Talking with Our Children
This video was originally published on YouTube by The Cancer Support Community on May 26, 2015 here.
This video was originally published on YouTube by The Cancer Support Community on May 26, 2015 here.
This video was originally published on YouTube by The American Cancer Society on July 11, 2019 here.
Perhaps the most common side effects of chemotherapy, and sometimes other treatments, are nausea and vomiting. This video provides tips for how to cope with these incredibly uncomfortable symptoms.
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This video was originally published on YouTube by The American Cancer Society on November 5, 2018 here.
Did you know that in addition to patients, caregivers may also be concerned about the cancer returning? This is called fear of recurrence. When your loved one finishes treatment and is no longer followed closely by the cancer care team on a regular basis, you may feel anxious. You’ll learn about how to manage those fears through tips on how to better cope with those feelings.
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This video was originally published on YouTube by The American Cancer Society on July 10, 2019 here.
When your loved one is being treated for cancer, they might be taking a number of medications. They may also take medications for other chronic conditions, like diabetes or high blood pressure. This video provides tips for organizing a medication system that is easy for you to manage.
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This video was originally published on YouTube by The American Cancer Society on November 5, 2018 here.
Feeling overwhelmed and juggling multiple responsibilities on top of providing care to your loved one with cancer can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression. You might feel as if the weight of world is on your shoulders. Four tips for coping are provided to help lower your stress level and better cope when times get tough. Learn more at: