Entries by Kara Rayburn

Patient Profile: Lisa Hatfield Part IV

This is Part Four in a five-part (Read Part I, Part II, and Part III) series from empowered multiple myeloma patient Lisa Hatfield. In Lisa’s candid and compelling telling of […]

The CDC is Joining the Patient Empowerment Movement

April 15, 2021 Update: The CDC Foundation has launched the Empowered Health Cancer – Free Challenge! This competition calls for new, revolutionary ideas and solutions that meet people where they are […]

Patient Profile: Lisa Hatfield Part III

This is Part Three of a five-part series (Read Part 1 and Part 2) from empowered multiple myeloma patient Lisa Hatfield. In Lisa’s candid and compelling telling of her cancer […]

Green Monster Frittata Bites

Green Monster Frittata Bites from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo. Best-selling cookbook author and chef Ryan Scott is a juvenile colorectal cancer survivor whose father and grandfather also battled cancer. […]

Patient Profile: Lisa Hatfield Part II

This is Part Two in a five-part series from empowered multiple myeloma patient Lisa Hatfield (read Part I of Lisa’s story here). In Lisa’s candid and compelling telling of her […]