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How Does Artificial Intelligence (AI) Improve MPN Patient Care?

How Does Artificial Intelligence (AI) Improve MPN Patient Care? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients can benefit from increased use of artificial intelligence (AI) in their care. Watch to learn about patient care improvements from AI, what it means for MPN patients, and potential future developments in AI.

See More From the MPN TelemEDucation Resource Center

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The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in telemedicine is ever expanding. In telemedicine visits, AI can provide translations for non-native English speakers, more efficient analysis of imaging and other tests, use algorithms to better predict staffing levels for improved patient care, and much more.

The increased use of artificial intelligence translates to improved care for MPN patients. Patient health can be monitored more frequently, more time can be spent with each patient, and tests can be evaluated more accurately through analysis by both providers and AI. These benefits will result in monitoring of treatment and symptoms more often for optimal patient care.

As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, patients are apt to see even more treatment advancements and personalized care. Quality of life should improve as MPN specialists can spend more time learning about the latest MPN treatment advancements and to focus more on patient health outcomes.

Please remember to ask your healthcare team what may be right for you.

What Do Biosensors Mean for Myeloproliferative Care?

What Do Biosensors Mean for Myeloproliferative Care? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients can benefit from recent advances in medical uses of biosensors. Watch to learn about biosensor medical advances, advantages for MPN care, and future developments from biosensor use.

See More From the MPN TelemEDucation Resource Center

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Though biosensors may be more well-known for their use in testing for food and water contaminants, they have emerged for a variety of medical uses as well. Biosensors may be used by healthcare providers in patient monitoring, screening for infections, health management, and disease treatment.

For MPN patients, biosensors can aid in several aspects of their care. Biosensors can detect viruses and bacterial threats, track exercise levels and body chemistry remotely, detect harmful chemicals, track disease progression, and share health information between patients, providers, and anyone else whom a patient authorizes. All of these biosensor capabilities provide for more precise, personalized, and optimal care for each patient.

As biosensors evolve even more over time, they will continue to help refine healthcare. MPN patients can expect even more personalized care than are already offered, and quality of life during treatment should also improve since biometrics more accurately gauge factors like disease progression and treatment progress.

Please remember to ask your healthcare team what may be right for you.

What Does Teleoncology Mean for Myeloproliferative Care?

What Does Teleoncology Mean for Myeloproliferative Care? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

 Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients can benefit from various aspects of teleoncology. Watch to learn about teleoncology, benefits for MPN patients, and potential future developments with teleoncology.

See More From the MPN TelemEDucation Resource Center

Related Resources:

What Does Wearable Technology Mean for Myeloproliferative Care?

What Is Precision Medicine for MPNs?

Why Is Specialized Care Important for MPN Patients?


Teleoncology carries out clinical oncology remotely and can cover all aspects of oncology care including cancer diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up phases for patients. As with other cancer types, MPN patients can benefit from many aspects of teleoncology.  

Teleoncology is a more targeted part of telemedicine, which is especially beneficial for MPN care. Teleoncology provides more frequent monitoring of symptoms, treatment side effects, physical functions as well as easier patient access to lab tests and protecting patients from extra exposure to viruses and infection risks.

With the evolution of treatments that can now be delivered via convenient methods like wearable patches, the future of teleoncology looks promising. MPN patients will have fewer visits for their treatment and can enjoy a higher quality of life with more frequent remote check-ins with their MPN specialist.

What Is the Role of Next-Generation Sequencing in MPNs

What Is the Role of Next-Generation Sequencing in MPNs? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

 Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients can take advantage of a medical advancement called next-generation sequencing. Watch to learn about next-generation sequencing, what it means for MPN patient care, and potential future developments from next-generation sequencing.

See More From the MPN TelemEDucation Resource Center

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Next-generation sequencing is a DNA analysis process that allows for sequencing of a portion of a patient’s genome. The process allows for processing of multiple DNA sequences in parallel. Next-generation sequencing also can identify hereditary cancer mutation carriers, cancer mutations, and other things.

Next-generation sequencing is another medical advancement that helps improve MPN patient care. By identifying cancer mutations and hereditary cancer mutation carriers, next-generation sequencing helps oncologists to further refine targeted therapies and personalized medicine – leading to optimal patient care.

As more research continues in next-generation sequencing, it’s possible that new genetic mutations will be discovered to further enhance quality of life with patient symptoms and treatment side effects.

Please remember to ask your healthcare team what may be right for you.

What Does Wearable Technology Mean for Myeloproliferative Care?

What Does Wearable Technology Mean for Myeloproliferative Care? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients can add wearable technology as another part of their MPN care toolbox. Watch to learn about monitoring that wearable devices may provide, what it means for MPN care, and future developments from wearable technology.

See More From the MPN TelemEDucation Resource Center

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What Do Telegenetic Consultations Mean for MPN Patients?

MPN Treatment Tools and Advancements

Should MPN Patients and Their Families Continue Telemedicine?


Wearable technology has expanded and improved at an impressive rate in recent years. With exercise and health tracking technology with devices like Fitbits and Apple Watches, wearable technology includes devices issued from healthcare providers for the monitoring of heart activity, breathing, brain activity, and more.

Advancements in wearable technology offer advantages to myeloproliferative patients in providing more opportunities for remote monitoring and also for delivering treatment via wearable drug delivery systems. And these technologies provide improved care, more frequency of gauging patient health metrics to improve quality of life, and optimal patient health over time.

With technologies advancing at such a rapid rate, there could be even more opportunities to improve care for myeloproliferative patients. Perhaps miniscule blood draws could even be carried out by wearable technology to provide even more convenience for patients while also protecting them from virus and infection risks in clinical settings.

Please remember to ask your healthcare team what may be right for you.

What Does Remote Patient Monitoring Mean for MPN Patients?

What Does Remote Patient Monitoring Mean for MPN Patients? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients are a patient group who already used remote patient monitoring before the COVID-19 pandemic. Watch to learn about remote patient monitoring, recent advancements for MPN patient care, and expectations for future developments from remote patient monitoring.

See More From the MPN TelemEDucation Resource Center

Related Resources:

What Do Telegenetic Consultations Mean for MPN Patients?

What Do Biosensors Mean for Myeloproliferative Care?

Should MPN Patients and Their Families Continue Telemedicine?


Remote patient monitoring was already in use before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and technology improvements were fast-tracked by federal grants from the U.S. government. Telemedicine appointments and monitoring of the heart, lungs, brain, and muscles through remote technologies can be easily carried out for improved remote care.

Though remote patient monitoring of MPN patients was already in practice through periodic monitoring of blood work, advancements have been made in recent months. These improvements allow patients to visit their MPN specialist less frequently as their provider advises. While protecting patients from virus and infection risks, fewer visits save time and travel costs while also allowing optimal patient care in collaboration with their provider.  

As remote patient monitoring technologies continue to increase and improve over time, they will continue to help refine patient care. MPN patients can expect personalized care that becomes even more tailored to their needs, which will result in improved quality of life and less time in care appointments and traveling time for care appointments.

Please remember to ask your healthcare team what may be right for you.

What Do Telegenetic Consultations Mean for MPN Patients?

What Do Telegenetic Consultations Mean for MPN PAtients? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients have a telegenetic consultation as another option that has emerged for the telemedicine toolbox. Watch to learn about telegenetic consultations, what they mean for MPN patients, and future developments.

See More From the MPN TelemEDucation Resource Center

Related Resources:

What Do Biosensors Mean for Myeloproliferative Care?

What Is Chronic Neutrophilic Leukemia?

Should MPN Patients and Their Families Continue Telemedicine?


Telegenetic consultations are those that can be carried out via telemedicine with genetic counselors. With the rise of genetic mutations playing a factor in cancer care and treatment decisions, it’s a natural progression for telegenetic consultations to become another option in the telemedicine tool box that protects patients from exposure to viruses and potential infections and saves them valuable time, energy, and travel costs.

With personalized medicine becoming an integral part of MPN patient care that analyze genetic mutations like JAK2 mutations and MPL mutations, telegenetic consultations make sense as another part of the tools for MPN care. The future of MPN care looks brighter with these virtual care options as part of the equation.

A form of tattoos called e-skins have now emerged as part of remote health monitoring. Used for detecting physical and electrical functions including heart, muscle, and brain activity, e-skins have shown reliability in monitoring tests even under body stress situations like sweating and while consuming spicy foods.

Please remember to ask your healthcare team what may be right for you.

Understanding What ECG Monitoring Tools Mean for MPN

Understanding What ECG Monitoring Tools Mean for MPN Patients from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients can add ECG monitoring tools as part of their care. Watch to learn about ECG monitoring tools, their value in MPN care, and future developments from ECG monitoring tools.

See More From the MPN TelemEDucation Resource Center

Related Resources:

What Do Telegenetic Consultations Mean for MPN Patients?

Does Remote Patient Monitoring Mean for MPN Patients?

What Does Wearable Technology Mean for Myeloproliferative Care?


ECG monitoring tools or those that monitor electrocardiography – electrical activity of the heart – are another helpful tool in monitoring patients of all kinds, including cancer patients. Recent technology advancements have brought ECG monitoring beyond wearable vests and into wearable wristbands and e-skin technologies.

Monitoring patient health involves several aspects with heart health being on the monitoring list. With the advancements in ECG monitoring tools, myeloproliferative (MPN) patients can now have heart monitoring with some advantages. Patients can skip the risks of exposure to viruses and potential infections in clinic settings while also saving valuable time, energy, and travel costs.

Wearable ECG monitoring tools are already reliable, and the technologies will only become more precise as they are used more over time. Some patients who have wearable devices linked to their cell phones have the ability to automatically notify their emergency contacts in the event of concerning heart activity. Automated notifications like this are likely to become more common as technology improves.

Please remember to ask your healthcare team what may be right for you.

MPN Patient and Care Partner Tips for Utilizing Telemedicine

MPN Patient and Care Partner Tips for Utilizing Telemedicine from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Myelofibrosis patient Summer Golden and care partner Jeff Bushnell have learned the ins and outs of telemedicine. Watch as they share some advantages of virtual visits, instances when in-person visits are used for MPN monitoring, and their tips for optimizing telemedicine visits.

See More From the MPN TelemEDucation Resource Center

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Jeff Bushnell:

We are very fortunate to live in San Diego here where there are major medical centers and research universities and so on, but a lot of people aren’t… and these MPNs are very, very rare diseases. And there are not a lot of doctors that specialize in them, so telemedicine will allow you to contact a specialist.

I know when we see the Summer’s doctor in-person, she does a physical exam specifically to check her spleen size, which is an important aspect of almost all of these MPNs and without the ability to do that the doctor is working all solely from blood counts.

Summer Golden:

It’s just like Zoom, it’ll never go away, and I do believe telemedicine will be here forever, another technical advantage.

Jeff Bushnell:

I think, especially after COVID, people are more used to telemedicine, and in the MPN community anyway, because of the lack of large numbers of doctors that know much about it, like telemedicine will open up sort of a new, a new type of being able to treat MPNs, just because more people will be able to contact specialists.

Summer Golden:

A top tip I think, it’s sort of logical, but is to have the questions and issues written out because it’s a limited matter of time and to specifically jot down the answers.

Jeff Bushnell:

Another tip would be to ensure that you have the appropriate stuff on whatever device you’re using to talk to the doctor on. We’ve used about three or four different apps as it were on our phone to communicate with different doctors, and you need to make sure that that works ahead of time. Usually, the way they do it is they set up the appointment, they contact you ahead of time, and make sure that it’s going to work before they put the doctor online. But that’s very important that you have the technical ability to ensure that your equipment can support telemedicine. They’re making it pretty easy, but you still have to do it.