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Advice for Shared Decision-Making | Myelofibrosis Care and Treatment Goals

Myelofibrosis expert Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju advises on how patients and healthcare teams can partner together by communicating care goals and exploring treatment options.

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju is Director of the Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm (BPDCN) Program and Professor in the Department of Leukemia at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Pemmaraju.

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Katherine Banwell:

When it comes to choosing therapy, Dr. Pemmaraju, it’s important to work with your healthcare team to identify what is going to work best for you. So, as a clinician, how do you define shared decision-making?  

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:

Very important. So, shared decision-making to me means a partnership. It means a journey that the patient and the providing team are about to embark on. It’s a very different approach than a one-way, I tell you, you do this. Instead, I see it as a bi-directional exchange of ideas.  

Each visit, each EPIC in-basket or EMR communication, each touch with the healthcare system, the pharmacist, the PA, nurse, whoever is dealing with the patient, I think that’s the key.  

So, a bi-directional exchange of ideas, what’s important to you as the patient? What’s important to the caregiver? What are the worries? What are the barriers? Designing a treatment system around that, a treatment paradigm and approach. Discussing risks, benefits, side effects, toxicities, alternatives, and then a constant dynamic reevaluation throughout. That’s what I pictured. It has to be a journey and a partnership.  

Katherine Banwell:

Well, part of making care decisions is setting goals, and I think you’ve just alluded to that. What are treatment goals for myelofibrosis, and how are they determined?  

Dr. Naveen Pemmaraju:

That’s a great question. Myelofibrosis treatment goals are changing in real-time. I would say as of this recording, 2024, the main three things that I want patients to think about and the caregivers.  

Number one is a stem-cell transplant eligible or not? It used to be based on age and comorbidities, but there are other factors. So, are we going to stem cell transplants or not? That determines a lot of the journey. Two is a clinical trial or not. So, are we doing the standard of care therapy, often one pill at a time, or clinical trial, either an IV drug, a pill, or combinations? Then three is that dynamic assessment that we talked about, which is what are the goals of care? Often our patients with myelofibrosis have decreased quality of life, enlarged organs, fatigue, cachexia, and malnutrition.  

These are the central components. A lot of times they’re due to the myelofibrosis itself. So, the treatments may improve that. A lot of times it’s the other comorbidities, other health issues. So, working with the PCP, the primary care provider, and the local team. In my case, many of my patients are referrals, as you know, the local MD team. I think these are the three components, transplant eligibility or not, clinical trial versus standard of care. 

Then once we’ve made a treatment decision, minding toxicities and quality of life.  

Dr. Charlotte Gamble: Why Is It Important for You to Empower Patients?

Dr. Charlotte Gamble: Why Is It Important for You to Empower Patients? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

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Dr. Charlotte Gamble:

Yeah, this is such a good question and like actually, goes to the reason why I chose to have a career in medicine and like why I’m doing this. I think that it’s really important to understand that patients are their own individuals and not the tumor, they’re the cancer that they have, that they have whole lives and are whole people before they walk into our clinic doors. And to understand that there is a whole life that they have had and will continue to have alongside a cancer diagnosis.

And so one of the things that I think is so important is when I talk to patients to really understand the condition of their lives, to understand how long it took them to get to my office, to understand who is with them or who is not with them in the room to understand what their fears are, what experiences have they had with the healthcare system prior to meeting me.

How do I regain trust or earn trust, in the context of a healthcare system and a, you know, political system that is, pretty fraught. And I think being able to listen, is one of the greatest skills that I’ve been taught and have really tried to work on. And listening in and of itself I think helps to empower patients because they find their voice because either the doctor listening to them and asking them to tell me what’s happening.

And so the mere act of me listening, this is something that doctors need to do, that helps I think, patients find their voice. I think what I had mentioned previously also was making sure that they have people in their lives that are aware of what’s happening in terms of their cancer diagnosis and treatment plan that can be a support to patients.

I think getting these diagnoses can be traumatizing and recognizing the trauma that having a cancer diagnosis, can have, and the ripple effect that it has on not only the patients, but those that surround them is really important to recognize the gravity of that. And that while I might be seeing 20, 25 patients with cancer in my clinic or operating on three to four patients in a day, these are, really seminal moments in a person’s life. And recognizing the gravity and the responsibility that I have as their provider to not only listen to them, but make sure that they are surrounded by love and compassion, by people in their lives. And making sure that they feel that they have the language to share their diagnosis with their loved ones and to bring their loved ones on for the ride, is really important. So, I don’t know. I listen. I try to make sure that they’ve got folks that are there and present. And, I think that that’s really kind of how I try to center patients in this whole cancer care process.

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Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi: Why Is It Important for You to Empower Patients? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

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Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi: 

Patient empowerment is an extremely important aspect of how we deliver healthcare and how our patients consume healthcare. Let’s take a step back and think about it this way. A patient was diagnosed with cancer. This is not what they were expecting. This is not what their families, their loved ones, anybody was expecting. It throws a wrench in their life plans, and suddenly they have lost control, not over their health, in a lot of cases, even over their lives, over their families, their jobs, everything. What can we do to empower our patients and make them feel in control?

A statement that is very frequently used by a lot of people, frankly, is, well, the patients need to be their own advocates. Yeah, but I really strongly feel if a patient does not even know what to ask, how are they going to ask the right question? How do they know what is the right question to even put up to the clinician? So in my opinion, the biggest thing, in fact, in some ways, even the least thing I can do to empower my patients is to educate them, is to make them aware about the disease, about the treatment, both the benefits and the side effects, about long-term outcomes.

I do offer to my patients, for example, “Are you interested in knowing about prognosis?” Some patients don’t want to hear about it, but some were afraid to ask. If they know what they have to expect, they are able to plan better. They are able to get in control better. So for me, the number one way of empowering the patient is spending time with them, educating them, making them aware about their disease, about their treatment, and about the long-term expectations of living their life after the cancer diagnosis.

Why Is It Important to Address Whole Person Care?

Why Is It Important to Address Whole Person Care? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What is whole person care, and why is it important to address? Dr. Nicole Rochester, Dr. Broderick Rodell, Aswita Tan-McGrory, and Sasha Tanori discuss the factors that whole person care examines, obstacles of healthcare systems, and how to advocate for optimal care.

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Dr. Nicole Rochester:

So let’s start with a definition of whole person care. Whole person care is defined as the patient center, optimal use of diverse healthcare resources to deliver the physical, behavioral, emotional, and social services required to improve the coordination of care for patients, their well-being, and their health outcomes. So I’d like to start with you, Aswita, and I’d like to know your thoughts on whole person care, and why do you think that this has been such a taboo subject for so long, and also why is it important for us to address whole person care?

Aswita Tan-McGrory, MBA, MSPH:

I think that part of the problem is that our healthcare system is very, very fragmented, so if we think about…we have primary care, then we have specialty care, then we have care in the hospital, and oftentimes there’s no communication, or communication is sort of inconsistent between those pieces. And so we as a healthcare system don’t promote this idea of whole person care, where you would really look at a patient, see them, see them in their environment, oftentimes, we’re seeing patients in our own institutions and we really don’t know anything about what we’re sending them home to, right? Unless we ask or we screen.

So I actually think it starts with how we build our systems in many ways, as a very sort of system that doesn’t really work to encourage thinking about the patient in the whole way, and that means the primary care physician being part of the care team with specialty care, getting that conversation just from an implementation perspective, I think this is a real challenge in our system, there’s other things as well, but I think that’s a big piece towards how do we ensure that for the patient…and I’m sure all of us have had our own experiences in healthcare where we are like, “They’re not talking to each other. Well, why does this doctor not talk to my primary care doctor? Aren’t they like logging into the same system?” And then if you go outside of your system, it’s even more challenging, so.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

I completely agree, and I can relate to every single thing you said as both a physician and as a former caregiver, I will say as a pediatrician, I felt that this idea of whole person care, even before it was really a thing that’s kind of incorporated in our practice out of necessity, and we know that it’s important for the health of children to be involved in what happens to them at school and what happens to them in their child care setting, what’s happening in their homes.

And so that was kind of my reference point, but when I became a caregiver for my dad and kind of stepped into the world of adult medicine, I experienced exactly what you describe, Aswita. Just this fragmentation providers not talking to one another, and just a lack of appreciation for the importance of our environment and the things that we’re exposed to in our homes than in our communities, and how that is so intricately connected to our health. So I really appreciate that.

Aswita Tan-McGrory, MBA, MSPH:

Yeah, I want to just tag on something you just said is, I work with a lot of pediatricians and pediatric hospitals, and they are the angels in our system, if I can say so, you…and they definitely have cornered that market of really thinking of social determinants of health or the whole system for their pediatric patients in a way that I think adult medicine is just catching up on. So I’m totally in agreement, like what you said, and I think it’s because you’re working with kids, you can’t not talk to the parents, not think about what is the school like you know so you’re forced to because of that environment, but that’s really a model that we should be using for all of our patients.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

I completely agree, completely agree. Sasha, what are your thoughts about whole person care and where are your providers gotten it, right, maybe where have they gotten it wrong?

Sasha Tanori:

For me personally, I can’t speak on every Mexican American, but at least for me personally, it’s definitely been a struggle because where I come from, it’s a very like low demographic, we don’t have a whole lot of resources and stuff like that. So getting care is…it’s not the easiest. I’ve had to go to several doctors before I even got diagnosed, and I didn’t even get diagnosed in my hometown, I had to be sent to San Diego because they had no idea what was going on. They were like, “We don’t know what’s wrong with you. Go home.” They kept giving me misdiagnosis after misdiagnosis, and especially with being a plus-sized Mexican American, they were just like, “Oh, if you lose a couple of pounds, you’ll be fine.” And I show up at the hospital with bruises on my body and they’re like, “It’s because you’re overweight.” And I’m like, “That doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense.” So yeah, it was definitely difficult trying to find a good healthcare professional who would listen to me, and I had to leave out of my Imperial Valley, out of my demographic to go find the help because…

And even then, they were kind of like, “Well, it could be this blood disease, it could be this, it could be that.”  And they were like, “Oh well, is anyone in your family…you’re Mexican, is there anyone in your family who has this type of illness, do they have diabetes, or this or that?” And I was like, “No, just help me. Don’t worry about them. Don’t worry about my family. Don’t worry about them. Worry about me.” And finally, I think after two months or something of just going to doctors’ appointments, after doctors’ appointments, they finally were able to give me proper diagnosis. But it shouldn’t have to take that many trips to the hospital and seeing this many doctors for them to figure out what was wrong. And a lot of it is because of, like you said, it’s because of the whole inequity of being a person of color, and I’m only half-Mexican. But a lot of people see that part of me first, and I think they automatically start being prejudiced, or they start judging you based on the way you look, the way you talk and stuff like that, so that way. It’s definitely been a struggle, especially being here in the Imperial Valley, we’re so close to the Mexican border. So they just automatically…they’re like, “No,” it’s just straight up, “No.”

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

Wow, I’m really sorry about that, and I appreciate you sharing your story. What about you, Broderick? And you’re a naturopathic physician, you’re a wellness expert, so you probably fully…not probably you fully understand the importance of whole person care. I feel like that’s at the root of your specialty, so maybe you can give us some ideas about how you approach this and why whole person care is so important.

Broderick Rodell:

Yes, thank you. And I do fully understand the various issues and concerns that can arise when you go to a medical doctor and the specialist and not talking to your primary care physician. And so I focus a lot of my attention on the individual and what you can do as an individual to care for yourself, to educate yourself about well-being and help. It doesn’t deny the various social conditions or structural issues there. It’s just that I feel like we have our greatest amount of power, a great capacity to act and taking as much responsibility as we possibly can in our own care through educating ourselves about how our bodies work, how our mind works, how disease manifestation arises, taking advantage of the tools that we have available to us via the Internet and educating ourselves so that we can be advocates for ourselves when we have a conversation with the various medical practitioners. But I’ve also really emphasized what can I do to maximize my health, my well-being, what choices can I make in my life to make my life into a life with maximum wellness and well-being and minimal suffering? And I do spend a large amount of time focusing on training the mind, reducing stress, educating yourself around, what can I do to eat well, nutrition, what can I do to exercise? To get my body moving, what are the various things that I can do to care for myself to the best of my abilities and not give too much power over to medical doctors on a medical system that not always…

Now, I want to say, I’m going to be careful, I say this can be quite incompetent and that incompetence is associated with, I think what was mentioned earlier, a lack of communication. A lack of communication, the way the system is set up, it’s kind of dysfunctional and the various incentives and not enough time spent with patients. And if you’re not spending enough time with patients and you’re not communicating with other practitioners that are working with these patients, then you’re not going to have a very good idea of what’s going on in this patient’s life and what could be contributing to their illness. So, therefore, it’s incumbent upon the patient, we as individuals, to try to learn as much as we can and try to get our communities involved to help create educational programs to facilitate that education and that awareness.

Dr. Nicole Rochester:

I completely agree, Broderick, the ideas that you mentioned in terms of we as patients and family members and communities educating ourselves about our own health and advocating for ourselves as someone who left medicine to become a professional health advocate, I’m all about advocating for yourself, speaking up, understanding what’s going on with your body. And I know that that can be challenging. And some people feel like, “It’s unfair, if I’m sick, the last thing I should have to worry about is fiercely advocating for myself in a medical setting.” And it is unfair to some degree, but as you stated in this system and the system that we’re currently operating in it is absolutely necessary, and I love that you mentioned mind, body spirit. And as a traditionally trained physician, I will admit that we don’t get that connection, that’s not something that is part of our traditional training. And it’s unfortunate that we kind of just see the body over here, and then the mind over here. And we know that we are all…this is all part of who we are, and that if your environment is not optimal, if your mental health is not optimal, if your spiritual health is not optimal, then that’s going to manifest itself in your physical health.