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Thyroid Cancer Research and Treatment Highlights

Thyroid Cancer Research and Treatment Highlights from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are the latest thyroid cancer research and treatment highlights? Dr. Lori Wirth discusses recent advancements, including successful clinical trials with newer therapies, and ongoing research into the latest targeted treatments for advanced thyroid cancer.

Dr. Lori Wirth is the Medical Director of the Center for Head and Neck Cancers at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn more about Dr. Wirth.

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Understanding Targeted Thyroid Cancer Treatment Approaches

Understanding Targeted Thyroid Cancer Treatment Approaches

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What Are the Benefits of Thyroid Cancer Clinical Trial Participation?



Dr. Wirth, what are your research areas of focus? 

Dr. Wirth:

Here at Mass General in Boston we focus on clinical trials looking at new therapies for patients with advanced thyroid cancer including iodine refractory thyroid cancer, anaplastic thyroid cancer, medullary thyroid cancer.  

We also have a big program in studying in the laboratory what makes thyroid cancers tick in order to try to come up with new angles for new drug therapies based on preclinical work that’s being done.  


Okay. In terms of thyroid cancer are there research developments that are showing a lot of promise that you’re excited about? 

Dr. Wirth:

And so, Katherine, I’m so glad you’re asking that question because we’ve actually had some really big successes in clinical trials for patients with thyroid cancer recently. One of the big successes was a study called COSMIC-311 which looked at the drug cabozantinib (Cabometyx) in patients with iodine refractory thyroid cancer who had progressed on the first-line therapy.  

Most commonly that’s lenvatinib (Lenvima), but you can have other first-line therapies as well. And that study was a randomized Phase III study that was done in an international setting and showed that cabozantinib had very good activity in the second line following progression on first-line therapy.

So, we now have treatments lined up for patients for the first line, but then also we have good treatment for patients who’ve progressed on the first-line therapy and need further treatment. So, that was one major success. Another major success recently was the LIBRETTO-531 trial. So, that was a randomized Phase III trial also done internationally in patients with progressive RET-mutated medullary thyroid cancer.  

And that study randomized patients to receive either the RET specific therapy selpercatinib compared to a multikinase inhibitor either cabozantinib or vandetanib (Caprelsa). And the LIBRETTO-531 study showed that selpercatinib is much better than the older standard of care therapies in terms of response rates, durability of response. And we’re even seeing that it looks like there’s a signal where the overall survival is longer with serpercatinib compared to the older standard of care therapies.

So, whenever we have a strongly positive Phase II trial in oncology it’s a big win. And those are two examples of big wins recently. Another study that I would highlight has come out of Germany looking at the combination of pembrolizumab which is an immunotherapy drug in combination with lenvatinib the multikinase inhibitor in patients with anaplastic thyroid cancer.  

And it was a relatively small study. It was a Phase II trial, but this Phase II trial in Germany showed very good activity with this combination of pembrolizumab (Keytruda) and lenvatinib in people with anaplastic thyroid cancer. So, that is very promising for the future for those patients as well. 


Dr. Wirth, is there anything you’d like to add about the evolution of thyroid cancer care? Are you excited about anything that we haven’t already talked about? 

Dr. Wirth:

I am so excited about our recent evolution in thyroid cancer care where we’ve gone from only having old fashioned IV chemotherapy which really doesn’t work very well in thyroid cancer to having really effective multikinase inhibitors for thyroid cancer patients. And now we even have gene specific targeted therapies that work even better in certain specific situations. And so, this evolution over the last 10 years has really changed the landscape of therapies available to our patients. And we now have drugs for almost all of our patients with thyroid cancer.  

They have a good likelihood of working really well for a really long period of time. And that’s changed in my lifetime, taking care of people with thyroid cancer. And the progress that we’ve seen in the last 10 years is really only accelerating before our very eyes. One of the targets that we didn’t talk about earlier is the BRAF V600E mutation.

And I just want to talk about that very briefly because that’s actually the most common potentially targetable gene alteration in thyroid cancer. But thyroid cancer patients share that gene mutation with other cancers as well including melanoma, a subset of people with lung cancer, a subset of people with colorectal cancer as well. There are a lot of new drugs that are being studied in clinical trials targeting that BRAF V600E mutation and other cousins within that pathway of gene alterations that drive cancers.  

And so there is a very active industry that is working on developing the next best therapy for all of these targets that we’ve talked about, NTRK, RET, BRAF mutations, immunotherapy approaches to people with all different types of solid tumors. And those kinds of clinical trials are being done now in advanced thyroid cancer.

Whereas 15 years ago it was really difficult to get a trial up and running for people with thyroid cancer because it was seen as such a rare cancer, kind of a niche cancer where there’s not a lot of money to be made in developing drugs compared to the numbers of women with breast cancer or numbers of people with lung cancer.  

It’s a different story now. There’s a lot of active drug development specifically for people with thyroid cancer. 

Understanding Targeted Thyroid Cancer Treatment Approaches

Understanding Targeted Thyroid Cancer Treatment Approaches from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are targeted thyroid cancer treatment approaches? Dr. Wirth explains standard options like multikinase inhibitors, newer gene-specific treatments, patient suitability for targeted therapies, and common side effects.

Dr. Lori Wirth is the Medical Director of the Center for Head and Neck Cancers at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn more about Dr. Wirth.

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See More from Evolve Thyroid Cancer

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What Are Initial Thyroid Cancer Treatment Approaches?

What Are Initial Thyroid Cancer Treatment Approaches?

What Are the Benefits of Thyroid Cancer Clinical Trial Participation?

What Are the Benefits of Thyroid Cancer Clinical Trial Participation?

Thyroid Cancer Research and Treatment Highlights

Thyroid Cancer Research and Treatment Highlights



Thank you. Dr. Wirth, what are the targeted treatment approaches for treating thyroid cancer?  

Dr. Wirth:

Yes, so we do have new options for treating iodine-refractory thyroid cancer, also anaplastic thyroid cancer, and then the medullary thyroid cancer.  

So, the first group of drugs that were studied starting a decade ago and have become standard of care options for these patients are the multikinase inhibitors, which are targeted therapies. But the drugs target multiple kinases not just one kinase, so we call them multikinase inhibitors. Lenvatinib (Lenvima) is the multikinase inhibitor that’s used most often in iodine refractory thyroid cancer.

But we have other multikinase inhibitors as well. Cabozantinib (Cabometyx) is a drug that’s available now for second-line therapy in iodine refractory thyroid cancer. That’s a multikinase inhibitor. And then for medullary thyroid cancer multikinase inhibitors were studied about 10 years ago as well. 

And cabozantinib (Cabometyx) and vandetanib (Caprelsa)  are both multikinase inhibitors that have good activity and were FDA-approved for the treatments of medullary thyroid cancer. But one of the things that’s been so exciting in the last five to eight years is that we now know that a large portion of all of these various thyroid cancers are driven by specific gene mutations.

And many of those gene mutations lead to expression of abnormal proteins that make the cancer a cancer cell. And in many circumstances, those abnormal proteins driving the cancer cell growth are now targetable with gene-specific therapies. So, there’s been a lot of progress made recently in that area of the work that we do, which has really led to some great successes.  

So, the first example of a really great success was in targeting the TRK protein, TRK. And that is aberrantly expressed in a subset of the iodine refractory differentiated thyroid cancers by virtue of a gene alteration called a fusion. So, you can see NTRK1 or NTRK 3 fusions driving a subset of iodine refractory differentiated thyroid cancer.

And there are now a couple of drugs that target TRK very potently and specifically including larotrectinib (Vitrakvi) that was studied in multiple different types of tumors all driven by NTRK fusions, including a fairly large cohort of patients with iodine refractory differentiated thyroid cancer. And in the thyroid cancer patients, we saw really high responses with larotrectinib, which is an oral drug taken by mouth at home every day.  

And not only did we see very high response rates, but we also are seeing very durable responses where patients can remain on larotrectinib month after month after month or even for years with a significant regression of their thyroid cancer. Sometimes people even will have a complete response on larotrectinib. And they can tolerate larotrectinib well for the most part for a very long period of time. So, that’s a targeted therapy success story for patients with NTRK fusion-positive thyroid cancer. Another example is targeting RET fusions and RET mutations. So, we see RET fusions in iodine refractory differentiated thyroid cancer in a portion of them.  

We also occasionally see RET fusions driving anaplastic thyroid cancer. And then more than half of patients with medullary thyroid cancers will have RET mutations. And so, the gene mutation is slightly different than a gene fusion, but the end result is very similar so that RET is overactive in these cancers and now is druggable with RET-specific inhibitors. The one that’s been studied the most in thyroid cancer is selpercatinib (Retevmo). And similar to larotrectinib and NTRK driven thyroid cancers serlpercatinib and RET-driven thyroid cancers has great activity, very high response rates, very durable responses. And again, it’s taken at home every day by mouth, and it’s really very well-tolerated overall.  


Well which patients are a good fit for a targeted treatment approach? 

Dr. Wirth:

So, the patients that are a good fit are patients first of all who need a systemic therapy.  

So, for example, if a patient has had a thyroid nodule that’s not all that big, a biopsy shows it’s thyroid cancer, and the patient has a complete resection of that disease and may or may not have gotten treated with radioactive iodine. 

But if they’re disease free they don’t need any further therapy. And a lot of patients are in that category which is the best-case scenario. But when patients have persistent disease that eventually is going to grow over time, then we do genotyping of the tumor or molecular diagnostics. It’s the same thing, different phrases. But then we’ll extract the DNA from the cancer cells to see what types of targetable gene alterations might be present driving that thyroid cancer. In patients who are found to have an NTRK fusion, a drug like larotrectinib is an option.  

If we see a RET fusion, then a RET specific therapy might be an option. So, you need to have some disease that needs a systemic therapy, and then the target needs to be present as well.  


What are the common side effects for a targeted approach? 

Dr. Wirth:

So, the side effects are a little bit different flavor for the different drugs. So, larotrectinib, for example, is a potent and specific TRK inhibitor. And TRK is expressed in the development of the nervous system as well as the maintenance in full grown people of the nervous system. So, you can have on target TRK related side effects involving the nervous system from when patients are on larotrectinib.  

So, we can, for example, see a little bit of dizziness or gait unsteadiness which is a direct result of inhibiting TRK. Or sometimes patients will develop kind of an unusual pain syndrome where when they’re getting close to the time that they’re supposed to take their next does of Larotrectinib when the amount of drug in the body is beginning to wane, then some patients will develop pain like joint pain for example, pain from arthritis but it seems to be exacerbated.

And then when they take their next dose of larotrectinib the pain goes away as well. So, there’s some impact on pain control that we can see as a side effect of larotrectinib. Fatigue I think is the other probably most common side effect which probably also is an on-target side effect from larotrectinib.  



Dr. Wirth:

There can be some inflammation in the liver which we can see in blood tests, so we have to monitor blood tests for that kind of inflammation, which is uncommon but can be seen and sometimes will require some dose reductions in order to not have to worry about liver injury in a particular patient. 

What Are the Types of Thyroid Cancer?

What Are the Types of Thyroid Cancer? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are the types of thyroid cancer? Dr. Wirth explains the various subtypes, including common forms like papillary and follicular thyroid cancer, as well as rarer types like anaplastic thyroid cancer.

Dr. Lori Wirth is the Medical Director of the Center for Head and Neck Cancers at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn more about Dr. Wirth.

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Related Resources:

What Are Initial Thyroid Cancer Treatment Approaches?

What Are Initial Thyroid Cancer Treatment Approaches?

Understanding Targeted Thyroid Cancer Treatment Approaches

Understanding Targeted Thyroid Cancer Treatment Approaches

Thyroid Cancer Research and Treatment Highlights

Thyroid Cancer Research and Treatment Highlights



Dr. Wirth, can you walk us through the types of thyroid cancer? 

Dr. Wirth:

Yes, I can. So, there is actually an array of different types of thyroid cancer in terms of different histologies or subtypes of thyroid cancer as well as different natural histories. So, the most common thyroid cancers are derived from the follicular thyroid cell that makes thyroid hormone and does the business of the thyroid gland.  

That progenitor cell or thyroid cell can give rise to several different types of thyroid cancer. The most common is papillary thyroid cancer. And then we can also see other thyroid cancers arising from those thyroid cells including follicular thyroid cancer, and oncocytic thyroid cancer, or high-grade thyroid cancers, and even a cancer called anaplastic thyroid cancer.

And then there’s one other type of cell within the thyroid gland which is called a parafollicular C cell. It’s a completely different type of cell from the other more common thyroid cells. And parafollicular C cells can give rise to a subtype of thyroid cancer called medullary thyroid cancer that really doesn’t have anything in common with the other types of thyroid cancer except for the fact that it originates within the thyroid gland.  

Thyroid Cancer Explained: Types, Staging, and Patient Communication

Thyroid Cancer Explained: Types, Staging, and Patient Communication from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What’s vital for thyroid cancer patients to know about thyroid cancer types, staging, and patient communication? Expert Dr. Megan Haymart from the University of Michigan discusses different thyroid cancer types, how she approaches her patients with information, and proactive patient advice for optimal care.


“…I recommend that patients know what type of thyroid cancer they have and the characteristics of it, including size and if there’s any high-risk features. And the reason I recommend this is because there’s a lot of information on the web, and sometimes you can be reading about a different type of thyroid cancer than what you had, and that might create a lot of worry and anxiety. And so I think the more you know that’s specific to your type of thyroid cancer, the more helpful it is for you.”

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See More from [ACT]IVATED Thyroid Cancer

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Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Haymart, can you please explain what thyroid cancer is, including its types, staging, and how you typically describe it to your patients and their families to help them understand?

Dr. Megan Haymart:

Yes, so the thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the lower neck, and on half the population thyroid nodules, which are lumps in the thyroid, about 5 percent of those are thyroid cancer, which means the cells are abnormal in those nodules. The most common type of thyroid cancer we see is papillary thyroid cancer. So out of every 10 patients I see, probably eight or nine will have papillary thyroid cancer, but we can also see follicular thyroid cancer and Hurthle cell cancer, in addition to medullary thyroid cancer, and then rarely anaplastic thyroid cancer.

So papillary and follicular thyroid cancer and a little bit of Hurthle cell cancer are treated very similarly. Medullary thyroid cancer comes from a different type of cells and has a little bit of a different treatment. And then anaplastic thyroid cancer, which is very rare, is very aggressive and also requires a little bit different type of treatment.

And so for my patients, what I try to talk about is what type of thyroid cancer they have and then what their pathology showed. So did it have any high-risk features? What was the size? And then we talk about how this affects the stage, and stage is standardly used to predict risk of death. For most of my patients, fortunately, risk of death is very, very low. So we also talk about risk of recurrence, which is the cancer coming back. And again, we use the pathology to help us talk about this in more depth.

And my or this question is I recommend that patients know what type of thyroid cancer they have and the characteristics of it, including size and if there’s any high-risk features. And the reason I recommend this is because there’s a lot of information on the web, and sometimes you can be reading about a different type of thyroid cancer than what you had, and that might create a lot of worry and anxiety. And so I think the more you know that’s specific to your type of thyroid cancer, the more helpful it is for you.