What Stomach Cancer Care Obstacles Do Asian and Latinx Patients Face?

What Stomach Cancer Care Obstacles Do Asian and Latinx Patients Face?

What Stomach Cancer Care Obstacles Do Asian and Latinx Patients Face? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What kind of gastric cancer care barriers do some patient groups face? Expert Dr. Joo Ha Hwang from Stanford Medicine discusses key factors that impact gastric cancer care access, and recommendations for patients and providers to reduce disparities.


“…if you have any influence with the members of Congress, kind of bring up the issues related to minority health and access to healthcare. I know there’s a, within the Department of Health and Human Services, there is a Department of Minority Health, this is something that I think that they’re working on, which is access to healthcare, but it’s a real problem.”

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Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Hwang, what are the challenges faced by the Asian and Hispanic populations in accessing timely and appropriate treatment for stomach cancer? And what strategies could be implemented to address these challenges?

Dr. Joo Ha Hwang:

There are several questions or several challenges. Number one, I think, is patient awareness is educating these communities that they actually are at higher risk of developing gastric cancer. Number two, their access to healthcare oftentimes, is difficult sometimes because of language barriers, sometimes due to cultural issues, sometimes just due to regional geographic issues, and access to healthcare also insurance. A lot of the immigrant population, they even if they’re very successful and work quite a bit, oftentimes they’re, small business owners and they have high deductible, insurance plans. I had a friend who was an immigrant from Asia, and I told him you’re at high risk for developing gastric cancer, and you should have an endoscopy, we did an endoscopy on him and this was at a county hospital in Seattle.

He got a bill for $6,000 for his endoscopy, and I was personally appalled at that, and that’s actually kind of what got me into this field, was because I felt that that was very unfair, that this person who worked very hard and had insurance, but had a high copay, because he had high deductible insurance, was being treated like this when someone with Medicare, we’re charging only $200 for an endoscopy. And then if we had screening guidelines from the USPSTF such as for colon cancer, breast cancer, it would be completely free. And so there’s a huge disparity, and it is the Hispanic, it’s the Asian population, it’s the immigrant population that are at higher risk for gastric cancer.

And this is completely uncovered, and so, these are all inequities, in the system that we’re trying to address, what I would say, is that, if my activation tip for this would be, if you have any influence with the members of Congress, kind of bring up the issues related to minority health and access to healthcare. I know there’s a, within the Department of Health and Human Services, there is a Department of Minority Health, this is something that I think that they’re working on, which is access to healthcare, but it’s a real problem. The other side of it also is the education side and the empowerment side, and I think that we have to do a better job in terms of educating the populations who are at high risk for gastric cancer to go see their primary care physician to talk to them about what they need to do.

The other challenge really, actually is on the physician side, because, and I’ve been working at this as well, physicians don’t know, we’re taught in medical school that gastric cancer is rare, and it’s almost like an afterthought and we spend very little time on gastric cancer, but gastric cancer isn’t rare, and there are high risk populations, and there is something that we can do about it. So we really have a long way to go, but the good news is there is progress to be made, so if we just put in the effort, we can make a huge dent in outcomes for gastric cancer.

Lisa Hatfield:

Are there any efforts underway right now to develop guidelines for those communities in the U.S. to do screening? Do you know?

Dr. Joo Ha Hwang:

Yeah. We’re actively involved on a national level to work with societies and working with societies to make guidelines. This helps educate providers and whatnot, the challenge really in terms of getting insurers to cover this. This is really cost-effective, but oftentimes when insurers look at something they need to see an immediate return, they want to say within one year, this is cost beneficial, where this is a long….Gastric cancer prevention, any cancer prevention is really a long-term, outlook and that’s why the USPSTF plays such an important role because their guidelines have immediate implications on insurers and what they need to pay for, and so really we need, guidelines from the USPSTF, to make a true impact on the outcomes of gastric cancer.

But this is proving to be challenging because, the population that’s affected is a relatively small population in the United States. But again, in this era of precision medicine and equitable medicine, my view is it shouldn’t matter, in terms of the size of the population, that’s at risk, it should be data that says these particular patients are at high risk, and this intervention should work to decrease the risk of gastric cancer, and so I think we need to start having dialogue and changing the way we think about, patient care and make this more personalized, precision individualized medicine as opposed to population-based medicine.

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