Patients Rising
Patients Rising partners with The Patient Helpline to provide patient support and navigation services.
The Patient Helpline is a patient support and navigator program that provides online, email, and phone support to help connect patients to the services they need.
The Patient Helpline is here to help patients, caregivers, and allies find solutions when they are not sure how to find them on their own. The services may be out there; the Navigators can help people find them.
The Patient Helpline can…
- Find an organization that specializes in addressing your specific concern at the federal, state, or local level
- Give you websites and phone numbers to problem-solving agencies
- Share the solutions that have already been proven to help others
- Listen with care and compassion to your need
The Patient Helpline is a program of Patients Rising. Formed in 2015 as a 501(c)3, Patients Rising has developed a significant following of over 110,000 patients and caregivers and has guided more than 25,000 of them on their journeys to advocate for themselves and their loved ones to get the care and treatments they need to live a fulfilling life.
Stuck? Call 800-685-2654 or email