What Role Does Exercise Play in Cancer Treatment?
How can exercise benefit cancer patients? PEN Program Manager Joelys Gonzalez and Communication Manager Nicole Normandin Rueda, LMSW discuss the benefits of exercise to cancer health and recovery, recommended exercise types, and tips for patient support and maintaining some level of activity.
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Lisa Hatfield:
How can staying active during cancer treatment benefit your overall health and recovery? In this Patient Empowerment Network RESTORE program, we’ll explore the vital role of exercise in cancer care and uncover how incorporating physical activity into your treatment plan may enhance your well-being and support a better outcome.
Joelys, how can physical activity be safely incorporated into a cancer treatment plan? And what types of exercises are most beneficial for patients?
Joelys Gonzalez:
Well, incorporating physical activity into a cancer treatment plan requires more of a personalized approach, considering the type of cancer or the treatment being received or the overall health. I often start this discussion with patients by letting them know the importance of exercising during and after treatment, explaining how it can help manage side effects such as fatigue, stress, and depression. I usually recommend starting with low impact activities such as swimming, walking, or gentle yoga, as long as, of course, the patient is able to move around, whatever you’re capable of, which can be just adjusted based on the patient’s energy levels and how they’re feeling on day by day. Of course, if they’re feeling low, they can start doing small activities, light activities, such as moving your fingers or moving your head around.
I also stress the importance of listening to your body, making sure you know how your body works, and making sure that you’re not overstressing your body. It’s very important. Resting as much as needed. It’s very important to be able to stay active. To ensure safety, I encourage them to check in regularly with their healthcare team just to make sure that they are having a tailored, a personalized plan, a personalized exercise plan with them. That could be involving physical therapists or their dietician to make sure that they have a unique plan. And by making physical activity as flexible as possible and adaptable to their part of their daily routine, patients can enjoy its benefits without feeling overwhelmed and alone.
Lisa Hatfield:
Thank you for that. And I really appreciate your comments. And I know Nicole and I have talked before, even small movements like moving your fingers and your toes or any movement is better than no movement, because sometimes we are just flat out too exhausted or in too much pain to do much more. So I appreciate you saying that for patients that you can do any little movement and that’s beneficial. So thank you. And, Joelys, what are the potential benefits of maintaining an active lifestyle during cancer treatment, particularly regarding treatment outcomes and overall well-being?
Joelys Gonzalez:
Maintaining an active lifestyle during cancer treatment can have some profound effects on both treatment outcomes and the patient’s overall well-being. And when I mentioned that physically, physically staying active helps fight the treatment-related side effects, such as fatigue or muscle loss or weight changes. It could also support the cardiovascular health, which is very important since most cancer treatments can affect your heart. For instance, if you do such light exercise like walking or cycling, that can help you improve your blood circulation, helping you reduce the risk of blood clots or other complications from the treatment.
And this can also help you mentally. Maintaining that regular physical activity can significantly reduce your stress and improve your mood, especially when it comes to anxiety and depression, which are the most common among patients living with cancer. I’ve seen patients who incorporate daily movements into their routine, which has made them stronger than they have been before in the sense of control over their overall health, which boosts their confidence and their resilience during their cancer treatment.
Additionally, exercise has been shown to improve sleep, which is often disturbed during their treatment. And from a social work perspective, engaging in group activities or even walking with a friend or a family member can reduce your feelings of isolation, the feelings of being alone, and it can actually help you in building that support network that you need through your cancer journey, which is very very important. I really reiterate that having someone next to you not just to talk and just to make small exercise that can help you a lot during your cancer treatment, and the overall maintaining an active lifestyle helps patients manage their treatment better and contribute to a higher quality of life during and after cancer treatment.
Lisa Hatfield:
Nicole, how can healthcare providers effectively support and motivate cancer patients to stay active despite the challenges posed by their treatment?
Nicole Normandin Rueda, LMSW:
Great question. So healthcare providers are often the first line of defense, right? And so they have this unique opportunity to really invest in getting to know their patients, which will then in turn…it will be the strategy that they use whenever it comes to tailoring the actual like exercise plan, for each patient. What that means really is that we get to know the patient’s needs, their abilities, knowing a little bit more about their diagnosis or their treatment, the side effects, or potential barriers. The more, the better you can tailor the actual personalized plan for each patient.
That also means not just the oncology team, but all the ancillary services. So your physical therapist, your exercise specialists, there are movement specialists. I mean, there’s a whole, a plethora of resources that can be brought in to help make sure that a patient…their treatment stage, their overall health, any secondary or other diagnoses that they may be managing as well as their just physical capabilities are all things that we want to make sure are very…we’re thinking about those at all times. We want to make sure whatever it is that we’re asking them to do is safe and achievable and aligned with their needs.
The encouragement from your oncology team and hearing that you know what you’re doing great, your small steps are baby steps, but they are steps and we are proud of that. Kind of that affirmation is huge. The next thing I would say would be setting the realistic goals and being on top of the potential barriers. So we all know how great it feels to check something off a box or cross something off a list, right? So we want to give patients that sense of pride and the sense that they are able to do whatever it is that we’re asking them to do, even if it’s very small and manageable.
Our goal is to help alleviate any potential future issues or current issues, secondary to their diagnosis. So if that means it’s fatigue, if it’s pain, if it’s the circulation, all of these things that we want to alleviate or inhibit from happening or getting worse, that’s important that patients know why we’re asking them to do something and setting the goals that are small enough and achievable that they can feel that sense of accomplishment is a big deal. Again, I mean, I can’t say this enough, I want every patient to know they are not alone. There are fantastic resources online to get, even if it’s stretching exercises.
I mean, there are things that are tailored to people with cancer that are absolutely incredible and free, that patients should be able to have the support that they need. Not just emotionally, but also physically, if that’s in-person or virtual, there are resources available that can help get whatever it is that patients need under their belt and so that they have the tools they need to go and accomplish whatever it is that they are being asked to accomplish. And that gives them that sense of pride that also makes it usually a success story, right? At least for that small piece of their treatment, they can say, I was able to do what it is that you asked me to do. That’s great.
And healthcare providers, like I said, are the first line of defense. They’re the ones that are checking in and asking the questions and so making sure that we’re always asking, but also listening to what it is that patients are saying. So if they’re saying, no, I didn’t really get around much today. Maybe we need to tailor what it is that your homework is going to be for the next week or whatever, to make sure that you are getting what it is that you need from us.
Lisa Hatfield:
Okay. Thank you. And I appreciate that you talked about even celebrating the smaller, what seems to be smaller accomplishments. Like, sometimes if you can walk even five feet a day, you’re trying to walk again, even that, Yay, that’s exciting. Instead of thinking, well, before I used to be able to walk a half a mile or whatever. I think celebrating those small, those smaller steps are just as important. So thank you for bringing that up. It does give patients a sense of pride. You’re right.
Nicole Normandin Rueda, LMSW:
Lisa Hatfield:
Well, you heard it here directly from the experts. Thanks for joining this RESTORE program. I’m your host, Lisa Hatfield.