in African American patients with the breast cancer has a higher risk of dying from breast cancer. We haven’t really impacted it as well as we can do. I think understanding the ancestry, understanding the risk, understanding the lifestyle behaviors that increases the risk of these aggressive  cancers, say in African American women and in and those are very, very important. Prevention is so much better than cure, right? So, I think a little bit better of our understanding on prevention and the liquidity. Both access and understanding the biology and treatment. Improving our clinical trial approvals. We still only even in the best cancer centers, we only approve 25 percent of our patients, 15 to 25 percent of our patients into cancer clinical trials. And look at the changes we’ve had.

But imagine if we can put 50 percent of our patients on clinical trials, we’ll double the progress because without those clinical trials, none of these drugs can be approved.



Dr. Ramaswamy:          

So, what is today in a clinical trial is what is a tomorrow-approved drug. So, our understanding and talking about that becomes very very important for us. And then I think lastly, there are some breast cancers like invasive lobular cancers that are only 15 percent that we still don’t understand as well. And so there are some more little pockets that   I think we still need to understand. Male breast cancers are slightly starting to increase. We need to improve. So, there are areas we can do better, but overall, it’s absolute promising and very, very happy today. Our research is going really well, so, and it’s impacting patients’ outcomes.

How Does Stress Correlate to Our Physical Ailments?

How Does Stress Correlate to Our Physical Ailments? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are the effects of stress, anxiety, and depression on physical health? Dr. Nicole Rochester and Dr. Broderick Rodell discuss how personal experiences and environmental conditions can impact patient health and a prostate cancer study that examined prostate cancer cells in Black patients.

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Dr. Nicole Rochester:

We know that stress and anxiety and depression and all of those things impact your physical health, and as I said earlier, I think traditionally, there’s been this ridiculous disconnection between our minds and our bodies, and we know a lot more now, in fact, there’s a study, there are many studies, but there’s a study specifically looking at prostate cancer by Dr. Burnham, a researcher. And what they found in this study is that they looked at prostate cancer cells from African American patients and white patients, and when they treated these cells with stress hormones, they saw that the Black patient’s prostate cells would begin to up-regulate the genes and the proteins that are known to make that cancer more resistant to therapy. And so it starts to look at the role of stress and stress hormones, and we know that there’s increased stress among minority communities, among… sorry, urban communities, those who are otherwise disenfranchised, so from your perspective, can you just share a little bit about the connection between stress and physical illness and maybe how you approach that in the work that you do?

Dr. Broderick Rodell:

So, these various patterns we don’t operate, we have a framework that we all operate from, and it’s beneath the surface of our conscious awareness. And so our subconscious mind operating system is there, but that operating system comes from our conditioning, we’re conditioned by our families, by our local communities, our societies. And so, the various structures that are in place are facilitating our conditioning and from our conditioning we…that our conditioning creates our perspective, the framework that we operate from, that’s determine…that’s going to determine how we relate to our experiences. And how we relate to our experiences can be gracefully, or it can be stressfully, just to put it in those two different terms, and so that stress that is created based on how we’re relating to our experiences has a historical perspective, and so we have to address those issues. We can address our familial issues that has a historical relationship and say that maybe the relationship that my mother and father or grandparents had towards their own health is not necessarily to be the most optimal way to do that. And they may have had those ways of relating to their experience, based on their conditioning, based on the suffering that they’ve experienced, environmental conditions that were conducive for that mental framework that they’re operating from, and so we have to work towards transforming that, and again, the place where we have the most power in ourselves, “How can I change myself?”

I have to advocate for myself, and so how do we increase that by increasing our education and learning about ourselves and learning about our mental models that we’re using to relate to our experiences and transforming those mental models to reduce unnecessary stress and tension? Because when we’re under unnecessary stress, we have our epinephrine cortisol, these hormones that are increasing in our body, that’s going to suppress our immune system. It’s going to cause damage in our blood vessels, organs are not going to function optimally, and I think that we’re going to keep finding out more and more about this. I was interested, as you hear that about the prostate, prostate cells in African Americans, why would that be the case? You’ve got generations of hyper-vigilance for historical reasons, cultural reasons, or social reasons. Then, of course, that’s going to get passed on from generation to generation, a sense of hyper-vigilance, a sense excessive amount of stress hormones was floating around in the bloodstream, and it’s going to have a significant influence on how the body is capable of dealing with various illnesses – be it cancer, be it cardiovascular disease, or any other disease that’s associated with, or probably all disease that’s associated with stress these days.

In particular, with cancer it’s very interesting, that relationship and why are these cells dividing and rapidly producing in the way that they’re doing, and how is that related to stress? I don’t think it’s…no, simple relationship there. You can’t just say, “Stress causes cancer.” I’m not saying that at all. But there is a correlation, there is a relationship, and if the thing that we can tackle, we can’t change our genes, but what we can do is change our relationship to our experience. Transform that to reduce the amount of stress or suffering and maximize well-being, and that’s the kind of work that I try to focus my attention on and what comes out of that is, “Okay, I need to work on how I relate to my experience,’ but also “How do I create favorable conditions in my internal system, in my body through the food, in through the exercise that I do, through the literature and I expose myself to, etcetera?”