Entries by Marie Ennis-O'Connor

What Do You Do When Your Doctor Tells You Not To Google?

What do you do when your doctor tells you not to Google?  A recent Twitter conversation prompted this question, so I set out to answer it with the help of […]

Patient Advocacy: Ten Tips For Twitter Success

I love Twitter. It’s one of my favorite places on the Internet, and one of the few sites I visit more than once a day. I’ve been a Twitter user […]

Patient Advocacy: 21 Tools To Help You Achieve More With Social Media

Recently I had the pleasure of taking part in an Ask Me Anything #patientchat about social media (If you missed it you can catch the transcript here). I had forgotten […]

Nourishing Your Body and Mind: Nutritional Advice For Cancer Survivors

There are few things more confusing to those of us who have had a cancer diagnosis than dietary advice. From conflicting recommendations from well-meaning friends to advice in magazine articles […]

12 Actionable Tips For Social Media Success in 2021

2020! What a year it was for all of us.  In the advocacy world, we saw an unprecedented shift towards online activities.  We relied on zoom calls, webinars and social […]

9 Tips to Help You Build a Better Advocacy Blog

Do you blog about your illness? Many patients find blogging about their condition is not only therapeutic, but is also a great way to connect with others going through similar […]

Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Its Many Shades of Pink (and Blue)

We are more than half-way through Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) – impossible to miss given the pink ribbon avalanche that arrives each Fall. While there is no denying that […]

Patient Empowerment Revisited: Part 2

Welcome back to the second part of this discussion on patient empowerment. In Part 1 we looked at self-advocacy and the importance of having access to information which allows us […]

Patient Empowerment Revisited: What Does It Truly Mean To Patients?

Language is constantly evolving in our everyday lives. This is also true of the language we use to describe patienthood. The words we use color how we view our world […]

Quotation Inspiration: 10 Quotes to Inspire, Motivate and Uplift Cancer Patients

This month, I thought we could all do with a little quotation inspiration. When you’re dealing with cancer, some inspiring words can be just the thing to give you a […]

Music as Medicine: The Healing Power of Music

The late neurologist, Oliver Sacks in his book “Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain,” argued that music is essential to being human in ways that we’ve only begun to […]

How to Create a Month’s Worth of Posts for Your Advocacy Blog

Are you looking for a way to boost your advocacy activities online? One of the best ways to do this is to create a blog.  Blogging shows your commitment and […]

Patient Advocacy: 10 Ways To Create Share Worthy Content For Social Media

 When you want to raise awareness of your cause, amplify your advocacy activities and create change where it is needed most, social media is an important channel to share your […]

Practicing Self-Care in the Time of Coronavirus – How to Mind Your Mental Health and Well-Being During Covid-19

As the coronavirus outbreak continues its relentless spread, the impact of the pandemic is being felt across the globe. We are facing a critical time of fear and uncertainty individually […]

How Can You Best Support A Friend With Cancer?

What happens when someone close to you has been diagnosed with cancer? How do you find the right words to say? What is the best way to support them? And […]