Tag Archive for: myeloma symptoms

Myeloma Symptom Management | An Expert’s Approach

Myeloma Symptom Management | An Expert’s Approach from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How are myeloma symptoms and treatment side effects managed? Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi discusses the importance of addressing symptoms, management approaches, and the necessity of communication between the patient and their healthcare team to ensure optimal care. 

Dr. Sikander Ailawadhi is a hematologist and oncologist specializing in myeloma at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida. Learn more about Dr. Ailawadhi.

Related Resources:

Understanding Myeloma Testing and Monitoring | An Overview

Understanding Myeloma Testing and Monitoring | An Overview

Key Advice for Myeloma Patients | Questions to Ask About a Care Plan

Available Myeloma Treatment Options for Patients | An Overview

Available Myeloma Treatment Options for Patients | An Overview



So, the symptoms of myeloma, as well as the side effects of certain medications, can vary greatly among those being treated. How do you approach symptom management with your patients?   

Dr. Ailawadhi:

It is extremely important that we focus on the symptoms, whether it’s coming from the disease or it’s coming from the treatment. Because frankly, if a person is responding to the treatment, you want them to stay on the treatment for a longer duration of time, so the disease can stay controlled.  If we don’t handle the symptoms from the treatment or the side effects that are happening or if the disease is causing too many symptoms, it is more likely that either we’ll start cutting down the drug too much or stopping the treatment, et cetera, and then the disease just comes back. In some cases, that is necessary, but generally we would like to modulate the treatment or address the symptoms.  

So, one important piece that we should do, or at least we try to do over here, is that every single time that we talk to the patient for any of the visits – while there is enough time spent on, “Well, these are your labs, your diseases responding markers, SPEP, and M spike, and light chain,” and all that stuff – we spend a lot of time asking about symptoms.  

It is, I understand, challenging to cover everything, but to familiarize what drugs cause what kind of symptoms, and at least making sure that we ask those from the patient.  For example, IMiDs like lenalidomide (Revlimid) can cause some diarrhea, can cause fatigue, can cause sleepiness. Well, I must ask about diarrhea from all my lenalidomide patients.  

Bortezomib (Velcade) can cause neuropathy.  It can give rise to shingles. I must ask my patients for every bortezomib-treated patient. “Hey, do you have any neuropathy numbness, or tingling?  

Are you taking your medication to prevent shingles, et cetera?” I’m just saying we may not be able to do a comprehensive review of every single symptom from every single patient, but whatever the target side effects are important to know every single time. We educate the patients about these side effects so that they are aware of them, and they can report these side effects. And then, if the side effects are happening, any symptoms are happening, then is it to the point that we need to stop the treatment?  

Frequently, we do take drug holidays for a few weeks just to make sure, okay, we know is it coming from the drug or the disease? And every now and then, we realize, well, the drug was not even causing the symptom, because we stopped it, and the symptom stayed. Or so then, why stop the drug? There’s no point stopping it if I can’t control the symptom.

So, understanding whether it’s coming from disease or drug or something else, addressing them, making the changes appropriately to lower the dose, space them out, et cetera. All of that is done. And of course, like I said, importantly, educating the patient is so very important. I’ll add one quick thing. We focus on the drug-related effects.  

As you rightly mentioned, Katherine, the disease itself can cause a lot of symptoms. So, generally, when I see a new myeloma patient, in the first couple of visits, we’ve done all the testing, we’ve discussed the treatment, and we’ve addressed some of the basic symptoms like pain, for example. That is big in myeloma.

But then, when the patient has started treatment, generally within the first two months, the focus that our clinic has is we need to control any side effects, and we need to address any symptoms that are being left over from the disease. And that’s when we start referring patients to interventional radiology for any bone procedures or palliative care for pain control or neurology for neuropathy, whatever so that we are controlling all the symptoms.  

And that’s when we hopefully get the patient as close to their baseline as possible.   

How Can We Address Noted Disparities in Multiple Myeloma?

How Can We Address Noted Disparities in Multiple Myeloma? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo

What can patients and healthcare providers do to improve health disparities for myeloma patients? Expert Dr. Joseph Mikhael explains the communities that need more outreach about myeloma and those he views as vital to educating about myeloma risk and symptoms for earlier diagnosis and better health outcomes.

See More From the Myeloma TelemEDucation Empowerment Resource Center

Related Resources:

How Can Myeloma Patients Take Disease Ownership and Connect With Resources?

How Can Myeloma Patients Take Disease Ownership and Connect With Resources?

What Are the Benefits of Telemedicine for Myeloma Patients?

Will Telemedicine Be a Mainstay for Myeloma Patients After the Pandemic?

Will Telemedicine Be a Mainstay for Myeloma Patients After the Pandemic?



Dr. Joseph Mikhael:

Well, I have to tell you, this is a very personal issue for me, disparities in multiple myeloma, and I have the privilege of being involved in many programs and platforms to try and address this. And like with any major consideration, there isn’t a simple solution, it is going to take a multi-fold solution that has many parts. The first part that I think is critical is engagement of our communities, whether it is the Black community, the Hispanic community, even though in more rural areas or patients uninsured, we really require a kind of an engagement that’s real to build trust, to build confidence, this is stemmed from years of mistrust and understandably, so that we have to re-build.

I try to do that personally in my practice, but advocate for it on a larger sphere. Secondly, I want to empower my patients to learn and for communities to learn, whether someone has myeloma might have my load or as already myeloma, and I don’t have it might have it, or do you have it? Those patients need to be educated about myeloma so that they can understand who’s at risk and facilitate a more early and a more accurate diagnosis. Thirdly, I believe very much so, in educating the primary care world, the majority of patients with myeloma are still diagnosed by a primary care physician. They may ultimately see a hematologist-oncologist to confirm that, but the suspicion comes at the primary care level. And so I’m involved in multiple programs to educate primary care docs to think about myeloma, as I like to say, “If you don’t take a temperature, a patient won’t have a fever, you need to look for it.” And so if there are certain signs or symptoms that may include bone pain, significant fatigue, signs that we see like protein in the urine or a low hemoglobin or kidney dysfunction, these things need to push us to look for multiple myeloma. And then lastly, to look at disparity as an important area of work across the whole board that we need to better access to have better access for clinical trials and for the therapies that we know will benefit our patients, and that’s on us as physicians. But it’s also on the community at large, our regulators, our insurance companies.

Those are the kinds of things that I’m working on so that we can make a long-standing difference and really start to reduce this currently awful disparity in multiple myeloma.


Are There Any Barriers for Multiple Myeloma Patients Using Telemedicine?

Are There Any Barriers For Multiple Myeloma Patients Using Telemedicine? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo

Along with all the benefits of multiple myeloma care via telemedicine, there are some obstacles that providers run into as well. Myeloma expert Dr. Joseph Mikhael details his experience with telehealth barriers in caring for his patients.

See More From the Myeloma TelemEDucation Empowerment Resource Center

Related Resources:


Will Telemedicine Be an Advantage for Multiple Myeloma Patients?

What Are Best Practices for Multiple Myeloma Patients Utilizing Telemedicine?

How Will Telemedicine Impact Multiple Myeloma Clinical Trials?



Dr. Joseph Mikhael:

So there are several limitations to telemedicine, despite better technology and camera strength and Wi-Fi, and we’re removing all those distractions, it really is limited by not being able to physically be present with a patient, which means we can’t examine patients, which means we can’t hug our patients, I’m a hugger as an oncologist, I like to get close to my patients, and then of course, there are those things that don’t always convey themselves easily over a camera or a computer.

The emotion in the room, the tension, the fear, many of my patients experience fear being cancer patients, and so telemedicine can be very helpful when we have more straightforward follow-ups and questions, but initially building a bond with the patient and having very considerable discussions about one’s treatment and on symptoms, it is always going to be limited in a telemedicine capacity