Entries by Kara Rayburn

Waiting for the Other Shoe to Drop: Bruce Jackson

Bruce Jackson is a multiple myeloma patient who recently found Patient Empowerment Network (PEN) as a resource for his cancer journey. This is the second of a two-part series in which […]

Zesty Lemon Parmesan Brussels Sprouts

Zesty Lemon Parmesan Brussels Sprouts from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo. Recipe: Lemon Parmesan Brussels Sprouts Ingredients: 1 TBS olive oil Salt and pepper Juice of 2 lemons 1/4 cup […]

Thyroid Awareness: January and Beyond

This post was originally published by Sharon O’Day on MedicareGuide on January 21, 2021 here. Most people with thyroid disease don’t even know they have it. More than one in […]

Patient Profile: Sandy Peterson

When she was diagnosed, Sandy Peterson had never heard of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), a type of blood and bone marrow cancer, so she got to work learning about it. “I […]

2020 PEN Annual Report

Welcome to Patient Empowerment Network’s 2020 Annual Report! We are pleased to share Patient Empowerment Network’s 2020 Annual Report with you. Read through to learn about the progress of the organization and […]

Moving Awareness into Action #patientchat Highlights

Last week we held an Empowered #patientchat with The Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation (@CMTNeuropathy) on Moving Action into Awareness. The #patientchat community came together for a lively discussion and below are […]

Patient Profile: Bob Lawson

“I had a clinical trial in my hip pocket already because I had taken the extra steps. I think it saved my life and got me in the right place,” […]

Uncovering the Hidden Health Benefits of Garlic

Uncovering the Hidden Health Benefits of Garlic from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo. Recipe: Hidden Garlic Broccoli and Beef • 1 1/4 lbs flank steak sliced thin • 1 TBS […]

Myeloma Treatment Decisions: Insist on Essential Testing

In this podcast, myeloma expert Dr. Amrita Krishnan explains the essential testing that should follow a diagnosis, how the results could impact myeloma therapy, and discusses new and emerging treatments. […]

Digital Advocacy and Health Equity for CLL Patients

Telemedicine or telehealth – remote access to healthcare – has become widely used after the arrival of the coronavirus pandemic, especially by cancer patients. But the rise in telemedicine has […]

The Best of 2020

As 2021 begins, we would like to take a moment to highlight a few of our most popular posts from 2020 and to thank the people who contributed to the […]

Essential First Aid Tips For Cancer Caregivers

First aid is an essential skill — however, 70% of Americans feel unprepared for a cardiac emergency because they either don’t know how to administer CPR or their training has significantly lapsed. It’s important for caregivers of cancer patients to be trained in first aid, so […]