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What Myeloma Care Partners Should Know About Bispecific Antibody Side Effects

Dr. Craig Cole reviews the side effects of bispecific antibody therapy, the symptom care partners should be monitoring for, and the importance and impact of early intervention if any issues arise.

Dr. Craig Cole is a multiple myeloma specialist at Karmanos Cancer Institute in Detroit, MI and in East Lansing, MI. Dr. Cole also serves as an associate professor at Wayne State University and at Michigan State University. Learn more about Dr. Craig Cole

See More from The Care Partner Toolkit: Bispecific Antibodies

Related Resources:

Myeloma Care Partners | Understanding Bispecific Antibody Therapy

Myeloma Care Partners | Understanding Bispecific Antibody Therapy

Essential Monitoring Following Bispecific Antibody Therapy for Myeloma

Essential Monitoring Following Bispecific Antibody Therapy for Myeloma

Proactive Steps for Supporting Your Loved One Through Bispecific Antibody Therapy

Proactive Steps for Supporting Your Loved One Through Bispecific Antibody Therapy


Katherine Banwell:

Do side effects vary from patient to patient? 

Dr. Craig Cole:

Yes, so they actually vary greatly from patient to patient and from drug to drug. There’s some bispecifics for some cancers that have low risks of cytokine release so low that they don’t even need to come to the hospital. And some of them have such a high risk of those cytokine release syndromes that people are in the hospital for a few days.  

The other thing is usually the more tumor someone has, the more disease and cancer they have, the higher those risks of cytokine release. And so, it does vary from patient to patient to and from medication to medication. 

Katherine Banwell:

What should care partners understand about caring for someone during therapy? 

Dr. Craig Cole:

One of the big things that care partners should look for or to be aware of are – is the timeline for a lot of those symptoms. The highest risk for the side effects, the things to look out for, the neurologic toxicity, the fevers, and shortness of breath, and things are in the first few days of each dose of receiving therapy.  

Some of those therapies actually because of the neurotoxicity, they don’t let anyone drive, any patients drive for the first few weeks after receiving a bispecific. So, knowing the timeline, that in those first few days, that you really have to check the temperature, have a plan, know who to call, watch for those symptoms. But as the weeks move on, like after the second dose, there’s much less toxicity, third dose, even less risk. Fourth dose and on is very rare to have any of those toxicities, and so then you can relax. And usually people are able to drive. So being aware of the timeline’s important. 

Katherine Banwell:

Yeah. Are there advances being made in the management of side effects for bispecifics? 

Dr. Craig Cole:

Oh yes, and so that’s the – that’s one of the really exciting things is the – is what I was just talking to one of our trainees about this, about the evolution of the bispecific antibodies have been to make them more effective, make them more sticky, make them engage those T cells more while decreasing the toxicities. 

And so the ones that we’re seeing that are in clinical trials now that hopefully will be approved soon have less of those side effects, less hospitalization, and actually have a longer frequency of being given. The other thing is that we’re really beginning to learn a lot about treating cytokine release syndrome, especially as severe cytokine release syndrome. So, there was a drug that was used to treat severe COVID called tocilizumab (Actemra).  

Katherine Banwell:


Dr. Craig Cole:

And that was used when people came in with COVID symptoms which can be a lot like cytokine release. The would receive this medication to help control that. Now we’re using that to treat cytokine release syndrome.  

And there’s quite a bit of data, especially in multiple myeloma in using it prophylactically to prevent cytokine release syndrome. And there are studies that show that the usual rate in multiple myeloma, kind of the specialty that I have, the usual rate of cytokine release – some cytokine release is about 70 percent with using prophylactic tocilizumab, which is just an antibody against one of those cytokines, IL-6. It goes down to – up to about 25 percent, so 75 to 25.  

And really it has no adverse side effects and doesn’t do anything with the outcome or the effectiveness of the bispecific antibodies.  

Katherine Banwell:

Well, that’s an incredible difference, isn’t it? 

Dr. Craig Cole:

Yes, yes, that was really – the trick is trying to get insurance companies to approve it and to get hospital systems to approve it.  

But I am very confident that very soon as we get more data about using it prophylactically that they’ll be incorporating it into the guidelines. 

Essential Monitoring Following Bispecific Antibody Therapy for Myeloma

Why is a care partner essential for someone undergoing bispecific antibody therapy for myeloma? Dr. Craig Cole, a myeloma specialist, discusses the essential role of care partners following treatment, emphasizing the importance of monitoring for potential side effects. 

Dr. Craig Cole is a multiple myeloma specialist at Karmanos Cancer Institute in Detroit, MI and in East Lansing, MI. Dr. Cole also serves as an associate professor at Wayne State University and at Michigan State University. Learn more about Dr. Craig Cole

See More from The Care Partner Toolkit: Bispecific Antibodies

Related Resources:

What Myeloma Care Partners Should Know About Bispecific Antibody Side Effects

What Myeloma Care Partners Should Know About Bispecific Antibody Side Effects

Being Empowered | Why Care Partner Should Feel Comfortable Voicing Concerns

Being Empowered | Why Care Partner Should Feel Comfortable Voicing Concerns

Bispecific Antibody Therapy | The Important Role of Care Partners

Bispecific Antibody Therapy | The Important Role of Care Partners 


Katherine Banwell:

What is the role of a care partner for someone undergoing bispecific antibody therapy? 

Dr. Craig Cole:

Yeah, the care partner is, I think, a critical component of someone receiving bispecific therapy. And their reason is really to do with the side effects and monitoring the side effects of the therapy. What’s the big side effect of the bispecific antibodies is again when those T cells engage the cancer cells and they find the cancer, they release chemicals to destroy the cancer immediately.  

And those chemicals are from the T cells, can cause people to feel very ill, or can cause them to feel very ill very quickly, or they can have fevers, and they can have difficulty breathing. And that’s called cytokine release syndrome. Cytokines are the chemicals that the T cells are using to kill the cancer cells.  

Release, meaning that T cells are releasing that, and syndrome mean that different things can happen to different people. And the highest risk for the cytokine release syndrome is usually within the first two to three treatments, usually in the first two or three days of the therapy. And a lot of times when people get the bispecific antibodies, sometimes it’s given in a brief hospitalization like an overnight hospitalization, but then they go home.

And then the trick is monitoring for that cytokine release syndrome, the fevers that can be associated with that, shortness of breath, low blood pressure. And in having a couple people observing, watching for those signs and symptoms are really important. Because if cytokine release syndrome isn’t addressed immediately, it can progress to worse outcomes, meaning that the blood pressure gets lower, the difficulty in breathing gets worse.  

If let completely go, people can end up in the intensive care unit which is very, very, very rare. But that’s why we address this as early as possible. The other side effect, and probably kind of the most subtle thing, are some of the neurologic things that can happen with the bispecific antibodies. So, it’s the neurologic toxicity, or some people call it ICANS. And that’s when some of those cytokines that we talked about that are from the T cells can cross the blood brain barrier and cause patients to be confused.  

They can have word finding difficulties. They can feel – almost have stroke-like symptoms. They’re temporary, but they definitely need to be addressed. And sometimes patients may not be aware that they can’t find the right word, or they want to speak, and the words don’t come out, or when they speak it’s the wrong words are coming out.  

And that’s a real, real big sign that you need to call your doctor immediately, or your provider immediately if you have those neurologic symptoms. So, watching for those side effects, so low blood pressure, the high fevers, and stroke like symptoms. It’s not a stroke, but it’s just those chemicals in the brain that can cause people to have some neurologic problems. And again, if you address those immediately, they are definitely reversible.  

Being Empowered: The Benefits of Learning About Your Lung Cancer

The Benefits of Learning About Your Lung Cancer from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

As a lung cancer patient, why should you stay informed about research? Expert Dr. Heather Wakelee provides her advice. Find your voice with the Pro-Active Patient Toolkit Resource Guide, available here.

Heather Wakelee, MD is Professor of Medicine in the Division of Oncology at Stanford University. More about this expert here.

See More From the The Pro-Active Lung Cancer Patient Toolkit

Related Programs:

Diagnosed with Lung Cancer? An Expert Outlines Key Steps

Trustworthy Resources to Help You Learn More About Lung Cancer

Diagnosed with Lung Cancer? Why You Should Seek A Second Opinion


Dr. Wakelee:

So, as a patient living with lung cancer, you have many options today that you wouldn’t have had 5, 10, 15 years ago, which is wonderful.

Because things are changing so quickly, it’s very hard for physicians and other care providers to keep up with all of the latest information. It’s especially hard if you are seeing an oncologist who not only has to keep up with everything that’s happening in lung cancer, but also everything that’s happening in breast cancer, and colon cancer, and melanoma, and so many other diseases.

And so, while everybody does their best to know the latest and greatest in research, and all of the new drug approvals, sometime that’s just possible. So, as a patient, you wanna make sure that you, focused on your particular disease, are up-to-date on what you can possibly know about the best ways to treat your disease, so you can talk to your physician and make sure that he or she also knows about those, and is using that latest information to help you get the best possible care.

There’s also a lot of ongoing clinical trials. And being able to ask about those and know what may or may not make sense for you, is also a reasonable thing to be able to talk with your doctor about.

And sometimes that involves continuing your care with your doctor, but also getting another opinion, particularly at a research center where they might have access to more trials, new drugs, some of which might be better than what’s available, and some of which might not be. But without talking to people about that, you’re not gonna be able to know that.

And that’s why it’s really important to do what you can or your family can do to be educated and know what is going on in the field of lung cancer, so you can get the best possible care.

Diagnosed with Lung Cancer? Why You Should Seek a Second Opinion

Diagnosed with Lung Cancer? Why You Should Seek a Second Opinion from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Should you seek a second opinion? Lung cancer expert Dr. Heather Wakelee explains when to consider seeing a specialist. Looking for more information? Download the Find Your Voice Resource Guide here.

Heather Wakelee, MD is Professor of Medicine in the Division of Oncology at Stanford University. More about this expert here.

See More From the The Pro-Active Lung Cancer Patient Toolkit


Dr. Wakelee:

So, when facing a new diagnosis of lung cancer, one of the questions that often comes up is whether one should go get a second opinion or see a lung cancer specialist. And that is a question that obviously is gonna vary quite a bit by where a person is, where they’re getting seen, and what they’re facing.

I think a time that it’s really critical would be if someone has a Stage III lung cancer or told it might be Stage III. That’s a really good time to get a second opinion and make sure that the group that is taking care of you has had a multidisciplinary discussion. And when I say multidisciplinary, I mean, a thoracic surgeon, a radiation oncologist, and a medical oncologist have altogether looked at what’s going on with the particular case of that patient to decide up front what’s gonna be the best approach.

Because sometimes surgery is the right first approach. And sometimes it’s not. And sometimes radiation’s important, and sometimes it’s not.

So, it’s really critical to have a big team looking at what’s going on for Stage III. And if you’re in a hospital that really doesn’t see a lot of Stages III lung cancer that might be a good time to think about getting a second opinion outside of where you’re being treated.

I think, otherwise, if someone is newly diagnosed and we know the cancer is early stage where surgery might be involved, it’s good to check in that the surgeons who would be doing your operation are surgeons who know about lung cancer and have done lung cancer surgeries frequently. Sometimes in smaller hospitals there are surgeons who do both heart and lung surgery. And we know that the outcomes are not always quite as good in that setting.

Sometimes there’s no choice, and that’s okay. But if there is an opportunity to talk to a dedicated thoracic surgeon who’s used to doing lung cancer surgery, that’s another good time to get a second opinion. When we’re dealing with a more advanced stage of metastatic lung cancer, if someone is newly diagnosed and their tumor ends up having an unusual gene mutation or translocation.

And the molecular changes in lung cancer are really important to know about. And things like EGFR and ALK and RAS, where most medical oncologists will be familiar. But there’re others, like BRAF and RET and MET, and those can really change treatment outcomes as well, but not everybody who sees lots of different kinds of cancer as an oncologist will know everything there is to know about those.

So, if you have an unusual gene mutation, that’s another good time to get a second opinion with someone who’s a dedicated lung cancer expert. And usually those folks are at the larger academic medical centers, so oftentimes in cities, or affiliated with universities.

Another time is if someone does have a tumor with an EGFR, ALK, or one of the more common mutations, but the main drugs have stopped working, that’s often a time where someone who has specialized just in lung cancer might have some other options.

It’s also something to think through when someone’s newly diagnosed, if they know that their doctor has looked at the immune markers like PD-L1, and looked at the genetic changes in the tumor, and has a clear plan that’s gonna involve chemotherapy, or chemotherapy plus radiation, or chemotherapy plus immune therapy.

Then there might not be something that’s gonna be different in an academic center. But before you start treatment, if you’re still feeling okay, don’t have to start treatment tomorrow, and wanna know maybe that there’re clinical trial options, that’s another time to think about getting a second opinion. And a lot of academic centers will work to get people in very, very quickly if they knew they’ve just been diagnosed and they really need to get started on treatment right away.