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What Are the Advantages of Seeking Care With a Lung Cancer Specialist?

What Are the Advantages of Seeking Care With a Lung Cancer Specialist? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are the benefits of seeing a lung cancer specialist? Dr. Thomas Marron discusses the key advantages of specialty care, the value of a second opinion, and options for seeing a lung cancer specialist via telemedicine.

Dr. Thomas Marron is Director of the Early Phase Trials Unit at the Tisch Cancer Institute at Mount Sinai Hospital. Dr. Marron is also Professor of Medicine and Professor of Immunology and Immunotherapy at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Learn more about Dr. Marron.

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Katherine Banwell:

What’s the advantage then of seeking care with a lung cancer specialist? 

Dr. Thomas Marron:

So, I think it’s extremely important. Unfortunately, a lot of the country, there are not lung cancer specialists available around the corner. But in large cities, there’s typically many lung cancer specialists, but I think it’s extremely important, at least as a second opinion, even if you’re not going to be treated locally by a lung cancer specialist, to seek out expertise.  

And often times, I’ll have patients that come from more rural areas outside of New York and they’ll come, and they’ll see me and then I’ll work with their local provider to come up with a treatment plan. Because the fact of the matter is, is that in every cancer type, but particularly in lung cancer, the field is moving so quickly. So, the treatment options that we have available today were not available in 2022.  

And we’re going to have probably five to 10 drugs that’re going  to be FDA-approved in the next year. And it’s typically the lung cancer specialist where it’s all that we do, we eat, breathe and live lung cancer, we’re the ones that really are up to date on everything. While if you’re seeing a general hematology, oncology provider who I’m always in awe of, they have to stay up to date on lung cancer, breast cancer, lymphoma, leukemia, everything under the sun.  

And when you have so much development in the research that’s happening, you really want to be talking to somebody, at least as a second opinion that knows exactly what the most latest data is and what the best options are available. And also, those lung cancer providers are usually the ones that will know exactly where you can go to get access to certain clinical trials.  

Katherine Banwell:

In seeking a second opinion, can somebody do a tele-visit, or do you have to actually, physically go to see the specialist? 

Dr. Thomas Marron:

So, it depends on the specialist that you’re trying to see.  

There are certain institutions that will allow you to do televisits. Oftentimes doctors, at least for their first encounter with a patient really want to see somebody in person, just so that we can really evaluate how functional somebody is. There’s a lot that I cannot tell through my computer screen, through my Zoom call with a patient.

And so, it can be a little bit difficult, but there are many centers, including our own that will offer patients televisits as a second opinion, for us to get a chance to talk to them about their medical history, review, the treatment decisions that they’ve had in the past or the current treatment decision that they’re dealing with and give our own opinion on what they should do.  

How Will Telemedicine Continue to Evolve?

How Will Telemedicine Continue to Evolve? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How will the use of telemedicine continue to evolve? Watch as expert  Dr. Joseph Sirintrapun explains telemedicine benefits and expansion during the COViD-19 public health emergency and the potential for telemedicine evolution in the future.

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Lisa Hatfield:

Can you give a brief overview from your perspective, how telemedicine has evolved and continues to evolve and how you think it might evolve going forward? 

Dr. Sirintrapun:

Yeah, I think I like pulling out these old sayings and I think Winston Churchill was credited with it even though I don’t think he said it, but never let a good crisis go to waste. You probably heard that during COVID, and COVID really blew open the door for telemedicine. I think because we just had to, there was no choice behind that. And thankfully, people…organizations, people recognized it. And I remember in March, March 2020, the public health emergency was declared and a lot of different things that were barriers and a lot of them were regulatory. They were opened up so that it can enable reimbursements, all these different things that factor in. And being able to leverage the technologies, because keep in mind with providers, I knew providers that didn’t know how to use Zoom and other technologies. And because of COVID, they were forced, and they found out, “Hey, it’s not that bad.” But if I were to do that before the pandemic, they’d be like, “Well, why should I? We’ll just show up in this conference room. We’ll just be there at six o’clock in the morning.

So it opens people’s minds. And I think that really helped. I don’t think that Genie’s going back into the bottle, not at least completely. I think we’re going to figure different ways to leverage those technologies moving forward. So in terms of telemedicine moving forward, some of the things I’d like to see and hence I think this is maybe one of the reasons why I’m here, is like how do we enable clinical trials to embrace the telemedicine model? Because clinical trials till now historically has been kind of a physical model. You have to go to some ivory tower, some centralized place and that really limits down, the patients can do it. There’s access problems. Even if you had the richest study in the world, you had to fly people from all over the world. You can imagine that just drains the budget. There’s just all these different things there. And when you think of the way clinical trials are conducted, it didn’t really take into account telemedicine visits.

At my institution Memorial Sloan Kettering, we developed an entire ecosystem of telemedicine tools to actually try to encompass the patient experience as close as we could. Because the experience, it can never be completely duplicated, but you can do certain things definitely through telemedicine. We tried to do our best to do it so it’s easier for patients, the nurse coordinators as well as the providers to use that. And clinical trials, they’re moving towards it. They’re acknowledging the issue and they’re rethinking the ways to do it. How can we enable it so that we can decrease the chasm between the patient and being able to enroll in a clinical trial? So in a nutshell, that’s the way things are going. We’re not there yet, but we’re definitely thinking about it. It’s definitely a discussion. I think the future will see a much more clinically- and a telemedicine-enabled clinical trial framework.

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