Tag Archive for: hysterectomy

What Questions Should You Ask About Endometrial Cancer Detection?

Gynecological cancer expert Dr. Nita Karnik Lee explains the importance of self-advocacy in endometrial cancer detection, including speaking up when you have concerns and seeking care early. 

Dr. Nita Karnik Lee is a Gynecologic Oncologist at The University of Chicago Medicine. Learn more about Dr. Lee.

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Advances in Endometrial Cancer Detection

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Katherine Banwell: 

What questions should patients be asking their doctor about detection? 

Dr. Nita Karnik Lee:  

For uterine cancer or endometrial cancer, detection is really based on symptoms. If there are any of those symptoms that are happening, they really should be asking, hey, I need to see a gynecologist. I need to do a biopsy. We do, unfortunately, see many patients who are sort of told, oh, it must be fibroids. But that shouldn’t happen in post-menopausal patients. I’ve heard everything. I’ve heard patients sort of self-reflect, and say, you know what, I was stressed that day, or I moved the couch that day. I’ve heard all the different things we think about, because none of us wants to feel like there could be something wrong. We often justify. It was probably nothing.  

But the patients who do the best are the patients who have a spotting episode, they have a bleeding episode, they seek care right away. And then 80 percent of uterine cancers need only surgery, so that’s a good statistic compared to some of the other GYN cancers. I would say advocating for your symptoms, not being afraid of a symptom being worked up, because I think there’s a lot of fear with, if you report something, maybe it will be something.  

And getting over that sensation of it may not be. It may be something completely different that’s benign. But I think the earlier that we can see a diagnosis and get people to treatment and/or hysterectomy, that tends to do the best in terms of survival and just getting over this episode. 

How Is Endometrial Cancer Staged?


How Is Endometrial Cancer Staged? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are the stages of endometrial cancer? Expert Dr. Emily Ko explains factors involved in analysis for staging and what occurs in the body during each stage.

Dr. Emily Ko is a gynecologic oncologist and Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Pennsylvania. Learn more about Dr. Ko.

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How is endometrial cancer staged? 

Dr. Ko:

So, the most classic, rigorous way to stage endometrial cancer is through a surgical procedure. So, what that usually involves is it does include a hysterectomy, removing the uterus and the cervix, usually also includes removing the fallopian tubes and the ovaries.  

And, at the same time, the surgeon will do a very thorough assessment of the abdominal pelvic cavity, basically looking around all those areas to see if there’s any signs of visible disease, anything they can see that looks like it could be tumor deposits in the abdominal cavity. If anything is seen, those deposits will be removed and biopsied, so that’s part of the staging procedure. 

And additionally, it’s important to try to assess the lymph nodes, typically. So, there are lymph nodes in the pelvic area, and then, higher up along the aortic area, and so, there are different surgical techniques that we can use to basically test or sample some of those lymph nodes, be able to remove them, send them to the pathologist, look under the microscope to see if there are any microscopic cancer cells that have traveled to those lymph nodes. 

So, that is all part of a surgical procedure, and with all the information collected from those tissue samples that are removed from the body and sent to the pathologist, but the pathologist then reviews all of that under a microscope, and then can issue a very thorough report describing where the cancer cells are located, and by definition, where the cancer cells are located then defines what the stage is of the cancer. 


Can you give me an example?  

Dr. Ko:

Of course. So, for example, if the cancer cells are located only in the uterus, and they’re not found anywhere else, then that is a stage I. If the cancer cells have traveled to the cervix area specifically, this we call a cervical stroma, that becomes a stage II. If the cancer cells have, for example, traveled to the fallopian tubes, or the ovaries, or the lymph nodes, then that becomes a stage III, and there are sort of substages within those categories as well. 


But stage III would be the highest or most severe? 

Dr. Ko:

So, there’s stage III, and then there’s actually stage IV. So, if the cancer cells have traveled outside of the pelvis into the abdominal area, then we consider that a stage IV. 


And that would be considered advanced endometrial cancer? 

Dr. Ko:

Right. So, by definition, “advanced” typically refers to stage III or IV. 

MPN Patient Q&A: How Did You Cope With a Second MPN Diagnosis?

MPN Patient Q&A: How Did You Cope with a Second MPN Diagnosis? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

For myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients diagnosed with a second MPN, how can they cope or react to the diagnosis? Watch as MPN patient Nona shares her experience with her second MPN diagnosis as part of her patient journey.

This program provides one patient’s perspective. Please talk to your own doctor to make healthcare decisions that are right for you. 

See More from Best MPN Care No Matter Where You Live

Related Resources:

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Dr. Nicole Rochester:

All right, we have a question from Janet. Janet says, “I have noticed that many MPN patients develop a second MPN over time,” and she wants to know, “were you surprised about your PV diagnosis over a decade after your first diagnosis, or is this something that you were perhaps prepared for by your medical team?”

Nona Baker:

Well, my second diagnosis came by chance because I had a problem with fibroids, which necessitated having a hysterectomy, which saw the natural venesection was taken away, and then it evolved to a…. I don’t know whether that’s the reason, but then I was diagnosed with PV, which means that I have PV with high platelets now is I think the way in my human toll describes it. But it’s certainly under control with the medication and with venesection from time to time. So, was I surprised? I don’t think after my journey, I don’t think anything surprised me really, I sort of…I think, again, I took ownership of it and just got on with it, really.