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Let’s Start Healthy Habits to Reduce Your Cancer Risk

Living a healthy lifestyle can be very helpful in reducing your risk of contracting various diseases, including heart diseases, osteoporosis, stroke, and diabetes.  You might not believe it, but just by eating healthy, exercising regularly, and incorporating healthy eating habits, you can reduce the risk of one of the most dreadful diseases, cancer.

Nowadays, cancer has become quite common. Studies have shown that our lifestyle choices play a vital role in reducing your risk for this dreadful disease. Here are some simple tips that can be very helpful in cancer risk reduction.

Cancer Risk Reduction:

1. Maintain a Healthy Weight

We all understand the importance of maintaining a healthy weight. Still, many of us fail to maintain our body weight. If you are overweight, the first and foremost thing that you need to do is avoid adding any more extra kilos. Once you start keeping a check on your weight, it would automatically help in improving your health. Once you achieve this goal, put some extra effort and try to reduce your weight by a few pounds.

Tips for weight loss:

  • Do regular exercise or indulge yourself in physical activity.
  • Focus more on eating fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid taking fried food, canned food, and sweetened aerated drinks

For faster results, you can even take phentermine. Phentermine is found to be very useful in weight loss when accompanied by regular physical activity and a healthy diet. The best part of this supplement is the availability of “online phentermine prescription

2. Don’t use tobacco

We all are well aware of the ill-effects of smoking. Smoking may result in various kinds of cancer like lung cancer, bladder cancer, cervix cancer, mouth cancer, pancreas cancer, larynx cancer, kidney, and bladder cancer. It’s not only active smokers that have higher chances of getting cancer. Passive smokers, too, have higher chances of getting cancer of lungs.

Hence, avoiding tobacco products or quitting smoking completely is very important if you want to reduce your risk of cancer. Quitting such addictions is not easy. But with determination, strong will power, and support of your family and loved ones, you will be able to quit it. If you want, you can seek help from professionals.

3. Protect yourself from the sun

We all know the importance of sunlight for sustaining life on earth. But, too much exposure to the sunlight may cause skin cancer. Tips to protect yourself from skin cancer caused due to sunlight:

Sun rays are strongest between morning 10 to evening 4. So avoid going out at this time of the day. Try to keep yourself in the shade when you are outside. Wearing hats, glares, and applying sunscreen lotion can be very helpful. Avoid using sun lamps and tanning beds.

4. Cancers that should be tested for regularly:

Going for regular check-ups is very important if you want to reduce your risk of cancer. Numerous tests help in detecting cancer at an early stage. Early the stage of detection higher is the chances of survival. In the case of breast and cervical cancer, women are recommended to go for cancer screening tests at an interval of six months. These simple screening could save thousands of women’s lives every year.

Cancers for which screening test should be taken frequently:

  1. Breast cancer
  2. Cervical cancer
  3. Lung cancer

5. Avoid alcohol and if you take it, take it in moderation

Drinking alcohol increases the chances of getting cancer. Taking a drink or two occasionally might not be that harmful, but people who drink regularly that too in quite large quantities should try to overcome this addiction. If you want to quit drinking, you can start by avoiding parties and gatherings which are centered around alcohol. Try taking non-alcoholic drinks at parties. If needed, consult a health-care professional. Avoiding alcohol would not only save your liver but would also reduce the chances of getting liver cancer.

6. Avoid risky behaviors

Another essential health tip that would help you in reducing your risk of cancer is to avoid getting indulge in dangerous habits.

Practice safe sex:

Sexually transmitted diseases are found to be a major cause for various types of cancer, including cancer of lung, anus, and liver. Always follow healthy sexual habits. Try to have a monogamous relationship. Whenever possible, talk to your kids about the importance of safe sex. If possible, get your kids vaccinated against HPV at the right age.

Avoid sharing needles:

Sharing needles is another reason for the transmission of HIV. Besides this, sharing needles with a person having Hepatitis C and Hepatitis B would result in the transfer of these diseases, which may further increase the chances of having liver cancer. If you are looking forward to getting rid of drug addiction, taking help from a professional could be very beneficial.

Cancer is a very dangerous disease. It not only affects the patient, but it hampers the life of the people surrounding who are connected with the patient. If, by following some healthy habits, we can reduce the risk of these diseases, believe me, it is worth every effort. Eat healthily and live a healthy lifestyle and reduce your risk of the health monster named Cancer from entering into your life.