What Is the Difference Between Limited Stage and Extensive Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer?

What is the Difference Between Limited Stage and Extensive Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Limited stage and extensive stage small cell lung cancer (SCLC) are two different types, but how do they differ? Dr. Rafael Santana-Davila with the University of Washington School of Medicine explains limited stage SCLC versus extensive stage SCLC, treatment methods for each type, and the importance of communication.

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Doctor looking at a scan of lungs.

Small Cell Lung Cancer | Hope for Treatment Advancements


Lisa Hatfield:

Can you explain the difference between limited stage and extensive stage small cell lung cancer, please?

Rafael Santana-Davila: 

So this is actually a historical definition. Back in, I don’t know the date exactly, but somewhere in the 1980s, how we treated this was when patients…the radiation doctor could treat all the area of disease with radiation, then we call that limited. And limited stage disease means that the person, the patient can get radiation and chemotherapy with the goal of eradicating the disease. Extensive stage is when the disease cannot be treated with a single area of radiation.

In the majority of cases, there’s a very clear distinction, for example, patient has metastatic disease to the liver, that clearly is extensive, stage, but there are occasions where, limited and extensive is very hard to know and the radiation doctor would…two different radiation doctors will give you two different things.

And the important thing in this case is that this is a…all of medicine is a team sport, but treatment of cancer is more because the medical oncologists need to talk to the radiation oncologists to make sure that we’re on the same page as to what is the best treatment we can offer a patient. 

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Battling Small Cell Lung Cancer | One Man’s Journey

Battling Small Cell Lung Cancer | One Man’s Journey from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Terrence’s diagnosis with extensive stage small cell lung cancer (SCLC) came as a shock. He learned the value of a positive attitude and how “just as in battle, I understood early on that a solid partnership with my healthcare team would be crucial to my outcome.” He shares his perspective, lessons learned, and how to stay [ACT]IVATED in your care.

Disclaimer: Thank you to small cell lung cancer expert Dr. Rafael Santana-Davila, PEN’s Empowerment Leads, patients, and care partners for reviewing and collaborating on this video. This video has been edited to protect the privacy of certain individuals, and the names and identifying details have been changed.

See More from [ACT]IVATED Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC)

Related Resources:

Lessons From a Small Cell Lung Cancer Care Partner

Moving Past Small Cell Lung Cancer Stigma | A Patient Navigator Explains

Small Cell Lung Cancer Care | Communication As a Key

Small Cell Lung Cancer Care | Communication As a Key


My name is Terrence, and I’m living with extensive-stage small cell lung cancer (SCLC). This diagnosis came as a shock, but I decided to persevere and fight. Cancer care can feel like a marathon, and certainly not a sprint – particularly for patients like me. As a small cell lung cancer survivor, I want to share my perspective and lessons learned from my cancer journey about staying ACTIVATED in your care.

My symptoms started with a cough that wouldn’t go away. As a military veteran, I assumed the cough was something I picked up years earlier. And even though I had been a smoker, my doctor didn’t order any scans as a pre-emptive screening measure, nor did I know what questions to ask. It wasn’t until I found a lump under my arm that further testing was done. It was at that time that I also put the other pieces of the puzzle together, which included symptoms of higher than normal blood pressure and knee pain.

I received chemotherapy and radiation, and also quickly learned that despite the challenges of treating my cancer, maintaining a positive attitude was the most critical part of my regimen. I was fortunate to have a medical team that listened to me and didn’t dismiss my concerns. Just as in battle, I understood early on that a solid partnership with my healthcare team would be crucial to my outcome.

Under the care of my healthcare team, I continue to receive scans of my lungs and brain every three months and feel grateful to be doing well. My care team and I also actively look for clinical trials that may be right for me. I urge other small cell lung cancer patients to ask your care team questions to learn about treatment options and what to expect during and after treatment – you matter. 

For the past decade, there have been a lot of research advancements about non-small lung cancer (NSCLC) treatment, but our small cell lung community is feeling left out of conversations about investments to improve lung cancer diagnosis and treatment. The SCLC patient community also deserves improvements in care and treatment. Fortunately, things are changing. Progress in personalized medicine has allowed scientists to develop targeted therapies tailored to a patient’s body using their genes to prevent, diagnose, or treat an underlying disease. Clinical trials are one opportunity to be on the ground floor of these developments where you may be able to get tomorrow’s medicine today. I hope sharing my perspective will make a difference for others. 

While the battle ahead has uncertainties, stay [ACT]IVATED with these tips:

  • Don’t allow stigmas to keep you from getting the best care, now is the time to get the right care no matter how you got the cancer.
  • Ask your care team questions to learn about small cell lung cancer treatment options and what to expect during and after treatment.
  • Ask if a clinical trial may be a potential treatment option for you.
  • Stay abreast of small cell lung cancer treatment options and research advancements.

Whether it’s combat in war or fighting cancer, no matter who you are, take it from me, attitude is everything. Stay [ACT]IVATED by being informed, empowered, and engaged in your small cell lung cancer care.

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Lessons From a Small Cell Lung Cancer Care Partner

Lessons From a Small Cell Lung Cancer Care Partner from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

As a small cell lung cancer (SCLC) care partner, Anita learned things during her husband Terrence’s cancer journey that she’d like to share to help others. “Communication with the healthcare team and learning about your loved one’s cancer are key to supporting their cancer journey.” She shares lessons learned and specific advice for how to support your loved one in their cancer care.

Disclaimer: Thank you to small cell lung cancer expert Dr. Rafael Santana-Davila, PEN’s Empowerment Leads, patients, and care partners for reviewing and collaborating on this video. This video has been edited to protect the privacy of certain individuals, and the names and identifying details have been changed.

See More from [ACT]IVATED Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC)

Related Resources:

Battling Small Cell Lung Cancer | One Man’s Journey

Moving Past Small Cell Lung Cancer Stigma | A Patient Navigator Explains

Small Cell Lung Cancer Care | Communication As a Key

Small Cell Lung Cancer Care | Communication As a Key


Staying ACTIVATED in your loved one’s cancer care is essential to becoming informed, empowered, and engaged in their care, take it from me. My name is Anita. As a care partner to my husband Terrence who has extensive-stage small cell lung cancer (SCLC), I want to share my perspective and lessons learned from his cancer journey. 

It was difficult seeing my husband Terrence struggle with a cough that wouldn’t go away. We also now know that he should have received lung cancer screening due to his past history of smoking. As a care partner, I blamed myself for not speaking up at his earlier appointments. How could I have advocated differently?

Though it was challenging learning that the extent of his cancer may have been prevented with recommended screening, I want to share my lessons learned to help other patients and care partners who may be struggling with the impacts of cancer.

Ongoing communication with the healthcare team and learning about your loved one’s cancer are key to supporting their cancer journey. To help your loved one, you can join them at their doctors’ appointments to serve as a second set of ears, to take notes, to ask questions, and to assist in the shared decision-making process. Staying [ACT]IVATED as a care partner continues to be key in helping Terrence connect to the right care at the right time.

My [ACT]IVATION tips for other care partners are to:

  •   Ask the stage of the cancer and what the lab test results mean.
  •   Inquire about treatment options and what the doctor recommends for treatment.
  •   Find out if there’s a clinical trial that is a treatment option.
  •   Pose questions about the goal or goals of treatment.
  •   Learn what to expect from treatment impact on daily life and ask about support services.
  •   Inquire about who you can contact about side effects or other issues.
  •   Avoid care partner burnout, ask someone for help to ensure you get some self-care and time to recharge.

If you’re a care partner helping a loved one in the fight against small cell lung cancer, knowledge is everything. Stay [ACT]IVATED by being informed, empowered, and engaged in their care.

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Small Cell Lung Cancer Care | Communication As a Key

Small Cell Lung Cancer Care | Communication As a Key from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Dr. Lin is a medical oncologist who helps small cell lung cancer (SCLC) patients as a member of the healthcare team. Dr. Lin explains the urgency of care decisions with extensive stage SCLC and advice to patients and loved ones. “This is where communication between the patient and healthcare team is key to an optimal cancer journey.” She discusses common members of the SCLC healthcare team and advice for staying [ACT]IVATED for the best care.

Disclaimer: Thank you to small cell lung cancer expert Dr. Rafael Santana-Davila, PEN’s Empowerment Leads, patients, and care partners for reviewing and collaborating on this video. This video has been edited to protect the privacy of certain individuals, and the names and identifying details have been changed.

See More from [ACT]IVATED Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC)

Related Resources:

Battling Small Cell Lung Cancer | One Man’s Journey

Moving Past Small Cell Lung Cancer Stigma | A Patient Navigator Explains

Lessons From a Small Cell Lung Cancer Care Partner


Staying ACTIVATED in cancer care is essential to becoming informed, empowered, and engaged in patient care, but what does that really look like? As a medical oncologist caring for patients facing a small cell lung cancer (SCLC) diagnosis, how can I best coordinate with my patients and families in the shared decision-making process?

Extensive stage small cell lung cancer (ES-SCLC) is an aggressive cancer, so swift decisions may be necessary. This is where communication between the patient and healthcare team is vital to an optimal cancer journey. Your healthcare team may include a medical oncologist like myself, pulmonologist, radiation oncologist, thoracic surgeon, nurse practitioners, a patient navigator, and many more key players on your journey. 

Given the aggressive nature of this cancer, educating yourself as the patient and patient’s loved ones helps empower involvement in the shared decision-making process for small cell lung cancer treatment and care. Asking lots of questions about benefits and risks of treatment, testing, what to expect for treatment, and support services is an important part of the patient empowerment path. 

Stay [ACT]IVATED with these tips:

  • Ask about the stage of your cancer, treatment options, treatment goals, possible side effects, support services, and what to expect during and after treatment.
  • Inquire about how often you’ll see your pulmonologist as part of your care, whether there are any clinical trial options, or who to contact if you experience any type of lung discomfort or breathing issues.
  • Find out what to expect for your treatment, the frequency, duration, side effects, and whether you might need help going to and from the treatment location.

If you’re helping a loved one in their fight against small cell lung cancer, shared decision-making is critical. Stay [ACT]IVATED by being informed, empowered, and engaged in their care. It can make all the difference.

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Moving Past Small Cell Lung Cancer Stigma | A Patient Navigator Explains

Moving Past Small Cell Lung Cancer Stigma | A Patient Navigator Explains from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Diana is a patient navigator who assists small cell lung cancer (SCLC) patients from the stages of screening through follow-up care. Diana explains SCLC risk factors, patients commonly diagnosed with extensive stage SCLC, and barriers to care. She shares the origin of some stigma about lung cancer. “Past TV ads to stop smoking built a stigma around cigarette smoking that has created an environment of blame around lung cancer.” She discusses how patients can stay [ACT]IVATED in their care and in improving future treatments.

Disclaimer: Thank you to small cell lung cancer expert Dr. Rafael Santana-Davila, PEN’s Empowerment Leads, patients, and care partners for reviewing and collaborating on this video. This video has been edited to protect the privacy of certain individuals, and the names and identifying details have been changed.

See More from [ACT]IVATED Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC)

Related Resources:

Battling Small Cell Lung Cancer | One Man’s Journey

Small Cell Lung Cancer Care | Communication As a Key

Small Cell Lung Cancer Care | Communication As a Key

Lessons From a Small Cell Lung Cancer Care Partner


My name is Diana, I’m a patient navigator. I help patients navigate screening, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care for small cell lung cancer. 

Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) makes up about 15 percent of lung cancer in the U.S. Many of these patients are diagnosed with extensive stage small cell lung cancer (ES-SCLC). Though being a current or former smoker increases the risk of SCLC, patients who were exposed to secondhand smoke, workplace carcinogens, environmental pollution, or other factors are also at-risk for SCLC.

Even though smoking is a major risk factor for SCLC, nobody deserves to get cancer. Nicotine is an addictive substance that is extremely difficult for many smokers to quit – especially for those who started at a very young age. Past TV ads to stop smoking built a stigma around cigarette smoking that has created an environment of blame around lung cancer. The stigma is many times greater for extensive stage small cell lung cancer patients. 

Patients diagnosed with SCLC can come from a variety of ethnic, racial, and social classes. However, patients from underrepresented communities of Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC), low socioeconomic, and LGBTQ+ groups often take on the brunt of inequitable care in the form of limited access to quality care, lack of healthcare insurance, and other barriers to care. 

Remember that you are the patient, and you have a choice in your treatment options depending on your goals for treatment and quality of life – no matter how you got the cancer. So stay encouraged as investments in SCLC research continue to fuel hope.

My [ACT]IVATION tips are:

  •   Make sure you have a full picture of available treatment options.
  •   Help educate others to raise awareness of SCLC; advocate for improved care.
  •   Inquire about small cell lung cancer clinical trials to help researchers discover new and refined treatments.

With these [ACT]IVATION tips in mind, remember, as a patient staying ACTIVATED in your cancer care is essential to becoming informed, empowered, and engaged in your care.

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Nancy’s Lung Cancer Journey

No one is ever prepared to hear the words “You have cancer”. Even though (from asking for an x-ray that morphed into a CT scan) I knew there was a large tumor in the middle of my chest, I still wasn’t ready. And the pulmonologist was so kind in delivering the diagnosis. He went down the hall with the needle aspiration from my left clavicular lymph node and returned ½ hour later with a tri-fold paper towel on which he had drawn my lungs with the locations of the tumors – upper right lobe (T1), central lymph nodes of the mediastinal area (in total, about 2” x 5”), and one on the lymph node at my neck. And he said “You have small cell lung cancer (SCLC). There’s good news and bad news. The bad news is that it is extremely aggressive. The good news is that it is extremely responsive to treatment. If you are deemed to be “limited stage” (there are only 2 stages for SCLC – I call them good and bad), you have a 30% chance of long-term survival – a normal life.” In mid-August, I thought I’d be dead by Christmas. I spent about 2 minutes on the internet – what I saw was enough to tell me not to look further.

Doctors matter. A lot. I was treated at an NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center by several exceptional doctors. What made them exceptional? Their listening and observational skills first and foremost, their dedication to staying current with research, and their caring. I was lucky – I didn’t have to search for them. These women – my primary care physician, my oncologist and my radiation oncologist kept me alive. They made me part of the 30%, even though my diagnosis said I was borderline extensive stage. It only took 5 months of chemotherapy (cisplatin and etoposide) and twice daily radiation during some of those 5 months, along with an episode of sepsis (broad-spectrum antibiotics, 2 blood transfusions, and a week in the hospital), to have me declared “No evidence of disease (NED)” by early December.

While my friends and family celebrated, I didn’t feel like celebrating. My life had been turned upside-down, I felt wrung-out and fatigued all the time, had lost so much weight that nothing fit, and had lost all my hair. And I knew that in January, I had to have 10 days of prophylactic whole brain radiation to kill any errant lung cancer cells (I was pretty sure it would make me stupid!) And that’s when my doctor prescribed an anti-depressant, which helped.

What did I do during this time – besides visit doctors and hospitals?  I walked – a lot. It was the easiest way for me to exercise, and my boxer was happy to help in that regard. I ate well – meaning lots of fruits and vegetables. And I meditated with guided CDs designed for cancer patients. And I kept up with my friends – often meeting one or more of them for lunch downtown. That not only passed the time but kept my spirits as up as they could be – a distraction if you will.

And when it was over, and I was deemed “cured”, I got angry. Angry that no one talked about the number one cancer killer. Through my doctor, I got in touch with the National Lung Cancer Partnership (now merged with the Lung Cancer Research Foundation), got involved in advocacy, and haven’t stopped. For me – it is healing to try to do something – anything – to prevent more people from going through what I went by raising awareness and research funding.

I have also learned that some treatments don’t let you forget that you had them. I had a CT scan every 90 days for the first 5 years after diagnosis. In the 4th year, they saw that my left ventricle was enlarged and referred me to cardiology for cardiomyopathy (heart failure). It was bad – so I went from surviving the #2 killer to facing the #1 killer! But with treatment from a cardiologist who specialized in heart failure from chemotherapy, I now have an implanted medical device, low-dose daily medication, and a nearly normal heart function. There’s also the foot neuropathy I’ve learned to live with (it’s not so bad) and some balance issues (likely from inner ear damage from cisplatin). But I’m alive!! Alive certainly beats the alternative.