Tag Archive for: MPN symptoms

What’s Next for Improving Quality of Life in Polycythemia Vera?

What are key challenges in myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) care, and how do symptoms evolve over time? Expert Dr. Andrew Kuykendall from Moffitt Cancer Center discusses constitutional MPN symptoms, strategies to manage fatigue, neurovascular symptoms, and symptom management. 


“…we have a variety of symptoms that can be associated with kind of myeloproliferative neoplasms as a whole, as well as each one of these distinct disease entities. And the therapy for each of these differs based on the particular symptom.”

See More From [ACT]IVATED MPNs

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How Can Specialists and Support Networks Improve Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care?

How Can Specialists and Support Networks Improve Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care?

Advancing Therapies for Polycythemia Vera: Enhancing Control and Quality of Life

Advancing Therapies for Polycythemia Vera: Enhancing Control and Quality of Life

Empowering Patients: Enhancing Shared Decision-Making in Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care

Empowering Patients: Enhancing Shared Decision-Making in Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Kuykendall. I’d like you to speak to some of the key challenges in managing MPN symptoms. So based on the available treatment options, what are the most challenging symptoms associated with polycythemia vera, PV, or myelofibrosis and essential thrombocythemia, ET? And what are we learning about how these symptoms evolve as the disease progresses? 

Dr. Andrew Kuykendall:

When we think about myelofibrosis, that’s probably the disease we associate with the most clear, distinct symptoms. And patients often have what we call “constitutional symptoms.” And this could be fevers, chills, night sweats, bone pain, weight loss. These are classic symptoms of a disease that is really causing a lot of inflammation, right? And driving a lot of these inflammatory pathways, and these types of symptoms are quite well-addressed with JAK inhibitors, these disease specific anti-inflammatories, of which we now have four that are approved for myelofibrosis in different capacities. But there are more symptoms beyond those. I think when we think about polycythemia vera, we get less constitutional symptoms, although that certainly can be seen in a subset of patients.

But we see more itching is probably the classic polycythemia vera symptom. This itching that is quite challenging, doesn’t necessarily respond to antihistamines, and can be something that’s exacerbated by like taking hot showers or being in hot water. There’s a fancy name for it called aquagenic pruritus. And patients may not even be aware this is related to their disease. I’ve met many patients who’ve come in, who’ve been diagnosed with PV who complain of this challenge with showering or being in hot water, who really never put two and two together.

And sometimes the itching isn’t even described as itching. It feels like fire ants all over their body. And you have patients that are really avoiding right, showering. And so they’re doing it maybe once a week or once every two weeks. And so again, this is a symptom that responds quite well to ruxolitinib (Jakafi), which is approved in the second line here.

Beyond that, I think the biggest symptom across myeloproliferative neoplasms is fatigue. And I don’t have great magic tips for fatigue other than to say what we found out is probably non-pharmacologic interventions are better than pharmacologic interventions for fatigue. Things like just making sure you have good sleep hygiene, getting good sleep, healthy diet, exercise, yoga, mindfulness, resting, these probably are more successful in treating fatigue than any specific drug or agent that we have. And I think that speaks to really a failure on our part to develop better therapies. But certainly it’s something that we’re all very well aware of. And so it’s something we monitor in any of our clinical trials when we are developing agents is how does fatigue change over time? And lastly, I’d say for ET I think you can start to see some symptoms that are more kind of neurovascular.

So things like headaches, migraines, ringing in the ears, or tinnitus, or tinnitus. These can be unique to ET and may predate or preempt the actual diagnosis. So a lot of our young patients that are diagnosed with ET may come to attention of physicians because they’ve been dealing with migraines or headaches or fatigue plus migraines and headaches for a long time. Then lo and behold, blood work shows that they have a very high platelet count.

And so over time, I think when we look at these symptoms, certainly there can be waxing and waning of some symptoms, response to therapies, lack of response to therapies. But if the symptoms really do change rapidly, which we don’t see that often, oftentimes this can accompany a change in the disease, right? And that’s the time to go in and see if something’s changed. Sometimes reevaluate the disease status. And so my [ACT]IVATION tip for this is that we have a variety of symptoms that can be associated with kind of myeloproliferative neoplasms as a whole, as well as each one of these distinct disease entities. And the therapy for each of these differs based on the particular symptom.

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Prioritizing Quality of Life: Addressing Symptom Management Challenges in MPNs


Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) expert Dr. Abdulraheem Yacoub discusses common challenges in managing MPN symptoms, goals for improving patient quality of life, and proactive patient advice for optimal care. 


“…you should be aware of your own health and your own health challenges and your symptoms, and you should bring to your doctor what is it that you’re bothered by. Some symptoms are a lot more challenging than others, like fatigue, fatigue, and bone pain. These are symptoms that are very resistant to many of our interventions. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t keep trying, and we should have an open communication between the patient and their doctors regarding methods to improve that, whether it’s drugs or non-pharmacological interventions or others that we can try for these patients.”


Related Resources:

Empowering Patients: Enhancing Shared Decision-Making in Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care

Empowering Patients: Enhancing Shared Decision-Making in Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care

Exploring New Frontiers: Innovative Drug Combinations and Clinical Trials in Myelofibrosis Care

Exploring New Frontiers: Innovative Drug Combinations and Clinical Trials in Myelofibrosis Care

Navigating Disease Progression in MPNs: Strategies for Patient and Care partner Awareness and Monitoring

Navigating Disease Progression in MPNs: Strategies for Patient and Care partner Awareness and Monitoring


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Yacoub, I’d like you to speak to some of the key challenges in managing symptoms based on the available treatment options. What are the most challenging symptoms associated with the different classic MPNs, PV, MF, and ET?

Dr. Abdulraheem Yacoub:

You know as we address patients with blood cancers ET, PV, and myelofibrosis, there are multiple priorities in these patients. One, we want patients to be safe and protected from the disease by lowering their blood counts to the right goal. For myelofibrosis, we want to achieve disease control by JAK inhibitors and reduction in spleen and consider curative therapy with bone transplantation. So the goals of care are multifaceted and multi-layered in these patients, but we always forget about the quality of life. So patients with ET, PV, and MF live with a high burden of constitutional symptoms that are non-relenting and they impact patients’ quality of life. They impact their psychological health and their physical health. They impact their personal lives and their professional careers. And we try as much as possible to mitigate that impact on patients’ lives and quality of life with the tools that we have. Our tools are imperfect.

Every time I go over all the things we can do, we can use hydroxyurea (Hydrea), interferon, JAK inhibitors, and then that’s it. And then we stop. And there’s really, we don’t have as many tools as we want. Of course, the field is getting better, we are getting better tools to help our patients, but we should always keep patients’ quality of life at the center point of healthcare. In addition to getting the objective metrics controlled, the counts in the right range, and the spleen the right size, we also need to make sure that what we’re doing to patients is also adding quality to their lives.

And my [ACT]IVATION tip for patients is that you should be aware of your own health and your own health challenges and your symptoms, and you should bring to your doctor what is it that you’re bothered by. Some symptoms are a lot more challenging than others, like fatigue, fatigue, and bone pain. These are symptoms that are very resistant to many of our interventions. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t keep trying, and we should have an open communication between the patient and their doctors regarding methods to improve that, whether it’s drugs or non-pharmacological interventions or others that we can try for these patients.

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Nurse Natasha Johnson: Why Is It Important for You to Empower MPN Patients?

Nurse Natasha Johnson: Why Is It Important for You to Empower MPN Patients? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are some ways that myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) oncology nurses and other MPN care team members can aid in empowering patients? Oncology nurse practitioner Natasha Johnson from Moffitt Cancer Center how she helps patients and their loved ones become more involved in care and treatment decisions.

See More from Empowering Providers to Empower Patients (EPEP)

Related Resources:

Dr. Nizar Tannir: Why Is It Important for You to Empower Patients?

Dr. Gabriela Hobbs Why Is It Important for You to Empower MPN Patients

Dr. Ana Maria Lopez Why Is It Important for You to Empower Patients

Dr. Ana Maria Lopez Why Is It Important for You to Empower Patients


Natasha Johnson:

So I’m an encourager, so I will encourage patients to be involved, get their loved ones involved, educate themself on the disease on the common symptoms, on treatments, and then ways to alleviate those symptoms. So I would encourage them too, to keep on living. Let’s do what we can to improve the symptom burden so you can keep on living. And I think this is important, because I believe that empowered patients are very well-informed, and they are the top key player in their care. They’ll share their goals of care, which makes them better prepared to work with the healthcare team to create an individualized plan of treatment for them.

Dr. Gabriela Hobbs: Why Is It Important for You to Empower MPN Patients?

Dr. Gabriela Hobbs: Why Is It Important for You to Empower MPN Patients? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are some ways that can myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) care providers can help empower their patients? MPN expert Dr. Gabriela Hobbs from Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center shares her perspective of how she educates her patients. Dr. Hobbs explains her methods of empowering all her patients in their care – whether they’re newly diagnosed, needing long-term MPN care, or going on to seek care from other clinicians.

See More from Empowering Providers to Empower Patients (EPEP)

Related Resources:

Nurse Natasha Johnson: Why Is It Important for You to Empower MPN Patients?

Dr. Ebony Hoskins: Why Is It Important for You to Empower Patients?

Dr. Ana Maria Lopez Why Is It Important for You to Empower Patients

Dr. Ana Maria Lopez Why Is It Important for You to Empower Patients


Gabriela Hobbs, MD: 

I think that empowering patients is really important in developing an excellent longitudinal relationship with an MPN patient. And the way that I like to empower my patients is through education. And that starts with the first meeting with the patient when they’re recently diagnosed, or maybe they’re seeking you out for another opinion because maybe something is going not well with their disease.

And so that first visit, I really like to spend a lot of time educating about what MPNs are, the different types, the things that we worry about, the possibility of disease progression, and then spending a lot of time talking about the different treatment options that exist. As well as spending a lot of time talking about how patients can maximize their quality of life with both pharmacologic interventions as well as lifestyle modification. And so education really is at the center of empowerment for patients.

And I think that that gives them a lot of control over their disease and prepares them for additional visits with me or with other clinicians if they’re seeking other care from other clinicians as well, especially those patients that maybe travel from far away. And so education during that visit is important, but also talking to patients about how to prepare for additional visits. So I talk to patients a lot about taking track of their symptoms, keeping track of how they’re feeling, how they feel with the medication, with perhaps a change in medication, how they feel like their symptoms are changing over time. Talking to them about the MPN symptom assessment form, and making sure that they can utilize that form to keep track of how they feel.

And then also asking questions…If they don’t ask questions during the encounter, make sure that they write down those questions in a notebook so that when they do go to see their clinician at the next appointment, they can make the most of that encounter by knowing that they’re going into that encounter, prepared with questions and able to summarize the way that they’ve been feeling over the last couple of weeks or months since their last appointment. So education is really always at the center of empowerment. 

Yolanda’s Story: My Path to a Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Diagnosis

Yolanda’s Story: My Path to a Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Diagnosis from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Latina essential thrombocythemia (ET) patient Yolanda had many symptoms before receiving her ultimate diagnosis. Watch as she shares the symptoms she experienced, her long path to diagnosis, and her lessons learned about patient empowerment.


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Are MPN Risks and Outcomes Impacted by Race or Ethnicity

Are MPN Risks and Outcomes Impacted by Race or Ethnicity?

Un diagnóstico de linfoma difuso de células B grandes el viaje de un paciente

La historia de Yolanda: mi camino hacia un diagnóstico de neoplasia mieloproliferativa

Are There Disparities in Stem Cell Transplant Outcomes

Are There Disparities in Stem Cell Transplant Outcomes?


My name is Yolanda, and I was diagnosed in my mid-40s with essential thrombocythemia (ET), a myeloproliferative neoplasm. I’m a Latina woman, and my path to diagnosis took an extended time.

Thinking back on my journey, my symptoms began with severe headaches and dizziness that made it too difficult to finish my work. I also experienced debilitating fatigue that would either keep me in bed for a day, or I’d feel like my vision and thinking were in a fog. It all felt very strange, and I saw my doctor about the symptoms, but he prescribed antibiotics for an infection. Then later I felt numbness and tingling in my hands and feet and then pain in my abdomen. Finally, my doctor decided to run full blood work to see which levels might be abnormal, and that was followed with a bone marrow biopsy to further investigate.

When I finally received my diagnosis with essential thrombocythemia, I felt some relief but also a sinking feeling and dread of what might be ahead for me. I feel like one issue with getting diagnosed may have been that I looked healthy. Maybe my doctor would have ordered the blood work sooner if I didn’t look well. But I try to look forward rather than back. An MPN specialist was recommended to me, and he initially put me on low-dose aspirin.

Then I was prescribed hydroxyurea (Hydrea). I’ve been doing well and feel grateful to have treatment options. But if my disease progresses to a point where I need other options, I’ve already decided that I’ll consider participating in a clinical trial. I feel like I’ve been relatively lucky and want to share my cancer story to help others.

Some of the things I’ve learned on my MPN journey include:

  • Empower yourself by asking your doctors questions about your MPN and what to expect before, during, and after treatment.
  • Learn about clinical trial options. There may be programs that will help you with travel, lodging, and other uncovered expenses. And clinical trials may provide an option for your MPN if you’ve already used all other options.
  • You are the person in charge of your health. If you feel like something is wrong in your body, advocate for yourself. Ask for more testing to find out what is wrong.
  • Be careful about where you look for cancer information. Use credible sources like MPN Research Foundation, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, and Patient Empowerment Network.

These actions were key for staying on my path to empowerment.

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PODCAST: MPN Specialized Care and Technology: Digital Health and Symptom Management


Nearly 80% of patients living with a myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) are affected by fatigue. Can digital health alleviate symptom burden in MPN care? What exactly is mobile app intervention, and how can it help me? Dr. Krisstina Gowin and Dr. AnaMaria Lopez discuss technological interventions in MPN symptom management, telemedicine limitations and the importance of connecting with an MPN specialist. 

See More from MPN TelemEDucation


Lisa Hatfield: 

Welcome to this Patient Empowerment Network Program, I’m your host Lisa Hatfield. In this unique program, we explore cancer care and technology, specifically the importance of specialized care in myeloproliferative neoplasms, MPNs for short, and the role of digital health in symptom management. Today, I’m joined by two incredible experts, Dr. Krisstina Gowin is a hematologist, oncologist treating MPNs. I’m gonna shorten that, simplify it, treating MPNs. Dr. Gowin is Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Arizona. And Dr. Gowin it’s such a pleasure to connect with you.

Dr. Krisstina Gowin

Oh, it’s such an honor to be on today and connect with you all. Thank you so much for having me.

Lisa Hatfield: 

Also joining us is respected oncologist, Dr AnaMaria Lopez, Professor of Medical Oncology at Sidney Kimmel Cancer Centre, Thomas Jefferson University. Dr Lopez is a telemedicine pioneer as the founding medical director of the Arizona Telemedicine Program. Welcome, Dr Lopez, thank you for being here.

Dr. AnaMaria Lopez: 

Thank you so much. So looking forward to the discussion.

Lisa Hatfield: Thank you. So, Dr Lopez, I’d like to start with you to talk about cancer care and technology and how far we’ve come with technology and cancer care. We’ve made a fair number of strides in cancer care as they relate to digital health. Can you speak to that a bit?

Dr. AnaMaria Lopez:

Sure. I always say that the COVID pandemic allowed us to advance telehealth in a couple of months what probably would have taken 70 years. So we went from maybe 10% of the visits being done through tele to 90% plus. So a huge, huge change, and a lot of lessons learned, both in the, how do we do it clinically as well as how do we integrate this? How do we integrate this into clinical trials and to move beyond? We really thought telemedicine and really thinking telehealth because there are so many technologies, so there could be monitors, there could be… A lot of us were doing work in patient-recorded outcomes, how do you integrate that? How do you make it easy for patients to use this? And maybe it’s not simply the patient, but it’s also the patient and the caregiver who can help with this reporting. What are really the implementation efforts that need to be done? I could go on and on because there are so many lessons learned and it really shook things up. So people are thinking of this as a new technological revolution. So technology plays a big role in care and certainly a very big role in cancer care.

Lisa Hatfield:

And just out of curiosity, Dr Lopez, do you have a lot of your patients who still continue to see you via digital health or telehealth, who prefer that?

Dr. Krisstina Gowin:

Yes. Yeah. For example, in some of the psychiatry literature, which I think is a little bit unexpected ’cause you think psychiatry is such an intimate interaction. Well a lot of patients actually feel safer when it’s digital, when it’s through tele. So yeah, I do. And we were talking earlier about doing integrative medicine, and almost all of my integrative medicine patients, we do at a distance. I really think of it as it’s a way to bring back the house call.

Lisa Hatfield:

Yes. Well, thank you for that overview, Dr Lopez. So the pandemic has resulted in significant changes to many aspects of daily living for many of us, but for patients living with cancer like myself, there are different realities that we’ve had to deal with. Do we go in for our monthly blood draws, or do we wait a couple of months? So question for Dr Gowin, can you give us an overview of the impact that Covid-19 has had on MPNs or MPN care?

Dr. Krisstina Gowin:

Absolutely. Well, there was a really wonderful study that was done, really led out of Mayo, by Jeanne Palmer and Ruben Mesa, and it was an international study, and it looked at 1500 MPN patients. And they asked questions like, how many of you are actually having telemedicine? And this was in 2020, kind of at the beginning. And over half of them had already been engaging in telemedicine. And about a quarter of them felt that their care actually was delayed a little bit and that there were actually consequences to that delay, so that really speaks to an international kind of change in the paradigm of how we’re delivering care for MPN patients. The other thing is the lockdowns, the lockdowns that were occurring for us here in the US and really internationally. And what they did is, they asked patients their MPN symptom burden, and those that were on lockdown, not surprisingly I think to all of us, had a significantly higher symptom burden.

So I think that really speaks to that A, yes, there was a very large impact of COVID on the development of telemedicine and the need for telemedicine. But it also underscores the need for symptom management that we now have a group of patients that are having a higher symptom burden, probably likely secondary to more sedentary behavior, more anxiety, more depression, but a higher symptom burden because of COVID. And so we really need not only more therapeutics and perhaps non-pharmacologic interventions to support their symptom burden, but it needs to be delivered on a digital platform.

Lisa Hatfield:

Thank you for that, Dr. Gowin. So you brought up a really good point, and this is a great segue to talk about integrative health. So I have multiple myeloma, and of course that comes with side effects from the different therapies and symptoms of their own. We have a great integrative health center at our cancer center here locally where I live, and I’ve used it for acupuncture for some of my symptom management. I’ve also watched you on different platforms, through webinars and patient support groups where you describe different integrative health techniques and that type of thing. So I’m wondering… Two questions. The first part is, what symptoms do MPN patients face the most? And then how can they use integrative health to do that, particularly as it relates to telemedicine? Are there telemedicine options for integrative health? I suppose things like acupuncture, maybe not, but other types of integrative health, and can they get a consult for integrative health? Can they even go as far as getting a consult? So if you can answer those questions, the symptoms they face, how to use integrative health, and if they can get a consult for integrative health, that would be great. We’d appreciate that.

Dr. Krisstina Gowin:

Yeah. Well, Lisa, I wanna take a moment just to validate your journey that you’re going through and to congratulate you for your self-advocacy to go look for those integrative therapies to support yourself. And for MPN patients, I will say that it’s a really unique group, and so all cancer patients experience symptoms, but in myeloproliferative neoplasms, it’s really kind of this heterogeneous what we call a symptom burden. And so most patients will experience fatigue about 80% of MPN patients. But then beyond that, there’s really a whole slew of different sequelae that can be associated with the disease, which you may or may not think about when you’re thinking about MPNs, such as psychosocial issues, sleep issues, sexual issues.

And then we have kind of the classical issues that happen with MPNs, such as dizziness, but we talked about the fatigue, bone pain, itching, abdominal discomfort from an enlarged spleen and early satiety, or feeling full quickly. It’s really a huge symptom complex, if you will. And we now have validated measurement tools to better understand those. It’s the MPN symptom assessment form, which has really, I think, revolutionized how we look at MPN. It’s no longer just treating the blood counts. We’re treating the patient as a whole, and even within our NCCN guidelines, kind of how we as oncologists go through the algorithms of how to change therapy and how we look at patients. We now have symptoms in there. So even if blood counts are controlled, we may change therapies or even do a bone marrow based on symptoms alone. So symptoms are a huge thing in MPN. So getting to your second question for integrative health.

So I think that MPN… The patients in the community are really early adopters for digital engagement, which is fantastic. Everyone’s very engaged and I’ve had the opportunity to work on meditation apps, yoga apps, a wellness based app here from the University of Arizona, and patients just really accrue fast. Everyone’s so excited. And most of these, though, were very small kind of pilot trials, looking at feasibility, can’t we really do these things? But most of them as well are showing some impacts on depression, anxiety, sleep, and total symptom burden. So I do think that these modalities through digital platforms certainly can make a difference on the symptoms. And we’ve seen that with meditation. We’ve seen it with yoga and we’ve seen it with a seven domain wellness app. And is it the digital engagement? I don’t think so.

I think it’s likely the integrative therapies that they’re receiving through that platform, right? We know meditation works, we know yoga works, perhaps not so well in MPNs. We need to build that evidence base, but other solid cancers, we know those interventions really work. But it’s wonderful to get that kind of early data, say it not only works, but it also works when you’re doing it at home, when you’re doing it on a digital platform. And so I would encourage all patients listening to this to, yes, look at what’s around you, what are the resources, what are the clinical trials? Looking at these different digital modalities for integrative medicine, but also to go get an integrative consultation.

And as Dr. Lopez already had mentioned, she does all of her integrative medicine via telemedicine now, which is fantastic. And so you, it’s really, it’s that you know, your fingertips. You now have access to wonderful oncologists like Dr. Lopez to guide you in this journey. And the journey is not only allopathic western medicine, but it’s treating you as a person, you as a whole symptom complex. And that’s really what integrative medicine aims to support you through.

Lisa Hatfield:

Thank you for that. Dr. Gowin. So you talked about an app that patients can use. Is this app accessible to any patient or is it just within a trial or a study that you’ve done?

Dr. Krisstina Gowin:

No, it is widely accessible. It is free, even better. [laughter], it’s called my Wellness Coach. And that’s…

Lisa Hatfield:

I’m writing that down. Okay. [laughter]

Dr. Krisstina Gowin:

Yeah. Yeah. It’s really wonderful. Many domains of wellness. It’s based on motivational interviewing and smart goals. It gives you little reminders of, hey, and you set your own goals, which is wonderful.

Lisa Hatfield:

And what types of interventions then does that contain? Does it have things like you said, meditation and does it have a yoga program for patients? Or what types of interventions?

Dr. Krisstina Gowin:

Not quite yet. I think that that’s what we aspire to is really this multidimensional intervention. It’s not really an intervention. It’s looking at your life. It’s saying, “what are you eating? What are your nutrition goals? How are you moving? What are your exercise goals?”

How is your resiliency? How is your spiritual health? How are your relationships? And so it’s asking all of these domains of what our wellness is and helps to identify where perhaps you would like to devote more time and energy to, and also gives some resources and education around each of those domains and why they’re so important. But you set your own goals and then…

Lisa Hatfield:

That’s great.

Dr. Krisstina Gowin:

You’re accountable for your goals.

Lisa Hatfield:

Great. Well, thank you so much for that information. And you mentioned that Dr. Lopez also does her integrative health via telemedicine. So I’m gonna ask Dr. Lopez, can you speak to that a little bit more? How do you do that with patients? Do they just contact you and set up an appointment for an integrative health consult or appointment? And do you conduct some of that yourself or do you send them to particular resources in the community?

Dr. AnaMaria Lopez:

Sure. So, yes, patients can make an integrative oncology appointment directly. I really like to do the consults through tele simply because I can… As I was mentioning, it’s like a virtual house call to really get a sense of the patient. Often a partner, significant other, caregiver might be present as well and as we know there’s the survivor and there’s the co-survivor. So including both can be very helpful to some people and I think the initial intake… Again as Dr. Gowin was saying it depends so much on what the person wants to do. So the first opportunity for coming together is simply, where are you? What are your goals? What’s important to you? And of the panoply of options, which might be the easiest or the one that you are most interested in.

And so depending on what it is we might work together, we might also bring in others if the person is really interested in making lifestyle changes, let’s say related to nutrition. The person might work closely with a nutritionist for some period of time and then come back and we’d come together and reassess. You mentioned the acupuncture and you can’t do acupuncture at a distance, but you can certainly teach people about the points and consider acupressure for certain points. So there’s so many ways to engage and interact, but yes, I think like a lot of medicine, it’s a team-based approach.

Lisa Hatfield:

Great, thank you. Dr. Lopez. I do have to say with acupuncture, one of the side effects of a lot of the cancer medications is neuropathy. And a lot of patients like myself try every option, every pharmacological option, whether it’s gabapentin or something else, and they don’t work an acupuncture for me anyway, personally. I had a significant reduction in the painful neuropathy… Not so much in the tingling, but a significant reduction that, so I am very strong advocate for integrative health. So thank you for explaining that a bit more and as long as we have you on Dr. Lopez, can you also speak more broadly to innovative telehealth tools that are making an impact on symptom management and overall cancer care?

Dr. AnaMaria Lopez:

Sure. So one of the things that we know, is that for example, people have appointments every three weeks, or they have appointments once a month with the oncologist, and a lot can happen in that time. So setting up systems that are assisted by technology, so that patients can report their symptoms in real time can be very helpful. And some of this may require… It may not be a common way where the person may be familiar going to a computer or going to their phone to kind of say, “This is how I’m feeling.” So that may require some engagement education, but often regardless of age, regardless of background, people find that really easy and find that so helpful to be able to say, “Oh, was it two weeks ago that I had that?” As opposed to just saying, “Hey, I just had this,” and then it can happen anytime day or night that the patient can report. And that way there’s… It’s just so helpful to have an intervention in real time.

The other part that’s good is that often some of these systems can kind of track. So we can look at it together and say, “You know what? Your fatigue tends to be a couple of weeks after therapy, so how can we either prepare for that?” Or just to have the reassurance that, “Yes you have that depth, but it gets better and you get through it.” So being able to look retrospectively and identify that can be helpful and I think also just the ease for people to be able to connect with multiple specialists, sometimes to have multidisciplinary visits where not only does the patient meet with everyone, but the patient can see that we are all meeting and interacting together. So all of those are incredible tools, one of my favorites though, one of my favorites is patients who are in the hospital and patients who are in the hospital a long time, on some occasions. So and even if a person’s not there a long time, it can feel like a long time, so to use the technology, not just to connect the patient, the healthcare team, but to use the technology to connect the patient with his or her family. And I think especially… I mean, a lot of people have smartphones, but it’s using your minutes, sometimes the internet may not be so strong. So to use the technology that would be used for the clinical piece to have that available in the inpatient setting so that patients can feel connected.

Lisa Hatfield:

Yeah, that’s a really great thought that you brought up, too. I know when the pandemic was in full swing, but patients were starting to go back into the office to see their provider. For me, I was not allowed to take my husband in with me, so I went in alone. I was far enough along in my journey. I didn’t necessarily need a care partner with me, but some patients do, maybe a newly diagnosed patient. So that is a really great point. Say, a patient has to come in by himself or herself, is that a technology they can use? Are you willing to let them use their phone to maybe FaceTime during that call or we had to use the actual physical landline because my phone did not connect, the signal wasn’t strong enough. But do you allow that during your appointments to have patients contact somebody?

Dr. AnaMaria Lopez:


Lisa Hatfield:

Okay. That’s great. Yeah.

Dr. AnaMaria Lopez:

And also there’s pandemic, but there’s also… People live everywhere. So you could say their sun could be in California and I’m in Philadelphia and this way it’s okay, we’ll just beam them in.

Lisa Hatfield:

Yes. Well, thank you for that information. And some patients might be a little more reluctant to use telehealth or telemedicine. How can patients and their care partners feel more confident in voicing their concerns or communicating with their healthcare teams regarding any telemedicine options that are out there?

Dr. AnaMaria Lopez:

So you mentioned that I had been the founding medical director of the Arizona Telemedicine Program, and it was such a wonderful experience because skepticism and I really respected that. It was brand new and we had our system in the library. And the library, it was down in the basement, so it was very metaphorical. I would meet the new clinician at the entrance of the library. We would walk down the stairs together and often, the conversation was, “Okay, I’m doing this for you. I’m doing it one time. We’ll see how it goes.” And I was always so reassuring that if for some reason,’cause ultimately the clinician needs to feel comfortable, yes, this works, or no, it doesn’t. And if you have any doubt and you feel that you need to see the patient in person, you just need to say that, I need to see the patient in person. And inevitably as we’re walking up the stairs, “Oh, I know you called me because I was on call. Just call me anytime. Don’t call the on-call person”. This was great. I loved it.

So inevitably, people really like it and it’s good. You see the patient in their own environment, you can interact. You often get insights that you may not have gotten otherwise just because of where you are and how comfortable they feel in their own space. So I think, for me it’s the proofs in the pudding. Give people the opportunity, have the right supports and technology in place and often it’s a very positive experience.

Lisa Hatfield:

Great. Thank you Dr. Lopez. So Dr. Gowin, a couple of questions for you. Is technology playing a role in accelerating progress in MPN care?

Dr. Krisstina Gowin:

Oh, absolutely. And I think some of the ways that it really accelerates progress is pulling us together. So what we need to recognize is that myeloproliferative neoplasms truly is a rare disease and we just celebrated Rare Disease day. But there’s a lot of challenge in treating patients and progressing the field forward in rare diseases because you can’t do the big clinical trials. It’s hard to come together ’cause everything’s siloed and there’s just a couple patients here, a couple patients there in each practice. But with digital health and clinical trials that are offered on a digital platform, it pulls the nation together and even the world together. And we’ve seen that. I’ve done a international survey-based analysis and I had 858 MPN patients from 52 countries participate in that survey. And so that just shows how it pulls the world together. And for the web app that we just discussed, we had 93 patients say they were interested within three weeks, and within actually a week, we identified them all and then took three weeks to actually accrue them to the trial. So it really speaks to A, how MPN patients are digitally engaged and excited about these kinds of platforms. And then B, how effective it really can be to pull the groups together.

So yes, I think it’s… And that’s really how we’re gonna get progress is through these kind of interventions with a rare disease. And I hope it’s okay if we jump back to something you said, Dr. Lopez, which is, I think telemedicine is so so important to bring everyone together. And in particular, I see that on the transplant ward. And so in myelofibrosis, that’s the only curative therapy. And so many myelofibrosis patients actually go through allogeneic stem cell transplantation. And my goodness, that is a socially isolating experience. Patients are in the hospital, not uncommonly for at least 30 days and then have to be near their transplant center for three months, which often is away from home. So to pull in their support system, both through the acuity of the transplant themselves and then the couple of months after is so crucial to a successful transplantation. And I think through FaceTime and also the MPN support groups, which is very robust, the patient advocacy and the way the MPN network sticks together on a digital platform, I think is really unique and offers unique support.

Lisa Hatfield:

Thank you. And then what role does technology play in the disease symptom management, and in particular, in clinical trials too. What role does technology play with clinical trials?

Dr. Krisstina Gowin:

Well, I think it helps us through different, clinical trial accrual patterns, we can see who’s eligible where, so it helps us identify patients. It helps us to, understand the different kind of precision based medicine approaches so we can start to pool the data, say for, particular mutations… ASXL1 mutations. And so it helps us in the precision medicine aspect of clinical trials and now we’re looking at symptom management and how do we really integrate that. So large survivorship platforms like Carevive, if you’ve ever heard of Carevive, is now integrating our validated symptom assessment form into the Carevive platform. So now we can really collect that data and use that to mine it for potential kind of retrospective analysis. So it’s helpful for clinical trials as well as for our clinicians and clinics to really identify changes in symptom burden.

And just as Dr. Lopez was mentioning, that we can track these over time and it can flag and say, “Oh, your symptoms are changing, they’re increasing over time,” and maybe we need to be thinking about that. And so Carevive is really kind of a electronic medical record driven it’s really a healthcare driven platform, but now there’s patient ones too. And I just learned about this two weeks ago, I was at an MPN conference in Phoenix and learned about MPN Genie. And so MPN Genie apparently is tracking… Patients are putting their symptoms in and that’s shooting that information to the electronic medical record to their doctors. And so I think that’s fantastic, ’cause, we now get that information real time and we can change our clinical management, maybe bring that patient in sooner, maybe do a bone marrow earlier. We never would’ve identified that if it weren’t for those kind of digital engagements, so I think it’s a really exciting time. And I think we’re gonna see more and more of these new platforms and ways for different EMRs and smartphones to be communicating back and forth between patients and providers.

Lisa Hatfield:

Great. That MPN Genie is fascinating to me that we can have that real-time communication going back and forth as a patient, I would love that. So going back to clinical trials, I’m curious if you think that, technology has progressed enough, so in the past… Say I’m an MPN patient or a myeloma patient, I see a clinical trial or hear about one, I have to be onsite for that clinical trial for monitoring maybe for six months to a year. Do you think that technology has progressed enough that clinical trials might allow a patient to be at home, maybe in a more remote area and monitored remotely? Whereas in the past, that same clinical trial required them to be at the facility? Do you think that we’ve progressed to that point in some clinical trials?

Dr. Krisstina Gowin:

You bet. Yeah. I think COVID out of necessity has forced us to do that. And I have in my own clinical trials, even with pharmacologic clinical trials conducted telemedicine visits that were approved by the sponsor. So the paradigm is shifting, and particularly when it is oral therapeutics, I think that’s really accessible when they’re, IV subcutaneous, I think that has different challenges. Obviously you can’t do that as remote, but when they’re oral therapeutics are non-pharmacologic intervention, such as our integrative interventions, I think it really lands well to a more remote experience.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay. And then would that require communication between the local oncologist and maybe someone like yourself, the investigator on that clinical trial to know what is going on with that particular patient? I assume that that communication would be ongoing?

Dr. Krisstina Gowin:

Absolutely. Always.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay. Yeah. All right, great. Well, thank you for that information. So, Dr. Lopez, kind of a similar question for you. What are some examples of how technology is influencing cancer care right now?

Dr. AnaMaria Lopez:

Yeah, let me just add on the clinical trial question.

Lisa Hatfield:

Oh, Yes.

Dr. AnaMaria Lopez:

That there’s also the opportunity. Again, there were so many things that we thought, “Oh no, we just can’t be done.” But because of the necessity, necessity is the mother of invention, we do remote consent, so that was a big deal in the past. We can also do a tele visit ahead of the appointment, and screen for the cancer clinical trials, people travel large distances for studies and instead of traveling four or five hours, and then to be told, “Oh, actually you don’t meet the criteria.” To be able to do all of that at a distance, to get the records, to get the images, to review all that needs to be reviewed. And then to say yes, and not only yes, but we can also do your consent at a distance in some situations.

And then when you come, there’s actually the more substantive, perhaps even the treatment. There’s also a large, movement around hospital at home and that these patients that are eligible for that would be able… With digital support, be able to get hospital level care in some cases at home. So some of that may involve infusion, some of that… Again, but that visual connectivity and in the past you really had to kind of conceptualize it and it was kind of space aging to talk about it. But we now, we’ve all done FaceTime, so I think we all really can understand what it entails, so tremendous shifts and, we wanna try to keep that momentum going for our patients. So, I do think that, there’s so many ways that technology has impacted cancer care, even when we talk about the electronic record and patients accessing the electronic record and patients having the opportunity to go into a portal and to see their labs, to see their reports…

To be able to track their changes. All of that is really, really powerful. You know, patients with… The most common I think is patients with diabetes who track their blood sugar sometimes to the minute and they can say, “Oh, I ate that and now I see the impact.” So the opportunity for monitoring, the opportunity for also bringing in experts. So let’s say there’s a patient with a rare disease and the expert is elsewhere, there might be the opportunity to bring people together. We do tumor boards. That’s just part of what we do in cancer care. And also as many… There are health systems now so that it’s not one hospital, it’s multiple hospitals together where we can bring all of those folks together, bring in local expertise, regional expertise, national expertise, all for the patient’s benefit.

So there are so many ways that technology even something as simple as the note. Now this is something we experimented with and it’s still in experimentation phase, but there were these Google classes where you could interact with the patient and as I’m talking, the Google glass would record kind of the conversation and would come up with some sort of a structure for the note. So for what that encounter had been like. So there are lots of ways of how do you capture natural language in real time to really help the workflow, the documentation process. So I think there’s aspects to help the patient, to help the families, to help the clinical teams and to help everybody work together.

Lisa Hatfield:

Great. Thank you. And you talked about the patient portal and I’m one of those patients at fault of seeing a lab result before my doctor saw it and calling him or sending a message via MyChart saying, “Hey, this is going up. What’s wrong with this?” So I’m sure you don’t have to mention any names. I’m sure you’ve seen the challenges of, digital health too, are having that patient portable or portal accessible to patients. So anyway, just wanted to throw that out there that I’m sure that brings challenges to you. Also few little challenges here and there.

Dr. AnaMaria Lopez:

But at the same time, that’s so good, right? It’s so good that patients are engaged. It’s so good that you’re engaged. And I think as long as, we’re communicating that yes, you may see this before me, so you may have questions and then, we just get together and answer the questions.

Lisa Hatfield:

And thank you for saying that Dr. Lopez, because a lot of us patients who do that occasionally feel a little bit guilty for sending a note right away to our doctors. “We know you’re busy. We know you’ve already, you’ll look at those labs. If you’re concerned, you’ll call us or let us know”. And sometimes we jump the gun a little bit. So thank you for reassuring us that that’s okay, that that’s okay to do that. So we appreciate that. So Dr. Gowin, do you have anything to add on, how MPN care or just cancer care in general could change with different technologies? We didn’t touch a lot on things like artificial intelligence and that type of thing, and we can speak to that or, any other type of technology that you’re familiar with.

Dr. Krisstina Gowin:

Well, I think the artificial intelligence aspect is really going to change the paradigm again on how we’re designing, studies. And I think one of the biggest challenges that we have in myeloma and as well as myeloproliferative neoplasms, is to think about how do we optimally sequence our therapies to achieve best survival, right? And I think this is a wonderful problem to have. We have now not only one JAK inhibitor on the market, but several and more in the pipeline and several other therapeutic targets. And so now the question is which therapy and when do we employ it? So things like artificial intelligence will help us to answer that question with machine learning decision tree analysis, all of that is going to be answered through those kind of platforms. And so I think that is going to be a shift we will see in the next five years is many different machine-based learning algorithms to better understand those problems we cannot have tackled traditionally otherwise.

Sensors though is another one, right? And so a big thing in MPNs is not only addressing the blood counts and reducing risk of thrombosis, and to address symptom burden, but it’s really addressing lifestyle because it’s things like cardiovascular disease, stroke that really we’re worried about as some of the sequelae of having the disease and what we’re trying to prevent with therapeutics. And so even going back to this NCCN guidelines, it’s addressing cardiovascular risk factors as part of our core treatment goals. And so how do we really do that? And it’s really through lifestyle medicine and that’s where the sensors come in. And so now we have, these Fitbits and smartphones that connect to our Apple watches and we have Garmins and all these wonderful devices that are prompting us to move more, prompting us to be cognizant of our heart rate and stress response prompting us to meditate. And so I can envision those evolving over time and connecting to the EMR and being very seamlessly interwoven into our clinical trials. And we’re already doing that. In fact, we’re talking about doing one very soon in MPN patients. And so I think the sensors are gonna be another big way that we’re going to be integrating, into our clinical trials and symptom management tools.

Lisa Hatfield:

That’s fascinating. Thank you for that. And Dr. Lopez, do you have anything to add about other technologies and how they may affect cancer care in the future?

Dr. AnaMaria Lopez:

Sure. When Dr. Gowin mentioned the sensors, it just reminded me, we’re building this new building, patient care building and oncology will be there. And I did a tour recently, and we’re used to going to the doctor, you stop in, they get your blood pressure, they get your weight, et cetera. Here, you’ll walk in directly to your exam room and you check in at a kiosk, so you just kinda check in [chuckle] with a little robot kiosk, and then it’ll tell you where you’re going. You’ll go to Room 3, let’s say, and Room 3 will say, “Welcome, Lisa.” [chuckle] And so you know that you’re in the right place. And you’ll walk in, there’s your gown, you’ll sit in the exam chair, and the exam chair automatically is gonna take your vital signs. So it just seems, really these built-in aspects to the technology. And one of the things, again, what I just love about this work is that it’s a very interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary. And one of the projects that we were working on, which it ties into this, when I was in Arizona with the telemedicine program is we worked with the College of Architecture and with this concept of smart buildings.

So it’s kinda like that. Why should you do these different sensors that detect, but that it could also detect. You might walk into the room and you might be really nervous as you might be really cold, and it would detect that and it would warm the room for you. Or you might be coming in and be having hot flashes and it would just cool the room for you. So the technology has so much potential to really improve the patient experience.

Lisa Hatfield:

And that’s amazing to me. I think that would be incredible to walk into a building to have that experience, as long as it doesn’t take away the compassion and care I get from my providers. I am so fortunate to have extraordinary providers, so I don’t think it will ever take over that aspect of it, I think that is a fear people have, especially with artificial intelligence and that type of thing, I think it can only go so far. Can’t provide the humanness that’s required for patient care, so yeah.

Dr. AnaMaria Lopez:

Yeah. These are tools.

Lisa Hatfield:

Yes, that it. Great, well, thank you very much. Dr. Gowin, can you provide or share some examples of how telemedicine is influencing personalized medicine and MPN care, and how can MPN patients best advocate for themselves to get the latest in MPN care?

Dr. Krisstina Gowin:

Well, I think it’s going back to some of the conversations we’ve already had, is that now with telemedicine, you can really access academic centers no matter where you are. And so rural areas now can go to academic centers, very accessible without travel, and so what that lends to is more access to precision-based clinical trials, and very often now we’re doing next generation sequencing panels for patients with MPN. We’re looking at what are the genetic features of the disease and we may be accruing trials based on those genetic features. And so that kind of conversation really only happens at academic centers, and so I think it’s really allowing those that live far away, a few hours away, to really have those personalized and precision-based conversations. And then tying in again the aspect of integrative medicine. And then what is integrative medicine all about is personalizing your treatment plan, asking what are your goals, what is your lifestyle, what is your culture, and how do we really get you on a plan that makes sense for you, that is local for you and sustainable for you to really achieve your optimum wellness?

And so if I were counseling patients listening to this, I would say, start with the in-state academic centers and say, “What are the telemedicine services there? Is there an integrative medicine department there”? And then get a quarterback within that department and say, “Okay, this is the plan”, and then that quarterback can say, “Well, now let’s look local. What do you have? What are your resources there? Let me do some homework with you and hook you up with really evidence-based high quality providers to achieve your personalized needs in your local community”. And I think that’s how we’re really going to get all of our patients in a precision and personalized approach no matter where they live, and that’s again, the beauty of telemedicine and digital health.

Lisa Hatfield:

Great, thank you, Dr. Gowin. And I know we’ve spoken, both you and Dr. Lopez have spoken to all of the rewards of telehealth. Are there any risks or drawbacks that you see to telehealth or telemedicine for digital health?

Dr. AnaMaria Lopez:

The most important thing is to remember that the technology is a tool, and if the person feels that there’s a limitation, so for example, if the patient is seen and they say their heart is racing or skipping beats or something, now, there are ways, there are electronic stethoscope, so you can really do a full exam except for palpation through telemedicine. But not everybody has that even in a clinic, but certainly in our own home, we don’t have that technology. So if a patient is expressing a concern for which the clinician really feels that needs a closer evaluation, then that’s the right next step, so we’re not… The technology is a tool to help us care for people, and if it’s not all available right there, then we need to see the patient in person. So I think that’s the risk is just sometimes people may feel limited like, “Oh, well, I’m not really sure.” It’s okay, I’m not really sure I need to see you, or you need to go here or go there for the care.

And the other, which is a really big threat, is that part of the reason we did 70 years work in a couple months is because it was reimbursed and we’re reaching the end of the pandemic, the federal… And with that, the payers may go backwards. We all know that if that happens, we will go backwards in telemedicine. [chuckle] There will just be decreased, decrease use. And it may lead to people then going back to traveling four hours, waiting, only to be told, “Oh, you know what? There’s not this. This clinical trial doesn’t work for you.” So we don’t want to lose ground. And part of not losing ground is that we really need to continue to have advocacy around reimbursement.

Lisa Hatfield:

Thank you, Dr. Lopez. And I feel compelled, just to follow up with one more question regarding that, because I’m very passionate about this. With some of these rules and guidelines coming to an end, I know in my particular state that I will no longer be able to access my specialist. I see a myeloma specialist. We do not have any here locally. I can access a specialist via telemedicine. I will not have that opportunity. So as all of us know, there are disparities and there are financial disparities in cancer patients. There are racial disparities in cancer patients, there are socioeconomic disparities. Telemedicine has been a tremendous… Has had a tremendous impact on the care and the outcomes and the quality of life of so many patients. So as a patient and as an advocate, do you have any recommendations? Do I go to my doctor and say, “Okay, how can I move forward and still talk to my specialist, who’s out of state? Do I go to my state legislature? Do I talk to my insurance company? How can we get this to continue?” Because this has had such a significant impact on the quality of life and on the outcomes for patients, who otherwise, would not have been able to access that care.

Dr. AnaMaria Lopez:

Yeah, I mean, I think all of the above. Partnering with other advocates, the American Telemedicine Association has a map that kind of says where are all the shifting sands regarding the different rules and legislative changes. But I think it’s led us to a place, where we are all advocates and where physicians, nurses, patients, pharmacists, everybody in the same way that we do team-based care, that we do team-based advocacy and it’s all for our patients.

Lisa Hatfield:

Great. Thank you for that. Dr. Gowin, any last words that you may have about accessing specialists or telemedicine options?

Dr. Krisstina Gowin:

Well, I think we covered the basics, but I just wanna end with just how empowering the access to digital health interventions really is. And so I don’t think there is a one size fits all approach to every patient. So what I would encourage patients to do is just to really think, “How do I compliment my care? What am I missing? How do I achieve my best wellness? And how do I get those resources in my home to make them more convenient for me?” And to start doing some research and self-advocacy to really get those resources ’cause they are out there and in almost… In every domain, there is now a digital version that is accessible to you now.

Lisa Hatfield:

Thank you for that. So it is time to wrap up our program. I could ask you many more questions. From a patient perspective, it has been so refreshing to take a minute to understand how far we’ve come and to have a look at the exciting innovations ahead. As always, we appreciate all the new tools being added to the toolbox, and I am eternally grateful for Dr. Gowin and Dr. Lopez and all providers who are willing to come on these webinars and answer questions from patients. It is so empowering to us, and we’re so appreciative of your time and your energy and your expertise. So thank you so much for being here today. And just a reminder to all patients, to always consult with your medical team about what is right for you. Thank you again so much to Dr. Lopez and Dr. Gowin for joining us for this Patient Empowerment Network program. I’m Lisa Hatfield. Thank you.

How Can MPN Providers and Patients Guard Against Disease Progression?

How Can MPN Providers and Patients Guard Against Disease Progression? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How exactly can myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) providers and patients guard against disease progression? Expert Natasha Johnson explains the likelihood of disease progression and the importance of monitoring blood cell counts and symptoms for optimal care.


“…monitor your blood cell counts, be your own advocate. Think about if they’re changing, could it be medication, or is it disease progression? Monitor your symptoms. Look at the total symptoms score or write down your symptoms and try to record where you’re at in intervals. Are things getting worse? If they are, don’t wait three months for your next appointment. Contact your healthcare provider and ask to be seen. Ask about getting a repeat bone marrow biopsy to establish where the current disease status is because that can open up doors possibly to more treatments.”

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Related Resources:

How Can MPN Experts Help Inform Patients About Clinical Trials

How Can MPN Experts Help Inform Patients About Clinical Trials?

Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Financial and Care Resources

Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Financial and Care Resources

How Can Underrepresented MPN Communities Access Support

How Can Underrepresented MPN Communities Access Support


Natasha Johnson:

There is a risk for progression for patients with MPN. When we look at this, we know that myeloproliferative neoplasms is really an umbrella term for three different diseases that run along a continuum. And they all are unique in that they have an overactive JAK-STAT pathway. And in that, they have very similar disease characteristics and driver mutations. So with that, progression is possible. It doesn’t mean that it’ll happen. It doesn’t matter what the percentage is. We don’t know that, we can’t say it definitely happens, but it’s something that we watch for. We educate you on those signs and symptoms of progression. So this could be caught early and be activated on early. So what are signs of progression? Progression can be thought as if you start to see changes in blood cell counts.

So this could mean a decrease in hemoglobin or platelets, or a rise or decrease in white blood cell counts. Now it’s very important to remember that sometimes changes in blood cell counts is really a side effect to medication, and that needs to be thought of before you think about disease progression. But it’s changes in these counts that don’t improve despite modifying the dose of medication. Another sign of disease progression is an increase or worsening in symptoms.

And here is where it’s important to know what the symptoms are and try to think about or keep a record in where you were and then where you are at today. When we think progression may be happening, it is important that your provider order a bone marrow biopsy, because that helps to reestablish current disease status, and it helps to guide treatment. Maybe it opens doors for more treatments.

My activation tip here would be, number one, monitor your blood cell counts, be your own advocate. Think about if they’re changing, could it be medication, or is it disease progression? Monitor your symptoms. Look at the total symptoms score or write down your symptoms and try to record where you’re at in intervals. Are things getting worse? If they are, don’t wait three months for your next appointment. Contact your healthcare provider and ask to be seen. Ask about getting a repeat bone marrow biopsy to establish where the current disease status is because that can open up doors possibly to more treatments. 

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Are MPN Risks and Outcomes Impacted by Race or Ethnicity?

Are MPN Risks and Outcomes Impacted by Race or Ethnicity? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Are myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) risks and outcomes impacted by patient race or ethnicity? Expert Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam from City of Hope explains common MPN symptoms, potential risks and outcomes, and patient advice for optimal care.


“…if you have stroke, heart attack, blood clots, abnormal counts, please follow up with your doctor and ensure that you get referred to the appropriate specialist to help assist in managing your complications.”

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Related Resources:

Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Basics for Newly Diagnosed Patients

Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Basics for Newly Diagnosed Patients

What Does the Future of Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care Look Like?

What Does the Future of Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care Look Like?

MPN-Related Complications | Are BIPOC Patients at Higher Risk

MPN-Related Complications | Are BIPOC Patients at Higher Risk?


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Amanam, how does race impact clinical MPN outcomes or complications? And are certain populations more susceptible to getting MPNs?

Dr. Indoroenyi Amanam:

Yeah, it’s a great question. I think, because of the fact that symptoms are not as clearly related to MPNs as opposed to some other diseases. So the major presenting symptoms for MPNs are related to high blood pressure or some other vascular abnormality, including strokes or blood clots. It takes a little work to diagnose MPN patients, and half of them are asymptomatic. And if you actually look at diagnosis rates, they’re one to three cases per 100,000 per year. And so this is very rare, and I think that we don’t have enough data to really understand if some groups are at higher risk to develop MPNs than others.

We have looked at incidences of thrombotic events in patients who have MPNs, and we tried to see if there was a difference between racial groups, and we didn’t. We did see that if you’re younger, you do have a higher risk of thrombosis over time, but there was no difference for if you were white, Hispanic, or African American.

What we did find though, in a small single center study is that if you are non-white, there’s a higher risk of death over time. And I think we still need a lot of work to get a better understanding as why that’s the case. So far we don’t have a clear signal for that, but I do think, in the same…the story that we understand for healthcare in general, there are some differences in terms of access to care, the quality of care that’s delivered in, you can guess that possibly that’s one of the reasons why that that affects African Americans and Hispanics disproportionately in this setting as well.

So my activation tip for this question would be if you have stroke, heart attack, blood clots, abnormal counts, please follow up with your doctor and ensure that you get referred to the appropriate specialist to help assist in managing your complications. 

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What MPN Patient Type Is a Good Candidate for Telemedicine Visits?

What MPN Patient Type Is a Good Candidate for Telemedicine Visits? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patient type makes a good candidate for telemedicine visits? MPN expert Dr. Jamile Shammo shares her perspective of patient situations that work well for telemedicine and those who can benefit from in-person visits as part of ongoing care.

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See More from MPN TelemEDucation

Related Resources:

Using Telemedicine to Help MPN Clinical Trial Enrollment After COVID-19

Using Telemedicine to Help MPN Clinical Trial Enrollment After COVID-19

How MPN Providers Want You to Prepare for Telemedicine Visits


Lisa Hatfield:

As more institutions start to have in-person visits instead of only telemedicine visits, you might be wondering if you should keep doing telemedicine visits or move back to seeing your physician in-person. Some people might want to continue doing telemedicine for a number of reasons, including convenience/no travel involved and  limiting your exposure to colds/infection from other patients. There are certain MPN patients that could be seen with telemedicine visits or fewer in-person visits. Listen as Dr. Jamile Shammo explains.

Dr. Jamile Shammo:

So, when I think of the patient that might benefit most from seeing the physician via televisit, for example, it would be someone who perhaps has a stable disease, someone who I may want to monitor perhaps every three to six months, someone who may have stable counts, and we’re just talking to about their symptoms and monitoring those types of things every so often. And perhaps I look at the labs, and you can discuss their symptoms and whether or not they have splenomegaly and issues like that. 

Lisa Hatfield:

As Dr. Shammo notes, if your MPN is considered stable and you typically only see your doctor every three to six months, it might be worth continuing telemedicine visits instead of going back to in-person visits. 

Dr. Jamile Shammo:

Someone who may already be on a stable dose of medication and we don’t have to do any dose adjustments and even if we have to do those adjustments, perhaps we could do labs a little more frequently, so that would be all right too.

Lisa Hatfield:

If you are on a stable dose of your medication and don’t need any modifications or just have minor adjustments, you could consider staying with telemedicine visits. 

But what patients should consider doing more in-person visits, now that COVID-19 precautions are lighter? Dr. Shammo goes on to explain THAT patient could be…

Dr. Jamile Shammo:

Someone in whom I would like to initiate in treatment, someone in whom the disease may be progressing a little too quickly, someone who I may want to do an exam and assess their spleen, I suppose you could send them to an ultrasound facility and obtain an MRI or a CT, or an ultrasound of the imaging study that is. But there’s nothing like an actual exam of the patient. You are thinking about the disease progression, so those sorts of patients in which the disease is actually changing its pace, you may want to take a look at it, the full smear look and examine the skin for certain TKI and signs and symptoms of low platelets and that sort of thing. Look in the mouth for ulcers and things of that nature. 

Lisa Hatfield:

As always, please discuss with your health care team before deciding to switch to only telemedicine visits or going back to in-person visits. They know your history and can help decide what is best for you and your care at this particular time. 

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Understanding and Managing Common MPN Symptoms and Side Effects

Understanding and Managing Common MPN Symptoms and Side Effects from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How can MPN symptoms and side effects be managed? Dr. Raajit Rampal discusses strategies for managing PV-related itching, fatigue, and other common issues MPN patients face. 

Dr. Raajit Rampal is a hematologist-oncologist specializing in the treatment of myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) and leukemia at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. Learn more about Dr. Rampal.

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Are There Predictors That an MPN May Be Progressing?

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Katherine Banwell:

Let’s talk about MPN symptoms and treatment side effects. Here’s a question we received from a viewer before the program. How common is peripheral neuropathy in primary myelofibrosis? 

And what is the best treatment for it? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

Well, by itself, it’s not a very common symptom of MF by itself. Can it be a symptom? Sure. But there are also a number of things that can cause peripheral neuropathy. So, I’m not sure there’s a best treatment.  

But what needs to be done is a thorough investigation. There can be a number of causes. It could be nerve injury. It could be a deficiency in vitamins like B12. There are a lot of things that could cause it. So, that type of a symptom needs to be thought of in a broad way in terms of diagnosis.  

Katherine Banwell:

Jeff sent in this question, :How could I manage the itching? Are there new treatments or strategies to live with itching?”  

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

Very common thing. And it’s an interesting thing explaining to when we teach our trainees about this symptom, we have to impress on them the fact that itching is not the itching that everybody else experiences. 

This is a very profoundly different symptom. It’s debilitating for so many people. I have patients who go to the Emergency Room for that. That’s how terrible it could be. There are a lot of things that could be tried. JAK inhibitors, in my experience, work very well for itching but not in everybody. We use sometimes antihistamines that can work well. Sometimes, antidepressants can work well, not because they’re treating depression but because of other properties that they have. And sometimes, UV light therapy can be useful tool here, too. A lot of patients swear by it. 

Katherine Banwell:

Another common side effect is fatigue. Do you have any advice for managing this symptom? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

Fatigue is the most common symptom across MPNs. And it is also one of the most difficult things to treat. Part of the issue is trying to figure out what does fatigue mean to the patient.  

When someone says they’re tired, does that mean they’re sleeping all of the time? Does that mean they don’t have get up and go? The first step is always understanding what does fatigue mean to the patient? And then, the second is trying to dissect that. In some cases, it’s related to anemia, in some cases, it’s not related to anemia and it’s just the disease itself.  

And in some cases, you have to think outside of the box about general medical issues like thyroid dysfunction that could be at play here. So, there isn’t one best fit. 

But the first test is always to dig deep. When someone says they have fatigue to dig deeper and try to figure out what is that really. 

Katherine Banwell:

What other common symptoms do you hear about from patients? And what can be done about those? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

There are a lot of different things. It’s a spectrum. So, I think that itching and fatigue are very common. Feeling full early is, that’s a big thing, particularly in myelofibrosis patients.  

Bone pain, that’s another big one, particularly in myelofibrosis. There is not one therapy that is best for all. I think the JAK inhibitors, certainly, benefit many of these symptoms. But they don’t benefit everybody and not to the extent that makes it tolerable for everybody. So, often times, we struggle with this and try a lot of different things. But, again, I think one of the things to always remember is we don’t always want to say that this must be because of the MPN. Sometimes, symptom is arising because of another medical condition that’s going on concurrently. 

What Role Does Technology Play in MPN Symptom Management?

What Role Does Technology Play in MPN Symptom Management? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo

How can MPN symptom management be aided by technology? Watch as expert Dr. Jeanne Palmer shares how technology helps in gathering and monitoring  of MPN patient symptoms and in the clinical trials process.

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How Can MPN Patients Access Telemedicine

How Can MPN Patients Access Telemedicine?

What Are Risks and Rewards of Telemedicine in MPN Care

How Is Personalized Medicine in MPN Care Influenced by Telemedicine?


Lisa Hatfield:

So another question for Dr. Palmer, Is technology playing a role in accelerating progress in MPN care, not just the technology of telemedicine, but other technologies? And what role does technology play in symptom management and in clinical trials? You mentioned that you can maybe do telemedicine every other month, but what other roles does technology play?

Dr. Palmer:

So that’s a great question. I actually have been fortunate enough to work with an informaticist who will be joining our faculty this summer, and what we are trying to do is be able to utilize our electronic medical record and some of the forms and texts that you can use within it to be able to capture data and be able to understand it. From the standpoint of even my day-to-day practice, one of the things that’s very important in myeloproliferative diseases is capturing the symptoms score. And this is a way of measuring some of the symptoms that can be very bothersome and troublesome to patients with myeloproliferative diseases and has been validated and utilized throughout multiple studies and multiple settings. So I’m actually in the process of getting that built into our EMR here, so that before patients even come and see me, they can fill out that form of questions. And I think that the sky is the limit. There’s so many patient-reported outcomes and so many things that are going to be important to capture as we move forward. And a lot of times you can ask somebody, how do you feel? And they say, “Oh, I feel great.”

Because what else are they supposed to say? Social norm is to say everything’s fine, and then you start to ask them specific things like, “Are you having itching? Are you having fatigue?” And all of a sudden it comes out that they’re really not feeling that well. So this will be really important, and if you can have people do that beforehand, and I think that we can gain a lot of information that can really help utilize the small amount of time we have to focus it on the areas that need to be focused upon.

Lisa Hatfield:

That’s great to hear. Yeah.

Dr. Palmer:

Yeah, the other thing that I didn’t mention is that I think being able to do research, it will be very helpful if we can capture all the data about patients in a way that can be outsourced to a database and then analyzed versus having to hire people to extract information directly from the chart, which is a very laborious process and often not very accurate. So that’s one of the things that we’re working on here is to say, “How do I not only create this template for capturing information from the patient, but how do I make my clinical notes into something that can be harnessed for a database that can then be queried for different questions to try to understand the disease better?”

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What Are Common MPN Symptoms?

What Are Common MPN Symptoms? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Dr. Jeanne Palmer, an MPN specialist, reviews the most common symptoms associated with essential thrombocythemia (ET), polycythemia vera (PV), and myelofibrosis (MF).

Dr. Jeanne Palmer is a hematologist specializing in myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) and bone marrow transplant at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona. Dr. Palmer also serves as Director of the Blood and Marrow Transplant Program and is Vice Chair and Section Chief for Hematology. Learn more about Dr. Palmer, here.


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Katherine Banwell:

Would you walk us through the common symptoms of each of the MPNs? Let’s start with essential thrombocythemia. 

Dr. Jeanne Palmer:

Right. So, there are a number of shared symptoms throughout all the diseases and when we start to figure out how to categorize them, they call into several different categories. The first one is inflammation-related symptoms. We know that the inherent pathway that’s dysregulated or that causes these diseases to happen can also result in significant inflammation in a person, that can result in things like fevers, night sweats, weight loss, and overall feeling really fatigued and poorly, which is something that it seems to be much more prevalent in patients with MPNs, all sorts of them, actually. 

The next set of symptoms is related to microvasculature, so all the little blood vessels. And sometimes we think, oh, maybe that’s because there’s too many red blood cells or platelets and the blood become viscous. It’s probably more related to the actual dysregulation of that JAK2 pathway, which is inherent to all the myeloproliferative diseases and as a result, the little blood vessels can clamp down and that can give people headaches, visual changes, numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, and even can cause sort of a painful rash called erythromelalgia in the body. 

So, these are things that can happen that are probably less appreciated side effects of the disease. And finally, there’s spleen-related symptoms. The spleen is in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen and it’s an organ that generally is about 12 centimeters in length, 10 to 12, but in patients with myeloproliferative diseases it can be enlarged. And as a result of an enlarged spleen people can have feeling like they get fuller early. So, if you’re eating a meal, all of the sudden you can only eat half of that meal versus the whole meal. 

Discomfort or pain in the left upper quadrant. Sometimes it’s much more noticeable when you like bend over to tie your shoes. And then sometimes people can actually, when the spleen gets really big, the blood flow can be impaired towards the end of it which can cause some of the spleen tissue to die, and that can be painful. So, these are things that if somebody does start to notice that they’re having fullness in the left upper quadrant, pain, stuff like that, that that may be related to spleen symptoms.  

Katherine Banwell:

What about PV or polycythemia vera, what are the symptoms? 

Dr. Jeanne Palmer:

So, all of these sorts of relate to all of the myeloproliferative diseases. So, one other one that I didn’t mention, and this is actually more in PV than others, is itching. Itching can be absolutely unbearable when somebody has PV. It’s particularly noticeable after taking a shower. So, a lot of times I’ve met patients who are like I haven’t been able to take a shower in years, because it causes such a high degree of itching. 

Katherine Banwell:

Why a shower? Is it different from having a bath?  

Dr. Jeanne Palmer:

Water on the body that can cause the problem. So, if people take hot showers, it’s even worse. Although I think that people sort of react to it differently. Usually what patients end up doing is more like sponge bath type of things, rather than actually being exposed to the water. 

 Taking colder showers or cooler showers can sometimes help mitigate that. But the itching, and even in the absence of a shower, people can have pretty severe itching, and that can also be one of the major side effects. 

Living With an MPN and Being Your Own Best Advocate

Living With an MPN and Being Your Own Best Advocate from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

 MPN patient Rita experienced an extended path to her diagnosis. Watch as she shares her patient journey of varied symptoms, how self-advocacy and self-education assisted in her care, and her tips on how to empower yourself as a patient. In Rita’s words, “Don’t feel bad about advocating for yourself. Your doctor has many patients, but you have only one you.”

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My Polycythemia Vera Journey to Empowerment

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My name is Rita, and I was diagnosed with polycythemia vera in March 2019 after nearly three years of wide-ranging symptoms. Like many patients, my path to diagnosis was long and required me to self-advocate.

I was generally healthy until my symptoms of polycythemia vera began. I first experienced one episode of neck, jaw and chest discomfort, and the hospital blood test showed somewhat elevated platelets, and elevated red cell distribution width (RDW); but the doctors weren’t concerned. Next, I started getting optical migraines that were also dismissed. These were followed by incidents of feeling weak and sweaty; some days with headaches, dizziness, and fatigue; and also looking like I had a sunburn on my face with bloodshot eyes. I dismissed these symptoms. Then I started feeling short of breath at times, especially lying down, and experienced intermittent stabbing underneath my left lower chest area.

After having blood tests done, I had to call to find out my results that showed high hemoglobin, high red blood cells, and high hematocrit levels. After I Googled my test results, the first thing that came up was polycythemia vera. Experiencing additional vision issues, abnormal blood test results, chest pressure, and “foggy headedness” that frightened me, my doctor finally referred me to a hematologist who confirmed my suspicions with a PV diagnosis.

Some things I have learned during my MPN journey include:

  • We need to feel comfortable advocating for ourselves, and we need to make sure our doctors are open to being our partner in healthcare rather than our ‘boss’ in health care.
  • We also need to educate doctors that what looks like “dehydration” on a CBC could actually be a rare blood cancer. 
  • Get copies of your own blood test results, X-rays, other medical reports, etc., and, within reason, try to learn what they mean.
  • Diagnosed patients should be allowed to self-refer to an MPN specialist rather than be dependent on their physicians to do it. 
  • We need to self-advocate as “women of a certain age” to make sure we’re not medically or symptomatically reduced to “it’s menopause.”
  • Be careful how you express yourself to your doctor, because a careless comment may throw off your path to a correct diagnosis.
  • Don’t feel bad about advocating for yourself. Your doctor has many patients, but you have only one you. 

These actions are key to staying on your path to empowerment.

What Is the Role of AI in Telemedicine for MPNs?

What Is the Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Telemedicine for MPNs? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How does artificial intelligence (AI) fit into the myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) care toolbox? Dr. Kristen Pettit from Rogel Cancer Center explains the current role of AI, her hopes for the future of MPN care, and what she considers the ideal model for MPN care.

See More From the MPN TelemEDucation Resource Center

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Dr. Kristen Pettit:

I think the role of artificial intelligence and telemedicine in MPN fields is going to be evolving over the next few years. I think one thing that will be very interesting that I’m very interested in seeing is whether we’re able to incorporate things like data from wearable devices, for example, like your Apple Watch or those sorts of devices directly into your healthcare to be able to monitor you on a more continuous basis and virtually, I think more things of that nature will be coming over the next couple of years.

I think that incorporating telemedicine into MPN monitoring is a relatively safe thing to do for most patients, very rarely things will come up in an in-person visit that might not have been reported or caught on a telemedicine visit, for example, slight changes in spleen size that we may be able to feel in the office that might not be symptomatic to the patient at home or might not be noticed at home could happen. Other things like weight loss that a person might not necessarily have noticed at home, but that we would hopefully pick up on it.

An office visit might be another thing to think about, but both of these situations, I think are relatively uncommon, I think the most important thing is for a patient and their family members to know their body, know their symptoms, keep an eye out for any changes, while they’re at home, and as long as that’s being done, really, I think telemedicine is relatively safe to incorporate in MPN care. Ideally, I think that would be done sort of intermittently or alternating between virtual visits and in-person visits with an individual patient.

Should MPN Patients and Their Families Continue Telemedicine?

Should MPN Patients and Their Families Continue Telemedicine? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Can myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients still get value from telemedicine? Dr. Kristen Pettit from Rogel Cancer Center explains some of the pros and cons of telemedicine visits and ways to optimize MPN patient care.

See More From the MPN TelemEDucation Resource Center

Related Resources:

What Is the Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Telemedicine for MPN

How Does Artificial Intelligence (AI) Improve MPN Patient Care?

New Developments in MPN Care


Dr. Kristen Pettit:

I think telemedicine has been one of the few good things to come out of the COVID era. There are pros and cons, certainly, some pros are that patients can have increased access to their physicians and their medical teams, particularly the MPN specialty centers that might not be right in their backyard. It’s great, it’s a great way to be able to stay in touch with an MPN specialist.

The less travel, less waiting in a waiting room. Those are all great things, the cons, the downsides to keep in mind are that virtually we can’t feel for spleens, so it’s difficult to tell if the spleen is starting to get enlarged. There can also be some logistical challenges getting blood counts drawn and interpreted before a telehealth visit. But with those minor challenges, I think telemedicine is here to stay, and I think it’s an important part of the care for patients with MPNs. 

Remote monitoring is very important for patients with MPNs, really the most important thing, in my opinion, for patients with MPNs being monitored over time is for them to keep an eye on their symptoms over time, watching for any changes in their bodies that they may feel as far as their spleens feeling more enlarged or feeling more full, or losing weight unexpectedly, feeling more fatigued, any of their MPN symptoms getting worse. All of those are easy to monitor at home, virtually, and to report back to your physician over telehealth or at routine visits.