Tag Archive for: cancer meditation

Compassion Meditation

Compassion Meditation from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

 Learn about cultivating love and tenderness towards others and bolstering feelings of connectedness as well as understanding and acceptance of others. Support your overall psychological and emotional well-being. Watch now.

See More from Rx for Community Wellness


Greetings everyone. Thank you for joining this Patient Empowerment Network program. In this practice session we will be focusing our attention on directing compassion towards another.

Compassion is having tenderness towards someone who is suffering along with a heartfelt desire to alleviate their suffering. In this practice we will be offering this compassion towards someone who is dear to ourselves. Bring to mind someone in your life who is suffering. Someone is going through challenging time. Who may be struggling with discomfort or distress? Picture them in your mind and allow yourself to feel a tender caring for their wellbeing. Allow yourself to hold them in your heart. Feeling their presence.

To your level of comfort, allow yourself to feel into their discomfort, their pain, their suffering. Doing so without overwhelming yourself with their pain, with their suffering. So, doing so to your level of comfort. Feeling your heart continuing to open to them. Wishing them well. Extending your tenderness and compassion towards them in their pain and wishing them well. Wishing them well. Repeating the following phrases or modify them to meet your heart’s sincere desire for their wellbeing: May you be held in compassion, May your pain and sorrow be eased, May your heart be at peace, May you be free from suffering.

Again, you modify any of those phrases that are suitable for your desire for their wellbeing. Repeating to yourself with a tender heart. Bringing this practice to a close. Releasing the phrases and noticing how you feel. Gently open your eyes. We hope you have enjoyed this Patient Empowerment Network program

Self-Compassion Meditation

Self-Compassion Meditation from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Learn about cultivating love and tenderness towards yourself and bolstering feelings of self-worth, self-acceptance, and resilience. Support your overall psychological and emotional well-being.

See More from Rx for Community Wellness


Greetings everyone. Thank you for joining this Patient Empowerment Network program. In this practice session we will be focusing our attention on directing compassion towards ourselves. Compassion is having tenderness towards someone who is suffering along with a heartfelt desire to alleviate their suffering.

In this practice we will be targeting this compassion towards ourselves. Bring to mind a situation in your life that is difficult, a situation that is causing you stress. To your level of comfort allow yourself to feel the discomfort of the situation in your body. Now please don’t force this. Back off if it is too intense. You don’t want to force this. Saying silently to yourself as you feel into the discomfort: this is a moment of suffering, this is difficult, this is hard, this is painful. Whatever words you can use to acknowledge your distress. Acknowledging that in life there are difficult moments. That you are not alone. So, silently saying to yourself, acknowledging to yourself that suffering is a part of the human experience. We all go through struggles in our lives. Acknowledging your struggle, your discomfort as a human being having a human experience. If you like, you may place a tender hand over your heart. Asking yourself what kind words you need to soothe yourself in this moment of distress, of discomfort, of suffering. See if any of the following phrases work for you or find what works for you in your particular situation: May I give myself the compassion that I need, May I learn to accept myself as I am, May I forgive myself, May I be kind to myself, or May I be patient. Repeating your desired phrase or phrases to yourself with a tender heart.

Bringing this practice to a close. Noticing how you feel. So releasing the phrases. Noticing how you feel. Gently open your eyes. We hope you have enjoyed this Patient Empowerment Network program

Loving Kindness Meditation (Part II)

Loving Kindness Meditation (Part II) from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

 Learn about cultivating love and kindness towards others and enhancing your capacity for social connectedness. Watch now.

See More from Rx for Community Wellness


Greetings everyone. Thank you for joining this Patient Empowerment Network program. In this practice session we will be planting seeds of loving kindness towards others in the garden of our minds. To start our practice, find a comfortable seat. A chair is perfectly fine. And make any arrangements to support your back if necessary.

Allow your eyes to softly close, if you feel comfortable doing so. Begin to feel into the weight of your body being supported by your seat. Taking in a deep breath in through the nostrils and exhale softly out the mouth with pursed lips. Do this several times. Releasing control of the breath and allow yourself to feel into the natural rhythm of your breath. The natural uncontrolled breath. Relaxing with each breath. Bring to mind the feeling of love to the best of your ability. Without forcing it. You may bring up a memory to support you in this process. The important thing here is to feel into the quality of love itself. Again, without forcing it.

Allowing this feeling of love to permeate your mind and body, your entire being. With a loving heart bring to mind someone who is dear to you. With a kind and loving heart begin to silently repeat the following phrases towards them. Feeling into to each repetition of the phrases to best of your ability without forcing it. May you be safe from harm, May you be well in mind and body, May you be happy, May you live with ease, May you be filled with lovingkindness. Let’s circle back and extend this kind heartedness towards all beings.  May all beings be safe from harm, May all beings be well in mind and body, May all beings be happy, May all beings live with ease, May all beings be filled with lovingkindness. Releasing the phrases. Noticing how you feel. Gently open your eyes. We hope you have enjoyed this Patient Empowerment Network program

Loving Kindness Meditation (Part I)

Loving Kindness Meditation (Part I) from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Learn about cultivating love and kindness towards yourself and enhancing psychological and emotional well-being. Watch now.

See More from Rx for Community Wellness


Greetings everyone. Thank you for joining this Patient Empowerment Network program. In this practice session we will be planting seeds of loving kindness towards ourselves in the garden of our minds.

To start our practice, find a comfortable seat. A chair is perfectly fine. And make any arrangements to support your back if necessary. Allow your eyes to softly close, if you feel comfortable doing so. Begin to feel into the weight of your body being supported by your seat. Take a deep breath in through the nostrils and exhale out the mouth softly with pursed lips. And do this several times. Allow yourself to feel into the rhythm of your natural breath. The natural uncontrolled breath. Relaxing with each breath. Bring to mind the feeling of love to the best of your ability. Without forcing it. You may bring up a memory to support you in this.

The important thing here is to feel into the quality of love itself. Without forcing it. Allowing this feeling of love to permeate your mind and body, your entire being. With a loving heart begin to softly gaze inward, inwardly towards yourself. With a kind and loving heart begin to silently repeat the following phrases towards yourself. Feeling into to each repetition of the phrases to best of your ability without forcing it. May I be safe from harm, May I be well in mind and body, May I be happy, May I live with ease, May I be filled with lovingkindness. Let’s circle back through one more time. May I be safe from harm, May I be well in mind and body, May I be happy, May I live with ease, May I be filled with lovingkindness. Releasing the phrases. Noticing how you feel. Gently open your eyes. We hope you have enjoyed this Patient Empowerment Network program

Meditation on Gratitude

Meditation on Gratitude from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

 Learn about taking in the good by attending to the qualitative state of GRATITUDE to support overall psychological well-being. Watch now.

See More from Rx for Community Wellness


Greetings everyone. Thank you for joining this Patient Empowerment Network program. In this practice session we will be focusing our attention on positive states of mind that support wellbeing.

The mind can be looked at like a garden. In this practice session we will be planting seeds in the garden of our minds by focusing our attention on positive states of mind. These mental states become inner resources that are more accessible to us in our daily experiences. So, for this particular practice session we will be planting the seeds of Gratitude.

To start our practice, find a comfortable seat. A chair is perfectly fine. And make any arrangements to support your back if necessary. Allow your eyes to softly close, if you feel comfortable doing so. Feeling into the weight of your body being supported by your seat. Bring to mind something that you are grateful for. A person, place or an object. Allowing this sense of thankfulness, gratefulness, gratitude to expand in your mind. Allowing yourself to feel into the experience of gratitude. Bring to mind something else that you are grateful for. Allowing it to expand in your mind. Allowing yourself to feel into it. Bring to mind one more thing that you are grateful for. Allowing it to expand in your mind. Feeling deeply into it. This sense of gratefulness, thankfulness, gratitude. Allowing this feeling of gratitude to penetrate and permeate your entire being. Noticing what is pleasant about this experience of gratitude. Feeling into the experience of gratitude. Unbounded gratitude. Exhaling your breath out and take in a full inhalation and exhaling with a soft ah… Gently open your eyes. We hope you have enjoyed this Patient Empowerment Network program.

Meditation on Love

Meditation on Love from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

 Learn about taking in the good by attending to the qualitative state of LOVE and making it a more available inner resource. Watch now.

See More from Rx for Community Wellness


Greetings everyone. Thank you for joining this Patient Empowerment Network program. In this practice session we will be focusing our attention on positive states of mind that support wellbeing.

The mind can be looked at like a garden. In this practice session we will be planting seeds in the garden of our minds by focusing our attention on positive states of mind. These mental states become inner resources that are more accessible to us in our daily experiences. So, for this particular practice session we will be planting the seeds of Love.

To start our practice, find a comfortable seat. A chair is perfectly fine. And make any arrangements to support your back if necessary. Allow your eyes to softly close if you feel comfortable doing so. Feeling into the weight of your body being supported by your seat. Bring to mind an experience of Love. Recalling any experience that brings to mind Love. Something that has soothed your spirit. Feel into the Love of the experience. So, you want to tap into the Love, the feeling of Love. And letting go of the story about the experience and focus on the feeling of Love itself. Maintaining your attention on Love to best of your ability. If the mind wonders about, gently come back to the feeling of Love. Without fighting your mind gently come back to the feeling of Love. Opening yourself to this Love. Allowing it to fill your mind. Noticing this feeling of Love. Feeling into it like it’s your first time. Taking it all in. Receiving the Love. Giving yourself over to it. Allowing it to become a part of who you are. A part of your being. This feeling of Love. Noticing what is pleasant about this experience of Love. Feeling the presence of Love. Unbounded Love. Exhaling your breath out and taking in a full inhalation and exhaling with a soft ah… Gently open your eyes. We hope you enjoyed this Patient Empowerment Network program.

Meditation on Peace

Meditation on Peace from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Learn about taking in the good by attending to the qualitative state of PEACE and making it a more available inner resource. Watch now.

See More from Rx for Community Wellness


Greetings everyone. Thank you for joining this Patient Empowerment Network program. In this practice session we will be focusing our attention on positive states of mind that support wellbeing.

The mind can be looked at like a garden. In this practice session we will be planting seeds in the garden of our minds by focusing our attention on positive states of mind. These mental states become inner resources that are more accessible to us in our daily experiences. So, for this particular practice session we will be planting the seeds of Peace.

To start our practice, find a comfortable seat. A chair is perfectly fine. And make any arrangements to support your back if necessary. Allow your eyes to softly close if you feel comfortable doing so. Feeling into the weight of your body being supported by your seat. Bring to mind an experience of Peace. Recalling any experience that brings to mind Peace. Something that has soothed your spirit. Feel into the Peace of the experience. So, you want to tap into the Peace, the feeling of Peace. And letting go of the story about the experience and focus on the feeling of Peace. Maintaining your attention on Peace to best of your ability. If the mind wonders about, gently come back to the feeling of Peace. Without fighting your mind gently come back to the feeling of Peace. Opening yourself to this Peace. Allowing it to fill your mind. Noticing this feeling of Peace. Feeling into it like it’s your first time. Taking it all in. Receiving the Peace. Giving yourself over to it. Allowing it to become a part of who you are. A part of your being. This Peace. This feeling of Peace. Notice what is pleasant about this experience of Peace. Feeling the presence of Peace. Unbounded Peace. Exhaling all your breath out and taking in a full inhalation and exhaling with a soft ah… Gently open your eyes.

We hope you enjoyed this Patient Empowerment Network program.