What AML Patients Should Understand About Test Results

What AML Patients Should Understand About Test Results from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What should patients with AML understand about test results? Dr. Gail Roboz emphasizes collaboration with the healthcare team to interpret test results and shares pertinent questions to ask during the discussion.

Dr. Gail Roboz is director of the Clinical and Translational Leukemia Programs and professor of medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine and the New York Presbyterian Hospital. Learn more about Dr. Roboz.

Related Resources:

Choosing Therapy | How Are AML Treatment Goals Determined?

Choosing Therapy | How Are AML Treatment Goals Determined?

What Key Testing Occurs Following an AML Diagnosis?

What Key Testing Occurs Following an AML Diagnosis?

What Are AML Inhibitor Therapies and How Do They Work? 

What Are AML Inhibitor Therapies and How Do They Work?


Katherine Banwell:

I would like to get to an audience question that we received prior to the program. This one comes from Johanna. “How can I better understand my lab test results? What questions should I be asking my provider about those results?”  

Dr. Gail Roboz:

One of the things that I would say to patients is to be careful when interpreting your own results, because I really am not exaggerating to say that patients have had absolute trauma looking at things that I look at it and say, “Oh, this looks great.” So, the first thing is, be careful being your own doctor. 

The second thing though is that the author of the question has to understand that there’s going to be a tsunami of data coming in with respect to AML treatment. Sometimes in the hospital on a daily basis when you’re in the middle of an induction, there is a true – tsunami is the right word – a deluge of data, and you have to work with your team to say, “What am I following here? What’s important at this phase in my treatment?  

What’s the number I’m looking at?” Patients sometimes tell me, “I don’t want to know any of this,” and I’m fine with that.  

I think it’s actually okay. Sometimes patients will say, “Give me guidance,” and I will be specific. Because you can actually have a leukemia induction patient where every single laboratory value is abnormal. They might be getting pushed to a device, in the morning, sitting in the hospital on your iPad, 50 abnormal results. You’re trying to battle back the disease and be positive and advocate for yourself, but there are 50 abnormal results in front of you. 

I think you have to really work with the team to say, “What am I looking at today? What are the numbers that are the really important ones? There are 50 abnormal ones here; everything is getting a yellow or a red light in this. How do I go through this?”  

And to appreciate, also, that at different points in the treatment, the beginning of treatment induction post-remission therapy, you’re looking for different things. So, work with your team so that you’re not assessing every single result with equivalent weight, because I think you’re going to stress yourself out. 

What Are AML Inhibitor Therapies and How Do They Work?

What Are AML Inhibitor Therapies and How Do They Work? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are AML inhibitor therapies, and how do they work? Dr. Gail Roboz explains the different types of inhibitor therapies, their targets, the patient type they may benefit most, and a new class of targeted treatments.

Dr. Gail Roboz is director of the Clinical and Translational Leukemia Programs and professor of medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine and the New York Presbyterian Hospital. Learn more about Dr. Roboz.


Related Resources:

Choosing Therapy | How Are AML Treatment Goals Determined?

Choosing Therapy | How Are AML Treatment Goals Determined?

Expert Overview | AML Treatment Options and Phases of Therapy

Expert Overview | AML Treatment Options and Phases of Therapy

What AML Patients Should Understand About Test Results 

What AML Patients Should Understand About Test Results


Katherine Banwell:

You mentioned one inhibitor as targeted therapy, but there are a couple of others. Would you briefly tell us about those? 

Dr. Gail Roboz:

So, over the years recently, we have identified certain specific targets in AML which are resulting in the addition of medications on these standard backbones. So, the target for venetoclax (Venclexta) is something called BCL2, and actually, venetoclax probably makes all chemotherapy better. It’s kind of a controversial statement, but I’m going to stand by it. But in AML, it has been shown that the addition of venetoclax to lots of different backbones makes them work better. There are other things to hit, though.  

For example, there are patients with AML who have something called a FLT3, F-L-T-3 mutation. This mutation also has specific inhibitors that are FDA-approved drugs that target specifically the FLT3 mutation, and if you have one of those, your doctor may add on a FLT3 inhibitor to either a lower intensity or an intensive backbone. Similarly, there are agents called IDH inhibitors. There are IDH1 and IDH2 inhibitors. 

If I start getting into isocitrate dehydrogenase pathways on this webinar, I think everybody will click off, because it’s certainly bored all of the medical students in med school, and it’s pretty tough to understand. But the bottom line is it’s very cool stuff because that boring pathway in medical school that nobody really thought about too much is actually part of very, very, central cellular functions that are a vulnerability now that have been identified in leukemic cells that, if you hit them with these specific inhibitors, patients do better.  

Now, couple of things for patients. It doesn’t mean that it’s better to have a FLT3 or an IDH mutation because the targeted therapies are available. So, a lot of patients are disappointed when they don’t have mutations. I don’t want you to think in that way. It’s not that it’s better, it’s different.  

It identifies a different biology. If you have certain mutations, there are certain medications that may help you more.  

That’s why I think the patients are learning quickly, too, to ask the doc – they may not remember the letters of the alphabet soup, but “Do I have something about my AML that can get one of these targeted therapies added on?” I think is a good question to think about. “Do I have something about my disease that has a specific drug that we’ve already learned makes outcomes better?”  

Katherine Banwell:

There’s a new emerging therapy as well. Is it the menin inhibitor? 

Dr. Gail Roboz:

I think that, in understanding different targets and different pathways, it leads me to a general statement that if you can get yourself potentially onto a clinical trial at an academic center, that is something to consider right out of the gate. Because there is a lot, a lot, a lot going on in this field right now. 

What we are hoping, and the reason that I am talking to you about venetoclax and FLT3 inhibitors and IDH inhibitors, is because of all the patients who jumped onto those clinical trials and proved that those drugs are better. Some of them are my patients! I was fortunate on some of those early trials to have some real winners in patients who got onto the trials. They’re the ones who drove the success. 

So, for example, menin inhibitors, which are very, very exciting, targeted agents for NPM1 and KMT2A mutations and rearrangements – these are complicated to remember as a patient, but there’s a cool drug out there that might be for you.  

I think that patients who really think about asking the question wherever they are, the “Hey, I just got a diagnosis of AML. Is there a clinical trial that might look good for me?” I think is a great question to ask pretty much out of the gate. 

Expert Overview | AML Treatment Options and Phases of Therapy

Expert Overview | AML Treatment Options and Phases of Therapy from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are the treatment options and phases of therapy for AML? Dr. Gail Roboz discusses the various therapies available to treat AML and to maintain remission, the timing of these therapies, and novel treatment approaches offered. 

Dr. Gail Roboz is director of the Clinical and Translational Leukemia Programs and professor of medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine and the New York Presbyterian Hospital. Learn more about Dr. Roboz.

Related Resources:

Choosing Therapy | How Are AML Treatment Goals Determined?

Choosing Therapy | How Are AML Treatment Goals Determined?

What Key Testing Occurs Following an AML Diagnosis?

What Key Testing Occurs Following an AML Diagnosis?

What Are AML Inhibitor Therapies and How Do They Work? 

What Are AML Inhibitor Therapies and How Do They Work?


Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Roboz, would you provide a brief explanation of the phases of therapy for AML?  

Dr. Gail Roboz:

Yeah. So, here, too, I have to say that it’s more confusing than it used to be for the following reasons. So, historically and currently, we typically talk about induction as the first therapy that you’re going to get to get into remission. 

Then, the treatment paradigm is you do something to get into remission; do some treatment to get into remission. After that, in the realm of post-remission therapy, there are different things that can happen. There can be something called consolidation, which might be another round of chemotherapy. Some patients get consolidation, some patients don’t. After consolidation, there can be a transplant.  

So, you get into remission, you may or may not get a little bit of what’s called consolidation chemotherapy, and then go on to a transplant. 

However, sometimes either after the transplant or after chemotherapy before ever getting or instead of ever getting a transplant, there might be ongoing treatment in a lower intensity ongoing basis that is called maintenance.  

So, you’ve got to think about it as induction as what happens first, consolidation is something that happens when you’re in remission, and then maintenance usually refers to ongoing therapy that is different from consolidation. 

It’s usually lower intensity, easier to take, oral types of treatment that may go on and on. And just to be incredibly confusing, it’s different from something like breast cancer, where often the patients are given, “You get six cycles of this, and then you’re done.” From AML, there’s actually often not that type of an obvious plan right out of the gate for the patient. 

The answer will be, “It depends.” It depends. It depends how your treatment looks at this point in time. It depends how you look at this point in time. 

So then, the patients say, “Well, aren’t you going to cure me of this? What are you doing? Aren’t you going to get rid of it?” So, historically, there are some patients who get cured with chemotherapy. They get chemotherapy to get into remission, they get some chemotherapy afterwards, and there’s a cure rate for some patients with that. The majority of patients who are cured with AML get an allotransplant, or a transplant from somebody else. 

Then there’s a whole group of patients where we’re asking the question now, is it possible to get those patients beyond five years – so in oncology, five years is typically defined as cure. Can we get some patients with ongoing therapy to that past-five-year mark without a transplant? That’s in the zone of the ‘coming soon.’ Don’t have a ton of patients in that group right now, but hopefully we will. 

Katherine Banwell:

You’ve mentioned some various treatment types that are used to treat AML. Can you share a brief overview of available treatments? 

Dr. Gail Roboz:

So, the terminology that we use is a little bit annoying, because it is a little bit general. We say intensive and not intensive. 

But historically, intensive chemotherapy referred to a combination of generally two types of agents, cytarabine (Cytosar-U) and an anthracycline, which is a class of chemotherapy, that either just those two together or in combination with sometimes a third or a fourth drug usually keeps people in the hospital for around a month. Not that the chemotherapy takes that long, but the treatment gets rid of basically a lot of cells in the bone marrow, good guys and bad guys, and it takes about three weeks for those normal cells to recover. 

So, a standard intensive induction for AML is often around three to four weeks in the hospital, somewhere between three and five or so days of chemotherapy up front, depending on exactly what the protocol is. The classic regimen is actually still called 3+7, three days of one drug, seven of the other. But there are many variations of that that work. 

The chemo is then stopped, the patient hangs out in the hospital, very frequently getting transfusions and antibiotics, and we wait for the bone marrow to recover.  

Another current path that many patients are getting – almost all older patients, with ‘older’ being defined not by a specific age cutoff, but often 75 and older, almost everybody agrees no longer gets the classic chemotherapy that I just described. At some institutions, that 75 is going down, and even 70 and 65 and above are getting a new type of therapy, mostly because the new type of therapy is working pretty well. That is a combination of something called a hypomethylating agent.  

Drugs like azacitidine (Vidaza, Onureg) or decitabine (Dacogen) in combination with a pill that has changed the landscape of AML more than any other called venetoclax (Venclexta). Venetoclax is a drug that is not exclusively used for AML. 

It actually was originally approved for another type of leukemia. But I think that not many people would argue with the statement that what has changed absolutely the face of AML treatment has been this drug, because it’s a BCL2 inhibitor. What it does is it actually – cancer cells and leukemia cells in particular are very, very good at staying alive.  

They don’t undergo cell death, they don’t want to die, and venetoclax brings down their forcefield so that those cells can actually undergo apoptosis and die. 

Venetoclax in combination with azacitidine or decitabine has transformed the care of the disease, because many patients older than 65 – and the median age of diagnosis of AML is around 68 to 70. So, many patients never were well enough to have the intensive therapy. They weren’t going into remission, and they weren’t having prolonged survival often beyond a few months. 

But now, those patients do actually much better with the combination of aza [azacitidine] and venetoclax. So typically, the induction path is going to be deciding who gets an intensive therapy backbone, usually associated with long hospitalization. Who gets a less intensive backbone – by the way, that is often associated with just the same hospitalization. So, that’s why I don’t love the term ‘low intensity,’ because that implies that it doesn’t work.  

It does, and it also implies that you’re not going to be in the hospital. You probably will, because in the same way as for the more so-called intensive therapies, getting into remission involves getting rid of bone marrow cells and waiting for the normal ones to recover. Even if you are a patient who is getting the venetoclax combined with the azacitidine or decitabine, which is typically called low intensity, you may very well be in the hospital for a month. 

Because depending on where you live and who your family is and how sick you might be, you will probably want us to watch you carefully during that first month, but it’s worth it. Because if you have a good chance of getting into remission, remission is what makes life better and life longer. So, we want to get patients into remission, even if it means upfront time in the hospital. 

What Key Testing Occurs Following an AML Diagnosis?

What Key Testing Occurs Following an AML Diagnosis? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What key tests occur following an AML diagnosis? Dr. Gail Roboz explains the procedures and tests to confirm the diagnosis, assess disease risk, examine AML genetic markers, and develop a treatment plan.

Dr. Gail Roboz is director of the Clinical and Translational Leukemia Programs and professor of medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine and the New York Presbyterian Hospital. Learn more about Dr. Roboz.

Related Resources:

Choosing Therapy | How Are AML Treatment Goals Determined?

Choosing Therapy | How Are AML Treatment Goals Determined?

Expert Overview | AML Treatment Options and Phases of Therapy

Expert Overview | AML Treatment Options and Phases of Therapy

What Are AML Inhibitor Therapies and How Do They Work? 

What Are AML Inhibitor Therapies and How Do They Work?


Dr. Gail Roboz:

We often generally recommend a bone marrow biopsy, even if we know we can make the diagnosis from a blood test, because even though the bone marrow biopsy is not the most fun test in the world, it does offer better information for follow-up care than what you can get initially from the blood. 

So, every once in a while, we do have a patient for whom a bone marrow biopsy itself for whatever reason can’t be done. But almost always, we need a bone marrow biopsy, and on that biopsy, you’re going to look under the microscope and see what the cells look like. You’re going to get back standard testing, which is called flow cytometry, which is going to tell the difference between what are the different cells that you’re seeing under the microscope. 

But then you’re actually going to get progressively much more fancy testing, including things called chromosomes or cytogenetics, and then ultimately, the majority of patients, if at all possible, will be having mutational testing to identify certain subgroups of AML that benefit from very particular treatments. Next-generation sequencing, PCR, fusion proteins, FISH, cytogenetics, I can go on and on with all kinds of terminology that is very confusing, even to hematology fellows, let alone to patients.  

Usually, we use a combination of tests to decide, “Is this patient likely to be able to be cured with chemotherapy alone, or might this patient benefit from a stem cell transplant from somebody else after they go into remission?” 

That’s basically what the prognostic scoring systems used to be asking, but now it’s a lot more complicated than that. Because even in the favorable categories, even in the adverse categories, where there used to be very little subtlety, now there is a lot of subtlety. 

It’s all about defining getting into remission, and what do I give you once you’re in remission to keep you there? It’s no longer this windshield wiper thing of good, bad, transplant, no transplant. There’s a lot more to AML than there used to be.   

Choosing Therapy | How Are AML Treatment Goals Determined?

Choosing Therapy | How Are AML Treatment Goals Determined? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How are AML treatment goals determined? Dr. Gail Roboz explains the collaborative decision-making process between patients and clinicians when exploring treatment options, important questions to ask about AML treatment goals, and the objectives of the first phase of treatment.

Dr. Gail Roboz is director of the Clinical and Translational Leukemia Programs and professor of medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine and the New York Presbyterian Hospital. Learn more about Dr. Roboz.


Related Resources:

What Key Testing Occurs Following an AML Diagnosis?

What Key Testing Occurs Following an AML Diagnosis?

Expert Overview | AML Treatment Options and Phases of Therapy

Expert Overview | AML Treatment Options and Phases of Therapy

What Are AML Inhibitor Therapies and How Do They Work? 

What Are AML Inhibitor Therapies and How Do They Work?


Katherine Banwell:

When it comes to choosing therapy for AML, it’s important to work with your healthcare team to identify what will work best for you, the patient. So, I’d like to know how you define shared decision-making.  

Dr. Gail Roboz:

The problem with AML sometimes is that it can be such an acute, emergency-type of presentation and urgent decision-making that I think your question is almost right out of the gate for some patients that will, “Wait, I don’t even have a minute, here. How do I build a team, do the research, look online if people are telling me that I’m in the middle of an emergency?”  

That isn’t always the case for acute leukemia, but it sometimes is. I think that what happens in AML in particular for patients is a building of knowledge and a building of the team, and figuring out, first of all, where am I when I am being told this diagnosis, and is it really an emergency? Do I have to make decisions really right now, because is it life-threatening today, I don’t have time to look around? Or do I have a minute to pause and get more information? 

I definitely feel that with the Internet era and with so much connection between doctors and teams, there is much more ability to reach out instantaneously for doctors, too, to get advice on a patient who might be in a smaller hospital that doesn’t have AML experience. But I think that the first thing is to try to figure out very, very quickly, what needs to happen to me as a patient immediately, and what can wait a minute, so that I can figure out what am I being told, and what are my options? 

Katherine Banwell:

Right, right. It can be confusing for patients, just finding out this new information. Part of making care decisions is setting goals. What are AML treatment goals, and how are they determined?   

Dr. Gail Roboz:

I would say that leaving cure on the table from the beginning is always a good place to start, because you want to figure out, first of all, what am I dealing with? What are the actual options?  

But when AML strikes, and a patient who has multiple medical conditions or comorbidities that are truly compromising function independently of the diagnosis of AML, that’s going to be a special path of what is actually reasonable for someone who is terribly medically ill or otherwise frail right from the beginning? That can be defining goals, but I think from the beginning, the best thing is to leave everything on the table. What can actually be done to make me better, first of all, to get me out of my immediate trouble? What can be done to make me better, and if I’m getting better, well, I like that, how do I stay there?  

What can be done to hang on to the state of ‘better,’ which is sometimes defined as remission? In AML, the goal is to get the bone marrow working again, functioning again, get rid of the acute emergency problem, if there is one, which there may or may not be in acute leukemia. 

Sometimes it’s truly an emergency, and sometimes it isn’t. But once I get better, can I stay there? What is required to keep me with a working bone marrow for as long as possible?  

But once you are starting to sort through the diagnosis, you realize that saying that somebody has acute myeloid leukemia is not telling me nearly enough information. This is a disease that is what we call biologically heterogeneous, which means there are lots of different forms. It’s like saying you’re sick. What exactly does that mean? There are lots of things that can make you sick. There are lots of different subtypes of AML, and fairly quickly in most institutions, we start getting back some information specifically on the subtype and biological characteristics of the disease.  

This can be very, very important in the initial treatment planning, and depending on where you are, the information that you get back can sometimes take 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours, a week. So, you start learning very quickly though that, “If I’m not in a complete emergency that requires instantaneous treatment, can I get back more information about the biological subtype of the disease so that I can start treatment planning of what is my best option right out of the gate?” That’s usually called induction, or the first therapy that you’re going to get with the goal, ‘getting rid of leukemia cells and getting into remission.’ That’s part one, and then everything that comes after that is about keeping you in remission.   

But for the initial goal, what is the therapy that the patient needs to get to get into remission? In order to figure that out, the good news is there are a lot of different ways to slice and dice getting into remission, and actually, it used to be such a weighty decision. 

Now, I would actually encourage people to – not relax, you can never use the word ‘relax’ with acute leukemia. But there are several different induction strategies for most patients that would be okay.  

So, even if you get started with one strategy and you hear five days later that another doctor might do something different, there are a lot of ways to safely get into remission. I think everybody should be pleased about the fact that we’re doing much better than we used to for patients across the board, all the way from children to much older adults, to safely getting people into remission. 

Katherine Banwell:

So, what sort of factors then do you take into consideration when you’re choosing a therapy? 

Dr. Gail Roboz:

So, out of the gate, there are the patients that I think I referred to earlier who truly, truly are in situations based on their other diseases that there are certain treatments we would just cross out right out of the gate. 

If there are patients with very, very severely compromised cardiac or renal or lung function or are terribly ill from other conditions, AML doctors will right out of the gate for those patients eliminate certain treatments. But absent that scenario, what we try to look for is the biology of the disease. Not look at the age, not look at the comorbidities unless they are so severe that they make obvious certain choices. 

But rather, what I like to do is say, “What kind of AML is this, and what is the best treatment that I have to get this patient into remission?” And then ask the question, “can this particular patient handle this therapy?” Sometimes, these days, there actually may be more than one route to get to remission depending on the biology of the disease, and then, if that’s the case, then I can start getting picky and look at the individual patient. Where does the patient live? Who’s the patient’s family? What other diseases has the patient been treated for?  

Is there something that I can use? If I have a choice, if there are a couple of different things that might work, how do I fit the treatment to best take care of the needs of this particular patient? If I don’t have choices, then my question is, “Okay, how do I get this patient through my one therapy that I think is the truly, truly best option?” 

Elevate | What You Should Know About Your Role in AML Treatment and Care Decisions

Elevate | What You Should Know About Your Role in AML Treatment and Care Decisions from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How can you elevate your AML care and treatment? AML expert Dr. Gail Roboz discusses the importance of participating in AML treatment decisions, reviews key factors that may impact therapy options, and shares advice for advocating for yourself.
Dr. Gail Roboz is director of the Clinical and Translational Leukemia Programs and professor of medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine and the New York Presbyterian Hospital. Learn more about Dr. Roboz.

Related Resources:

FLT3 inhibitors for AML Update

Thriving With AML | Advice for Setting Goals and Making Treatment Decisions

Thriving With AML | Advice for Setting Goals and Making Treatment Decisions

Expert Advice | Managing AML Symptoms and Treatment Side Effects

Expert Advice | Managing AML Symptoms and Treatment Side Effects


Katherine Banwell:

Hello, and welcome. I’m your host, Katherine Banwell. It’s no secret that the quality-of-care patients receive can vary, and patients who are educated about their condition and involved in their care may have improved outcomes. That’s why the Patient Empowerment Network created the Elevate series, to help AML patients and their care partners feel well-informed when making treatment decisions with their healthcare team. 

In today’s program, an AML expert will join us to share advice for accessing better overall care. Before we get into the discussion, please remember that this program is not a substitute for seeking medical advice. Please refer to your healthcare team about what might be best for you. Well, let’s meet our guest today. Joining us is Dr. Gail Roboz. Dr. Roboz, would you please introduce yourself? 

Dr. Gail Roboz:

Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me. My name is Gail Roboz. I’m a professor of medicine and director of the clinical and translational leukemia programs at Weill Cornell Medicine and the NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital in New York City. Thank you again for having me. 

Katherine Banwell:

Well, thank you so much for joining us today. We really appreciate it. I’d like to start by discussing your role as a researcher. You’re on the frontlines for advancements in the AML field. What led you here, and why is it important to you? 

Dr. Gail Roboz:

So, I’m actually asked that question quite frequently, because AML is a challenging, difficult, scary disease, and people don’t necessarily assume that somebody in medical school would gravitate toward it. 

But I have to say that what is incredibly fascinating back then and now about leukemia is the continuous access to the disease. Patients will maybe giggle or groan as I’m saying that, because you can get a blood sample really anytime. You can even get a bone marrow sample anytime, although patients don’t enjoy that so much. 

But from a research perspective, it is absolutely extraordinary to be dealing with a disease where you can, in real time, truly run back and forth to a laboratory and see what’s happening, what is the new drug or the old drug doing, what’s happening with the patient, and I would say that from a fascination of a medical student perspective that grabbed me then and still does today.  

Katherine Banwell:

When it comes to choosing therapy for AML, it’s important to work with your healthcare team to identify what will work best for you, the patient. So, I’d like to know how you define shared decision-making.  

Dr. Gail Roboz:

The problem with AML sometimes is that it can be such an acute, emergency-type of presentation and urgent decision-making that I think your question is almost right out of the gate for some patients that will, “Wait, I don’t even have a minute, here. How do I build a team, do the research, look online if people are telling me that I’m in the middle of an emergency?”  

That isn’t always the case for acute leukemia, but it sometimes is. I think that what happens in AML in particular for patients is a building of knowledge and a building of the team, and figuring out, first of all, where am I when I am being told this diagnosis, and is it really an emergency? Do I have to make decisions really right now, because is it life-threatening today, I don’t have time to look around? Or do I have a minute to pause and get more information? 

I definitely feel that with the Internet era and with so much connection between doctors and teams, there is much more ability to reach out instantaneously for doctors, too, to get advice on a patient who might be in a smaller hospital that doesn’t have AML experience. But I think that the first thing is to try to figure out very, very quickly, what needs to happen to me as a patient immediately, and what can wait a minute, so that I can figure out what am I being told, and what are my options?  

Katherine Banwell:

Right, right. It can be confusing for patients, just finding out this new information. Part of making care decisions is setting goals. What are AML treatment goals, and how are they determined?   

Dr. Gail Roboz:

I would say that leaving cure on the table from the beginning is always a good place to start, because you want to figure out, first of all, what am I dealing with? What are the actual options?   

But when AML strikes, and a patient who has multiple medical conditions or comorbidities that are truly compromising function independently of the diagnosis of AML, that’s going to be a special path of what is actually reasonable for someone who is terribly medically ill or otherwise frail right from the beginning? That can be defining goals, but I think from the beginning, the best thing is to leave everything on the table. What can actually be done to make me better, first of all, to get me out of my immediate trouble? What can be done to make me better, and if I’m getting better, well, I like that, how do I stay there?  

What can be done to hang on to the state of ‘better,’ which is sometimes defined as remission? In AML, the goal is to get the bone marrow working again, functioning again, get rid of the acute emergency problem, if there is one, which there may or may not be in acute leukemia. 

Sometimes it’s truly an emergency, and sometimes it isn’t. But once I get better, can I stay there? What is required to keep me with a working bone marrow for as long as possible? 

But once you are starting to sort through the diagnosis, you realize that saying that somebody has acute myeloid leukemia is not telling me nearly enough information. This is a disease that is what we call biologically heterogeneous, which means there are lots of different forms. It’s like saying you’re sick. What exactly does that mean? There are lots of things that can make you sick. There are lots of different subtypes of AML, and fairly quickly in most institutions, we start getting back some information specifically on the subtype and biological characteristics of the disease.  

This can be very, very important in the initial treatment planning, and depending on where you are, the information that you get back can sometimes take 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours, a week. So, you start learning very quickly though that, “If I’m not in a complete emergency that requires instantaneous treatment, can I get back more information about the biological subtype of the disease so that I can start treatment planning of what is my best option right out of the gate?” That’s usually called induction, or the first therapy that you’re going to get with the goal, ‘getting rid of leukemia cells and getting into remission.’ That’s part one, and then everything that comes after that is about keeping you in remission.  

But for the initial goal, what is the therapy that the patient needs to get to get into remission? In order to figure that out, the good news is there are a lot of different ways to slice and dice getting into remission, and actually, it used to be such a weighty decision. 

Now, I would actually encourage people to – not relax, you can never use the word ‘relax’ with acute leukemia. But there are several different induction strategies for most patients that would be okay.  

So, even if you get started with one strategy and you hear five days later that another doctor might do something different, there are a lot of ways to safely get into remission. I think everybody should be pleased about the fact that we’re doing much better than we used to for patients across the board, all the way from children to much older adults, to safely getting people into remission. 

Katherine Banwell:

Right. So, what sort of factors then do you take into consideration when you’re choosing a therapy? 

Dr. Gail Roboz:

So, out of the gate, there are the patients that I think I referred to earlier who truly, truly are in situations based on their other diseases that there are certain treatments we would just cross out right out of the gate.  

If there are patients with very, very severely compromised cardiac or renal or lung function or are terribly ill from other conditions, AML doctors will right out of the gate for those patients eliminate certain treatments. But absent that scenario, what we try to look for is the biology of the disease. Not look at the age, not look at the comorbidities unless they are so severe that they make obvious certain choices. 

But rather, what I like to do is say, “What kind of AML is this, and what is the best treatment that I have to get this patient into remission?” And then ask the question, “can this particular patient handle this therapy?” Sometimes, these days, there actually may be more than one route to get to remission depending on the biology of the disease, and then, if that’s the case, then I can start getting picky and look at the individual patient. Where does the patient live? Who’s the patient’s family? What other diseases has the patient been treated for?  

Is there something that I can use? If I have a choice, if there are a couple of different things that might work, how do I fit the treatment to best take care of the needs of this particular patient? If I don’t have choices, then my question is, “Okay, how do I get this patient through my one therapy that I think is the truly, truly best option?” 

Katherine Banwell:

Okay. I’d like to turn to test results for a moment. What sort of tests should be done following an AML diagnosis?  

Dr. Gail Roboz:

We often generally recommend a bone marrow biopsy, even if we know we can make the diagnosis from a blood test, because even though the bone marrow biopsy is not the most fun test in the world, it does offer better information for follow-up care than what you can get initially from the blood. 

So, every once in a while, we do have a patient for whom a bone marrow biopsy itself for whatever reason can’t be done. But almost always, we need a bone marrow biopsy, and on that biopsy, you’re going to look under the microscope and see what the cells look like. You’re going to get back standard testing, which is called flow cytometry, which is going to tell the difference between what are the different cells that you’re seeing under the microscope. 

But then you’re actually going to get progressively much more fancy testing, including things called chromosomes or cytogenetics, and then ultimately, the majority of patients, if at all possible, will be having mutational testing to identify certain subgroups of AML that benefit from very particular treatments. Next-generation sequencing, PCR, fusion proteins, FISH, cytogenetics, I can go on and on with all kinds of terminology that is very confusing, even to hematology fellows, let alone to patients.  

Usually, we use a combination of tests to decide, “Is this patient likely to be able to be cured with chemotherapy alone, or might this patient benefit from a stem cell transplant from somebody else after they go into remission?” 

That’s basically what the prognostic scoring systems used to be asking, but now it’s a lot more complicated than that. Because even in the favorable categories, even in the adverse categories, where there used to be very little subtlety, now there is a lot of subtlety. 

It’s all about defining getting into remission, and what do I give you once you’re in remission to keep you there? It’s no longer this windshield wiper thing of good, bad, transplant, no transplant. There’s a lot more to AML than there used to be. 

Katherine Banwell:

I’d like to add that if you, the viewer, are interested in learning more about AML testing and treatment, PEN has a number of resources available for you. You can find these at powerfulpatients.org/AML, or by scanning the QR code on your screen.  

Before we get into specific treatment types, Dr. Roboz, would you provide a brief explanation of the phases of therapy for AML? You mentioned induction therapy earlier. Would you tell us what that is? 

Dr. Gail Roboz:

Yeah. So, here, too, I have to say that it’s more confusing than it used to be for the following reasons. So, historically and currently, we typically talk about induction as the first therapy that you’re going to get to get into remission.  

Then, the treatment paradigm is you do something to get into remission; do some treatment to get into remission. After that, in the realm of post-remission therapy, there are different things that can happen. There can be something called consolidation, which might be another round of chemotherapy. Some patients get consolidation, some patients don’t. After consolidation, there can be a transplant.  

So, you get into remission, you may or may not get a little bit of what’s called consolidation chemotherapy, and then go on to a transplant. 

However, sometimes either after the transplant or after chemotherapy before ever getting or instead of ever getting a transplant, there might be ongoing treatment in a lower intensity ongoing basis that is called maintenance.  

So, you’ve got to think about it as induction as what happens first, consolidation is something that happens when you’re in remission, and then maintenance usually refers to ongoing therapy that is different from consolidation. 

It’s usually lower intensity, easier to take, oral types of treatment that may go on and on. And just to be incredibly confusing, it’s different from something like breast cancer, where often the patients are given, “You get six cycles of this, and then you’re done.” From AML, there’s actually often not that type of an obvious plan right out of the gate for the patient. 

The answer will be, “It depends.” It depends. It depends how your treatment looks at this point in time. It depends how you look at this point in time. 

So then, the patients say, “Well, aren’t you going to cure me of this? What are you doing? Aren’t you going to get rid of it?” So, historically, there are some patients who get cured with chemotherapy. They get chemotherapy to get into remission, they get some chemotherapy afterwards, and there’s a cure rate for some patients with that. The majority of patients who are cured with AML get an allotransplant, or a transplant from somebody else. 

Then there’s a whole group of patients where we’re asking the question now, is it possible to get those patients beyond five years – so in oncology, five years is typically defined as cure. Can we get some patients with ongoing therapy to that past-five-year mark without a transplant? That’s in the zone of the ‘coming soon.’ Don’t have a ton of patients in that group right now, but hopefully we will. 

Katherine Banwell:

You’ve mentioned some various treatment types that are used to treat AML. Can you share a brief overview of available treatments? 

Dr. Gail Roboz:

So, the terminology that we use is a little bit annoying, because it is a little bit general. We say intensive and not intensive. 

But historically, intensive chemotherapy referred to a combination of generally two types of agents, cytarabine (Cytosar-U) and an anthracycline, which is a class of chemotherapy, that either just those two together or in combination with sometimes a third or a fourth drug usually keeps people in the hospital for around a month. Not that the chemotherapy takes that long, but the treatment gets rid of basically a lot of cells in the bone marrow, good guys and bad guys, and it takes about three weeks for those normal cells to recover. 

So, a standard intensive induction for AML is often around three to four weeks in the hospital, somewhere between three and five or so days of chemotherapy up front, depending on exactly what the protocol is. The classic regimen is actually still called 3+7, three days of one drug, seven of the other. But there are many variations of that that work. 

The chemo is then stopped, the patient hangs out in the hospital, very frequently getting transfusions and antibiotics, and we wait for the bone marrow to recover.  

Another current path that many patients are getting – almost all older patients, with ‘older’ being defined not by a specific age cutoff, but often 75 and older, almost everybody agrees no longer gets the classic chemotherapy that I just described. At some institutions, that 75 is going down, and even 70 and 65 and above are getting a new type of therapy, mostly because the new type of therapy is working pretty well. That is a combination of something called a hypomethylating agent.  

Drugs like azacitidine (Vidaza, Onureg) or decitabine (Dacogen) in combination with a pill that has changed the landscape of AML more than any other called venetoclax (Venclexta). Venetoclax is a drug that is not exclusively used for AML. 

It actually was originally approved for another type of leukemia. But I think that not many people would argue with the statement that what has changed absolutely the face of AML treatment has been this drug, because it’s a BCL2 inhibitor. What it does is it actually – cancer cells and leukemia cells in particular are very, very good at staying alive.  

They don’t undergo cell death, they don’t want to die, and venetoclax brings down their forcefield so that those cells can actually undergo apoptosis and die. 

Venetoclax in combination with azacitidine or decitabine has transformed the care of the disease, because many patients older than 65 – and the median age of diagnosis of AML is around 68 to 70. So, many patients never were well enough to have the intensive therapy. They weren’t going into remission, and they weren’t having prolonged survival often beyond a few months. 

But now, those patients do actually much better with the combination of aza [azacitidine] and venetoclax. So typically, the induction path is going to be deciding who gets an intensive therapy backbone, usually associated with long hospitalization. Who gets a less intensive backbone – by the way, that is often associated with just the same hospitalization. So, that’s why I don’t love the term ‘low intensity,’ because that implies that it doesn’t work.  

It does, and it also implies that you’re not going to be in the hospital. You probably will, because in the same way as for the more so-called intensive therapies, getting into remission involves getting rid of bone marrow cells and waiting for the normal ones to recover. Even if you are a patient who is getting the venetoclax combined with the azacitidine or decitabine, which is typically called low intensity, you may very well be in the hospital for a month. 

Because depending on where you live and who your family is and how sick you might be, you will probably want us to watch you carefully during that first month, but it’s worth it. Because if you have a good chance of getting into remission, remission is what makes life better and life longer. So, we want to get patients into remission, even if it means upfront time in the hospital. 

Katherine Banwell:

You mentioned one inhibitor as targeted therapy, but there are a couple of others. Would you briefly tell us about those? 

Dr. Gail Roboz:

So, over the years recently, we have identified certain specific targets in AML which are resulting in the addition of medications on these standard backbones. So, the target for venetoclax is something called BCL2, and actually, venetoclax probably makes all chemotherapy better. It’s kind of a controversial statement, but I’m going to stand by it. But in AML, it has been shown that the addition of venetoclax to lots of different backbones makes them work better. There are other things to hit, though.  

For example, there are patients with AML who have something called a FLT3, F-L-T-3 mutation. This mutation also has specific inhibitors that are FDA-approved drugs that target specifically the FLT3 mutation, and if you have one of those, your doctor may add on a FLT3 inhibitor to either a lower intensity or an intensive backbone. Similarly, there are agents called IDH inhibitors. There are IDH1 and IDH2 inhibitors. 

If I start getting into isocitrate dehydrogenase pathways on this webinar, I think everybody will click off, because it’s certainly bored all of the medical students in med school, and it’s pretty tough to understand. But the bottom line is it’s very cool stuff because that boring pathway in medical school that nobody really thought about too much is actually part of very, very, central cellular functions that are a vulnerability now that have been identified in leukemic cells that, if you hit them with these specific inhibitors, patients do better.  

Now, couple of things for patients. It doesn’t mean that it’s better to have a FLT3 or an IDH mutation because the targeted therapies are available. So, a lot of patients are disappointed when they don’t have mutations. I don’t want you to think in that way. It’s not that it’s better, it’s different.  

It identifies a different biology. If you have certain mutations, there are certain medications that may help you more.  

That’s why I think the patients are learning quickly, too, to ask the doc – they may not remember the letters of the alphabet soup, but “Do I have something about my AML that can get one of these targeted therapies added on?” I think is a good question to think about. “Do I have something about my disease that has a specific drug that we’ve already learned makes outcomes better?”  

Katherine Banwell:

There’s a new emerging therapy as well. Is it the menin inhibitor? 

Dr. Gail Roboz:

I think that, in understanding different targets and different pathways, it leads me to a general statement that if you can get yourself potentially onto a clinical trial at an academic center, that is something to consider right out of the gate. Because there is a lot, a lot, a lot going on in this field right now. 

What we are hoping, and the reason that I am talking to you about venetoclax and FLT3 inhibitors and IDH inhibitors, is because of all the patients who jumped onto those clinical trials and proved that those drugs are better. Some of them are my patients! I was fortunate on some of those early trials to have some real winners in patients who got onto the trials. They’re the ones who drove the success. 

So, for example, menin inhibitors, which are very, very exciting, targeted agents for NPM1 and KMT2A mutations and rearrangements – these are complicated to remember as a patient, but there’s a cool drug out there that might be for you. I think that patients who really think about asking the question wherever they are, the “Hey, I just got a diagnosis of AML. Is there a clinical trial that might look good for me?” I think is a great question to ask pretty much out of the gate. 

Katherine Banwell:

The symptoms of AML as well as the side effects of certain medications can vary greatly among patients. So, how do you approach symptom management with your patients? 

Dr. Gail Roboz:

Patients will giggle because I repeat this line. You have to be afraid of the disease, not the treatment. I think that if you read the package insert on a Tylenol, you’re certainly not going  to think you’re going to live for more than 20 minutes if you take one of those. You can certainly appreciate that, with chemotherapy drugs and including some of the novel agents that I’m talking about, if you read package inserts and look at some of the signs and symptoms and things that can happen, it’s extraordinarily overwhelming. 

I think that a lot of what I do for patients is I keep them close. Because if the patient is in the hospital or coming in very frequently in clinic, I think that that everyday assessment of, “What are you experiencing?” and “What can I tell you is the disease’s fault, and what can I tell you is the medication’s fault?” is so, so important. 

Especially in the newly diagnosed patients, where the disease is active. Of course, we want to try to minimize anything that we can do to make the process better for patients, more comfortable for patients, but there are certain things that we do tell people, “You’ve got to slug through this particular problem, because this is the disease’s fault.” This is different from a patient in remission, where they might be getting ongoing therapy with something, or we say, “Hey, wait a minute. You’d be feeling fine, except now you’re taking this medication. How do we minimize messing up quality of life in remission?” 

Because we want you to feel great when you’re in remission. I think the real answer of that is to have a really close collaboration with the healthcare team, and for the patients to really understand – I repeat this because it’s so important. What is the disease’s fault, and what is the treatment’s fault? If there’s something that is therapy-related, do I have a substitute or do I not have a substitute?  

Because if the drug is essential to get us where we need to go, well, what can we do to manage comfort and to manage symptoms until you get to the place where your marrow is working again? 

Katherine Banwell:

That’s great advice, Dr. Roboz. I would like to get to an audience question that we received prior to the program. This one comes from Johanna. “How can I better understand my lab test results? What questions should I be asking my provider about those results?”  

Dr. Gail Roboz:

One of the things that I would say to patients is to be careful when interpreting your own results, because I really am not exaggerating to say that patients have had absolute trauma looking at things that I look at it and say, “Oh, this looks great.” So, the first thing is, be careful being your own doctor. 

The second thing though is that the author of the question has to understand that there’s going to be a tsunami of data coming in with respect to AML treatment. Sometimes in the hospital on a daily basis when you’re in the middle of an induction, there is a true – tsunami is the right word – a deluge of data, and you have to work with your team to say, “What am I following here? What’s important at this phase in my treatment? What’s the number I’m looking at?” Patients sometimes tell me, “I don’t want to know any of this,” and I’m fine with that.  

I think it’s actually okay. Sometimes patients will say, “Give me guidance,” and I will be specific. Because you can actually have a leukemia induction patient where every single laboratory value is abnormal. They might be getting pushed to a device, in the morning, sitting in the hospital on your iPad, 50 abnormal results. You’re trying to battle back the disease and be positive and advocate for yourself, but there are 50 abnormal results in front of you. 

I think you have to really work with the team to say, “What am I looking at today? What are the numbers that are the really important ones? There are 50 abnormal ones here; everything is getting a yellow or a red light in this. How do I go through this?”  

And to appreciate, also, that at different points in the treatment, the beginning of treatment induction post-remission therapy, you’re looking for different things. So, work with your team so that you’re not assessing every single result with equivalent weight, because I think you’re going to stress yourself out.  

Katherine Banwell:

That’s great advice, Dr. Roboz. Thank you. As we close out the program, I’d like to find out what you would like to leave the audience with. Why are you hopeful? 

Dr. Gail Roboz:

AML is changing incredibly rapidly. And  I can tell you it is a lot more fun to be an AML doctor now than it used to be, with respect to what I am offering for patients. We have always fought really, really hard to have our wins, but we’re winning more. I do think that it is a complicated space to navigate for patients, but there is room for a lot of optimism. 

I think we are getting patients transplanted  –  patients that we never thought would ever go through a transplant or getting transplanted. Patients who never had a chance of even living more than six or eight months or living much longer than that. Is it perfect? No. Do we have as many cures as we want?  

No, but there’s a lot going on. I think if patients feel that excitement, they will also feel the need to ask about those clinical trials. Because I think that for a lot of patients, clinical trials is an area where they would be worried. They’re not sure that they want to. “I don’t want to be a guinea pig,” and yet here I can say in the AML space, one after another after another drug approvals in the last several years, with the patients on those trials being awfully happy that they participated. 

So, I think that it’s a very, very terrifying diagnosis. There’s nothing that I can do to take the sting out of that. But try to find yourself in an optimistic place with options that are being offered to the very, very, very best that we can do. There are patients who are listening, I’m sure, who have relapsed or refractory disease who are not feeling that optimism. 

I want to address you specifically, because we don’t have enough yet. We’re trying. When you have AML that has come back or come back multiply, that’s dangerous and difficult. But for those patients in particular, try really hard to get onto clinical trials. If the drugs that we have out there – if you’ve already taken them and they haven’t worked for you or if they’re not serving you well, if you’re in good shape and the drugs that we have aren’t good enough, well, let’s see if we can get you on something that’s investigational. 

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Roboz, thank you so much for taking the time to join us today. 

Dr. Gail Roboz:

Thank you for having me. 

Katherine Banwell:

I also want to thank all of our collaborators. To learn more about AML and to access tools to help you become a proactive patient, visit powerfulpatients.org. I’m Katherine Banwell. Thanks for joining us today.  

What Are Potential Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on AML Patient Care?

What Are Potential Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on AML Patient Care? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How might acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patient care be impacted by artificial intelligence? Expert Dr. Andrew Hantel from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School shares his perspective on potential risks and benefits of the impact of AI on AML patient care.

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Why Is Shared Decision-Making Important for AML Patients?


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Hantel, can you elaborate on the significance of oncologists believing that AI-based clinical decision models need to be explainable? And how might this impact AML patient care and decision-making processes?

Dr. Andrew Hantel:

Sure. So I think just taking a step back and saying you know what is AI, and what does explainability of AI even mean? So AI or artificial intelligence is essentially computer algorithms that learn to some extent like us, but in other ways differently, kind of how to process information and make decisions based on that information or make recommendations, at least.

And to some extent, like you or I, we can’t really explain “Why did I decide to have Cheerios this morning versus having like whole wheat toast or something?” It’s kind of difficult for me to say, “Oh, I just felt like I wanted to do that instead of that.” To some extent, AI also does that. It can kind of arrive at a decision after digesting a lot of different data over its lifetime to say that it prefers Cheerios versus whole wheat toast.

But it can’t necessarily tell you why it wanted one versus the other. And in medical decisions, to some extent, the same things can happen. It can’t really adequately explain to some extent why it might recommend one treatment versus another. And we like to think that in medicine, we’re making evidence-based recommendations that we choose treatment one or treatment two over treatment three, because the evidence for one and two is better for the person in front of us.

And AI can also kind of explain things some ways to that extent, but in other ways it might not know all of the other characteristics of the person that aren’t in that computer that make us think treatment one or two is better than three. And so our ability to actuallyd say, “Is the AI making this decision appropriately and able to explain why it came to decision one and two?”

If it can’t do that, we can’t actually understand whether or not it’s gone wrong and whether or not we should trust what it’s recommending. And so for that, we kind of have to create artificial intelligence models that are explainable by saying, “I’m telling you, you should choose this option versus that option because of reasons A, B, and C as they apply to this patient who is being taken care of.” And the hope is that there are ways computer scientists are using to try and get AI towards that.

But we really need to make sure that we create an AI that’s trustworthy in order for us to make you know AML patient care decisions that do better for our patients, because we know that AI is powerful, and it can bring in a lot of different data sources that are difficult for any human to make in any kind of scenario. But to be able to do that in a way that doesn’t put patients at risk and that really improves their care and improves our ability to maintain and optimize people’s health is essential. And so while AI is not kind of right now being used to make decisions in AML patient care, it’s going to be tested probably in the near future to help out with that in clinical trials and controlled settings.

And so you as a patient or somebody who is very interested in the power of AI, I would say once we start to hear about those things, it might be something that you’re interested in participating in a trial, or you’re interested in kind of learning more about that. We could come back and talk about that more. For the moment though, I think it’s just more of a risk that we’re trying to avoid of making AI that’s not explainable and potentially harms patients rather than helps them.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay, thank you. One of the things I know in some cancer research is they are using artificial intelligence and machine learning models to help predict outcomes based on certain therapies. And I wonder if you have any comments on, because the data used is historical and real time coming in all the time, but we know there are inherent biases based on disparities in healthcare anyway from underrepresented communities. Do you think that those biases can be overcome in future models that are used to predict outcomes to treatment for different types of cancers?

Dr. Andrew Hantel:

Yes. So I think there’s a number of different biases that can come into artificial intelligence models. And it’s the same, a lot of the same biases that we have in our current clinical trials, and that historically marginalized groups have not been well-represented, either in participating in trials or in their data that’s input into these AI models. And for kind of the same reason, we don’t really know how generalizable the data that we have from the trials or from the AI really apply to those populations.

We assume because they have a lot of the other same characteristics as the people who are in the trials or kind of in these models that we can apply those data to them. But I think the push is to use both data sets and to encourage participation in trials for those communities, such that we know that these drugs and that AI are safe and effective for them.

And so there are both efforts to do that in leukemia and cancer broadly, and across healthcare even more broadly. And that can be either by working together with kind of multinational consortia of physicians and researchers to kind of pool data that includes patient populations from around the world. And the same thing is being done for trials as well as to kind of help make sure that the people who are underserved also kind of within our own communities are included in both of these processes.

Lisa Hatfield:

If a patient were to come on to you and said, “Dr. Hantel, I looked up on ChatGPT, what is the best treatment for me given these mutations or this characteristic of my disease?” What might you say to them? Would you involve that in your decision-making? Would you discuss that with them a little bit more? How would you handle that?

Dr. Andrew Hantel:

I think I would just generally be curious about you know what the actual transcript of the conversation was like. I think right now one of the major concerns for a lot of AI is that it can hallucinate things. And so there are some famous examples of lawyers putting in you know kind of briefs that they wanted to file and the AI coming up with like court cases that never existed to justify things. And so the last thing that we want is in medical decisions for people to rely on kind of made-up facts to make treatment choices.

And so, I’d be interested in kind of its medical decision-making process and kind of the data that it was able to rely on to make the decision. More from the standpoint of curiosity and education for myself to understand how patients are interacting with these things, as well as to make sure that the patient was also understanding kind of the information that was being put out and wasn’t having any misconceptions.

I think that the potential for these AI to help patients is vast in terms of their ability to understand a lot of the medical jargon and a lot of the information that’s coming at patients through portals and everything else, that could be very scary. But I also want to make sure that we’re not kind of overloading patients with what we think is an answer, but actually can come with a lot of falsehoods and harm.

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What Is the Role of Bone Marrow Biopsies in AML Treatment?

What Is the Role of Bone Marrow Biopsies in AML Treatment? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What part do bone marrow biopsies play in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) treatment? Expert Dr. Andrew Hantel from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School discusses the value and information gained from bone marrow biopsies, how AML characteristics can vary, and his hopes for the future of bone marrow biopsies.

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Why Is Shared Decision-Making Important for AML Patients?


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Hantel, can you explain the importance in utility of bone marrow biopsy as it relates to treatment?

Dr. Andrew Hantel:

Yeah, so bone marrow biopsies are one of the mainstays of our ability to understand where somebody’s leukemia is. And what I mean by that is somebody’s leukemia can be newly diagnosed, and we need to get a lot of the information about it. It can be somebody who’s after treatment, and we need to understand if their leukemia has responded to that treatment.

And that can take the form of, did the treatment work well enough to clear out all of the leukemia cells? And also after somebody’s blood counts have come back after the treatment has been completed, are only their good blood cells back, or has the kind of leukemia not responded adequately to treatment? And relative to the normal tubes of blood that we can get quite easily, a bone marrow biopsy,  which we don’t like to do unless it’s necessary, is something where we have a lot of additional information that we can obtain. And it’s both information that we can’t obtain from the blood and also kind of information that we can get to kind of a different degree of specificity than we can in the blood.

And so a little bit more specifically, what I mean by that is sometimes people’s blood counts will look relatively okay, and there can be a good amount of leukemia still in their bone marrow. And other times, the person’s leukemia can be in remission, but their blood counts can look low and abnormal.

And so we need to be able to tell which of those things is actually happening. And if we could tell that without doing bone marrow biopsies, we would do that every time. But, unfortunately, the bone marrow is kind of a little bit of a harbor compared to the bloodstream. And so to be able to actually look and see what’s happening kind of in the factory is really necessary. And there’s a lot of additional tests that we’re able to run, because that’s where kind of the cells are produced, and we can see at a much lower level if there’s are any hints of leukemia left.

There’s more and more interest in kind of getting good testing from the blood. And so that’s a very active area of investigation. And to be able to do that in the future, I really hope there’s a day where we don’t have to do bone marrow biopsies. But for right now, our only ability to tell how well we’re doing with somebody’s leukemia treatment is to be able to…it’s to do bone marrow biopsies and obtain kind of that really granular specific and kind of deep dive detail.

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Why Is Shared Decision-Making Important for AML Patients?

Why Is Shared Decision-Making Important for AML Patients? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What makes shared decision-making vital for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients? Expert Dr. Andrew Hantel from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School  discusses his approach to shared decision-making, the roles of patients and families, and proactive patient advice for the practical side of treatment risks and benefits.


“…when your doctor’s talking to you about the risks and benefits of a treatment…ask them to talk to you about what does this mean in terms of maybe getting towards a milestone that you want to be around for and also we’ll be able to go to in terms of how healthy you are, side effects you might have, need to be in the hospital, all those different kind of things that I think are easy to get lost when we see somebody either in a hospital bed or in a clinic room that’s kind of spaced away from where they are and where they live all of their life.”

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Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Hantel, how do you involve your patients and families in the shared decision-making process?

Dr. Andrew Hantel:

So shared decision-making is a complex subject, and I think the first thing I always like to do is to really just start off the conversation as much as we can. Just asking the person about who they are, who their loved ones are, what’s important to them. I think setting up the conversation that way really dictates a lot of the decisions that get made, because it helps me kind of understand who’s coming in to see me, what they find important in life, kind of what their goals are for their life, and for the people around them. Sometimes people are very much talking about grandkids and things that they want to see when the grandkids get older. Sometimes it’s that the person themselves is young and really wants to live to have their grandkids.

And so I think that this kind of breadth of people who can come in with leukemia means that I just need to know more about the person even before talking about the disease that they’re there to see me for. When we get into the leukemia itself, it’s really contextualizing a lot of the information that we find out about their leukemia with what I just said with the person themself and what their values are.

And this can take the form of many different things because in leukemia, we have treatments that are more intense, that are less intense. We have options like bone marrow transplant for some patients when it’s necessary. And a lot of those things are balances between risks that people might need to accept in terms of the side effects from treatments and the benefits that those treatments will give them in terms of our expectation of putting leukemia into a remission or ideally curing them long-term of their disease.

And so the patients and families are essential in that process, because they’re the ones who in the end are going to make the decision about, “Do I want this therapy or not? Do I want to move forward with something that’s going to make me have to be in the hospital for several weeks or longer, potentially, or try something outpatient if those options are available to me and kind of where I want to spend my time?” And so in that, it’s really just an ongoing conversation. It can take so many forms that we just want to know the specifics of what the risks and benefits are and what those risks and benefits actually mean for that person in front of me.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay. Thank you. And do you have an activation tip for patients, their families maybe about when they come in to visit you for an office visit regarding those decisions?

Dr. Andrew Hantel:

So my activation tip would be for when your doctor’s talking to you about the risks and benefits of a treatment, it’s very easy for us to talk about risks and benefits in medical terms in terms of percentages of this and percentages of that. And you know I think it would be better if you ask and ask them to talk to you about what does this mean in terms of maybe getting towards a milestone that you want to be around for and also we’ll be able to go to in terms of how healthy you are, side effects you might have, need to be in the hospital, all those different kind of things that I think are easy to get lost when we see somebody either in a hospital bed or in a clinic room that’s kind of spaced away from where they are and where they live all of their life. And so I would just say bring in and ask for kinds of risks and benefits and decisions that are around who you are as a person even in addition to kind of the medical facts and their ability to tell you that.

Lisa Hatfield:

Great. Thank you. I love that tip personally, I’m going to use that when I see my oncologist in two weeks to have a milestone to work toward maybe, or based around. So thank you for that tip.

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Do AML Bone Marrow Biopsies Show Racial and Ethnic Variances?

Do AML Bone Marrow Biopsies Show Racial and Ethnic Variances? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Are racial and ethnic differences shown in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) bone marrow biopsies? Expert Dr. Andrew Hantel from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School discusses what early AML studies are showing and proactive patient advice for bone marrow biopsies.


“…ask your doctor about what the different things that they’re looking for in the bone marrow biopsy are and kind of what they mean to you. Sometimes, they can be looking to see if the leukemia has cleared after a treatment. Sometimes, they’re looking to see if there’s a change in the mutations that they saw before in your leukemia and are seeing if you know something is different than they can now target.”

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Novel AML Therapy Use | Impact of Socioeconomic Status and Other Factors

Novel AML Therapy Use | Impact of Socioeconomic Status and Other Factors

How Bone Marrow Biopsies Impact Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treatment and Care

How Bone Marrow Biopsies Impact Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treatment and Care

What Is the Role of Bone Marrow Biopsies in AML Treatment?

What Is the Role of Bone Marrow Biopsies in AML Treatment?


Lisa Hatfield:

With these bone marrow biopsies or the disease in general, AML in general, do you see any unique patterns with different racial or ethnic groups? Because we see so many disparities in healthcare, any way in that you see different patterns of maybe genetic mutations with AML or any differences in the general course of the disease?

Dr. Andrew Hantel:

I would say that we…there are hints of those things right now. So there are some early studies that are showing, there are a couple specific mutations that have either increased rates or decreased rates in different racial and ethnic groups. The extent to which any of those have been really done on a wide scale and also done to the extent that we can say it actually makes a difference in different groups’ outcomes we haven’t established yet. And so right now, it’s more just hints that something is a little bit different. But the extent to which that is actually changing the course of somebodies diseases hasn’t been established. And it seems like some of these changes aren’t necessarily in the same mutations that we think of as having a lot of significance in terms of altering somebody’s prognosis.

And so while it may be  activating slightly different pathways, they aren’t the ones that are, we think in our mind are the most important ones for saying how well or how not well somebody might be doing with their leukemia. There’s a lot more research that is being actively done by my colleagues both at Dana-Farber and nationally to understand that and may come that some of what I just said becomes not true, because there are new findings seen.

And that I hope that we can understand some of those differences and pathways more. But to the extent that anything actionable is done based on those things right now, the answer is no. Right now, we know that anybody can get any of these mutations, and it’s more just that a difference of when we’re looking at a population as a whole, something is a little bit more frequent in one group than another. But that can also come down to who in that group was actually included in the study that we’re doing. And whether or not that exists really across that whole population we have yet to be able to say anything about.

Lisa Hatfield:

Thank you. And do you have an activation tip regarding bone marrow biopsies? And I’ll tell you right now, if you tell patients they might one day not have to have them, they’ll be thrilled, but you don’t have to put that in your activation tip. [chuckle]

Dr. Andrew Hantel:

So my activation tip for this question is, just to ask your doctor about what the different things that they’re looking for in the bone marrow biopsy are and kind of what they mean to you. Sometimes, they can be looking to see if the leukemia has cleared after a treatment. Sometimes, they’re looking to see if there’s a change in the mutations that they saw before in your leukemia and are seeing if you know something is different than they can now target.

And just understanding a little bit more about what their thinking is and how they’re trying to help you by doing the bone marrow biopsy because we…it’s not a test anybody likes to do or have done on them. But we always do it for a good reason, and it’s to make sure that we can better control or better cure leukemia.

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How Bone Marrow Biopsies Impact Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treatment and Care

How Bone Marrow Biopsies Impact Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treatment and Care from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How are acute myeloid leukemia (AML) treatment and care impacted by bone marrow biopsies? Expert Dr. Andrew Hantel from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School explains the role that bone marrow biopsies play in AML diagnosis and monitoring and how they help guide informed treatment decisions.

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Novel AML Therapy Use | Impact of Socioeconomic Status and Other Factors

Novel AML Therapy Use | Impact of Socioeconomic Status and Other Factors

Do AML Bone Marrow Biopsies Show Racial and Ethnic Variances?

Do AML Bone Marrow Biopsies Show Racial and Ethnic Variances?

What Is the Role of Bone Marrow Biopsies in AML Treatment?

What Is the Role of Bone Marrow Biopsies in AML Treatment?


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Hantel, can you explain how insights gained from bone marrow biopsies impact treatment strategies for patients with AML? And how often might individuals with AML undergo these biopsies during their treatment course? And what specific objectives do these follow-up biopsies serve?

Dr. Andrew Hantel:

Sure. So bone marrow biopsies provide critical insights into the diagnosis and monitoring of AML. They help to determine the specific type of leukemia diagnosis. They help determine the effectiveness of ongoing treatments and to guide our therapeutic decisions. For people with AML, these biopsies are typically performed initially at diagnosis and then during treatment to assess response and sometimes add intervals to monitor for disease recurrence. 

The specific timing is really dependent in follow-up on what somebody’s counts are like, which treatments they’ve received, and what their options are in terms of future treatment, if that’s being considered. When somebody gets a biopsy, we look at the cells under a microscope. And we perform specific tests to look at the different characteristics of the cells like the DNA of the leukemia cells.

And together with the clinical information of the patient, such as what other conditions they might have and then their values, meaning what are their goals and what’s most important to them? The things we see under the microscope and in those tests can together inform us as to which treatments both might be effective and align with these other factors.

For instance, we had a patient last week who was in their late 70s, and the testing from their blood bone marrow saw that there was a specific mutation in their leukemia that would allow them to actually just take a pill instead of getting kind of a more complex and infusion IV medication for the treatment of their leukemia.

And so based on that test and based on that biopsy, we’re able to have that patient actually go home from the hospital and start that treatment as an outpatient and come back and forth to clinic rather than need to stay into the hospital for a different type of therapy and remain there for observation. And so understanding the results of these biopsies can really help patients and healthcare providers make informed decisions about the course of treatment and any adjustments to the therapy that might be needed.

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Novel AML Therapy Use | Impact of Socioeconomic Status and Other Factors

Novel AML Therapy Use | Impact of Socioeconomic Status and Other Factors from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How do socioeconomic status and other factors impact novel acute myeloid leukemia (AML) therapy use? Expert Dr. Andrew Hantel from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School  discusses major factors that impact novel AML therapy use, solutions to decrease the disparities in novel therapy use, and support resources for patients.


“…for patients who are newly diagnosed and considering different treatment options that may be available to them to say working with both your clinical team and looking outside the clinical team to other well-known support services like Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to see if there are additional financial and other resources that can be obtained in order for you to be able to avail yourself of any treatment option that’s available, would be very helpful.”

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How Bone Marrow Biopsies Impact Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treatment and Care

How Bone Marrow Biopsies Impact Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treatment and Care

Do AML Bone Marrow Biopsies Show Racial and Ethnic Variances?

Do AML Bone Marrow Biopsies Show Racial and Ethnic Variances?

Why Is Shared Decision-Making Important for AML Patients?

Why Is Shared Decision-Making Important for AML Patients?


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Hantel, in your study focusing on sociodemographic associations with uptake of novel therapies for AML, can you describe those findings and what they might mean for patients from diverse backgrounds, particularly those with lower socioeconomic status?

Dr. Andrew Hantel:

So in our study of sociodemographic associations with the uptake of novel therapies for AML, we found that patients from diverse backgrounds, particularly those with lower socioeconomic status and those who identified as Black, Asian, or other in this case, non-Hispanic minoritized groups actually face disparities in accessing some of the new treatments that we have for AML. And we know that there are a number of new treatments for this disease, but that many of these treatments are more expensive and are given as outpatients.

And in these cases, this can be great, because it allows people to not have to remain in the hospital like some of our old therapies, but also means that really this is putting more of the like logistical burden on families and on patients. Meaning you have somebody who’s potentially more sick at home rather than in the hospital where there’s nursing and a lot of other caregivers that isn’t on the caregiver at home.

And then we also have the increased burden of actually bringing the person back and forth to the hospital, taking more time off work, and all of the money also that’s involved in that. And so this can translate into some disparities by socioeconomic status, which means that people with less means are less likely to get these medications. And these same groups are also less likely to be seen in practices where these newer drugs are likely to get prescribed.

And so together, some of the study findings that we saw were more that these drugs were being less taken up by people with those backgrounds and by practices that see those patients. And in the end, we know that these novel therapies are being approved, because they offer something new, either that’s better or that expands the treatments to newer groups who are unlikely to have as great options before.

And so we want to really provide these treatments to everybody who’s eligible for them. And we shouldn’t think that that eligibility requires really different amounts of money, or different types of personal characteristics could be equitably available to everybody.

And addressing these disparities kind of involves a very complex set of considerations, such as making sure that patients who are stable enough to do so they can go see AML specialists and consider more of these novel therapies that all patients are educated about, their treatment options and the logistics of different treatment choices and that they’re provided with all the avenues of support available to them.

Some of these can be through societies like The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, which can connect patients with a variety of support services, including more informational services as well as direct financial support to be able to either obtain these drugs or work with companies and other places to figure out how to maintain or how to obtain these drugs.

So my activation tip for this question would be for patients who are newly diagnosed and considering different treatment options that may be available to them to say working with both your clinical team and looking outside the clinical team to other well-known support services like Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to see if there are additional financial and other resources that can be obtained in order for you to be able to avail yourself of any treatment option that’s available, would be very helpful.

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Underrepresented AML Clinical Trial Groups | What Solutions Are Underway?

Underrepresented AML Clinical Trial Groups | What Solutions Are Underway? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What steps are being taken to help underrepresented acute myeloid leukemia (AML) clinical trial groups? Expert Dr. Andrew Hantel from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School discusses an important approach that is being utilized to dismantle AML clinical trial barriers for underrepresented groups and proactive patient advice to work toward clinical trial engagement for all patient groups.


“…patients of really any group to say kind of to their physicians, ‘How are people like me being engaged in research, and is there anything that I can do to help the groups that I identify with be more engaged in the research that is taking place, so we can really move the field forward and make sure that cures are happening for everybody?’”

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What Are Key Acute Myeloid Leukemia Care Barriers and Solutions?

What Are Key Acute Myeloid Leukemia Care Barriers and Solutions?

What AML Clinical Trial Inequities Do Minority and Ethnic Groups Face?

What AML Clinical Trial Inequities Do Minority and Ethnic Groups Face?

Why Is Post-Access Enrollment Vital in AML Clinical Trial Participation?

Why Is Post-Access Enrollment Vital in AML Clinical Trial Participation?


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Hantel, for patients who belong to a racial or ethnic group that are underrepresented in clinical trials, what steps are being taken to address this issue among you and your colleagues?

Dr. Andrew Hantel:

That’s a great question. So there are a number of efforts being made in our community to increase diversity in AML clinical trial enrollment, and I really think we are taking on what’s called a multi-level approach, meaning that we need to target things at different levels, the level of the patient, the level of the doctor and the research team, the level of how trials are designed to the level of the hospital,  level of the community, and then the level of the government or the regulatory people, and just working on one of those levels is really going to fix things and so we are starting to kind of chip away at the problems that exist at each of those levels, that are really stopping underrepresented groups from being represented in clinical trials.

A few examples of these are things like community engaged trial development, where we are linking clinical trial investigators to community members to collectively design trials that really lower some barriers to entry, like eligibility criteria, and then to look at where they’re actually planning on opening up their trials to make sure that they are in communities who have been historically underrepresented, we’ve also set up some monitoring systems since…You may be surprised where they actually haven’t been good systems for telling hospitals, telling researchers, telling doctors, who am I enrolling versus who am I actually seeing as a patient and who’s being seen at our hospital versus who lives in the community that the hospital serves. 

Really without that basic information, doctors and researchers can’t really have an idea in any real-time sense of how well or how poorly they’re doing at enrolling equitably. And we’re trying to do the best for our patients. And a lot of this is kind of inadvertent exclusion, but I think unless you present those data to people, they are likely going to assume it’s going well or that the problem kind of exists elsewhere, and they can’t do any better. And so I think linking that down to the program and the hospital actually gives them buy-in as to, “Oh, this is something that I’m doing, this is by a responsibility.”

There are also programs that we’re working on to train culturally diverse research staff and physicians, since a lot of research teams don’t look too much like their patient communities. And finally, we are creating educational programs with patient advocates and community organizations to educate patients about AML and about trials to make sure that they’re well-informed, have a place to go for answers, and all of this together really leads to lowering barriers, expanding access and making the system more inclusive and reflective of the community.

So my activation tip for this would be for patients of really any group to say kind of to their physicians, “How are people like me being engaged in research, and is there anything that I can do to help the groups that I identify with be more engaged in the research that is taking place, so we can really move the field forward and make sure that cures are happening for everybody.

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Why Is Post-Access Enrollment Vital in AML Clinical Trial Participation?

Why Is Post-Access Enrollment Vital in AML Clinical Trial Participation? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

For acute myeloid leukemia (AML) clinical trial participation, what makes post-access enrollment essential? Expert Dr. Andrew Hantel from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School discusses factors that play into post-access enrollment and patient advice to help decide about clinical trial participation.


“…when you’re asking about clinical trials, really ask not only what the trial is about, which is very important in deciding if whether or not it’s appropriate for you, but ask everything about the logistics and ask everything about what it would mean for you as a patient…by looking at it as, who am I as a person, and does this fit with me and sit with also how I want to give back to other people who have leukemia. That’s kind of one way that we help people think about whether or not they want to participate.”

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What Are Key Acute Myeloid Leukemia Care Barriers and Solutions?

What Are Key Acute Myeloid Leukemia Care Barriers and Solutions?

What AML Clinical Trial Inequities Do Minority and Ethnic Groups Face?

What AML Clinical Trial Inequities Do Minority and Ethnic Groups Face?

Underrepresented AML Clinical Trial Groups | What Solutions Are Underway

Underrepresented AML Clinical Trial Groups | What Solutions Are Underway


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Hantel, what does post-access enrollment mean, and why is it important in understanding disparities in AML clinical trial participation?

Dr. Andrew Hantel:

Sure, so we have a lot of steps between somebody getting diagnosed with AML and somebody enrolling on a clinical trial, and the first step is actually being at a site where clinical trials are offered. And in a lot of cancers, that is kind of the major barrier to getting on trials and that a lot of people are taken care of at clinics or in hospitals where there just aren’t clinical trials available for their cancer at all. And so after that, we kind of have this idea of a lot of other steps that are needed, even when the person is at a site with clinical trials.

And that’s kind of that whole idea of what post-access enrollment refers to,  that in a very granular way, means and at a site that has clinical trials, does that site now have clinical trials that are right for my specific type of AML, and then after that, am I actually eligible for that particular trial, and after that, do I want to participate, and after that, is it feasible for me to participate?

Because there are a number of other factors that come into a clinical trial, like maybe extra visits, maybe extra tests, a lot of other things that come into trial participation beyond just what the actual trial is studying, and so all of those things together mean post-access enrollment, and there are concerns for acute leukemia with respect to post-access enrollment, because it seems like those kind of bevy of steps are where patients who are historically underserved and from minoritized backgrounds are being excluded more from clinical trials or at least not allowed to participate as much, and we don’t know yet if there is one particular step, but it seems like from all the evidence that we have, that it’s kind of a combination of slightly more difficult steps at each point in that process that make it so in the end, those groups are less likely to enroll and less likely to participate. 

In the past, there was a lot of, I would say almost blame put on some of those groups because it was thought that they were more distrustful of the medical establishment, and I think for right reasons, at least in the past, the medical establishment has done horrible things to minoritized groups in this country. But we’ve recognized that it’s more a lot of structurally racist barriers that are put up in front of those people, and that the good evidence now is that people, no matter their background, really want to participate in clinical trials to the same degree.

And that it’s more kind of the structure is that we, the walls that we put up in front of them, or other things that are stopping them from enrolling, could be insurance, it could be access, it could be eligibility criteria, it could be kind of all of those other burdens that are required, like having a caregiver and everything else, but together, everything after access seems to be just as important for getting people onto a clinical trials in AML, whereas that’s not as much the case in some other diseases.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay, thank you. And do you have an activation tip for that question, Dr. Hantel?

Dr. Andrew Hantel:

My activation tip for this question would be, when you’re asking about clinical trials, really ask not only what the trial is about, which is very important in deciding if whether or not it’s appropriate for you, but ask everything about the logistics and ask everything about what it would mean for you as a patient. There are some trials that are doing wonderfully about this and really trying to make sure that people are able to continue to live their lives while enrolling and participating in clinical trials.

And so I think by looking at it as, who am I as a person, and does this fit with me and fit with also how I want to give back to other people who have leukemia. That’s kind of one way that we help people think about whether or not they want to participate.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay, thank you. And everything you talked about, it sounds like clinical trials are so complicated. If patients can have an advocate with them most of the time when they’re going to these appointments, it might be super helpful too, to take somebody with you. There’s a lot of information being throughout it patients, especially when it comes to clinical trial information, so thank you.

Dr. Andrew Hantel:

I completely agree.

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What AML Clinical Trial Inequities Do Minority and Ethnic Groups Face?

What AML Clinical Trial Inequities Do Minority and Ethnic Groups Face? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Do minority and ethnic groups face acute myeloid leukemia (AML) clinical trial inequities? Expert Dr. Andrew Hantel from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School discusses research study results of NCI-designated cancer centers of AML versus other cancers and proactive patient advice for clinical trial access.


“…patients to ask about where the nearest sites of care are for them that have clinical trials on at least historically, and then reaching out to those sites to ask, ‘Can I have a consultation?” Am I somebody who might be eligible for any of the clinical trials that you have?’”

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What Are Key Acute Myeloid Leukemia Care Barriers and Solutions?

What Are Key Acute Myeloid Leukemia Care Barriers and Solutions?

Why Is Post-Access Enrollment Vital in AML Clinical Trial Participation?

Why Is Post-Access Enrollment Vital in AML Clinical Trial Participation?

Underrepresented AML Clinical Trial Groups | What Solutions Are Underway

Underrepresented AML Clinical Trial Groups | What Solutions Are Underway


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Hantel, what primary findings are in your study regarding inequities and clinical trial participation among minoritized race and ethnic groups with cancer at the comprehensive cancer centers?

Dr. Andrew Hantel:

So we performed a couple of different studies on this, I think together, they’ve collectively found that there are significant disparities in clinical trial participation among minoritized racial and ethnic groups at comprehensive cancer centers. And just to take a step back and say, what are comprehensive cancer centers? They’re basically a designated center, and the designation is provided by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), and that basically says that this place is of such and such a level of quality in terms of their delivery of cancer care and their research that they perform, and so these are generally larger academic centers that have a lot of clinical trials, have a lot of experts across different cancer types, including AML. And those are the ones that we are wondering if people had equal or equitable access to, in other cancers compared to AML.

A lot of the disparities in clinical trial participation is really because these different minoritized groups have less access to these comprehensive cancer centers, so they could really never be considered for trials, because they’re just not seen at places where the trials are taking place. This is the case for a lot of common solid tumors, such as breast and colon cancer, where very, very large proportions of patients are seen in the community.

And this means that in leukemia, however, we found that participation disparities were not only due to access, but because the leukemia is less common because a lot of docs actually almost preemptively refer some of their patients to get seen, some of the disparity is kind of shifted, and it ends up becoming not as much an issue just of access but also of getting into the trial after they’re seen at the center.

And this can be because of a variety of things, there are reasons that we can go into in a second, but we kind of also want to make the statement in the context of it not being a one-size-fits-all answer. There are some cases where comprehensive cancer centers actually both allow great access and allow equitable enrollment on their trials, and there are other comprehensive cancer centers that have had…and continued to have issues with this. 

So I also just want to make sure to make that distinction. But after somebody gets down to a center, you have the process of, is there a trial at the center that’s actually right for your specific type of leukemia and the stage of the disease, and if you’re up front or relapsed or all of these other nuances, and then you have the questions of, are you eligible, are you offered that trial, and then are you interested in partaking in that trial, and is it feasible for you to participate?

So there are all these other steps after that point of access, and in general, what we saw was that it was kind of these later steps that were as much more of an issue for equitable enrollment for leukemia as that first step of access. And so it’s slightly different from what we’ve seen in other cancers, and so the answers and the solutions for that are going to be different.

So my activation tip for this question would be for patients to ask about where the nearest sites of care are for them that have clinical trials on at least historically, and then reaching out to those sites to ask, “Can I have a consultation?” Am I somebody who might be eligible for any of the clinical trials that you have?” That might be something where it does take you to that site to actually get evaluated and see if there is anything available, but that would be the first step.

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