Multiple Myeloma Archives

Plasma cells are cells in the immune system that make antibodies, which help the body fight infection and disease. Multiple myeloma cells are abnormal plasma cells (a type of white blood cell) that build up in the bone marrow and form tumors in many bones of the body.

More resources for Multiple Myeloma from Patient Empowerment Network.

Considering a Myeloma CAR T Cell Therapy Clinical Trial? Here’s What You Should Know

What should you know before joining a CAR T-cell therapy clinical trial? This animated video shares key advice to help guide discussions with your healthcare team and reviews factors to consider before enrolling in a trial.

Related Resources:

Myeloma CAR T-Cell Therapy | How Is Success Measured?

Myeloma CAR T-Cell Therapy | How Is Success Measured?

How Can Myeloma Patients Access CAR T-Cell Therapy Clinical Trials?

How Can Myeloma Patients Access CAR T-Cell Therapy Clinical Trials? 

CAR T-Cell Therapy | Transforming Myeloma Patient Care

CAR T-Cell Therapy | Transforming Myeloma Patient Care 


CAR T-cell therapy has revolutionized care for people with myeloma in recent years. This treatment is an innovative form of immunotherapy that modifies the patient’s own T cells to target and destroy cancer cells. While there are FDA-approved CAR T-cell therapies for myeloma, ongoing clinical trials are helping to expand this therapy’s use.  

If you or a loved one is considering participating in a CAR T-cell therapy clinical trial, these questions may help guide your conversations with your doctor and support decision-making: 

  • Am I a candidate for any CAR T-cell therapy clinical trials? 
  • How do the potential benefits compare to my current treatment options? 
  • What side effects should I expect if I participate in the trial, and how will they be managed? 
  • What phase is the study, and how might it impact my care? 
  • What is the time commitment involved, and where will the trial take place? 

When deciding whether or not to participate in a CAR T-cell therapy clinical trial, it’s crucial to weigh the pros and cons with your healthcare team to determine if this approach aligns with your treatment goals. You should also discuss your options with a care partner, such as a friend or family member.  

Before enrolling in a trial, consider these factors: 

  • Ensure you have a reliable care partner to assist you during and after treatment. In most cases, a care partner is required for patients undergoing CAR T-cell therapy. 
  • Understand the costs involved. For some trials, the sponsor may cover a portion of the cost. Ask about financial resources that may help with participation, such as transportation or lodging assistance. 
  • Be sure to review the informed consent process carefully. This form will outline the trial’s purpose, potential risks, benefits, and your rights as a participant. 
  • And you should understand that participation in a clinical trial is voluntary. You have the right to leave the trial at any time, for any reason.  
  • It’s also a good idea to understand what to expect before, during, and after the clinical trial process. Taking steps to prepare for life outside of treatment can be highly beneficial, and can support positive mental and emotional heath. 

Taking part in a CAR T-cell therapy clinical trial offers a unique opportunity—it could provide access to advanced therapies and support critical cancer research. Reflect on how trial participation fits in with your personal treatment goals, and be sure to include your care partner and healthcare team as you make decisions.  

Remember, it’s important to stay proactive and informed. Whether you join a CAR T-cell therapy clinical trial or explore other treatment options, make choices that prioritize your well-being and support your journey forward. 

For more information about CAR T-cell therapy and clinical trial participation, visit the Patient Empowerment Network at 

Expert Perspective | How Bispecific Antibody Therapy is Transforming Myeloma Care

 How has bispecific antibody therapy changed myeloma care? Tiffany Richards, a myeloma nurse practitioner, explains how bispecific antibody therapy works, who this therapy may be right for, and the important role of the care partner when caring for a loved one. 

Tiffany Richards, PhD, APRN-BC, AOCNP is a Nurse Practitioner in the department of Lymphoma/Myeloma at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

See More from The Care Partner Toolkit: Bispecific Antibodies

Related Resources:

Proactive Steps for Supporting Your Loved One Through Bispecific Antibody Therapy

Proactive Steps for Supporting Your Loved One Through Bispecific Antibody Therapy

What Myeloma Care Partners Should Know About Bispecific Antibody Side Effects

What Myeloma Care Partners Should Know About Bispecific Antibody Side Effects

Care Partners | Tools for Self-Care and Managing Emotions

Care Partners | Tools for Self-Care and Managing Emotions


Katherine Banwell:

I’d like to start by learning a bit about you. Can you tell us about your role in the Myeloma Care Team? 

Tiffany Richards:

Yes. So, I’m a nurse practitioner and I’ve been here at MD Anderson for 20 years working with patients with plasma cell dyscrasia. And so, I work in collaboration with our nurse as well as our myeloma physician to not only evaluate patients, what their responses are to treatment but also to make sure that they’re tolerating treatment well, and then adjusting medication or providing supportive medications so that patients are better able to tolerate their therapies.  

Katherine Banwell:

Bispecific antibody therapy is a newer therapy. How has this option changed myeloma care?  

Tiffany Richards:

Between that and CAR T, it’s really offered our patients the opportunity to utilize the body’s own immune system to help fight the myeloma cells. I think the one nice thing that the bispecific antibodies have allowed is that you’ve had a group of patients that maybe weren’t candidates at that time for CAR T either due to other medical conditions or maybe because their disease isn’t at a place where we would be able to get them to CAR T.   

Either maybe their lymphocyte count was low, white blood cells, and so maybe the ability to collect those T cells would be impaired or the disease itself was rapidly progressing and so the patient would not be able to be off therapy in order to have those T cells collected.  

And so, the bispecific antibody allows us to utilize those T cells to go after the myeloma cells without having to go through the process of having to collect those T cells. And so, that has really changed for that group of patients. But also, we have a bispecific antibody therapy that doesn’t target the same receptor that the CAR T-cell therapies do. So, our CAR T-cell therapies target something called BCMA, which stands for B Cell Maturation Antigen.

That’s expressed on the surface of the myeloma cells, and there’s a bispecific that targets a different receptor called GPRC5D. It’s a lot of letters. But it’s a different target, and so even for patients who have had CAR T-cell therapy we can use that bispecific antibody now for those patients who have maybe progressed on CAR T.  And so, it’s allowed another treatment option for patients that they didn’t otherwise have.  

Katherine Banwell:

So, how many bispecific antibody therapies are available for people and how do they differ? 

Tiffany Richards:

So, we have three. So, we have two that target the BCMA; so, that would be teclistamab (Tecvayli) and elranatamab (Elrexfio). And then, we have a third one that targets the GPRC5D which is called talquetamab (Talvey). And so, we utilize the talquetamab if we wanna use a bispecific therapy that does not target the BCMA. And then, for patients who maybe wouldn’t be able to get to CAR T, we might use one of the BCMA therapies.  

And as far as differences between to the two BCMA, really, they’re pretty similar as far as response rates. They haven’t been compared head-to-head. And so, different centers might utilize one versus the other depending on what they have on formulary. So, I would just say, whatever one your center is utilizing that would be the one to go with. 

Katherine Banwell:

Why is a care partner required for patients who are undergoing bispecific antibody therapy?  

Tiffany Richards:

That’s a great question. So, it’s because of some of the side effects that we can see in patients who are undergoing bispecifics. So, similar to CAR T cell therapy, we can see what’s called cytokine release syndrome. We abbreviate that by CRS. And then, we also can see neurotoxicity. We don’t see it to the same degree that we see it with CAR T but patients can still experience it.  

So, cytokine release syndrome, you can get fevers. You can have a drop in the blood pressure, chills, increase in the heart rate. And so, because of that you have to be monitored closely because, if you would start to have cytokine release syndrome, we need to make sure that we’re properly intervening and we can utilize a different medication called tocilizumab (Actemra) to help quiet the immune system a little bit, quiet down those T cells. And so, you need to have somebody that’s with you at all times that knows you, and also, same with the neurotoxicity. Again, we don’t see it to this same degree that we see it with CAR T, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t happen.  

And so, you really need to have that care partner alongside of you. Plus, I think just with these immune therapies, it’s a lot of information that we’re giving patients.   

And so, it’s important to have that other person there to kind of hear what maybe you’re not able to catch. There’s a lot of information that’s being given to you and can be very overwhelming at times. And so, it’s important to have that second person there to kind of be another set of ears as you’re going through this journey. 

Care Partners | Tools for Self-Care and Managing Emotions

 Why is it essential for care partners to have self-compassion when caring for a loved one? Tiffany Richards, a myeloma nurse practitioner, helps care partners in understanding why they should practice self-care, recognizing the signs of burnout, and learning about support resources available to them.

Tiffany Richards, PhD, APRN-BC, AOCNP is a Nurse Practitioner in the department of Lymphoma/Myeloma at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

See More from The Care Partner Toolkit: Bispecific Antibodies

Related Resources:

Being Empowered | Why Care Partner Should Feel Comfortable Voicing Concerns

Being Empowered | Why Care Partners Should Feel Comfortable Voicing Concerns

What Myeloma Care Partners Should Know About Bispecific Antibody Side Effects

What Myeloma Care Partners Should Know About Bispecific Antibody Side Effects

Advice for Being Prepared As a Bispecific Antibody Therapy Care Partner

Advice for Being Prepared As a Bispecific Antibody Therapy Care Partner


Katherine Banwell:

Being a care partner can be taxing mentally and physically, how do you encourage care partners to ensure that they’re taking care of themselves during a process?  

Tiffany Richards:

I think it’s really important for our care partners to take time for themselves because if you’re investing all of your energy into the patient, that’s going to deplete you.  

And when you’re depleted, you’re just being set up for you to get sick or for you to have a problem. And so, it’s important to take time, whether that’s meeting your friends for lunch or dinner or something, making arrangements for somebody else to come and stay with the patient. If you don’t feel comfortable leaving them alone, then engage the people around you. I think it’s important to create care teams, not just focusing just on one person that’s dedicated to providing care because if you do that, then you don’t have anybody else brought in that can provide respite. And we all need respite. We can’t always be caregiving 24 hours a day. If I had to caregive 24 hours a day, I’d be exhausted. And so, it’s important to have a care team.  

Look at the people around you, whether that’s friends or whether it’s some sort of religious activity, other family members, and creating a team so it doesn’t fall just on one person. I think you can have one person be like the main reference point to get to information, but then bringing everybody in so that you can get the care that you need for yourself. It’s really, really important. 

Katherine Banwell:

What are some signs of burnout and how are they managed? 

Tiffany Richards:

I would say it’s exhaustion, difficulty concentrating, just feeling depleted; where you feel like all of the energy that you have is being drained out of you.  

Those would be signs that I would be concerned about and say, “You need an intervention.” So, be on the lookout for that. I remember my mom was caring for my dad, and she was getting burnt out by it all. And so, she lost weight because she wasn’t able to eat because she was so stressed. And so, making sure that you’re taking care of yourself is so, so important. I just can’t even stress that enough. 

Katherine Banwell:

You mentioned some things that the care partner can do to take care of themselves, but what about handling emotions and anxiety? Do you have tips for them? 

Tiffany Richards:

So, I think in the world that we live in, and I tell a lot of my patients this, I think all of us could probably use some amount of therapy just to deal with life stressors. The world is a very stressful place to live in.  

And I think finding somebody that you can talk to is so important. Having a therapist allows you the opportunity to talk to somebody who has no judgement, who’s not going to give you their opinions of what you should do. I think that’s important because it offers somebody outside of the situation for you just to be able to download on. And that is so therapeutic; I can’t recommend that more. I really recommend counseling for people just because we all need that person that’s not in the middle of the situation that you can just download on and say, “This is what I’m feeling.” They’re not going to be judging you and saying like “That’s right,” or “That’s the wrong way to feel,” or giving their advice on things.  

And people are well-meaning by giving advice and giving their perceptions of things, but it might not always be helpful to you as a caregiver. And so, having that other person there can be really beneficial. 

Katherine Banwell:

Are there support resources available for care partners? 

Tiffany Richards:

So, there are. I know International Myeloma Foundation has some caregiving resources. I think maybe the Leukemia Lymphoma Society has some.  

There’s probably not enough as there needs to be, but there is some more information coming out. I think concerns about the caregiver and care partners is becoming more frontline as patients with myeloma in particular are living longer, and all patients with cancer are living longer. But they’re living longer on therapy. It can be hard for care partners because it’s not just this six-month period of time. 

It’s like this indefinite period. And so, there’s more things coming out, but I would definitely say probably the best resource is finding somebody that you can talk to.  

Katherine Banwell:

Is there anything you’d like to add about caring for someone who is being treated with bispecific antibody therapy? 

Tiffany Richards:

Yeah. I think knowing as much as you can about how the drugs work is really important, and then also what you can do to help manage and mitigate some of the side effects is important. And then, making sure that you understand the schedule, and as well as the schedule for the supportive medications is also really important. When we transition patients from an academic center to community, we usually have a touchpoint with that community provider. We provide instructions. 

So, I think it would good to ask the academic center for a copy of the letter for the communication that’s being given, so that everybody is on that same page, can be really, really helpful. 

Advice for Being Prepared As a Bispecific Antibody Therapy Care Partner

 When a loved one is undergoing bispecific antibody therapy, how can a care partner prepare? Tiffany Richards, a myeloma nurse practitioner, provides key advice for care partners, including important questions that they should ask the healthcare team.

Tiffany Richards, PhD, APRN-BC, AOCNP is a Nurse Practitioner in the department of Lymphoma/Myeloma at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

See More from The Care Partner Toolkit: Bispecific Antibodies

Related Resources:

Proactive Steps for Supporting Your Loved One Through Bispecific Antibody Therapy

Proactive Steps for Supporting Your Loved One Through Bispecific Antibody Therapy

What Myeloma Care Partners Should Know About Bispecific Antibody Side Effects

What Myeloma Care Partners Should Know About Bispecific Antibody Side Effects

Care Partners | Tools for Self-Care and Managing Emotions

Care Partners | Tools for Self-Care and Managing Emotions


Katherine Banwell:

When meeting with a patient and their care partner for the first time, what three key pieces of advice would you share with them? 

Tiffany Richards:

So, one is I would make sure that you understand the regimen; so, what days you’re going to be dosed, what day you’re going to go in the hospital, approximately what day you might be discharged, knowing that that discharge date can vary depending on how you’re doing with tolerating the therapy. I would also make sure that you understand what prophylactic medications you need to be on.  

So, oftentimes we’re putting you on an antiviral. We’re putting you on something to prevent a certain kind of pneumonia called PJP. And then, we also may put you on something to help you boost up your antibodies. So, oftentimes patients with myeloma, they’re low on their normal IgG antibodies just because we’re depleting all of these plasma cells in the bone marrow and so you’re not producing enough of these other antibodies. And so, we may have to put you on IVIG once a month.  

And so, making sure that you understand what it is that you all need to be taking, and then also making sure that you’re asking the questions as far as “How often do I have to come back?” 

“Do I have to get it all at an academic center or is it the opportunity to get it done locally?” I think that’s really important question because some local community providers, they’re willing to do the subsequent cycles of the bispecific. They may just not want to do that first cycle. And so, asking the question, “Can I get my subsequent cycles locally?” because to travel long distances, particularly depending on where you live geographically, it may be difficult to go back and forth to an academic center. 

Katherine Banwell:

Is there anything you’d like to add about caring for someone who is being treated with bispecific antibody therapy? 

Tiffany Richards:

Yeah. I think knowing as much as you can about how the drugs work is really important, and then also what you can do to help manage and mitigate some of the side effects is important. And then, making sure that you understand the schedule, and as well as the schedule for the supportive medications is also really important. When we transition patients from an academic center to community, we usually have a touchpoint with that community provider. We provide instructions.  

So, I think it would good to ask the academic center for a copy of the letter for the communication that’s being given, so that everybody is on that same page, can be really, really helpful. 

Bispecific Antibody Therapy Resource Guide

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See More from the Care Partner Toolkit

How Long Is CAR T-Cell Therapy Effective in Myeloma? An Expert Explains

Is CAR T-cell therapy a cure for myeloma? Dr. Rahul Banerjee, a myeloma specialist and researcher, discusses the reasons that CAR T-cell therapy may lose effectiveness and the potential impact of undergoing another round CAR T-cell therapy.

Dr. Rahul Banerjee is a physician and researcher specializing in multiple myeloma and an assistant professor in the Clinical Research Division at the University of Washington Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle, WA. Learn more about Dr. Banerjee.

Download Resource Guide

Related Resources:

Myeloma CAR T-Cell Therapy | How Is Success Measured?

Myeloma CAR T-Cell Therapy | How Is Success Measured?

Evolve | What You Should Know About Advances in CAR T-Cell Therapy for Myeloma

Evolve | What You Should Know About Advances in CAR T-Cell Therapy for Myeloma 

Understanding Myeloma Therapy Targets BCMA and GPRC5D

Understanding Myeloma Therapy Targets BCMA and GPRC5D 


Katherine Banwell:

This one is from Jennifer. Why do CAR T-cell transplants not last longer? Is it possible to do a second transplant if the first CAR T transplant stops working? 

Dr. Rahul Banerjee:

It’s a great question. So, it’s an excellent question. So, the only thing I would say semantically is, right, in my head, CAR T cells are not transplants per se, because I’m not changing the bone marrow. So, I would transplant a stem cell transplantation, separate from CAR T.  

Why do CAR T cells stop working? So, the short answer is we can speculate. We don’t know for sure for any individual patient. Three different buckets are involved. Three different things can happen. One, the T cells can stop working or disappear from circulation. So, that’s possible. CAR T cells don’t last forever. That’s actually okay, right? People often wonder like, “Man, I wish the CAR  
T cells could last forever.” I don’t know that I’d want that because as I alluded to, for as long as the CAR T cells are there, patients are immunocompromised, and so that can certainly interfere with the quality of life.  

So, it’s not necessarily true that the CAR T cells need to be there forever, but if they’re not there, or if they’re exhausted, which is actually a true scientific word for them not being able to activate and kill that cell when they recognized a protein, the BCMA, that’s one problem.  

The second problem is the myeloma cells can mutate. I alluded to this briefly earlier, where the cells can learn to shut off the protein, BCMA, or they can mutate the protein in just a way that the  
CAR T is no longer able to bind.  

And the third is something called the tumor microenvironment. And this is a little bit more complicated, kind of a grab bag of different things here. The idea is that myeloma cells have a lot of tricks, and they can use all of the cells around them to make it hard for the CAR T cells to get in, to get into the bone marrow and kill them all. And the T cells can be shut off before they even get there.  

So, it’s one of those three things in general. Which one is it for an individual patient? Hard to say. And so hopefully in the future, we’ll have better diagnostic tests to be able to identify who is a patient where another BCMA targeted therapy would work well versus, “Oh no, these myeloma cells are no longer expressing BCMA, let’s move on to a different target like GPRC5D.” We’re not there yet. We’ll get there hopefully in a couple of years, is my goal.  

Then, you know, Jennifer, that’s a good question. Well, can we do a second CAR T? And that’s very practical. What I would say is if the first CAR T therapy did what we expected it to do, if it lasted for as many years as I would expect for Abecma, that’s typically 12 to 18 months. For Carvykti, that’s typically over 24 months.  

If it worked and then it stopped working, and then probably the T cells are long gone, it’s reasonable to try CAR T therapy again. In general, I would recommend, I strongly recommend a different CAR T-cell therapy, even if it’s targeting the same class, like BCMA, it’s going from ide-cel (Abecma) to cilta-cel (Carvykti) or vice versa. 

The risk with giving the same CAR T-cell product again is that even though the T cells are a patient’s own T cells, the protein is slightly foreign. Abecma was derived from decades of mouse research. Carvykti was made from decades of llama research, believe it or not. Again, there’s no mouse or llama involved with the actual products nowadays, but in making the sequence years ago that came to them, they are foreign. There are foreign sequences on them, and so everyone’s host immune system eventually recognizes these cells as foreign.  

And so if you were to give the exact same product again, immediately the body would reject it the second time around, because it recognizes them and has learned to recognize it as foreign. But changing to a different CAR T cell is very reasonable. 

And again, for these newer GPRC5D targeted CAR T cells that, again, don’t target BCMA the way that Abecma, ide-cel or cilta-cel, Carvykti do, but target a different protein entirely, for those patients generally there’s no restriction on whether they’d received a prior CAR T cells. Ideally, it should be at least several months away, at least like a year or so, but if that’s happened and they stopped working, very reasonable. In fact, some of the trials actually require that patients going on to the study of a GPRC5D product have had a prior BCMA therapy of some sort before, and so they’re kind of built into the architecture of things. So, I think it’s very reasonable.  

Obviously, there are some unknown unknowns, right? What do you do if the T cells are being manipulated twice, so to speak. Patients ask me about that. I will say just to put that fear to rest, in general, by the time that someone’s had myeloma come back after the first CAR T cells, I alluded to this, the CAR T cells are long gone. So, there’s nothing left.  

But again, every case is different, and future research will help us kind of figure out how best to do this. 

Myeloma Research | Updates in CAR T-Cell Therapy

 What is the latest in myeloma CAR T-cell therapy research? Dr. Rahul Banerjee, a myeloma specialist and researcher, discusses advances in the field including progress in improving the CAR T manufacturing process and the role of clinical trial participation in developing new myeloma treatments.

Dr. Rahul Banerjee is a physician and researcher specializing in multiple myeloma and an assistant professor in the Clinical Research Division at the University of Washington Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle, WA. Learn more about Dr. Banerjee.

Download Resource Guide

Related Resources:

How Can Myeloma Patients Access CAR T-Cell Therapy Clinical Trials?

How Can Myeloma Patients Access CAR T-Cell Therapy Clinical Trials?

How Is CAR T-Cell Therapy Research Advancing Myeloma Care?

How Is CAR T-Cell Therapy Research Advancing Myeloma Care?

Advice for Inquiring About Myeloma CAR T-Cell Therapy Clinical Trials

Advice for Inquiring About Myeloma CAR T-Cell Therapy Clinical Trials 


Katherine Banwell:

Can you share any updates in CAR T-cell therapy research? 

Dr. Rahul Banerjee:

Sure. So, several. I would say the first was how do we make that vein-to-vein time shorter? So, the vein-to-vein is, again, from the moment that the T cells are collected to when they’re put back into the patient.  

And so a lot of research is how do we make that better? We have rapid manufacturing protocols that, again, where the T cells are taken out and manufactured within a couple of days and brought back into the patient. They’re still testing for safety and sterility and everything that needs to be done, so it’s not overnight, but still, one or two weeks’ worth of vein-to-vein time is way better than one to two months. 

The allogeneic CAR T cells that are coming from a healthy donor, those are fascinating, right? Because if the cells are pre-manufactured, there’s no risk of them not manufacturing or manufacturing in an odd manner, what we call auto-specification. They’re ready from a healthy donor, ready to go. 

And one of the studies that was presented last month at our International Myeloma Society meeting in Brazil, the time, the median time from when the patient went on the study to when they started that lympho-depleting pre-CAR T therapy was one day, and that means they got CAR T therapy within one week of going on the study. That’s phenomenal. And so I think that research is ongoing.  

There are some side effects about allogeneic, healthy donor CAR T cells in terms of making sure the T cells stick around and don’t cause other issues. Sorry, for another day. I think that’s one area of research.  

 I think the other big area of research is how do we make CAR T cells work for longer for more people? There are easy ways, and there are controversial ways to do that. So, I think the easy way is can we use MRD negativity or other tests to identify who is at very low risk of relapse and monitoring them appropriately.  

There are patients where, in the future, we may talk about doing some form of post-CAR T maintenance therapy.  

Again, the bar for that should be set pretty high, and it is set pretty high because as I mentioned earlier, many patients prefer CAR T therapy, not just because of the deeper remissions and longer remissions, but because it truly is time away from treatment. But they’re still coming in for the IVIg and the blood work and seeing a doctor, et cetera, but they’re not getting daily treatment with lenalidomide, which is Revlimid, or pomalidomide, or Pomalyst, or something like that. And that’s wonderful. 

However, there may be some patients where some form of strategy will use one of those medications or experimental medications. There’s a newer class of the lenalidomide, Revlimid, pomalidomide, Pomalyst called CELMoDs.  

They’re not approved yet, but drugs like iberdomide or mezigdomide that work better, and not just against the myeloma. They actually make T cells stronger, believe it or not. 

And so in the future, there may be scenarios where we recommend for certain patients that, hey, in your particular case, after CAR T therapy, to keep the myeloma away, I’d recommend using this form of maintenance, a pill or something like that, just low dose to, again, keep the myeloma at bay and keep the T cells, in this case, the CAR T cells strong. So, I think those are all areas of exciting research.  

And then the last thing I would say is, we have several novel CAR T therapies that are being studied that may work better and safer than the existing products. Some of them, which are in early phase studies, actually target two proteins at once. The idea, going back to one of the earlier topics I mentioned, is that if the CAR T cells see that protein BCMA, they immediately destroy the cell that’s holding that. But what if the cell learns to turn off BCMA? All of a sudden, it’s invisible to the CAR T cells, and you’re right back to starting square one again. 

And so the idea is that there are CAR T cells that are being developed that target two proteins at once, kind of what’s called origating, where if it sees this or this, it’s immediately able to attach and bind that cell.  

The idea being that it’s easy for a myeloma cell – not easy. It’s possible for a myeloma cell, just by dumb luck, bad luck for the patient, to mutate in a way that shuts off that one protein. For it to simultaneously be able to do that for two separate proteins at once, the odds are much lower.  

And so the idea with dual targeting is you may be able to knock out more cells more durably, or even knock out the myeloma precursor cells that aren’t quite myeloma cells, but are there, what we call stem cells under the hood that are still malignant? So, a lot of those areas, I think, are really fascinating. Obviously, we need a lot more research in those particular areas before they’re ready for prime time.  

Katherine Banwell:

Patient participation is essential in advancing myeloma research. How do clinical trials impact care? 

Dr. Rahul Banerjee:

Absolutely. So, phenomenally and importantly, I think it’s a short answer. It’s worth noting that clinical trials come in all shapes and sizes. People often assume that clinical trial means, by default, a Phase I study, first time in human being, a quote-unquote “guinea pig.” That’s true for a minority of studies, and that’s very important for us to understand how best to make the drug work better. I would say the vast majority of trials that I put my patients on are not like that. They’re often bigger Phase II or Phase III studies. 

As an example, you know, both ide-cel (Abecma) and cilta-cel (Carvykti), those were already approved in later lines, but to get them approved in earlier lines, we had to run a study of using them earlier versus not using them earlier. So, that’s a good example where the drug is FDA-approved, it’s just the sequencing of it that’s new.  

There are trials of supportive care. We’ll be opening a study, I alluded to this, the side effects of GPRC5D targeted therapies with taquetamab (Talvey).  

We’ll be opening a study that randomizes patients to one of four different supportive care strategies to figure out which one actually works to make the taste issues better. Because we don’t know until we try, right? If we don’t do a rigorous study, and we just go by, “Oh, I had one patient once where this worked, and one patient once where this worked,” that’s not a scientific way of answering questions, and we’re not really able to advance the field to help all patients.  

So, that’s where I think clinical trials come in handy. That, and I alluded to all these newer investigational CAR T therapies that might actually work better and be safer than the existing one. They’re all coming through investigational trials.  

So, trials is kind of how we get these drugs, one, these newer ones to market, but also how we learn to make them better. And we have trials, all sorts of trials, looking at all sorts of, again, not just new drugs, but also where to put the drugs, right? Where to sequence the CAR T therapies, or what supportive care strategies do we use? And the trials are kind of the linchpin of making the field work better. Again, not just for some patients who happen to do well, but for all patients. The only reason we’ve found out what works for all patients is by doing clinical trials.   

Advances in CAR T-Cell Therapy Side Effect Management

Are there new ways to manage the potential side effects of CAR T-cell therapy? Dr. Rahul Banerjee, a myeloma specialist and researcher, reviews common side effects of this treatment option and discusses new ways that providers are approaching the management of both short-term and long-term issues. 

Dr. Rahul Banerjee is a physician and researcher specializing in multiple myeloma and an assistant professor in the Clinical Research Division at the University of Washington Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle, WA. Learn more about Dr. Banerjee.

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Related Resources:

CAR T-Cell Therapy for Myeloma | Challenges and Unmet Needs

CAR T-Cell Therapy for Myeloma | Challenges and Unmet Needs

Myeloma Research | Updates in CAR T-Cell Therapy

Myeloma Research | Updates in CAR T-Cell Therapy

How Long Is CAR T-Cell Therapy Effective in Myeloma? An Expert Explains

How Long Is CAR T-Cell Therapy Effective in Myeloma? An Expert Explains


Katherine Banwell:

Well, let’s talk about side effects of CAR T-cell therapy. What advances are being made in managing them?  

Dr. Rahul Banerjee:

Excellent question. So, I break the toxicities into short-term and long-term toxicity of CAR T therapy.  

And this is actually fairly similar for both, regardless of the underlying disease, whereas lymphoma, leukemia, or myeloma, very similar. Just so everyone, just to reorient the audience, short-term toxicities, people often talk about the big two. I’m going to say the big three, actually. The first one is cytokine release syndrome, or CRS, which is inflammation, typically causing fever, sometimes low blood pressure. 

The second is neurotoxicity, or ICANS. For reasons that aren’t entirely understood, sometimes all those chemicals from inflammation can cause people to feel a bit off mentally or cognitively. Sometimes people might not be able to talk, or might not talk correctly, or sometimes have issues along those lines. 

And the third, I would say, is low blood counts or infections. Both the lymphoma, leukemia CAR Ts and the myeloma CAR Ts very rapidly deplete the good plasma cells or the good lymphocytes, the good cells in the bone marrow, and so immediately you see patients at risk of infections. 

And for a complicated number of reasons, one of which being cytokine release syndrome, CRS inflammation within the bone marrow, where all these cancer cells are hiding, the stem cells in the bone marrow hide away, right? They kind of go into a bunker to stay away from all of this. And so patients often have low blood counts for significant amounts of time after CAR T therapy, something called hematotoxicity. 

Those are short-term toxicities. Long-term, very briefly, that risk of infection and low blood counts is still there, I would say, for up to a year after CAR T therapy, sometimes longer for some patients. There is a risk, obviously, of the original cancer coming back, in this case the myeloma, particularly myeloma. 

And three, there are rare delayed toxicities to be on the lookout for. So, one of them, for example, with cilta-cel or Carvykti, the numbers are hard to see what the rate is prospectively because it’s been going down with time.  

But rarely, I would truly in my heart say 1 percent of the time, if not less, patients can get Parkinsonism, where they’re not able to move as rapidly, they’re not able to, they’re kind of shuffling gait, having tremors, et cetera. Not the same as normal Parkinson’s disease, because the normal meds don’t work, just time is often the only thing that really makes a big difference. 

Technically, there’s a box warning on all CAR T therapies now about a risk of second cancers. That risk is not new to anyone who’s ever received any treatment for myeloma because from the very beginning, we tell people that these drugs have been linked to a potential risk of second cancers in the future.  

In terms of strides that are being made to improve that, I think we’re making a lot of improvement. So, I think the biggest thing that we’ve learned, and I remember when I was a trainee, for example, when I was in my medical training, the early days of CAR T therapy – actually out in Philadelphia, I trained at Penn – and there, we were scared about trying to tone down the inflammation.  

When these side effects happen in the short term, the goal is if the patient’s obviously having side effects, and the question is, “Can we not kill the T cells? Can we just dial that down?” Say, “Look, I’m happy the T cells are angry. I’m happy they’re killing the cancer, the myeloma in this case. But can you just dial it down a little bit with a medication called tocilizumab (Actemra), or corticosteroids like dex?” 

We used to be very nervous about doing that because we said, look, the patient’s put all this blood, soil, sweat, and tears right into this CAR T therapy, and we don’t want to do anything that can hinder the T cells from working.  

Now we know that that level of inflammation is not doing anyone any favors at all, and so we’re able to really start these medications to just dial down the immune system faster. As soon as someone has a fever, for example, at many centers, we do consider, within an hour or two, giving one of those medications. Don’t wait till they’re in the ICU, give it then.  So, I think just tweaking our algorithms has made probably the biggest difference, in my mind, to make CAR T safer.  

Other things that have helped, I think, are better understanding of why patients have these other toxicities and strategies to prevent it. And so, for example, the neurotoxicity risk, some of it is part of disease burden. We think that patients who have a lot of disease going into CAR T therapy may have more toxicities. So, giving better treatments as, quote-unquote, “bridging treatment” before CAR T therapy that we have better, newer treatments now, have sometimes helped to really debulk the disease before going to CAR T.  

That’s helped a lot with side effect management. In terms of long-term risk, the third thing that I really encourage all my patients and all my oncologist partners in the community to really push for is the infection risk and how do we prevent it? So, I think probably the biggest thing that we’ve recognized is intravenous immunoglobulin, which is IVIg, which is basically an antibody transfusion.  

When people donate blood, they also donate plasma, often, and the plasma contains antibodies against whatever they themselves have fought off circulating in the area – viruses, colds, et cetera. 

You can take all those antibodies, put them all together into a sterile bag, and give it to the patient who’s gotten CAR T therapy. Because the patient’s gotten CAR T therapy, assuming it’s working, which it normally does for several months, right, to knock out all cells, good and bad immune cells, that patient is not making any antibodies at all. They’re a sitting duck for infections. And so I would say IVIg, using that routinely now is not just the exception once they’re having infections, but even in the absence of infections, just giving it.  

Insurance companies are not happy with me when I suggest that because it’s expensive, but that’s the right thing to do for patients, and I think that has helped a lot, in my experience, for all of these immunotherapies, both CAR T and bispecific antibodies, to lower the risk of infections. 

Myeloma CAR T-Cell Therapy | How Is Success Measured?


How do you know if CAR T-cell therapy is working? Dr. Rahul Banerjee, a myeloma specialist, discusses how a patient’s response to CAR T-cell therapy is monitored and the role of measurable residual disease (MRD) in patient care. 

Dr. Rahul Banerjee is a physician and researcher specializing in multiple myeloma and an assistant professor in the Clinical Research Division at the University of Washington Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle, WA. Learn more about Dr. Rahul Banerjee.

Related Resources:

Advances in CAR T-Cell Therapy Side Effect Management

Advances in CAR T-Cell Therapy Side Effect Management

Myeloma Research | Updates in CAR T-Cell Therapy

Myeloma Research | Updates in CAR T-Cell Therapy

How Long Is CAR T-Cell Therapy Effective in Myeloma? An Expert Explains

How Long Is CAR T-Cell Therapy Effective in Myeloma? An Expert Explains


Katherine Banwell:

Well, how is success measured for CAR T-cell therapy? 

Dr. Rahul Banerjee:

It’s a great question. So, traditionally, the metric in multiple myeloma has been achieving a complete response. So, having the M-spike, the antibodies that are produced by the myeloma cells, come down to zero. 

So, either the M-spike, or for some patients, that may be the kappa or the lambda, which are fragments called light chains of antibodies, coming down to the normal range. The hard thing about those is that they take time. I’ve had patients who get CAR T therapy, and their bone marrow is completely clear, including MRD, measurable residual disease, as I’ll talk about in a second, but the M-spike takes months. 

I had one patient where it took a year and a half for the M-spike to finally come down to zero. And it’s frustrating because I would say that, look, in my heart, you’re in remission, but if I were a lawyer, I wouldn’t be able to say that, because technically the M-spike is not quite zero yet. Your body’s just recycling that antibody. It’s not all the way down to zero, and that makes things tough. So, I don’t think that’s a great barometer to use.  

I think MRD, which is again, a bone marrow test that we can spend more time talking about another day, is helpful. And at the one-month mark, achieving MRD negativity.  

So, if you look in the bone marrow, by all the best tests available in the United States in the year 2024, and you can’t even find one out of a million cells that are myeloma, that’s obviously great to see.  

That doesn’t mean that if it doesn’t happen, the patients are going to do poorly. There’s a lot more to CAR T than that. So, I think MRD negativity is probably the best short-term barometer. I think the best long-term barometer would be progression-free survival, which is, again, the medical word of saying how long is someone alive and in remission for. 

CAR T-Cell Therapy for Myeloma | Challenges and Unmet Needs

CAR T-cell therapy is transforming care for people with myeloma, but what are the challenges facing this treatment option? Dr. Rahul Banerjee, a myeloma specialist and researcher, discusses how access to CAR T-cell therapy as well as the timeline for the manufacturing process may impact patient care. 

Dr. Rahul Banerjee is a physician and researcher specializing in multiple myeloma and an assistant professor in the Clinical Research Division at the University of Washington Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle, WA. Learn more about Dr. Rahul Banerjee.

Related Resources:

Advances in CAR T-Cell Therapy Side Effect Management

Advances in CAR T-Cell Therapy Side Effect Management

How Long Is CAR T-Cell Therapy Effective in Myeloma? An Expert Explains

How Long Is CAR T-Cell Therapy Effective in Myeloma? An Expert Explains

Will CAR T-Cell Therapy Be Approved for Earlier Lines of Myeloma Treatment

Will CAR T-Cell Therapy Be Approved for Earlier Lines of Myeloma Treatment? 


Katherine Banwell:

CAR T therapies have been in use for several years now. As a clinician, what challenges are you facing with this treatment option? 

Dr. Rahul Banerjee:

Absolutely. So, I would say threefold, is the best way to describe it. So, I think the first and most practical, like the most important one is obviously access. It’s very easy for me to talk about CAR T therapy. I had the privilege of working at a big center, where I was just last week attending on our CAR T service. We’re big enough to have a CAR T service. 

Most patients are treated in the community, and they don’t have access to a doctor who’s personally familiar with CAR T. And so for them to get to CAR T requires a move to a big academic center, a big tertiary care center. Obviously, I think this talk is geared more towards the U.S. audience, but most of the world has no access to CAR T, period, except for research protocols, and that makes things really tough. So, I think that’s one unmet need in general, where those patients who cannot get to CAR T never see me, and that’s a big disparity in the field.  

Two, I would say that the autologous CAR T products we have, autologous is the word that we use for the T cells that are coming from the patient themselves. Both ide-cel (Abecma) and cilta-cel (Carvykti), again, it’s the patient’s own cells that are being taken out, turned into CAR T cells, and put back. That manufacturing process takes time. Typically, I tell patients to expect about one to two months, closer to two months often, between the day that the T cells are taken out and the day they’re put back in again, what we often call the quote unquote “vein-to-vein interval.” And that’s hard because for some patients that’s not practical. 

The myeloma is, you know, so aggressive, behaving aggressively, that they cannot wait. There’s no drug I can give them where I can wait two months for the T cells to be manufactured. We’re getting better at it. The drug company is working better at it. There are a lot of investigational products that are not FDA approved yet that are looking at rapid manufacturing, where can you grow these T cells and the CAR T cells in two days or one day, instead of several weeks? I think that’s really interesting. 

There are studies of allogeneic CAR T cells, where the T cells are pre-manufactured from a healthy donor and manipulated so they won’t cause any other problems, but will attack the myeloma. So, a lot of research happening there, but that’s the problem for patients where they cannot get to CAR T therapy.  

And then the third unmet need would be – I’m seeing more of this, unfortunately, right? CAR T therapy is not considered curative for myeloma. Have I met people who are doing great years out from myeloma? Yes, from CAR T therapy, and I love that. In the original LEGEND-2 study, the study that led to the CARTITUDE-1 study that led to the approval of cilta-cel, which is Carvykti. 

If I recall correctly, about 20 percent of patients on that first Chinese study years ago are alive and disease-free five years later. That’s not enough, right? I don’t want it to be 20 percent, I want it to be 100 percent. And so we have work to be done there in terms of what do we do when the myeloma, the CAR T cells stop working, or they’re out of the system and are no longer there to fight back. What do we do next? And I think that’s another unmet need still.  

CAR T-Cell Therapy | Transforming Myeloma Patient Care

Dr. Rahul Banerjee, a myeloma specialist and researcher, describes how CAR T-cell therapy has revolutionized care for people with myeloma. Dr. Banerjee discusses recent advances in research, citing specific studies that are having an impact, and goes on to review the currently FDA-approved CAR T-cell therapies.

Dr. Rahul Banerjee is a physician and researcher specializing in multiple myeloma and an assistant professor in the Clinical Research Division at the University of Washington Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle, WA. Learn more about Dr. Rahul Banerjee.

Related Resources:

Myeloma CAR T-Cell Therapy | How Is Success Measured?

Myeloma CAR T-Cell Therapy | How Is Success Measured?

Myeloma Research | Updates in CAR T-Cell Therapy

Myeloma Research | Updates in CAR T-Cell Therapy

Will CAR T-Cell Therapy Be Approved for Earlier Lines of Myeloma Treatment

Will CAR T-Cell Therapy Be Approved for Earlier Lines of Myeloma Treatment? 


Katherine Banwell:

We’ve been talking about CAR T-cell therapy for a number of years now. How has this treatment revolutionized care for patients? 

Dr. Rahul Banerjee:

Absolutely. So, the biggest benefit of CAR T therapy, I think, is how well it works. So, I’ll predominantly focus on multiple myeloma, but of course there are CAR T therapies that are approved for different kinds of lymphoma, and B-cell leukemia as well. But in brief, CAR T therapy, we train the immune system to fight back against the myeloma, against the cancer that’s there. And it’s phenomenal, because it’s the only living drug we have, really, in our toolbox. Everything else is dependent on the dose, right? As soon as the drug is out of your system, it stops working. CAR T cells don’t work that way. They can live and expand and proliferate to get rid of the threat within. 

And at least in myeloma, for example, CAR T therapies regularly have response rates, meaning complete response rates, how quickly they knock all the myeloma parameters down to zero basically in the 70, 80, 90 percent range. Many patients achieve measurable residual disease, or MRD negativity, meaning by all the best tools available in 2024, no sign of the myeloma anywhere.  

That doesn’t mean cure, to be fair, but that’s wonderful. With other conventional therapies, to have one drug with one infusion have that big of an impact on the myeloma is phenomenal.  

The other benefit of CAR T therapy is that it is a one-time infusion. It doesn’t mean that patients can get one-time CAR T and never have to see a cancer doctor again because again, at least in myeloma, I don’t consider CAR T to be uniformly curative for patients. However, if you look at the studies, and there’ve been two randomized studies in myeloma of CAR T therapy versus standard therapies. One was a KarMMa-3 trial with a drug called ide-cel, a CAR T drug also known as Abecma. And the other one was CARTITUDE-4, which was a study of cilta-cel versus standard treatment. And cilta-cel is a kind of CAR T also known as Carvykti.  

Both studies saw improvements, dramatic improvements in the response rate, how many patients had the myeloma numbers come down, but also durations of response and progression-free survival. How long patients were alive and disease-free for.  

Literally just a month ago, we found out officially that the cilta-cel trial and the CARTITUDE-4 study, CAR T actually prolonged overall survival compared to standard therapies, which is what patients are looking for.  

But for me, what I love about CAR T the most is not just that you’re in remission for longer, or with cilta-cel you live longer, but that you live better. Both studies, and I’m very happy to see this incorporated, what we call patient-reported outcomes, which is an area of research of mine. Patient-reported outcomes are, as you can imagine, outcomes that are reported by the patient. Not the blood test for the myeloma, but how are patients feeling in terms of their quality of life, in terms of their fatigue, in terms of their pain.  

And in both studies, off the charts. CAR T does way better and way faster in terms of improving quality of life than standard treatments, to the point where the studies, for example, often for both of them, if I recall correctly, the first time point where they looked and compared the two arms was three months after CAR T. And already by then, night and day difference.  

The patients who got CAR T, the first month a little bit rocky, but after the first month or two, they’re doing better, because they’re not on myeloma treatments continuously. They’re still getting blood work checked and so forth, but they’re not on treatment. It’s a one-time infusion and monitoring thereafter.  

And I love that about it, and I think that explains a lot of the quality of life benefits that we see.  

For my other patients with myeloma, outside of CAR T, there is never a scenario where they’re observed. The vast majority of patients because myeloma is considered incurable, we keep them on some form of maintenance treatment, and those come with side effects. Those come with financial toxicity. That’s the word we use for high out-of-pocket costs. They come with what I would call time toxicity. That’s time spent on the phone coordinating shipments or coming in for this infusion or that infusion. 

CAR T has much less of that, and I think that’s phenomenal. So, I would say that it’s revolutionized the field, not just scientifically from the things that you’d expect a researcher to care the most about – for how long, you know, how deep are their remissions and how durable are their remissions, but also for the things that I care about. The art of oncology is how our patients are living, and that’s why I think CAR T is revolutionary. 

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Banerjee, would you walk us through the currently approved CAR T-cell therapies for myeloma and share how these treatments work to combat myeloma? 

Dr. Rahul Banerjee:

Absolutely so. So, there’s two FDA-approved CAR T therapies right now for multiple myeloma. One is ide-cel, also known as Abecma. One is cilta-cel, also known as Carvykti. The mechanics of them are pretty similar. Both involve T cells being collected from the patient and then turned into CAR T cells, cancer fighting cells in a lab, then put back into the patient after a small dose, what we call lympho-depleting chemotherapy, that creates a void and makes room for the T cells. 

And then the T cells come in and are able to activate and proliferate and respond and kill off the myeloma. In terms of the two drugs, the differences between them, we might come back to that a bit in terms of just how they’re approved. Cilta-cel is currently approved as early as first relapse. So, second line treatment onwards in myeloma for patients who have disease that is refractory to lenalidomide (Revlimid) or a similar class of drugs.  

So, lenalidomide is Revlimid. So, if someone’s been on Revlimid and it stopped working, they could technically go to cilta-cel, which is Carvykti, as soon as second line. 

Ide-cel or Abecma is approved for third line treatment, meaning at least two prior relapses or two types of therapy that were stopped unexpectedly because of not working or toxicities or so forth. And those patients would have had to have received both an iMiD, like Revlimid, which is lenalidomide, a proteasome inhibitor, which is like Velcade or bortezomib, and a CD38 directed monoclonal antibody like daratumumab, which is also called Darzalex or Darzalex Faspro. 

Being Empowered | Why Care Partners Should Feel Comfortable Voicing Concerns

Dr. Craig Cole, a myeloma specialist, shares advice for care partners to feel empowered when engaging with the healthcare team, emphasizes the importance of communication, and provides suggested questions for the care partner to ask. 

Dr. Craig Cole is a multiple myeloma specialist at Karmanos Cancer Institute in Detroit, MI and in East Lansing, MI. Dr. Cole also serves as an associate professor at Wayne State University and at Michigan State University. Learn more about Dr. Craig Cole

See More from The Care Partner Toolkit: Bispecific Antibodies

Related Resources:

Proactive Steps for Supporting Your Loved One Through Bispecific Antibody Therapy

Proactive Steps for Supporting Your Loved One Through Bispecific Antibody Therapy

Myeloma Care Partners | Understanding Bispecific Antibody TherapyMyeloma Care Partners | Understanding Bispecific Antibody Therapy Bispecific Antibody Therapy | The Important Role of Care Partners

Bispecific Antibody Therapy | The Important Role of Care Partners 


Katherine Banwell:

How can care partners feel comfortable speaking up and voicing concerns about care? 

Dr. Craig Cole:

Yeah, I think the big thing is – that’s such a good question because I’m very passionate about patient empowerment, a lot of Ps in that statement. 

But it really is having good communication with your provider. And I think one important thing is slowing down your provider. Providers, doctors, nurse practitioners, and PA’s, these days there’s a lot happening in the clinic. There’s a lot going on. And to the provider this may be a very routine bispecific antibody initiation, but for you it’s the first time.  

Katherine Banwell:


Dr. Craig Cole:

And so, making sure you slow them down, to slow them down. I think my patients know if I’m running late, it’s because I had to slow down and go through the process, and make sure it’s well understood and that you should feel comfortable. And these days to ask your doctor question, and question your doctor, to ask about these therapies, the side effects, and the efficacy of them.  

If your doctor doesn’t like it, or if your doctor gets angry, then it really is time to find a new doctor because the doctor is there to serve you and to help you and make – you have to make sure that everything, your questions are answered, and that you feel comfortable going home. If you feel uncomfortable going home, then turn around and ask them again. 

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah, yeah. And if not, the doctor – I suppose some of these questions could be answered by someone on the care team. 

Dr. Craig Cole:

Yeah, and a lot of places have bispecific teams. I mean, these are such common drugs these days that there are teams of people that are behind the scenes working. And some of the phone numbers are to the other people that are on the team so absolutely. 

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah. You mentioned empowerment. How do you empower care partners to engage in their loved one’s care?  

Dr. Craig Cole:

I think that the first thing that I do, this is what I personally do, is I write down everything. I write down the plan. I write down the mechanism of action. I’m a very visual person. And so, I write everything down for patients. And I think when they see me writing it down, and I hand the papers to them as I write things down that it shows them that it isn’t a one way street. It isn’t me talking to myself in medicalese about a patient. It really is a partnership. And I do this with the trainees that you never, ever walk out of a room without asking, “Are there any other questions?” And I think one very important question for care providers and patients to ask their providers is to ask, “Is there anything that I should have asked? 

Is there anything that you think that people normally ask that we may have missed or not gone over?” Because again if it’s your first time using these medications, you may not have thought of everything and thought of all the questions to ask. So, asking your provider, but really having that two-way conversation, and I really do. I really try to make sure that before my – before we give any of these medications, that my patients are engaged, that they understand what we’re doing and why we’re doing it. And if they don’t, then we start all over again, and there is no fault in that at all.  

Proactive Steps for Supporting Your Loved One Through Bispecific Antibody Therapy

How can you best care for a loved one who is undergoing bispecific antibody therapy? Dr. Craig Cole, a myeloma specialist, provides key advice for care partners emphasizing the necessity of taking notes and for having a solid plan if issues arise, and he shares key questions to ask the doctor about bispecific antibody therapy.

Dr. Craig Cole is a multiple myeloma specialist at Karmanos Cancer Institute in Detroit, MI and in East Lansing, MI. Dr. Cole also serves as an associate professor at Wayne State University and at Michigan State University. Learn more about Dr. Craig Cole

See More from The Care Partner Toolkit: Bispecific Antibodies

Related Resources:

What Myeloma Care Partners Should Know About Bispecific Antibody Side Effects

What Myeloma Care Partners Should Know About Bispecific Antibody Side Effects

Essential Monitoring Following Bispecific Antibody Therapy for Myeloma

Essential Monitoring Following Bispecific Antibody Therapy for Myeloma

Being Empowered | Why Care Partner Should Feel Comfortable Voicing Concerns

Being Empowered | Why Care Partner Should Feel Comfortable Voicing Concerns


Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Cole, what sort of questions should care partners be asking the care team when a loved one is undergoing bispecific antibody therapy? 

Dr. Craig Cole:

I think one of the big questions and – oh first I would say write everything down. Write everything down and have your care provider write things down or record them. Because I think it’s important to have that – have something written on hand. In our house we put everything on the – instructions on refrigerator with a magnet to make sure everyone sees it. But the one – one big question to ask is, “What are the – with this specific antibody that the patient’s receiving, what is the risk of the of the cytokine release syndrome?  

What’s the risk of the neurotoxicity that we talked about in the timeline?” Because those can be very different. “When should I worry? And how long should I be watching for these side effects?” The other thing is to have a solid plan of what to do if there are – if there’s any side effects. And so frequently that doctors or providers will write a prescription for steroids or Tylenol to take if any of those symptoms happen, but also to have a phone number to call a provider or to call the clinic if something were to change. Because again, these aren’t symptoms that you want to sit on where you say, “Oh, I have a fever, no big deal.” I mean it’s definitely good to call, and so, having a plan set. And I would make sure that you have that written down and then talk back, repeat back to the doctor or the provider that the plan is set.  

It’s not a forever plan. It’s just doing those first few doses of the bispecific. And also knowing sort of – I think a really good question is knowing the long-term efficacy of these. I mean these therapies are – work really, really well, but also knowing what are the chances of this working, of it not working? And I always like to have a plan B. “If this doesn’t work well, what are we going to do next?” And I think that’s a very fair question to providers. 

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Cole, is there anything else you’d like to add about caring for someone who’s being treated with bispecifics? 

Dr. Craig Cole:

I think that the biggest thing is how incredibly exciting these medications are. I mean, there are – I went through and talked about a lot of the bispecifics for cancer, but there have been revolutionary biospecifics for macular edema, for hemophilia, the bleeding disorder. And these are revolutionary drugs in cancer. And really, it’s incredible that – how well these drugs fight cancer. And the fact that they use your own immune system, not someone else’s immune system, not some chemotherapy, but using your own immune system is incredible. And so, I always tell people to be really encouraged that the technology is this – if you’d have asked me this 10 years ago about a bispecific antibody I would say that’s impossible.  

And now we’re at the cusp of that. And the other thing is to be involved in clinical trials, that all these, a lot of – there are a lot of clinical trials and bispecifics because it is the big, exciting thing. And so, if you have the opportunity to participate in a bispecific clinical trial, I would definitely encourage that because it really is the cutting edge of medicine these days.  

What Myeloma Care Partners Should Know About Bispecific Antibody Side Effects

Dr. Craig Cole reviews the side effects of bispecific antibody therapy, the symptom care partners should be monitoring for, and the importance and impact of early intervention if any issues arise.

Dr. Craig Cole is a multiple myeloma specialist at Karmanos Cancer Institute in Detroit, MI and in East Lansing, MI. Dr. Cole also serves as an associate professor at Wayne State University and at Michigan State University. Learn more about Dr. Craig Cole

See More from The Care Partner Toolkit: Bispecific Antibodies

Related Resources:

Myeloma Care Partners | Understanding Bispecific Antibody Therapy

Myeloma Care Partners | Understanding Bispecific Antibody Therapy

Essential Monitoring Following Bispecific Antibody Therapy for Myeloma

Essential Monitoring Following Bispecific Antibody Therapy for Myeloma

Proactive Steps for Supporting Your Loved One Through Bispecific Antibody Therapy

Proactive Steps for Supporting Your Loved One Through Bispecific Antibody Therapy


Katherine Banwell:

Do side effects vary from patient to patient? 

Dr. Craig Cole:

Yes, so they actually vary greatly from patient to patient and from drug to drug. There’s some bispecifics for some cancers that have low risks of cytokine release so low that they don’t even need to come to the hospital. And some of them have such a high risk of those cytokine release syndromes that people are in the hospital for a few days.  

The other thing is usually the more tumor someone has, the more disease and cancer they have, the higher those risks of cytokine release. And so, it does vary from patient to patient to and from medication to medication. 

Katherine Banwell:

What should care partners understand about caring for someone during therapy? 

Dr. Craig Cole:

One of the big things that care partners should look for or to be aware of are – is the timeline for a lot of those symptoms. The highest risk for the side effects, the things to look out for, the neurologic toxicity, the fevers, and shortness of breath, and things are in the first few days of each dose of receiving therapy.  

Some of those therapies actually because of the neurotoxicity, they don’t let anyone drive, any patients drive for the first few weeks after receiving a bispecific. So, knowing the timeline, that in those first few days, that you really have to check the temperature, have a plan, know who to call, watch for those symptoms. But as the weeks move on, like after the second dose, there’s much less toxicity, third dose, even less risk. Fourth dose and on is very rare to have any of those toxicities, and so then you can relax. And usually people are able to drive. So being aware of the timeline’s important. 

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah. Are there advances being made in the management of side effects for bispecifics? 

Dr. Craig Cole:

Oh yes, and so that’s the – that’s one of the really exciting things is the – is what I was just talking to one of our trainees about this, about the evolution of the bispecific antibodies have been to make them more effective, make them more sticky, make them engage those T cells more while decreasing the toxicities. 

And so the ones that we’re seeing that are in clinical trials now that hopefully will be approved soon have less of those side effects, less hospitalization, and actually have a longer frequency of being given. The other thing is that we’re really beginning to learn a lot about treating cytokine release syndrome, especially as severe cytokine release syndrome. So, there was a drug that was used to treat severe COVID called tocilizumab (Actemra).  

Katherine Banwell:


Dr. Craig Cole:

And that was used when people came in with COVID symptoms which can be a lot like cytokine release. The would receive this medication to help control that. Now we’re using that to treat cytokine release syndrome.  

And there’s quite a bit of data, especially in multiple myeloma in using it prophylactically to prevent cytokine release syndrome. And there are studies that show that the usual rate in multiple myeloma, kind of the specialty that I have, the usual rate of cytokine release – some cytokine release is about 70 percent with using prophylactic tocilizumab, which is just an antibody against one of those cytokines, IL-6. It goes down to – up to about 25 percent, so 75 to 25.  

And really it has no adverse side effects and doesn’t do anything with the outcome or the effectiveness of the bispecific antibodies.  

Katherine Banwell:

Well, that’s an incredible difference, isn’t it? 

Dr. Craig Cole:

Yes, yes, that was really – the trick is trying to get insurance companies to approve it and to get hospital systems to approve it.  

But I am very confident that very soon as we get more data about using it prophylactically that they’ll be incorporating it into the guidelines. 

Essential Monitoring Following Bispecific Antibody Therapy for Myeloma

Why is a care partner essential for someone undergoing bispecific antibody therapy for myeloma? Dr. Craig Cole, a myeloma specialist, discusses the essential role of care partners following treatment, emphasizing the importance of monitoring for potential side effects. 

Dr. Craig Cole is a multiple myeloma specialist at Karmanos Cancer Institute in Detroit, MI and in East Lansing, MI. Dr. Cole also serves as an associate professor at Wayne State University and at Michigan State University. Learn more about Dr. Craig Cole

See More from The Care Partner Toolkit: Bispecific Antibodies

Related Resources:

What Myeloma Care Partners Should Know About Bispecific Antibody Side Effects

What Myeloma Care Partners Should Know About Bispecific Antibody Side Effects

Being Empowered | Why Care Partner Should Feel Comfortable Voicing Concerns

Being Empowered | Why Care Partner Should Feel Comfortable Voicing Concerns

Bispecific Antibody Therapy | The Important Role of Care Partners

Bispecific Antibody Therapy | The Important Role of Care Partners 


Katherine Banwell:

What is the role of a care partner for someone undergoing bispecific antibody therapy? 

Dr. Craig Cole:

Yeah, the care partner is, I think, a critical component of someone receiving bispecific therapy. And their reason is really to do with the side effects and monitoring the side effects of the therapy. What’s the big side effect of the bispecific antibodies is again when those T cells engage the cancer cells and they find the cancer, they release chemicals to destroy the cancer immediately.  

And those chemicals are from the T cells, can cause people to feel very ill, or can cause them to feel very ill very quickly, or they can have fevers, and they can have difficulty breathing. And that’s called cytokine release syndrome. Cytokines are the chemicals that the T cells are using to kill the cancer cells.  

Release, meaning that T cells are releasing that, and syndrome mean that different things can happen to different people. And the highest risk for the cytokine release syndrome is usually within the first two to three treatments, usually in the first two or three days of the therapy. And a lot of times when people get the bispecific antibodies, sometimes it’s given in a brief hospitalization like an overnight hospitalization, but then they go home.

And then the trick is monitoring for that cytokine release syndrome, the fevers that can be associated with that, shortness of breath, low blood pressure. And in having a couple people observing, watching for those signs and symptoms are really important. Because if cytokine release syndrome isn’t addressed immediately, it can progress to worse outcomes, meaning that the blood pressure gets lower, the difficulty in breathing gets worse.  

If let completely go, people can end up in the intensive care unit which is very, very, very rare. But that’s why we address this as early as possible. The other side effect, and probably kind of the most subtle thing, are some of the neurologic things that can happen with the bispecific antibodies. So, it’s the neurologic toxicity, or some people call it ICANS. And that’s when some of those cytokines that we talked about that are from the T cells can cross the blood brain barrier and cause patients to be confused.  

They can have word finding difficulties. They can feel – almost have stroke-like symptoms. They’re temporary, but they definitely need to be addressed. And sometimes patients may not be aware that they can’t find the right word, or they want to speak, and the words don’t come out, or when they speak it’s the wrong words are coming out.  

And that’s a real, real big sign that you need to call your doctor immediately, or your provider immediately if you have those neurologic symptoms. So, watching for those side effects, so low blood pressure, the high fevers, and stroke like symptoms. It’s not a stroke, but it’s just those chemicals in the brain that can cause people to have some neurologic problems. And again, if you address those immediately, they are definitely reversible.