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What Are the Benefits of Early Integration of Lifestyle Medicine?


How can early integration of lifestyle medicine benefit cancer patients? Expert Dr. Amy Comander from Massachusetts General Hospital discusses the importance of lifestyle medicine and the pillars of lifestyle medicine as part of oncology care. 

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Enhancing Cancer Survivorship Through Wellness Strategies

Enhancing Cancer Survivorship Through Wellness Strategies

Survivorship Care: Screening and Lifestyle Strategies to Reduce the Risk of Secondary Cancers

Survivorship Care: Screening and Lifestyle Strategies to Reduce the Risk of Secondary Cancers

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Lisa Hatfield:

The future of lifestyle medicine and cancer care holds immense potential for innovation. How do we harness the benefits early on? I’m connecting with a Harvard researcher to understand more in this Patient Empowerment Network RESTORE program. 

Dr. Comander, from your perspective, what are the key benefits of incorporating lifestyle medicine early in the cancer treatment continuum rather than solely focusing on survivorship?

Dr. Amy Comander:

When we think about individuals with cancer, who already have a very serious diagnosis, we want to help empower those individuals to improve their health to the best they can to help reduce the risk of other chronic diseases, reduce the risk of cancer recurrence potentially, and just feel better. And that’s why I think lifestyle medicine is so important and that these tools should be accessible to all individuals after a diagnosis of cancer.

And again, just focusing on learning about the importance of physical activity and nutrition and stress management and adequate sleep and social connection and avoiding risky substances. Again, it sounds overwhelming, and I usually tell my patients, just pick one thing that you want to start working on to help improve your health. And I will tell you, it’s amazing the progress that my patients have made. And I would say, like I think of a patient I saw the other day, she would tell you, “There’s no way in the world I ever wanted to get breast cancer.” It was definitely like the last thing on her list that she wanted.

But she did acknowledge that since her diagnosis, it was almost like a wake-up call, or a teachable moment that this is the time that I am now going to take charge of my health and be the healthiest version of me that I can. And I think that was really inspiring. And so I love hearing those kinds of comments from my patients once they have really taken charge and trying to improve their health behaviors in this way.

Lisa Hatfield:

Thank you. Dr. Comander, looking ahead, what innovations or advancements in lifestyle medicine do you anticipate will have the greatest impact on cancer care and survivorship in the coming years?

Dr. Amy Comander:

Well, there are so many exciting research studies coming out that are really further demonstrating the benefits of these lifestyle interventions for patients with a diagnosis of cancer. For example, so much research coming out about, learning about the mechanisms of the gut microbiome, or why exercise is important, or the benefits of achieving a healthy body weight, which I know is very complicated by the way.

So I think the more data we have to really demonstrate the importance of these tools for lifestyle medicine will really result in more widespread adoption of cancer centers around the United States, and around the world, really emphasizing that these tools need to be a key component of oncology care. And that’s certainly something I’m trying to do and I’m so grateful to partner with you to help spread this important message so we know that patients can learn about these tools to help take charge of their health as they’re going through cancer treatment.

Lisa Hatfield:

Well, you heard it here from Dr. Amy Comander. Thanks for joining this RESTORE Program. I’m your host, Lisa Hatfield.

Enhancing Cancer Survivorship Through Wellness Strategies


How can wellness strategies enhance cancer survivorship? Expert Dr. Amy Comander from Massachusetts General Hospital discusses research on lifestyle interventions, the role of nutrition and gut microbiome, and other impactful lifestyle interventions.

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Survivorship Care: Screening and Lifestyle Strategies to Reduce the Risk of Secondary Cancers

Survivorship Care: Screening and Lifestyle Strategies to Reduce the Risk of Secondary Cancers

What Are the Benefits of Early Integration of Lifestyle Medicine?

What Are the Benefits of Early Integration of Lifestyle Medicine?

Equity in Cancer Care: Accessing Lifestyle Medicine for All

Equity in Cancer Care: Accessing Lifestyle Medicine for All


Lisa Hatfield:

Ensuring overall well-being during cancer treatment involves more than just addressing the illness itself. Wellness strategies are key but do they really optimize the health of cancer survivors? I’m getting to the bottom of it with a respected oncologist in this Patient Empowerment Network RESTORE program. 

Dr. Comander, what are some of the most effective wellness strategies you recommend for patients to incorporate during cancer treatment to support their overall well-being?

Dr. Amy Comander:

I’m really excited that over the past few years, we’re seeing more and more research demonstrating the important role of lifestyle interventions in terms of improving our patient’s outcome after a diagnosis of cancer. So I’m a breast oncologist, and of course there’s so much data in the field of breast oncology. But now we’re seeing so much data emerging with regard to individuals with prostate cancer or gynecologic cancers or hematologic malignancies, such as multiple myeloma.

So this is really an exciting time to be paying close attention to this field. So when you say, what are some of the most effective strategies? I have to pick my favorite exercise. This field of exercise oncology is really exciting, demonstrating that individuals who are able to engage in physical activity after their cancer diagnosis have improved quality of life, reduce cancer-related fatigue, and in many cases, improve outcome. And a lot of this data has certainly come from the field of breast oncology, but again, we are seeing it more and more in other types of cancers as well.

In terms of other wellness strategies, we’ve talked a lot about the important role of nutrition and thinking about some of those key concepts of what we consider an overall healthy diet, a predominance of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, limiting red meat, avoiding processed foods, and avoiding sugar-sweetened beverages and alcohol. So that’s kind of all part of a healthy diet that we think about. But more and more research is also demonstrating that diet can actually potentially influence outcome as well. And there’s a lot of research trying to understand the mechanisms of this.

And I think if your listeners are wondering, what’s an area where I can read more about this? I feel like the gut microbiome, learning more about that is really interesting. We know, for example, in the field of multiple myeloma research, or in the field of looking at immunotherapy drugs, a healthy, diverse gut microbiome, meaning those bacteria in your GI tract have favorable characteristics, and they’re very diverse and healthy, that is a reflection of the diet. Lots of healthy fruits and vegetables, fiber in the diet helps result in a healthy, diverse gut microbiome, which in emerging studies is showing that that is associated with an improved microbiome responsiveness to certain drugs, particularly immunotherapy.

So this is an exciting time. The field is evolving, but I’m excited to learn more as we continue to see these studies emerge.

Lisa Hatfield:

Thank you. And, Dr. Comander, how do you see lifestyle medicine contributing to optimizing the health of cancer survivors, particularly in reducing late effects and improving overall well-being?

Dr. Amy Comander:

I’m a strong advocate that these tools from lifestyle medicine should be a part of every patient’s cancer treatment. And these are pretty basic things when we think about, again, physical activity, encouraging exercise, following a healthy diet pattern, getting adequate sleep, social connection. Actually, let’s talk about social connection. I feel like that’s one when I first started getting to this field, I’m kind of like, yeah, social connection, that’s important.

But I will tell you, as I’ve been doing this more and more and working with groups of patients, focusing on providing education about diet and exercise and stress management and sleep and all of these important things that we’ve been talking about, I’ve noticed that the support from other individuals who truly get it, if you bring a group of patients together who are all going through treatment for multiple myeloma, or prostate cancer, or breast cancer, or whatever it may be, that support piece, talking to another person who’s facing the same challenge, who might want to meet you at the YMCA and go to that exercise class, or might be willing to text you, “Hey, how are you doing with those salads you’re trying to have for lunch each day?”

That accountability and support is such an important component of health. And I think we really learned during the pandemic how much social connection and support is so integral to our health. So I think in the field of oncology, the work this organization does, and so many others, that building up community, social connection, social support is really something we should invest more in to help improve the health and well-being of our patients with cancer.

Lisa Hatfield:

Absolutely agree. Thank you. You heard it here from Dr. Amy Comander. Thanks for joining this RESTORE Program. I’m your host, Lisa Hatfield.

How Do Wellness Practices Impact Cancer Care Outcomes?

What are the impacts of wellness practices on cancer care outcomes? Experts Dr. Amy Comander from Massachusetts General Hospital and Nicole Normandin Rueda, LMSW from PEN discuss the field of lifestyle medicine, the six pillars of lifestyle medicine, research results, and wellness resources for cancer patients. 

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Lisa Hatfield:

How do wellness practices impact cancer care outcomes? I’m getting to the bottom of it in this RESTORE Program. Dr. Comander, you have a strong interest in cancer survivorship, lifestyle medicine, and improving outcomes of patients facing cancer. Can you speak to the impact of wellness practices on cancer treatment outcomes and what are we learning?

Dr. Amy Comander:

So I’ve gotten very interested in the field of lifestyle medicine over the past few years. And I think it’s really important to define what that is to those who are just learning about that term for the first time. So lifestyle medicine refers to the therapeutic use of evidence-based lifestyle interventions to prevent and treat chronic diseases. In addition, those who are trained in lifestyle medicine work to empower the patient to adopt these tools and make effective behavior changes. 

The six pillars of lifestyle medicine include physical activity, attention to diet, social connection, avoidance of risky substances, stress management, and adequate sleep. These are so important for the care of our patients with cancer from the time of diagnosis and beyond. And at our hospital we’ve developed a program where we provide individualized consultations to counsel our patients on each of these pillars to help them optimize their health and well-being, and in many cases, outcome from cancer. There are emerging studies demonstrating the important role of these lifestyle behaviors for improving outcome for our patients.

As a breast oncologist, I can tell you that there are significant studies demonstrating that individuals with a diagnosis of breast cancer who are able to exercise, whether that’s during treatment or after completion of primary treatment, actually have a lower risk of recurrence and improved outcome from their breast cancer. This is very powerful data, and we’re actually seeing this in other cancer types as well. So it’s very important that we in the oncology field provide our patients with these tools so they can engage in these six pillars of lifestyle medicine to improve their health and well-being.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay, thank you for that. One quick follow-up question, and then I have a question for Nicole. So if a patient does not have a lifestyle medicine specialist, I guess that’s how I think of you, who, what is the resource, like at a local community center, could they ask the social worker there to help me out with these additional aspects of my cancer treatment? Who would they go to for those questions?

Dr. Amy Comander:  

Such an excellent question, and I know I’m fortunate that we have this wonderful program that we started. I would say that in terms of exercise, if you have access to a YMCA, many YMCAs have a program called the  LIVESTRONG Program, which is a free exercise program for cancer survivors, and many individuals take advantage of that, and that’s a great resource. If you can’t access a YMCA, thankfully, due to technology like this, we now have the opportunity to offer all kinds of exercise programs on YouTube or through an entity called the Maple Tree Cancer Alliance. There’s so many options potentially available online for somebody who wants to take on an exercise program. I’ll pick another important pillar of lifestyle medicine, nutrition.

One, we know there’s so much information out there on the internet, but one organization that does a very good job on conveying important evidence-based nutrition information is the American Institute of Cancer Research, AICR. So I often refer my patients to that site where they can read articles about nutrition, check out recipes, and, again, it’s very evidence-based and based on research that I trust, and so I think that’s a great resource for individuals who might not have access to an oncology-registered dietician at their hospital.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay, thank you. And Nicole, are there specific wellness practices that have been shown to improve treatment outcomes for patients facing a cancer diagnosis?

Nicole Normandin Rueda:

Yeah, absolutely. So research has shown that adopting certain wellness practices can significantly improve your quality of life and potentially enhance treatment outcomes. Patients that have physical activity, and what that looks like is different for every patient. So regular exercise can mean a lot of different things. At the end of the day, from my perspective, the importance is that you’re moving your body. So if you start with just stretching, yoga, things to get your body start to start moving, it’s better than absolutely nothing, and then you work your way up to as much as you can endure. That’s key, I think, just like Dr. Comander just said.

Second, we have nutrition. So the balanced diet is difficult for everybody, but whenever it comes to a cancer diagnosis, you really want to take into consideration whatever your doctor’s recommending, and that’s specific to your treatment potentially. But as well as just making sure that you are nourishing your body, getting enough water, staying hydrated, all of the basics.

Next, I know that mindfulness and stress reduction techniques are huge. These practices, including like meditation, yoga, just deep breathing exercises to help kind of reduce that stress level, improve your overall clarity and mental health is really important. We want patients to stay as cool, calm, and collected as they can be. And so even just taking some deep breaths in through your nose, out through your mouth, these things are critical. And then I think another big one is the psychological side of things.

So psychosocial is one of those words that doesn’t mean anything to a lot of people, but to those of us who are trained, we understand that psychosocial means everything around you, everything that interacts with you is impacted by this cancer diagnosis. So we want to make sure we are connecting patients with all of the support groups that we can possibly think of. If that’s what they’re looking for. We also want to take into consideration the cultural situation. So if that means that you really don’t want to sit in a room with others, but you want to just read a blog from somebody like an empowerment lead or something like that, that can also be helpful.

And that is what patients are looking for now is easy access to information that is evidence-based, of course, but also that is just testimonial, somebody that’s been there and can guide them through what it’s like to, yeah, it is okay to talk to others, and it is okay to ask for help when you need it. So we really want to encourage that as much as possible. And obviously we want to foster a sense of community. We want everybody to understand you’re not alone. And there’s organizations out there doing fantastic things. Patient Empowerment Network is one of them, but there’s also so many others that are just doing fantastic things to support patients in every aspect of their cancer diagnosis.

Lisa Hatfield:

Thank you, Nicole. You heard it here directly from the experts. Thanks for joining this RESTORE Program. I’m your host, Lisa Hatfield.