You’re Invited! We hope you’ll join us for our next Empowered #patientchat discussion “Healthcare Trends: Are They Here to Stay?”
Many healthcare trends have arisen recently especially in light of the pandemic, but which should be considered more than just a trend? We hope to see you Friday, April 2nd on Twitter (or at 10:00 am Pacific / 1:00 pm Eastern. Be sure to include the hashtag #patientchat in all your responses!
Guiding the conversation will the be the following Topic (T#:) Questions:
T1: What recent healthcare trends have you noticed come to the forefront in light of the pandemic? #patientchat
T2: What specific healthcare trend do you hope continues to develop after the pandemic and why? #patientchat
T3: Is there any healthcare trend you believe will do more harm than good? #patientchat
T4: Which healthcare trend do you believe will play a big role in taking steps toward eliminating health inequities? #patientchat
T5: Have you adopted any trends in your health journey? #patientchat
T6: What health trend do you think is yet to come? #patientchat
Empowered Patient Chats (#patientchat) are held every other Friday at 10:00 am Pacific / 1:00 pm Eastern and during the chat patients and advocates come to learn from each other and discuss topics of interest to empowered patients.
Click HERE to learn more about the Empowered #patientchat Series plus read tips on how to participate.
I'll be at the Empowered #patientchat on Fri 4/2 1pm ET. Join me! Share on X