Tag Archive for: Black veterans

Do Disparities Exist for Black and Latinx Veterans Facing Lung Cancer?

Do Disparities Exist for Black and Latinx Veterans Facing Lung Cancer? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Do Black and Latinx veterans face lung cancer disparities? Expert Dr. Michael Kelley from Duke University School of Medicine discusses past and current health outcome disparities and comparisons of molecular genetic alterations between Black and white veterans.


“…if you are experiencing a challenge in working with the VA healthcare system, regardless of what community you are in, please communicate that to someone at the VA. That could be your provider, that could be the patient advocate. Every VA hospital has a patient advocate or that could be someone else at the medical center. We want to know how we can help you in what problems you’re experiencing.”

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See More from [ACT]IVATED NSCLC Veterans

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Equitable Access: Overcoming Challenges in Precision Medicine for Veterans with Lung Cancer

Equitable Access: Overcoming Challenges in Precision Medicine for Veterans with Lung Cancer

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Are There Lung Cancer Clinical Trials Studying Veterans?

Navigating Lung Cancer Clinical Trials: VA Support and Resources for Veterans

Navigating Lung Cancer Clinical Trials: VA Support and Resources for Veterans


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Kelley, what specific challenges do veterans from the Black and Latinx communities face when trying to access lung cancer healthcare services?

Dr. Michael Kelley:

So in VA, there are several different ethnic and racial populations, and we’ve looked at the outcomes of Black and white veterans. Latinx veteran population is still relatively small, so we don’t have good statistical power to be able to draw strong conclusions there. But the comparison between Black and white is very clear in VA in lung cancer in terms of the outcomes.

And the result is, is that Black veterans do just as well, or better than white veterans at every stage of lung cancer. That is quite different than it is in the rest of the country. So that is one area that I think VA as an integrated healthcare system with wraparound services is able to brag about that we are able to provide all the care that is necessary to derive that outcome.

That wasn’t always the case. In the early 2000s, there was a difference in surgery rates for Black veterans with early stage lung cancer. And we were studying this, and what we saw was that, that difference went away about 2009 or 2010, and it hasn’t come back since we last looked at it. We don’t know what caused it, and we don’t know why it went away, but we’re glad to see it did go away. There are a long list of other possible challenges that veterans in Black or Latinx communities might face. These may be overlapping with those that everyone faces, but VA probably has a service to help with it.

And so my activation tip for you is, is that if you are experiencing a challenge in working with the VA healthcare system, regardless of what community you are in, please communicate that to someone at the VA. That could be your provider, that could be the patient advocate. Every VA hospital has a patient advocate or that could be someone else at the medical center. We want to know how we can help you in what problems you’re experiencing.

Lisa Hatfield:

Are there any differences in the characteristics of the cancer for these populations for the Black and Latinx communities that you have seen?

Dr. Michael Kelley:

We have looked at a lot of comparisons between Black and white groups of veterans, not so much around Latinx because of the smaller numbers. There are not a lot of differences in terms of molecular genetic alterations. And so there are some differences in the geography. So the Black African Americans veterans tend to live more in the Southeast, where actually there’s the largest collection of military veterans who are enrolled in VA care anyways.

But in terms of the outcomes, we don’t really see any outcomes. There are some other differences in medical care that are appropriate, such as a variation of normal in terms of the white blood cell count that happens in some individuals predominantly in of African descent. And those individuals might be at risk for having their chemotherapy doses reduced, because their white count goes down more than other individuals. But in general, we don’t see a lot of differences between those populations medically.

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Are There Lung Cancer Outcome Disparities for Veterans?

Are There Lung Cancer Outcome Disparities for Veterans? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Do lung cancer outcome disparities exist for veterans? Expert Dr. Drew Moghanaki from UCLA Health discusses veteran outcome studies for civilian versus VA healthcare, efforts on improving outcomes over time, and proactive advice for accessing the best lung cancer care.


“…if you’ve got cancer, to really understand lung cancer, to really appreciate that there’s been a lot of advances and if you’re not feeling that you have access to those advances, get a second opinion and go to a bigger place that actually has an integrated approach to lung cancer care with a multidisciplinary team with the doctors in different specialties are working together and are focused on giving the best lung cancer care.”

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See More from [ACT]IVATED NSCLC Veterans

Related Resources:

Combating Disparities | Veterans' Healthcare Access and Quality

Combating Disparities: Veterans’ Healthcare Access and Quality

Veteran Lung Cancer Risk | Understanding Exposures and Screening Protocols

Veteran Lung Cancer Risk | Understanding Exposures and Screening Protocols

Lung Cancer Care for Veterans | Advancements in Radiation Oncology

Lung Cancer Care for Veterans | Advancements in Radiation Oncology


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Moghanaki, can you discuss any disparities or differences in health outcomes among veterans compared to the general population when it comes to lung cancer treatment?

Dr. Drew Moghanaki:

Yeah, when it comes to lung cancer treatment, there’s new data that’s showing that since the discovery of better drugs and safer surgery and more effective radiotherapy, that survival rates are improving gradually, especially over the last 10 years. We’ve seen this same trend with VA data as well, that veterans, whether they’re getting care in a community or in the VA, the outcomes are getting better.

Are there disparities? Well, there’s notable disparities that we’ve identified which is that although outcomes in general are getting better for female and male and Black and white and other ethnic sections of the population, there continues to be a disparity in the civilian sector in that our Black patients, whether civilian or veteran, have inferior outcomes. And, of course, we know this is associated largely with other socioeconomic issues related to a long history of racism in this country that’s led to segregation and unequal access to health care and well-being opportunities.

But what we see in the VA, whether you’re Black or white, actually the outcomes are the same. So there’s something that VA is doing that’s addressing the barriers that are affecting people in the general population. And in fact, we see in some of our studies, Black veterans actually have better outcomes. And so we’re learning that it’s much more than just biology by itself, that there really are socioeconomic factors. And when you’ve got a healthcare system that’s more than just a healthcare system, it’s a benefit system as well.

We really provide a nice safety net that helps address those disparities. But the sad truth is that it definitely disparities do continue to exist outside the VA healthcare system. So my activation tip is, if you’re a veteran with maybe some less resources than others, again, check into the VA because the VA provides not just healthcare, but also a lot of support services, especially when you have lung cancer, which as mentioned, is just very difficult to deliver and requires more than just access to a doctor.

Lisa Hatfield:

And I’d like to mention a paper also that you published regarding improving outcomes over a certain time period. There was a paragraph in there where you had a discussion about potential contributing factors to the improvement of outcomes over time. Are you willing to discuss those a little bit, what those potential factors are for improving outcomes in patients with lung cancer?

Dr. Drew Moghanaki:

Yeah, there are three main components. One is making sure you get the diagnosis right. Making sure you do the right biopsies and you send the specimens for what’s called biomarker testing to make sure you know what type of lung cancer. There’s now more than a dozen different types of lung cancer. And if you don’t get that biomarker test, you’re not going to know. You’re just going to be treated with standard therapy. If you get the biomarker testing, you can get personalized medicine with a drug that’s more likely to work and probably safer than the older conventional chemotherapies, which still has a role. But sometimes we can skip chemotherapy altogether and go directly to a targeted therapy.

The second big advancement comes in the treatment delivery itself. So surgical treatments are now much less invasive than ever before. In fact, many of our patients, they go to the operating room, they wake up with four Band-Aids, and half their lung is removed. Remarkable technology using robotic and video-assisted technologies. Same with radiotherapy.

Patients lay on a table and the machine, the very sophisticated machine just rotates around them, zaps these tumors. The patient can actually drive themselves back and forth to treatment and go home and and live their lives. We’ve got patients getting lung radiotherapy, and they’re playing golf the next day. It’s unbelievable. And then the third really comes down to survivorship, which is that our patients, even if we really can’t cure their cancer, like a lot of advanced diabetes, we just can’t cure, we can keep our patients going as they live a high-quality life moving forward and make sure that their journey, unfortunately, with their lung cancer that they obviously didn’t ever want to have, that their journey is the best that it can be. 

So my activation tip here is if you’ve got cancer, to really understand lung cancer, to really appreciate that there’s been a lot of advances and if you’re not feeling that you have access to those advances, get a second opinion and go to a bigger place that actually has an integrated approach to lung cancer care with a multidisciplinary team were the doctors in different specialties are working together and are focused on giving the best lung cancer care.

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Combat and Courage | A Veteran’s Lung Cancer Battle

Combat and Courage: A Veteran’s Lung Cancer Battle from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Derrick, a resilient veteran and lung cancer survivor graciously opens up about his journey, detailing his experience from initial screening and diagnosis through to treatment. He candidly discusses crucial aspects of lung cancer care for veterans and offers insights drawn from his journey. In Derrick’s own heartfelt words, he emphasizes the importance of empowerment through knowledge, stating, “It’s your body and your life, and you deserve to learn all you can to gain knowledge and confidence about your cancer.” 

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See More from [ACT]IVATED NSCLC Veterans

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What Do Lung Cancer Patients Need to Know to Build a Treatment Plan

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Persistence in the Face of Dismissive Healthcare: One Patient’s Journey 

What Are the Noted Disparities in Lung Cancer Screening and Access

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Being ACTIVATED in your lung cancer care is a necessity, take it from me. 

After my friend who I served with in Iraq was diagnosed with lung cancer, I knew that it was time to get  serious about my lung cancer screenings at the Veterans Affairs Hospital. As a lung cancer survivor, I want to share my story as a Black military veteran. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death in veterans, and Black veterans are less likely to complete lung cancer screening.  However, a recent VA report showed that Black veterans receive equal or superior care through VA hospitals in comparison to Black patients in the general population.

I was already 52 when I received my first lung cancer screening. I only learned later that I should have started receiving screening at age 50 at the VA. It was winter when I went in for my screening. I’d had a nagging cough but didn’t think twice about it. It was a winter season with multiple respiratory viruses circulating at the time. I was shocked when the radiologist informed my doctor that they found a spot on one of my lungs. I felt like I wasn’t old enough to have cancer.

I was really nervous about it beforehand, but I had surgery to remove the tumor from my lung. I felt fortunate to have my friend I served with to talk with about lung cancer, but I know not everyone is this fortunate. I’m sharing my story in the hopes that it will help other veterans. I continue to receive regular scans of my lungs and urge other veterans to start your lung cancer screening on schedule. Ask your doctor or VA administrator if you’re unsure about when you should start. It’s your body and your life, and you deserve to learn all you can to gain knowledge and confidence about your cancer.

There have been a lot of recent advancements in lung cancer diagnosis and treatment. I hope that sharing my perspective will make a difference for other veterans. We served proudly for our country, and we deserve the best lung cancer screening and care as part of the respect that we earned.

Stay [ACT]IVATED with these tips. 

  1. Don’t allow stigmas to keep you from getting the best care, now is the time to get the right care no matter how you got the cancer.
  2. Ask your care team questions to learn about treatment options and what to expect during and after treatment.
  3. Ask if a clinical trial may be a potential treatment option for you.
  4. Stay abreast of lung cancer treatment options and research advancements

Whether it’s combat in war or fighting cancer, no matter who you are, being proactive is everything. Stay [ACT]IVATED by being informed, empowered, and engaged in your care.