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What Treatment Options Are Available for Small Cell Lung Cancer?

What Treatment Options Are Available for Small Cell Lung Cancer? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What do extensive stage small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and limited stage SCLC patients need to know about treatments? Dr. Rafael Santana-Davila with the University of Washington School of Medicine shares a status update on where treatment options stand and discusses how he works with patients on treatment decisions.


patients need to make sure that they know what the goals are. ‘What is…where am I going to…how am I going to feel in the next month? What is the likelihood that this cancer is going to shrink and this cancer is going to make me live longer?’”

See More from [ACT]IVATED Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC)

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Small Cell Lung Cancer | Hope for Treatment Advancements


Lisa Hatfield:

So what is the latest information related to treatment options for limited stage LS and extensive stage ES small cell lung cancer? And how do you work with your patients to make treatment decisions about that?

Rafael Santana-Davila:

So this is, unfortunately, a disease where little progress has been made throughout the years because it’s a very aggressive disease. And the main improvement that has been made in the last five years is the addition of immunotherapy to chemotherapy in patients with extensive stage disease. There have now been several clinical trials that have shown that adding immunotherapy improves overall survival. That means that patients live longer.

And there is a very small, but a few patients that have, that see survival into the many years, which is something that was unthinkable before the era of immunotherapy. We do not know if the addition of immunotherapy to limited stage disease, which treatment is, in the majority of cases, chemotherapy and radiation, we do not know if that works or not, that there are clinical trials that are going on, most of them have completed accrual, so we’re just waiting for the data to mature to let us know if that is something that also works there.

We have a lot of hope that it’s the case, but right now, in September 2023, we do not know the answer for that. What I work…how I work with patients to make treatment decisions is I present them with the options of the treatment. So there are always options from being as aggressive as we can to treat it, to try to shrink the cancer, which, many times, comes at the price of side effects to just doing best supportive care, which is we know that sometimes shrinking the cancer is not what is going to make people live longer.

So it’s a conversation that we constantly have with patients where we say, “This is what we propose, this is what the consequences of treatment is going to be, and these are the alternatives.” And you have to work with them depending on their goals, depending on what they want to achieve, you make treatment decisions.

Ultimately, what I tell my patients is, “You’re the captain of the ship. I’m here just to help you navigate these rough waters, but, ultimately, you’re the one that needs to tell me where we want to go.” Okay. An activation tip is patients need to make sure that they know what the goals are. “What is…where am I going to…how am I going to feel in the next month? What is the likelihood that this cancer is going to shrink and this cancer is going to make me live longer?” Those are the questions that they need to make sure they understand.

And something that also they want to know is, what are the goals? It’s very different when you see a very young patient, their goal is to see their high school kid enter college than a 90-year-old patient that their goal is maybe to live the rest of their life with the least intervention or with the least side effects possible. So every patient has different goals. 

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