Celebrating PEN Board Member, Sajjad Iqbal’s 20th Year of Cancer Survivorship
On February 21st 2022, PEN’s Board Member, Sajjad Iqbal, entered his third decade of survivorship from Salivary Duct Carcinoma, an extremely rare and very malignant type of parotid cancer. At the time of his diagnosis, he was given just a 30% chance of surviving for up to 2 years.
In the twenty years since, Sajjad has been a tireless patient advocate, helping countless others to achieve the best possible outcomes. We are deeply honored and grateful to have his leadership on PEN’s Board of Directors.
You can read more about Sajjad’s brave and brilliant journey here in his bio, and in his book, “Swimming Upstream: My Struggle and Triumph Over Cancer and the Medical Establishment: New Hope in Cancer Treatment”.
We invite you to explore the following selections of Sajjad’s many contributions to the Patient Empowerment Network and beyond.