Tag Archive for: BRCA 1

How Do Biomarkers Impact Ovarian Cancer Treatment and Care?

How do biomarkers impact ovarian cancer care? Dr. Heidi Gray discusses how genetic biomarkers like BRCA-1, BRCA-2, and HRD inform treatment options, affect prognosis, and guide therapies like PARP inhibitors. 

Dr. Heidi Gray is the Division Chief of Gynecologic Oncology and the Director of Gynecologic Oncology Clinical Trials at UW Medicine. Learn more about Dr. Gray.

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Katherine Banwell:  

What are the most common biomarkers associated with ovarian cancer? 

Dr. Heidi Gray:  

So, the most common biomarkers, first of all, are the genetic mutations that are associated with higher risk. So, many folks are familiar with BRCA-1 and BRCA-2. There are a couple of lesser-known genetic mutations that fall into that family that also can put patients at an inherited risk. 

Other biomarker testing that we do is for something called HRD, which is a test to look at a profile of the cancer that is similar to having the BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 mutations. It is a spectrum of different testing that may make those cancers more susceptible to PARP inhibitor therapy.  

Katherine Banwell:  

Are there biomarkers associated with prognosis? 

Dr. Heidi Gray:  

Let me back up a little bit. So, the biomarkers associated with prognosis – yes. So, in patients who have BRCA-1 or BRCA-2 mutations, they actually tend to have better prognosis longer term and better responsiveness to chemotherapy and other therapies. 

Patients who also have HRD may also have a little improved responsiveness to some of the therapies as well.  

Katherine Banwell:  

How do these biomarkers impact ovarian cancer treatment options? 

Dr. Heidi Gray:  

Good question. So, the biomarker testing again, particularly for the BRCA-1, BRCA-2, and then the HRD spectrum, there have been several very large studies that have looked at using a variety of drugs that fall under this group called PARP inhibitors, P-A-R-P inhibitors.  

These drugs specifically target cancers that have these mutations – or more susceptible to these mutations and interestingly have found that when we use these PARP inhibitors in a maintenance therapy, so after patients have completed their primary treatment, surgery, chemotherapy, and then go on maintenance therapy to prevent recurrence, they have very, very long improvement in survival and pushing out recurrence very far, significantly so, more than we’ve seen for anything in ovarian cancer in recent years.   

So, it’s very, very exciting. 

Katherine Banwell:  

What question should patients ask about test results?  

Dr. Heidi Gray:  

It is interesting now because as many patients have experienced, they sometimes get their test results before their provider has had a chance to review them as part of the patient access program that has been in place. So, I find that many patients have had time to sit with their results or question or go on the Internet about them before they see me. So, some of it is helping direct, okay, where are you getting your information from and all of that, because I think that that is something newer now. 

But I think it’s important for patients to be asking do I qualify for genetic testing, what are those results, what are the implications for myself and/or my family members? Then the molecular testing, as I said, is a very important next step that we do recommend for all, certainly advanced ovarian cancers or recurrent ovarian cancers, to help better guide therapy. 

What Is Personalized Prostate Cancer Medicine?

What Is Personalized Prostate Cancer Medicine? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What do patients need to know about personalized medicine? Dr. Rana McKay defines personalized treatment and discusses options available for advanced prostate cancer patients.

Dr. Rana McKay is a medical oncologist at UC San Diego Health and an associate professor in the Department of Medicine at the UC San Diego School of Medicine. Learn more about Dr. McKay, here.

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. McKay, how would you define precision or personalized medicine, and how close are we getting to personalized medicine for advanced prostate cancer? 

Dr. Rana McKay:

Yeah. So, what I – how I define it is the right treatment for the right patient at the right time. It’s basically, you know, based off of somebody’s genomic profile of their tumor and ideally that genomic profiling is done close to the time that that treatment is being initiated.  

So, within six months or 12 months of somebody starting a given therapy, we understand the genetic make-up of the tumor. The tumor has, you know, for example, a BRCA1 alteration, and we know that olaparib is a drug that can be utilized and has demonstrated efficacy for people that have that mutation and then we would use that agent. So, it’s basically trying to personalize therapy based on the genomic information of that tumor.  

And, I think we are getting there. There are actually trials now that are being launched that are biomarker driven trials with bio-marker selected therapies for patients based on – off of not just DNA but also RNA to help with allocating a given therapy. 

How Does Genetic Testing Impact Prostate Cancer Care?

How Does Genetic Testing Impact Prostate Cancer Care? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Genetic testing has taken on a vital role in prostate cancer care. Expert Dr. Maha Hussain provides insight about genetics and biomarker testing, how results are used in determining treatment options, and key questions to ask to ensure the best care.

Dr. Maha Hussain is the Deputy Director of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University. Learn more about this expert here.

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Many patients are confused about the role of genetics and biomarker testing in prostate cancer care.

For people who haven’t heard of some of these terms before, let’s go into the definitions. So, what is genomic or biomarker testing, first of all?

Dr. Hussain:

So, I think there’s one thing. Maybe I can explain because the wording can be confusing. So, there is the genetics, and there is the genomics. The genetics would be what we inherit from our families. So, this would be present in our body. The genomics testing would be to look for what the structure of the genes of the cancer itself, cancer cells itself. Now, that doesn’t mean that this was inherited. It’s just that this is a renegade, and it evolved. And that is what is going to show up.

The reason these two are important, both of them have implications potentially for treatment or perhaps clinical trials. And again, with the PARP inhibitors, the BRCA-like genes will have implications for treatment sort of for resistance cancers.

With regard to the genetics, the implications are for, again, inheritance of family and potential risk for blood relatives. Now, there are panels that are FDA-approved for the purpose of genetic testing. And the requirement or the indications right now, anybody who presents with metastatic disease or an aggressive disease and diagnosis, the recommendation is to proceed with the genetic testing, certainly counseling and testing, because there are some people who prefer not to be tested. And that’s something else.

What I tell my patients is this, even if the testing is done and it was negative for inherited genes that might put the patient family at potential higher risk, the fact that a person has prostate cancer by default puts potential, adds risks to family, to blood relatives.

And the risks aren’t just for the males with regard to prostate cancer, but certainly breast cancer, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer potentially, and things of that sort. So, this is where I think a patient needs to be discussing with their doctors. And certainly, there are many centers that have genetics counselor, and so that’s where I generally refer my patients to. I counsel them myself, and then refer them also for more discussions with genetics counselor.


What exactly are genetic mutations? And how do they impact a treatment path?

Dr. Hussain:

Well, I think, again, it’s the changes that happens in specific genes that may promote the aggressiveness of a cancer. And so, the BRCA gene is one of the oldest genes that have been identified in breast cancer. And essentially, the body regulates itself.

And when cancer cells come up and they sort of – the body no longer sustains that regulation, the genetic regulation in those cancer cells. Those cancer cells will behave the way they want to. That means that they’re going to grow faster. That means they could be resistant to treatment and things like that. And so, that’s what we check for, these alterations. And there are certain medications that would allow – and again, in prostate cancer, it’s not a lot. It’s just, as I said, right now the only things that are proven is the PARP inhibitors. This is essentially to kind of gang over the cancer cell, preventing from allowing it to repair itself so it can continue to grow.


Some patients may not know if they’ve received these important tests. So, for patients that aren’t all that sure, what key questions should they be asking their physician or their specialist?

Dr. Hussain:

So, I would say when it comes to the genetics testing, I believe a patient has to consent.

Because again, we live in the U.S., and this is a private matter for the patient. So, this generally has to be the case. Otherwise, depending on the institution, sometimes some tests will require for the overall testing for looking for any genetic alterations, general tumor alternation. Different centers have different things. But the patient should ask and say to their doctor, “Have my cancer genes been tested? Have my genes been tested? And if they have, what are the results?” Because we generally share with the patients once it’s been done.

The other things I should point out, some of the good things that have happened recently. Up until recently, when it comes to the tumor genomic testing, tissue was required. Nowadays, the FDA has approved blood tests that several companies now run that can actually collect blood sample and basically test it for circulating tumor cell genes there.

Now, no testing is 100 percent perfect. But in situations like patients with prostate cancer who may not have recent tissue or adequate tissue for testing, certainly doing the blood test to verify if there is anything reflective of the genes of the cancer, and that may allow for potential actionable-type treatments. Again, up until now, this is more going to apply for potential clinical trials or resistant metastatic disease.