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Advice for Being Prepared As a Bispecific Antibody Therapy Care Partner

 When a loved one is undergoing bispecific antibody therapy, how can a care partner prepare? Tiffany Richards, a myeloma nurse practitioner, provides key advice for care partners, including important questions that they should ask the healthcare team.

Tiffany Richards, PhD, APRN-BC, AOCNP is a Nurse Practitioner in the department of Lymphoma/Myeloma at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

See More from The Care Partner Toolkit: Bispecific Antibodies

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Proactive Steps for Supporting Your Loved One Through Bispecific Antibody Therapy

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What Myeloma Care Partners Should Know About Bispecific Antibody Side Effects

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Katherine Banwell:

When meeting with a patient and their care partner for the first time, what three key pieces of advice would you share with them? 

Tiffany Richards:

So, one is I would make sure that you understand the regimen; so, what days you’re going to be dosed, what day you’re going to go in the hospital, approximately what day you might be discharged, knowing that that discharge date can vary depending on how you’re doing with tolerating the therapy. I would also make sure that you understand what prophylactic medications you need to be on.  

So, oftentimes we’re putting you on an antiviral. We’re putting you on something to prevent a certain kind of pneumonia called PJP. And then, we also may put you on something to help you boost up your antibodies. So, oftentimes patients with myeloma, they’re low on their normal IgG antibodies just because we’re depleting all of these plasma cells in the bone marrow and so you’re not producing enough of these other antibodies. And so, we may have to put you on IVIG once a month.  

And so, making sure that you understand what it is that you all need to be taking, and then also making sure that you’re asking the questions as far as “How often do I have to come back?” 

“Do I have to get it all at an academic center or is it the opportunity to get it done locally?” I think that’s really important question because some local community providers, they’re willing to do the subsequent cycles of the bispecific. They may just not want to do that first cycle. And so, asking the question, “Can I get my subsequent cycles locally?” because to travel long distances, particularly depending on where you live geographically, it may be difficult to go back and forth to an academic center. 

Katherine Banwell:

Is there anything you’d like to add about caring for someone who is being treated with bispecific antibody therapy? 

Tiffany Richards:

Yeah. I think knowing as much as you can about how the drugs work is really important, and then also what you can do to help manage and mitigate some of the side effects is important. And then, making sure that you understand the schedule, and as well as the schedule for the supportive medications is also really important. When we transition patients from an academic center to community, we usually have a touchpoint with that community provider. We provide instructions.  

So, I think it would good to ask the academic center for a copy of the letter for the communication that’s being given, so that everybody is on that same page, can be really, really helpful. 

Follicular Lymphoma Care: Bispecific Antibody Side Effects and Precautions

What bispecific antibody side effects and precautions should follicular lymphoma patients know about? Expert Dr. Kami Maddocks from The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center discusses common bispecific antibody side effects and how patients can help safeguard themselves against potential infections.  

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See More from START HERE Follicular Lymphoma

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Lisa Hatfield:

I’m not sure if its Jefren of Jeffrey, is asking about the most common side effects that are associated with bispecific antibodies, and what precautions can be taken to reduce the risk of infection.

Dr. Kami Maddocks:

Yeah, another great question. There are two different bispecific antibodies that are now approved for relapsed/refractory follicular lymphoma. And I will take this time to also say that some of the exciting ongoing work is looking at those agents in clinical trials, in the frontline setting, in combination with other therapies particularly non-chemotherapies. In general, I would say similar side effect profile. The most common side effect between them is the cytokine release or the CRS. So that is the most common side effect. Again, this can be defined in different ways. The most common side effects that you see from that define CRS are fever, hypotension or low blood pressure, hypoxia or low oxygen, shortness of breath, chills, tachycardia or higher heart rate. 

We have talked a lot about CRS and what it entails and how it is defined and presents. But management, it depends on what we call grading. So for patients who just, who have a fever, oftentimes, number one, you want to make sure that it is CRS and that there’s not an underlying cause. So ruling out infection or coexisting infection, if a patient is neutropenic or has a low neutrophil count and is at higher risk for infection, you may treat them with antibiotics with a fever while you rule out infection.

But oftentimes, if they have a fever, you can manage symptomatically anti-fever medications like acetaminophen (Tylenol). If a patient has worsening CRS and has other symptoms associated with it, such as the hypoxia, low oxygen, or hypotension, low blood pressure, then that’s when we escalate therapy. So one you direct treatment towards that. So if they need fluid, if they need oxygen, but then that’s when you’re thinking about starting medications such as the steroid medication. So we give intravenous dexamethasone (Decadron), or there are certain cytokine blockers such as tocilizumab (Actemra) that can be given to help treat the side effects of the cytokine release.

Other common side effects or that we’re seeing in more patients in the clinical trials, fatigue, rash, and then infections including upper respiratory infections, and then COVID-19 infection as well. So part of treatment of these side effects is early recognition of the side effects. So patients are monitored closely and that you’re dealing with the side effects to help them from worsening. I think infection prevention is very important with these.

So it’s recommended to consider prophylaxis for certain infections. So antiviral medication to prevent viral, such as shingles reactivation, medication to prevent a specific type of pneumonia, PJP pneumonia, and then consideration I think of just making sure that patients are up to date on vaccination. And if patients do have infection while they’re getting treated, potentially delaying treatment or taking a break in order for them to recover from treatment.

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What Is the Role of Bispecific Antibody Therapies in Future Myeloma Care?

What Is the Role of Bispecific Antibody Therapies in Future Myeloma Care? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How does bispecific antibody therapy impact the outlook for myeloma care and treatment? Dr. Krina Patel discusses how this treatment, and CAR T-cell therapy, are revolutionizing myeloma care.

Dr. Krina Patel is an Associate Professor in the Department of Lymphoma/Myeloma at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. Dr. Patel is involved in research and cares for patients with multiple myeloma. Learn more about Dr. Krina Patel.

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Elevate | What Role Can YOU Play in Your Myeloma Treatment and Care? 



What role do you foresee bispecific antibody therapies playing the future of myeloma care?  

Dr. Krina Patel:

So, I think bispecifics are phenomenal. I’m a CAR T girl, but in terms of access, I will say, that more of our patients around the world are going to have access to bispecifics.  

And it’s off the shelf, so you don’t have to worry about taking cells out, making it, waiting and hoping to get those cells back. So, many more patients are going to be able to get it. And I think ideally if everybody could get a CAR T, my goal would be a CAR T first and then a bispecific until we can cure myeloma. Unfortunately, for the most part right now with these therapies, as single agents we haven’t seen that the majority of patients are cured.  

So, my goal is to make sure that I have all the treatment options possible to keep patients doing well for as long as possible. And so, again, ideally CAR T, then maybe a bispecific because of the way those resistance mechanisms happen. But if we don’t have the availability of CAR T for everybody or you’re not eligible, I do think bispecifics are a great therapy. And I have again patients who are frail, who are older that we’ve been able to give bispecifics to and they’ve had amazing responses. And I think right now they’re single agents. But I do think that as we get these trials with combinations approved, we’ll see a lot more increase in use of those.  

Again, the side effects are still something we’re learning about. So, bispecifics with BCMA, infections are a really big risk, even more than CAR T.  

So, it’s really, really important that, if anyone has fevers or they don’t feel well, they see their doctor right way and make sure it’s not a strange infection that we don’t usually see that needs to be treated versus even a regular pneumonia that can be pretty dangerous when your immune system’s down.  

So, that’s important. And then, the GPRC5D, as I said, it’s the taste and the weight loss and things like on skin that we really wanna make sure we do as much supportive care for that as possible.