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Empowered by Biomarker Testing: Amber’s Journey with Stage IV NSCLC

Empowered by Biomarker Testing: Amber’s Journey with Stage IV NSCLC from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Amber, a 56-year-old living with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), shares her journey of empowerment through biomarker testing and targeted therapy. From recognizing symptoms and proactive healthcare to managing her condition with the latest treatments, Amber’s story emphasizes the importance of personalized care and staying informed. Her advocacy for biomarker testing and clinical trials aims to inspire others facing similar challenges to take an activated approach in their lung cancer care.

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Embracing an activated approach to non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) care is indispensable for every patient. My name is Amber, I am 56 years old and living with non-small cell lung cancer. Recognizing the importance of proactive healthcare and being in good physical condition, I sought medical attention upon experiencing troubling symptoms. 

I was 54 when I started experiencing symptoms of coughing, wheezing, and decreased stamina. I worked as a nurse practitioner and knew lung cancer can happen to anyone with lungs. After getting a CT scan, they discovered a spot on my lung and swollen lymph nodes in my chest. A PET scan and brain scan came next to help determine my diagnosis.

I was shocked to learn I had stage IV lung cancer that spread. My oncologist knew about the latest in biomarker testing and immediately scheduled it, which determined I was EGFR-positive. Even though that sounded frightening, I learned there was targeted therapy that worked well for EGFR-positive patients.  

I’ve been on this EGFR blocker since my diagnosis. My tumor is no longer visible, and my lesions have decreased considerably. I’m monitored regularly and stay active hiking and spending time with my family. I’m so thankful biomarker testing enabled my care team to prescribe targeted therapy. It’s a huge advancement in lung cancer care. And if you’re a former smoker and are unsure when to start lung cancer screening, ask your doctor. Even if you smoked many years ago, you should continue to receive lung scans. 

I hope that sharing my story will help other patients understand the importance of biomarker testing. 

Here are my activation tips:

  1. Ask your care team questions to learn about biomarker testing, treatment options, and what to expect during and after treatment.
  2. Don’t allow stigmas to keep you from getting the best personalized lung cancer care.
  3. Ask if a clinical trial may be a potential treatment option for your type of lung cancer.

Remember, no matter who you are and what kind of health history you have, being proactive is everything. Stay activated by being informed, empowered, and engaged in your lung cancer care.

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Empowered Care: A Patient’s Guide to Navigating Endometrial Cancer

Empowered Care: A Patient’s Guide to Navigating Endometrial Cancer from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Meet Sharon, a 61-year-old endometrial cancer survivor who knows firsthand the importance of being an active participant in her healthcare. After a two-year struggle with misdiagnosed symptoms and a dismissive doctor, she took charge and found the right medical support, leading to a diagnosis of endometrial cancer.

Sharon’s journey, from diagnosis to treatment and recovery, highlights the vital role of self-advocacy and patient activation. Her story is a beacon for others, especially women of color facing similar challenges, emphasizing the power of being informed, asking questions, and seeking support.

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See More from [ACT]IVATED Endometrial Cancer

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Being activated is a critical part of endometrial cancer care, especially for patients like me. 

My name is Sharon, I’m 61, and my diagnosis came after a two-year struggle with unidentified symptoms. Sharing my experience is my way of reaching out, hoping it might provide guidance to others facing similar challenges.

My symptoms began with abnormal vaginal bleeding, but my periods had ended over 10 years ago. That had me worried, and my sister encouraged me to see a doctor after I told her about the bleeding. I scheduled an appointment, but my doctor dismissed my symptoms. I felt like he wasn’t really listening to me and decided to find a doctor who looks more like me and would be more likely to listen to me. I found a Black female doctor who was concerned about my symptoms, which had worsened by then. I was also feeling pelvic pain. My new doctor scheduled an endometrial biopsy, and I was diagnosed with papillary serous carcinoma shortly afterward.

With an aggressive type of cancer, my oncologist scheduled a laparoscopic hysterectomy to remove my uterus along with my ovaries, fallopian tubes, and sentinel lymph nodes. I had the surgery within a few days, which was quickly followed by radiation to help ensure any remaining cancer cells were wiped out. My recovery went smoothly, and I continue to live a full life while getting regular scans to ensure I remain cancer-free.

After my cancer experience, I want to educate other women about what I’ve learned about endometrial cancer. Black women have nearly twice the death rate from endometrial cancer compared to white women. Hispanic, Black, and Asian women are not represented in clinical trials at equal rates to white women. And Black women are also diagnosed more frequently with rare but aggressive endometrial cancer forms. Remember that you shouldn’t have to suffer with your pain, and you can advocate for yourself and ask about patient advocates to advocate on your behalf.

Here are my activation tips for patients facing an endometrial cancer diagnosis:

  1. Ask your care team questions to learn about the status of your endometrial cancer, treatment options, and what to expect during and after treatment.
  2. Join a patient support group to offer and receive emotional support.
  3. Last but not least, inquire if a clinical trial may be a potential treatment option for your endometrial cancer.

Remember, stay activated by being informed, empowered, and engaged in your cancer care.

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