Entries by Cissy White

Love is Not an Ember Going Out: Parenting with Metastatic Cancer

When cancer is malignant, fluid can build up around the lung and heart, or inside the abdomen. One to ten liters can accumulate which can make it hard for organs […]

Dying Ain’t Dead

“Can I toss these?” my guy said grabbing the vase of wilting daffodils. “No,” I shouted. “Please, no. I’m trying to find the beauty in dying,” I said. I’ve been […]

Cancer, COVID, and Change

“There’s something to be said for not being a patient,” one of my doctors said. “It feels so good,” I said during our telemedicine appointment, “to be away from the […]

In this moment

“Is there a pressure to be positive all the time?” my friend Kathy asked. It’s a good question. I said, “No,” and then “Yes,” and added in a “Maybe.” But […]