Entries by Diahanna Vallentine

How Does a Disability Impact Spending in Retirement?

For a variety of reasons, people who have suffered a disability before retirement age and after finding themselves having to manage their spending in retirement quite differently than if they […]

Changes to Medicare Part D in 2024 and 2025

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 put into play some major changes to Medicare Part D enrollees. The purpose of the changes was to reduce out-of-pocket costs for prescription drugs. […]

Negotiating Debt, Managing Your Finances and Gaining Financial Security

Debt can be crushing. It can cause people to delay marriages, purchasing of a home and even decline or delay needed medical treatment. In fact, one of the leading causes […]

Hospital Charity Programs: What You Need to Know

Understanding Hospital Charity Programs Many of you may be aware that some laws have changed regarding reporting of medical debt to credit agencies. Those new laws are most favorable to […]

What You Need to Know About Medicare Changes in 2023

It’s that time of year again when the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) start announcing changes to Medicare for the next year.   Medicare open enrollment begins on October […]

Medical Bills Collections, and Your Credit Score and Upcoming Changes

Many people don’t realize that their credit report may contain medical bills in collection that can seriously affect their credit score. Even if you’ve been paying your credit cards, mortgage, […]

Self-Education Is the Basis of Better Health Outcomes, Physically, Mentally, and Financially

We have all heard the phrase, “Hindsight is 20/20”. Yes, it can be, if we know to look and be retrospective and heed the lessons learned. However, too many of […]

How Medical Financial Hardship Can Affect Your Health

How Does Your Finances Affect Your Health? In 2002, my husband was diagnosed with MGUS, a precursor to Multiple Myeloma. As many of you have also experienced, your life changes. […]

Is Inflation Adding to Your Financial Burden?

The stock market was doing well, until it wasn’t. For those of you who are invested in the market, things have been going splendidly for quite a while. Then comes […]

Medicare Doesn’t Cover Free At-Home Covid Tests, But You Still Have Other Options to Attain Free Ones

The Biden Administration’s new mandate that insurers cover the cost of at-home test did not include beneficiaries of Medicare. This is very unfortunate because Medicare recipients are the largest at-risk […]

Understanding the Oncology Care Model

Some of you may have received a letter from your oncologist notifying you that your oncologist is participating in a program called the Oncology Care Model. It was sent out […]

Financial Fitness Workouts

From PEN-Powered Activity Guide VIII: Supporting Your Support System It seems every day we’re being bombarded with ways to stay fit. there is always a new fitness program or a new […]

Committing to Eating Healthier Can Lead to Savings in Your Pocket Both Now and in the Future

Have you ever eaten something that you really love but for some reason it doesn’t seem to like you back? I have. For instance, ice cream used to be my […]

The Difference Between Wanting and Needing: Redirecting and Prioritizing Spending

Often when I am out shopping, I find myself picking up items that I think I really need. I justify it rather quickly and find myself with buyers’ regret shortly […]

Making the Hard Decision to Move Forward

It may not come as a surprise to many of you that making new changes in your life can be difficult. And it is the natural human tendency to procrastinate […]