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Dr. Radhika Gogoi: Why Is It Important for You to Empower Patients?

Dr. Radhika Gogoi: Why Is It Important for You to Empower Patients? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Dr. Radhika Gogoi of Karmanos Cancer Institute underscores the critical role of educating patients about their treatment options, symptoms, and management strategies. She asserts that informed patients can ask more pertinent questions and make well-informed decisions regarding their care.

See More from Empowering Providers to Empower Patients (EPEP)

Related Resources:

Dr. Christina Baik

Dr. Michael Kelley: Why Is It Important for You to Empower Patients?

Dr. Michael Kelley: Why Is It Important for You to Empower Patients?

Dr. Andrew Hantel: Why Is It Important for You to Empower Patients

Dr. Andrew Hantel: Why Is It Important for You to Empower Patients?


Dr. Radhika Gogoi:

So I consider it really a privilege to care for my patients, as do all my colleagues I’m certain. And I think that one of those privileges is the opportunity to empower our patients, and that really comes through education. I really believe strongly that educating our patients about options, about symptoms, about management really allows them a chance to sort of ask better questions of me, of my team, whether that’s the radiation oncologist or medical oncologist, so that they can really formulate the treatment decision that’s best for them.

And I think that empowering them to be comfortable asking those questions and be comfortable questioning my answers, I think allows a better relationship. This is a long-term relationship. I always tell my patients we’re friends for life, and I hope a very caring and nurturing one as well. So it really is through education. I think that patients are empowered to make decisions for themselves that work for them and their families.

Dr. Joshua Sabari: Why Is It Important for You to Empower Patients?

Dr. Joshua Sabari: Why Is It Important for You to Empower Patients? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Dr. Joshua Sabari emphasizes the importance of active listening and non-judgmental communication in patient care. Dr. Sabari shares how allowing patients to express themselves fully and addressing all their concerns without interruption fosters trust and empowerment.

See More from Empowering Providers to Empower Patients (EPEP)

Related Resources:

Dr. Eugene Manley: Why Is It Important for You to Empower Patients?

Dr. Samuel Cykert: Why Is It Important for You to Empower Patients?

Dr. Samuel Cykert: Why Is It Important for You to Empower Patients?

Dr. Charlotte Gamble: Why Is It Important for You to Empower Patients

Dr. Charlotte Gamble: Why Is It Important for You to Empower Patients? 


Dr. Joshua Sabari:

I think the key thing to empower patients is to listen and not to judge. The second a patient feels that you are cutting them off, you are judging them, they’re going to shut down. Family members shut down. Allowing patients to express themselves, to explain what the questions they have, never leave a visit when your patient has not finished their questions.

And I know that sounds silly, but you’d be surprised how many physicians walk out of office visits when patients still have many questions. That’s our job, that’s our role. You can set up another visit, you can set up a video visit, but make sure that you allow patients to ask their questions in an open manner, in a non-judgmental manner. Even myself, we all have biases. I find myself changing my facial sort of nuances when I think a patient is asking a silly question.

So understanding those biases that we all have and again, being open, sort of being sort of willing to hear and listen to our patients is critical. We’re not the person diagnosed with the lung cancer. It’s the patient there in front of us, the family members. I think being open, being able to listen broadly to patients’ concerns, even if they’re not in line with our concerns, I think is critical. Any point at which you shut down that conversation that may close that patient relationship down, that may close some of those questions that may have been critical for patients.

So, one thing that I always end our visits with is an open, this is an open discussion. This is how you contact me, this is how you contact our team. We are here for you. We are service providers to you. And I think that in itself having this sort of motivational but also open dialogue is going to empower your patients, not only to ask questions and the right questions, but to allow them to tell you when they’re not feeling well, when something is going wrong.

Six Ways the digital sherpa® Train-the-Trainer Program Can Empower Your Members

The Patient Empowerment Network digital sherpa® program empowers mostly older cancer patients to improve treatment outcomes through digital technology. Program participants learn skills including identifying credible online resources, using telemedicine and their patient portals, and how to use mobile devices to improve health.

Benefits program participants have learned include how to:

1. Use Patient Portals

Using patient portals can be helpful to save time for common tasks. Participants learn about booking health provider appointments, requesting prescription refills, and getting lab test results.

2. Perform Google Searches

Doing Google searches can be helpful when carried out with a watchful eye. Participants learn about performing Google searches, finding reliable sources, adding bookmarks for favorite websites, and copying and sharing links with others.

3. Utilize Social Media

Twitter and Facebook social media tools can be useful for those seeking more information and support. Participants learn the nuts and bolts of both tools including how to set up an account, checking and maintaining privacy settings, how to post or tweet, finding experts, connecting to online support communities, using hashtags and tweetchats, and posting photos.

4. Benefit From Telemedicine

Learning about telemedicine and best practices can be helpful for optimal visits. Program participants learn how to install video conferencing tools, how to be prepared for a telehealth visit, and who to contact if they run into issues.

5. Improve Health Travel

Using mobile apps can assist patients and care partners in health-related travel. Participants learn about the apps Uber and Lyft and are shown how to set up accounts.

6. Engage With Patient Communities

Engaging with patient communities can be reassuring for patients and care partners alike. Program participants learn about patient communities such as Inspire, PatientsLikeMe, MyLifeline, StupidCancer, HealthUnlocked, Cancer Support Community and how to join support groups in them.

By taking part in the digital sherpa® train-the-trainer program, participants can learn valuable skills to gain confidence and to improve treatment outcomes through digital technology.