Tag Archive for: lung cancer survivor

Combat and Courage | A Veteran’s Lung Cancer Battle

Combat and Courage: A Veteran’s Lung Cancer Battle from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Derrick, a resilient veteran and lung cancer survivor graciously opens up about his journey, detailing his experience from initial screening and diagnosis through to treatment. He candidly discusses crucial aspects of lung cancer care for veterans and offers insights drawn from his journey. In Derrick’s own heartfelt words, he emphasizes the importance of empowerment through knowledge, stating, “It’s your body and your life, and you deserve to learn all you can to gain knowledge and confidence about your cancer.” 

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See More from [ACT]IVATED NSCLC Veterans

Related Resources:

What Do Lung Cancer Patients Need to Know to Build a Treatment Plan

What Do Lung Cancer Patients Need to Know to Build a Treatment Plan

Persistence in the Face of Dismissive Healthcare: One Patients’ Journey

Persistence in the Face of Dismissive Healthcare: One Patient’s Journey 

What Are the Noted Disparities in Lung Cancer Screening and Access

What Are the Noted Disparities in Lung Cancer Screening and Access?



Being ACTIVATED in your lung cancer care is a necessity, take it from me. 

After my friend who I served with in Iraq was diagnosed with lung cancer, I knew that it was time to get  serious about my lung cancer screenings at the Veterans Affairs Hospital. As a lung cancer survivor, I want to share my story as a Black military veteran. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death in veterans, and Black veterans are less likely to complete lung cancer screening.  However, a recent VA report showed that Black veterans receive equal or superior care through VA hospitals in comparison to Black patients in the general population.

I was already 52 when I received my first lung cancer screening. I only learned later that I should have started receiving screening at age 50 at the VA. It was winter when I went in for my screening. I’d had a nagging cough but didn’t think twice about it. It was a winter season with multiple respiratory viruses circulating at the time. I was shocked when the radiologist informed my doctor that they found a spot on one of my lungs. I felt like I wasn’t old enough to have cancer.

I was really nervous about it beforehand, but I had surgery to remove the tumor from my lung. I felt fortunate to have my friend I served with to talk with about lung cancer, but I know not everyone is this fortunate. I’m sharing my story in the hopes that it will help other veterans. I continue to receive regular scans of my lungs and urge other veterans to start your lung cancer screening on schedule. Ask your doctor or VA administrator if you’re unsure about when you should start. It’s your body and your life, and you deserve to learn all you can to gain knowledge and confidence about your cancer.

There have been a lot of recent advancements in lung cancer diagnosis and treatment. I hope that sharing my perspective will make a difference for other veterans. We served proudly for our country, and we deserve the best lung cancer screening and care as part of the respect that we earned.

Stay [ACT]IVATED with these tips. 

  1. Don’t allow stigmas to keep you from getting the best care, now is the time to get the right care no matter how you got the cancer.
  2. Ask your care team questions to learn about treatment options and what to expect during and after treatment.
  3. Ask if a clinical trial may be a potential treatment option for you.
  4. Stay abreast of lung cancer treatment options and research advancements

Whether it’s combat in war or fighting cancer, no matter who you are, being proactive is everything. Stay [ACT]IVATED by being informed, empowered, and engaged in your care.

Stage IIIA Non-Small Lung Cancer Survivor Shares Importance of Listening To Your Body

Stage IIIA Non-Small Lung Cancer Survivor Shares Importance of Listening To Your Body from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Lung cancer survivor Terri has had a long journey to her diagnosis. A “tiny” spot on her lung was initially dismissed and eventually led to her diagnosis a decade later with stage IIIA non-small lung cancer. Learning her tumor was KRAS-positive allowed her to make the most informed treatment decisions for her lung cancer. Watch as she shares her journey and advice for taking control of your health and getting the best care.

Terri’s advice, “Hope shared is hope multiplied. Take control of your journey and get connected. These actions are key to staying on your path to empowerment.”


My name is Terri. I live in Charlotte, North Carolina.  In 2017, I was diagnosed with lung cancer. 

Nearly a decade prior to my diagnosis, I went in for a routine physical. Checking the lungs, the medical staff said they heard something. I was sent for a scan and upon closer inspection, the radiologist confirmed there was a “tiny” spot. The expert who interpreted my results said “there is nothing to worry about, but you might want to follow up on that at some point.” I never pushed, nobody pushed.

 With both experts not concerned, I was relieved. I was too busy with my life and family to worry about “nothing.” I just let it go and began taking the newly prescribed asthma medication.  

Several years later,  I found myself struggling to breathe in humidity.  At first, I thought I was just out of shape, but it persisted. Maybe my asthma was just out of control? Thinking it was allergies, I began feeling worse, lasting the entire summer. My inner voice told me there was something more going on.  Ignoring it through the Autumn,  because I didn’t want something minor to slow me down, I pushed my body until I was nearly ready to collapse from this sinus infection. 

At Christmas, I headed back to the doctor’s office where she could hear the fluid in my lungs. The fluid highlighted a suspicious mass in the scan. Those last few weeks couldn’t pass quickly  enough for my January appointment with a specialist.

January came, and I saw the pulmonologist for closer examination. I’ll never forget his words, “I see CT scans  in and out every day and if I thought this was lung cancer, I’d tell you right now.” I immediately thought about the radiologist who saw the “tiny” spot years earlier and dismissed it as nothing. A few weeks later a biopsy confirmed my worst fears. It was indeed a diagnosis of stage IIIA non-small cell lung cancer.

My oncologist presented my case before a tumor board of experts where they confirmed I had KRAS-positive lung cancer.  This lung cancer biomarker test guided my treatment path.  Learning my tumor was KRAS-positive allowed me to make the most informed treatment decisions for my lung cancer. The best course for me at the time was chemo, followed by a lobectomy

Since then, I’ve had other treatments with new outbursts of lung cancer and continue to get regular scans. I can’t go back to the original ”tiny” spot, but what I learned is, “You either fight, or you die.” I had to accept what I couldn’t change and change what I could. 

As a full-time lung cancer advocate, I want to ensure patients feel confident to speak up and ask questions when in doubt and make sure no one feels as alone like I did at the start of my lung cancer journey.  My advice to other lung cancer patients:

  • Tune into your body and listen
  •  Ask the questions to learn from your healthcare team
  •  Take control of your journey
  • Connect with others that have a similar diagnosis, to learn & share

Hope shared is hope multiplied. I’ve made it my mission to empower others by sharing my story. Take control of your journey and get connected.

 These actions are key to staying on your path to empowerment.

Nancy’s Lung Cancer Journey

No one is ever prepared to hear the words “You have cancer”. Even though (from asking for an x-ray that morphed into a CT scan) I knew there was a large tumor in the middle of my chest, I still wasn’t ready. And the pulmonologist was so kind in delivering the diagnosis. He went down the hall with the needle aspiration from my left clavicular lymph node and returned ½ hour later with a tri-fold paper towel on which he had drawn my lungs with the locations of the tumors – upper right lobe (T1), central lymph nodes of the mediastinal area (in total, about 2” x 5”), and one on the lymph node at my neck. And he said “You have small cell lung cancer (SCLC). There’s good news and bad news. The bad news is that it is extremely aggressive. The good news is that it is extremely responsive to treatment. If you are deemed to be “limited stage” (there are only 2 stages for SCLC – I call them good and bad), you have a 30% chance of long-term survival – a normal life.” In mid-August, I thought I’d be dead by Christmas. I spent about 2 minutes on the internet – what I saw was enough to tell me not to look further.

Doctors matter. A lot. I was treated at an NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center by several exceptional doctors. What made them exceptional? Their listening and observational skills first and foremost, their dedication to staying current with research, and their caring. I was lucky – I didn’t have to search for them. These women – my primary care physician, my oncologist and my radiation oncologist kept me alive. They made me part of the 30%, even though my diagnosis said I was borderline extensive stage. It only took 5 months of chemotherapy (cisplatin and etoposide) and twice daily radiation during some of those 5 months, along with an episode of sepsis (broad-spectrum antibiotics, 2 blood transfusions, and a week in the hospital), to have me declared “No evidence of disease (NED)” by early December.

While my friends and family celebrated, I didn’t feel like celebrating. My life had been turned upside-down, I felt wrung-out and fatigued all the time, had lost so much weight that nothing fit, and had lost all my hair. And I knew that in January, I had to have 10 days of prophylactic whole brain radiation to kill any errant lung cancer cells (I was pretty sure it would make me stupid!) And that’s when my doctor prescribed an anti-depressant, which helped.

What did I do during this time – besides visit doctors and hospitals?  I walked – a lot. It was the easiest way for me to exercise, and my boxer was happy to help in that regard. I ate well – meaning lots of fruits and vegetables. And I meditated with guided CDs designed for cancer patients. And I kept up with my friends – often meeting one or more of them for lunch downtown. That not only passed the time but kept my spirits as up as they could be – a distraction if you will.

And when it was over, and I was deemed “cured”, I got angry. Angry that no one talked about the number one cancer killer. Through my doctor, I got in touch with the National Lung Cancer Partnership (now merged with the Lung Cancer Research Foundation), got involved in advocacy, and haven’t stopped. For me – it is healing to try to do something – anything – to prevent more people from going through what I went by raising awareness and research funding.

I have also learned that some treatments don’t let you forget that you had them. I had a CT scan every 90 days for the first 5 years after diagnosis. In the 4th year, they saw that my left ventricle was enlarged and referred me to cardiology for cardiomyopathy (heart failure). It was bad – so I went from surviving the #2 killer to facing the #1 killer! But with treatment from a cardiologist who specialized in heart failure from chemotherapy, I now have an implanted medical device, low-dose daily medication, and a nearly normal heart function. There’s also the foot neuropathy I’ve learned to live with (it’s not so bad) and some balance issues (likely from inner ear damage from cisplatin). But I’m alive!! Alive certainly beats the alternative.