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How Can Wellness Interventions Aid Patients During and After Treatment?

How can wellness interventions aid cancer patients during and after treatment? Experts Dr. Amy Comander from Massachusetts General Hospital and Nicole Normandin Rueda, LMSW from PEN discuss benefits of different wellness practices, practical wellness strategies, and support resources.

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Lisa Hatfield:

How can wellness interventions help patients during and after cancer treatment? And what specific practices might help? I have many questions. I’m getting to the bottom of it in this Patient Empowerment Network RESTORE program.

Dr. Comander, how can wellness interventions help folks like myself during and after treatment? And while there seems to be only pros here, can you also speak to any risks of certain wellness practices during cancer treatment? And how can patients mitigate these risks?

Dr. Amy Comander:

Such an excellent question. And I do think it’s really important for us to focus on things that a patient can do after his or her diagnosis to take control of one’s health. We know there’s nothing scarier than getting a diagnosis of cancer and going through treatment for cancer. So we want to think about practical strategies that people can employ to feel better, tolerate their treatments better, and ultimately improve their health.

So let’s pick one of my favorites, which is exercise. I know for some people that word exercise sounds intimidating, scary. Maybe they’re not someone who ever really practiced exercise on a regular basis and so when their doctor or nurse practitioner or social worker is talking to them about this, they feel kind of intimidated. Well, I will say a new field emerging is actually called exercise oncology. It’s really fascinating. And we’re really learning about what is actually happening in the body when an individual exercises, what is going on at the cellular level that may actually be fighting the cancer.

And this is really interesting and exciting. And I love reading these scientific papers. But we’re not going to get into that right now. Let’s just talk about, when you talk about practical strategies, if you’re someone who really has not been active, just walking to the mailbox to get the mail. Try to do that each day. Maybe taking a walk in your dining room, a few laps around the dining room table, if you have one, just something basic like that, walking your dog, walking a friend’s dog. Like everyone has to start somewhere.

So when we talk to our patients about exercise, we just meet them where they are and help them get started with something. And I know this sounds very intimidating, but organizations such as the American Cancer Society, American College of Sports Medicine, and my organization, American Society of Clinical Oncology, strongly recommend that individuals going through cancer treatment engage in exercise. And so you just have to start somewhere. So why is this important? Exercise has been shown to help patients tolerate their treatment better, reduce side effects, reduce the need for dose reductions, improve the fatigue that is often associated with cancer, and in many cases, reduce risk of recurrence and improve the outcome. So there are so many reasons to do it.

You also ask about risks. And I can understand that many people are fearful of starting an exercise program if this is not something they’ve been doing on a regular basis. So I would encourage patients to talk to their doctor just to address any particular concerns. Certainly, let’s say an individual has cancer involving their bone and they’re worried that they might be at risk for a fall and a fracture. That’s something they should certainly talk about with their doctor.

As a breast oncologist, I care for many women who are concerned about risk for lymphedema. Lymphedema is swelling of the arm, perhaps on the side of the surgery. And my patients are often worried, will that get worse if she starts a strength training program? Actually, it will not, but that’s a good question for her doctor or her physical therapist. So I think it’s really important to think about exercise as the number one wellness intervention that we want to address. 

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay, thank you. And over to you, Nicole, what are some common wellness practices that cancer patients can adopt during treatment? And how can patients be empowered to take an active role in their wellness during and after cancer treatments?

Nicole Normandin Rueda:

Great question. So just like Dr. Comander said, so physical activity, starting somewhere is going to be of the utmost importance. Nutrition, balanced diet, making sure you’re hydrated, you are following all the recommendations from your medical team regarding what you consume, avoiding anything that you probably shouldn’t be consuming. Stress reduction techniques are all, mindfulness, meditation, deep breathing, the things that help you kind of get back to calm is really critical. We want to make sure patients are aware of their sleep. So the sleep cycle is one of those things that people often complain about, but aren’t really informed on how important it is to your actual overall well-being.

And so if that is an issue, we want to make sure that we are referring them to the appropriate specialist in order to help get that resolved. Social connections, again, huge. We want to make sure people understand that there are organizations and people out there that are here to just serve and help as much as we can. Maintaining the relationships, not just with their immediate family and friends, but also making new connections and new relationships with people that are going to support them throughout this journey is important.

For me as a social worker, empowering patients is what I do…it’s why I’m here. We want patients to have an active role in their wellness, both during and after treatment, because we know, as trained individuals, we know that that is going to overall have a positive impact in their quality of life, in their family’s experience throughout the cancer journey. And that’s important. This is a stressful time for a lot of people. So in order to do that, we always want to make sure we’re providing education and that is first and foremost going to come from the medical providers. Follow up to that would then be everything else, all the ancillary services.

So you have organizations, Patient Empowerment Network. We are very focused on providing evidence-based information in an easy to understand way. And so that is one of those organizations that, as a social worker, I would refer everybody to. But there are others that are doing fantastic things providing education on all sorts of topics, anything that you could possibly want. There are organizations that are doing it well. Now that’s the thing, we want to make sure that we are referring patients to get evidence-based, research-backed information for them to consume and digest at their own pace. Next would be advocacy. If you don’t have a strong advocate in your corner, or if you are not comfortable speaking up or asking questions, this is one of those things that is so incredibly important when it comes to empowering patients to really be involved in their care.

And I can tell you firsthand, my mom was my dad’s biggest advocate. It was kind of embarrassing at times, but in hindsight, thank goodness, because had she not been so ferocious and asked so many questions, there’s a lot of things that we wouldn’t have known as a family going through a cancer diagnosis. So that’s really important. And I know working with medical teams, they want somebody to ask questions, they want to be able to provide as much information as they can. That’s a good backbone for people to understand, that their medical teams are going to want to make sure that they walk out of the room feeling like they have the information they need. 

And so we want to make sure that we are providing as much information, as many resources as we can. And then it is up to the patient and their care partners or their family members to then take that and run with it. But we want to be able to make sure that we’re giving them what they need in order to ask the right questions at the right time to the right people. And if they have the resources that they need to go and make it happen.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay, thank you so much, Nicole. You heard it here directly from the experts. Thanks for joining this RESTORE Program. I’m your host, Lisa Hatfield.