Tag Archive for: renal cell carcinoma

Empowering Patients Facing a Renal Cell Carcinoma Diagnosis

Renal cell carcinoma (RCC), commonly referred to as kidney cancer, may present itself to patients as daunting and multifaceted. What proactive measures can patients and their caregivers implement to optimize their care experience?  With this idea in mind, the Patient Empowerment Network initiated the START HERE Renal Cell Carcinoma program, which aims to close the gap in the expert and patient voice to build empowerment.

Lisa Hatfield and Dr. Moshe Ornstein

Patient-Expert Q&A Webinar Topics and Key Takeaways

 In the Patient-Expert Q&A webinar, kidney cancer expert Dr. Moshe Ornstein shared his expertise to help patients and care partners boost their knowledge and confidence. Cancer patient and Empowerment Lead Lisa Hatfield moderated the discussions and shared some of her perspectives as a patient. Some of the discussion covered:

Kidney cancer diagnosis breaks down into two main categories. Dr. Ornstein detailed the two types. “There is the patient that presents with a localized kidney cancer. So they came to the emergency room because they were having belly pain, and they were found to have a big mass growing in their kidney that is proven to be kidney cancer. And then there’s the patient who has advanced disease, metastatic disease that has spread beyond the kidney. Either they came in with metastatic disease, in other words, their kidneys in place, and they have cancer beyond the kidney. Or they already had a surgery a year or two ago, and now they come back, and the cancer has returned elsewhere in the body.

Preparing patients for their cancer journey is top of mind for Dr. Ornstein, and he discussed how he approaches this preparation for the main types of patients. “We talk about what kind of surveillance, what kind of watching or monitoring of the cancer are we going to do, how often they’re going to get CAT scans. So really try to give them the big picture about what cancer they have, what the outlook is, and what we’re going to do to keep a close eye on them. For the patient who has an advanced cancer, in some ways it’s similar. When I say advanced, I mean a cancer that has spread beyond the kidney that’s going to require therapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, a clinical trial, whatever it might be.

Some kidney cancer patients may wonder or even feel remorse over what caused them to get cancer. Dr. Ornstein explained that even though the cause isn’t always known, there are some known risk factors like asbestos, some types of gasoline exposure, and secondhand smoke. Dr. Ornstein also shared, “We do have known risk factors for kidney cancer, whether it’s obesity, smoking, high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease. So there are certain risk factors and associations, but it’s really difficult for a specific patient to be able to pinpoint this caused the kidney cancer. And I think it’s reassuring for patients to know that as a general rule, it’s not something that a patient did that caused the kidney cancer, and it’s not somebody’s fault that they have the kidney cancer.”

Although some kidney cancer patients will be monitored with imaging scans rather than starting treatment right away, Dr. Ornstein shared that the vast majority will start treatment as soon as possible. “…probably 95 percent of these patients are going to get an immunotherapy-based combination as their first line of treatment. Immunotherapy has different names in the literature. You might see immunotherapy, you might see checkpoint inhibitors. But what these are doing is they’re “releasing the brakes” on the body’s own immune system to attack the cancer. So the immunotherapy is either given in combination with another immunotherapy.

Lisa Hatfield and Dr. Moshe Ornstein

Kidney cancer clinical trials generally fall into one of two buckets. Dr. Ornstein explained that one bucket is comprised of clinical trials that are investigating novel therapies. He explained further about the second bucket of clinical trials. “…And the other class of clinical trials is really sort of optimizing the drugs we already have. So we know that as a general rule, giving immunotherapy plus targeted therapy is better than giving immunotherapy alone. But what about trials looking at giving two immunotherapies plus a targeted therapy? We know that patients either get immunotherapy and immunotherapy, or an immunotherapy and a targeted therapy. What about if we gave two immunotherapies and a targeted therapy? Can three be better than two? So there are trials both in the front-line setting and in the refractory setting, looking at these novel therapies in the one bucket. And then there are also trials looking at these combinations and different ways of mixing and matching therapies that we already have to optimize patient outcomes.

It’s an exciting time with new kidney cancer therapies, and these are just some of the main takeaways from the Renal Cell Carcinoma Patient-Expert Q&A webinar. We hope you can use these valuable kidney cancer resources to build your knowledge and confidence toward becoming a more empowered patient or care partner. 

START HERE Renal Cell Carcinoma Program Resources

The program series includes the following resources:

Expert Insights into Kidney Cancer Risk Factors and Genetic Testing

Expert Insights into Kidney Cancer Risk Factors and Genetic Testing from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What is known about kidney cancer risk factors and genetic testing? Expert Dr. Moshe Ornstein from Cleveland Clinic explains known risk factors for kidney cancer and situations when he recommends genetic testing for patients.

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See More from START HERE Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC)

Related Resources:

How Is Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma Patient Care Managed?

How Is Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma Patient Care Managed?

Exploring Renal Cell Carcinoma Research | Expert Insights on Immunotherapy and Targeted Therapy

Exploring Renal Cell Carcinoma Research | Expert Insights on Immunotherapy and Targeted Therapy

Renal Cell Carcinoma Clinical Trials | A Deep Dive into the Latest Advancements

Renal Cell Carcinoma Clinical Trials | A Deep Dive into the Latest Advancements


Lisa Hatfield:

We have a patient asking if you can speak to a typical patient history associated with kidney cancer and is there a common factor, or I think that they’re asking is there a cause that you see frequently for kidney cancer?

Dr. Moshe Ornstein:

Yeah, this is such a common question, Lisa, because patients want to know I have this cancer, what caused it? And generally, we just don’t know the answer to that. And I tell that to patients, it’s generally not something that somebody did that caused this kidney cancer. We do have known risk factors for kidney cancer, whether it’s obesity, smoking, high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease. So there are certain risk factors and associations, but it’s really difficult for a specific patient to be able to pinpoint this caused the kidney cancer. And I think it’s reassuring for patients to know that as a general rule, it’s not something that a patient did that caused the kidney cancer, and it’s not somebody’s fault that they have the kidney cancer.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay. Thank you for that. So when you have a patient who comes in with those more unusual presentations, do you recommend that they get some type of genetic testing done, so they can be aware for their family members that maybe they should be screened?

Dr. Moshe Ornstein:

Yeah, absolutely. I mean, if there’s an unusual feature, either a feature associated with tuberous sclerosis complex or something called Birt-Hogg-Dubé, or a young patient with advanced kidney cancer where we don’t expect it, or a patient that shows up with cancer in both of their kidneys and nowhere else, that will trigger us to send the patient to a genetic counselor to do a more thorough family history and talk about what they might be looking for in terms of genetic testing.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay. Thank you. All right. Another person watching is asking, are there known occupational exposure risk factors for kidney cancer?

Dr. Moshe Ornstein:

This is a great question. You know, we know that with certain cancers, there are classic occupational exposure risks. People want to know, “If I worked in a coal mine, am I more likely to get this kind of kidney cancer? What if I’m a Vietnam veteran and I was exposed to Agent Orange, is this more likely?” Really difficult to find those associations. I would say that probably the biggest ones are going to be, again, smoking, which I don’t know is so much an occupational hazard, although secondhand smoke is a real risk factor for cancers. Asbestos.

So people who worked around a lot of asbestos, that can be a risk factor even for kidney cancer. I know we usually think about it as lung cancer mesothelioma, but definitely for kidney cancer as well in some studies. And then certain forms of gasoline exposure. I will tell you that I’ve taken care of a lot of patients and a lot of people who have kidney cancer and have never been able to isolate an occupational exposure. But looking in the literature, we’re really looking more for asbestos, certain gasoline, secondhand smoke, things like that.

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Diagnosed with Renal Cell Carcinoma? Start Here

Diagnosed with Renal Cell Carcinoma? Start Here from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What’s important for newly diagnosed renal cell carcinoma patients to know? Expert Dr. Moshe Ornstein from Cleveland Clinic discusses his approach to communicating with newly diagnosed patients and key points that he covers in educating patients about their treatment and care.

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See More from START HERE Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC)

Related Resources:

How Is Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma Patient Care Managed?

How Is Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma Patient Care Managed?

Exploring Renal Cell Carcinoma Research | Expert Insights on Immunotherapy and Targeted Therapy

Exploring Renal Cell Carcinoma Research | Expert Insights on Immunotherapy and Targeted Therapy

Expert Insights into Kidney Cancer Risk Factors and Genetic Testing

Expert Insights into Kidney Cancer Risk Factors and Genetic Testing


Lisa Hatfield:

So, Dr. Ornstein, how do you explain a kidney cancer diagnosis to your newly diagnosed patients, and what are the priorities for those newly diagnosed patients?

Dr. Moshe Ornstein: 

When I’m looking at a patient and their family with a newly diagnosed kidney cancer, I’m trying to think to myself a couple of things. Number one, how can I make it as easy to understand without withholding any information? How can I be as encouraging as possible, but at the same time without misleading the patient in terms of what’s to come?

The way I break it down is into two main categories. There is the patient that presents with a localized kidney cancer. So they came to the emergency room because they were having belly pain, and they were found to have a big mass growing in their kidney that is proven to be kidney cancer. And then there’s the patient who has advanced disease, metastatic disease that has spread beyond the kidney. Either they came in with metastatic disease, in other words, their kidneys in place, and they have cancer beyond the kidney. Or they already had a surgery a year or two ago, and now they come back, and the cancer has returned elsewhere in the body.

So for the patient that comes with a localized kidney cancer or kidney cancer limited to the kidney, I talk to them about what the diagnosis means in terms of what subtype of kidney cancer is it, meaning although most kidney cancers are clear cell renal cell carcinoma, there are other types of kidney cancer.

And I want them to have a good handle in terms of what they have, both so that they know and they have all the information they need, but also because I understand that most patients, or at least many patients are going to look for more information elsewhere. And without understanding the histology, the type of kidney cancer they actually have, I worry that they’re not going to get the right information. So I try to be very clear about what stage is it based on the scans or if they’re coming to see me after their surgery, what stage is it after the surgery?

What does it mean when something is a grade 1 versus a grade 2 versus a grade 3 in terms of what the cells look like under the microscope? That’s about the cancer. And then I talk to them about what we’re going to look for in the future. So again, we’re talking now about the patient with localized kidney cancer. I try to go through with them what the risk of that localized cancer is in terms of what the odds are of it coming back.

We talk about what kind of surveillance, what kind of watching or monitoring of the cancer are we going to do, how often they’re going to get CAT scans. So really try to give them the big picture about what cancer they have, what the outlook is, and what we’re going to do to keep a close eye on them. For the patient who has an advanced cancer, in some ways it’s similar. When I say advanced, I mean a cancer that has spread beyond the kidney that’s going to require therapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, a clinical trial, whatever it might be.

And again, super important for them to understand, is this a clear cell kidney cancer? Which is the most common? Is it a papillary kidney cancer? Is it something else? Then we talk about what the different treatment options are. What does the short term look like in terms of side effects? What does the short term look like in terms of getting the cancer under control? What does the long-term outlook look like? What are the possible long-term side effects? And then what are we going to do to monitor? Are we doing CAT scans? Are we doing MRIs? Are we doing imaging of their brain? So again, first and foremost, what’s the nature of the diagnosis, what the treatment options are and likely side effects, what they need to look out for, and then how we as a medical team are going to monitor this over hopefully the long run.

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Renal Cell Carcinoma Clinical Trials | A Deep Dive into the Latest Advancements

Renal Cell Carcinoma Clinical Trials: A Deep Dive into the Latest Advancements from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What’s the latest in renal cell carcinoma clinical trial news? Expert Dr. Moshe Ornstein from Cleveland Clinic discusses updates on antibody drug conjugates, targeted therapy, checkpoint inhibitors, bispecific antibodies, vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors, and CAR-T cell clinical trials.

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See More from START HERE Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC)

Related Resources:

How Is Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma Patient Care Managed?

How Is Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma Patient Care Managed?

Diagnosed with Renal Cell Carcinoma? Start Here

Diagnosed with Renal Cell Carcinoma? Start Here

Expert Insights into Kidney Cancer Risk Factors and Genetic Testing

Expert Insights into Kidney Cancer Risk Factors and Genetic Testing


Lisa Hatfield:

So can you talk about any clinical trials you are excited about, both in the newly diagnosed setting and then the metastatic or recurring setting for kidney cancer, specific clinical trials, and then some of the medications that you had mentioned, are those FDA-approved right now or are those also in clinical…are most of those in clinical trials at the moment?

Dr. Moshe Ornstein:

I think what this goes to show is that, here I am talking to you, and sometimes some of the words are hard to understand. You can imagine a patient with a newly diagnosed kidney cancer, how confusing a lot of this can be. So I’m really happy we’re having this discussion. Everything I had mentioned up until this point is FDA-approved.

And if I am to mention something that is non FDA-approved, I’ll make that caveat. And while we’re talking about non-FDA-approved therapies, let’s talk about some of those new and exciting clinical trials. The way I look at clinical trials, whether it’s in the treatment naive, so a patient who has a newly diagnosed cancer, or in a patient with refractory cancer, meaning cancer that has gotten worse despite some treatment already.

So I look at clinical trials, and I tend to divide them into two different main categories. And I think for patients, this sort of helps categorize them in a neat fashion. One, is looking at those trials that are investigating novel therapies. So we spoke about those immunotherapy checkpoint inhibitors, we spoke about those vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors, in other words, targeted therapy.

We spoke about this HIF-2α, those are all therapies that we understand the mechanism of action, we understand how they work. So one kind of clinical trial is saying, what’s next? What’s down the road? What’s not an irregular immunotherapy? What’s not a regular targeted therapy? What’s not another HIF-2α drug? What are the novel therapies being investigated? So some of those trials that I’m interested in are trials that are looking at something called bispecifics. So these are singular drugs that sort of have two different targets. We’re looking at cellular therapies. We know these things called CAR-T cells work well in some of other cancers like lymphomas, but is there a role for using this type of novel mechanism in kidney cancer?

Drugs looking at things called antibody drug conjugates, which again, these types of therapies are available in breast cancer, in bladder cancer, in other types of cancer, but not yet in kidney cancer. And that’s kind of the one category of novel mechanisms, novel agents. That’s one class of clinical trials. And the other class of clinical trials is really sort of optimizing the drugs we already have.

So we know that as a general rule, giving immunotherapy plus targeted therapy is better than giving immunotherapy alone. But what about trials looking at giving two immunotherapies plus a targeted therapy? We know that patients either get immunotherapy and immunotherapy, or an immunotherapy and a targeted therapy. What about if we gave two immunotherapies and a targeted therapy? Can three be better than two? So there are trials both in the front-line setting and in the refractory setting, looking at these novel therapies in the one bucket. And then there are also trials looking at these combinations and different ways of mixing and matching therapies that we already have to optimize patient outcomes. 

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Exploring Renal Cell Carcinoma Research: Expert Insights on Immunotherapy and Targeted Therapy

Exploring Renal Cell Carcinoma Research: Expert Insights on Immunotherapy and Targeted Therapy from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What’s important in renal cell carcinoma research news? Expert Dr. Moshe Ornstein from Cleveland Clinic shares an overview of research updates on immunotherapy, targeted therapy, and combination therapies.

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See More from START HERE Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC)

Related Resources:

Renal Cell Carcinoma Clinical Trials | A Deep Dive into the Latest Advancements

Renal Cell Carcinoma Clinical Trials | A Deep Dive into the Latest Advancements

Diagnosed with Renal Cell Carcinoma? Start Here

Diagnosed with Renal Cell Carcinoma? Start Here

Expert Insights into Kidney Cancer Risk Factors and Genetic Testing

Expert Insights into Kidney Cancer Risk Factors and Genetic Testing


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Ornstein, can you speak to the latest news in renal cell carcinoma?

Dr. Moshe Ornstein:

So just by way of a 30,000 foot view, when it comes to renal cell carcinoma, approximately two-thirds of patients are diagnosed when the cancer is in a localized stage, where the cancer is treated with curative intent, generally with surgery. For patients who present with metastatic kidney cancer, in other words, kidney cancer that has spread beyond the kidney, or for patients who had their kidney removed and then developed a recurrence or the cancer had come back to the lungs or the bones or anywhere beyond the kidney, those patients are treated with what’s called systemic therapy. Those are medicines that really cover head to toe, not a specific area, but head to toe.

And when we think about treatment options in kidney cancer, there are two main treatment options. One is immunotherapy. Immunotherapy is generally what’s called checkpoint inhibitors. And these are therapies that “release the brakes” on the immune system, and allow the body’s immune system to be activated to target the cancer.

And the other type of medicine is called targeted therapies. And these for the most part, are vascular targeted therapies, and the way I describe it is they shrink the blood supply to the tumors. So again, you have those tumors that are diagnosed at a local stage. You have those tumors that are metastatic or advanced beyond the kidney. And the main treatment paradigms have to do with immunotherapy and targeted therapy.

So we just had the ASCO GU meeting, and I just want to describe the updates and how they fit into sort of the overall treatment paradigms across the different treatment sections, in other words, localized and metastatic. So for a patient who presents and comes in with just a kidney mass, that’s a kidney cancer, generally that patient’s going to be treated with surgery. In general, there’s no rule for therapy before surgery. For many years, for that patient who had their kidney cancer removed from the kidney, either part of the kidney or the whole kidney removed, we really didn’t know what to do with those patients, and the standard of care was just to watch those patients.

And we’ll get into a discussion about what watching the patient means. But one of the updates from the recent meetings has been that for patients who have their kidney removed because of kidney cancer, there is now a rule in some patients, this has to be a discussion with the doctor, to use immunotherapy to help prevent or delay the cancer from coming back. It’s a personal discussion.

We have a lot of data to support the use of a medicine called pembrolizumab (Keytruda), which is an immunotherapy that patients would get for a year after their kidney surgery. So that’s really the big recent update in the localized kidney cancer world, where the kidney cancer has been removed by surgery, and there’s now a treatment option, a year of immunotherapy after surgery for the right patient. So now, we move to the metastatic patient.

So again, the patient who has metastatic disease, either comes in with metastatic disease upfront, meaning the kidney’s there, the tumor’s in the kidney, and there’s advanced disease. And the other type is the patient who had their kidney removed a year ago, two years ago, sometimes five years ago, and now shows up with new spots in the lungs or the bones or elsewhere in the body. And that is metastatic or advanced kidney cancer.

So by and large, the overwhelming majority, and in my clinical practice, 95 percent of these patients are going to get an immunotherapy-based regimen as the first treatment for advanced kidney cancer. And there are different types of immunotherapy-based regimens. There’s an immunotherapy in combination with immunotherapy, and that’s called ipilimumab (Yervoy) and nivolumab (Opdivo), so double immunotherapy, or an immunotherapy plus a targeted therapy.

Lisa, we spoke about the targeted therapy, cutting the blood supply. So in addition to getting two immunotherapies, some patients won’t get two immunotherapies, they’ll get one immunotherapy in combination with a targeted therapy. And those combinations include axitinib (Inlyta) and pembrolizumab, lenvatinib (Lenvima) and pembrolizumab and cabozantinib (Cabometyx) and nivolumab as the primary combination treatments for the first line of therapy for metastatic kidney cancer.

And the real updates from the recent meetings in this setting is just that with additional follow-up, in other words, we’ve seen follow-up at two years after the trial started, three years, four years, now five years, we’re seeing that there’s a subset of patients that continue to benefit with this combination years down the road. So, encouraging for patients. Again, it’s not every patient, different patients need different things, but just the knowledge that we have long-term follow-up data for patients who have gotten an immunotherapy-based combination for the front-line treatment for their advanced kidney cancer.

And the last update I want to touch on is once we move beyond that first line of immunotherapy-based combinations, we really don’t know exactly what to do beyond that. Meaning, if somebody got an immunotherapy-based combination, and then the kidney cancer got worse, what do we give next? And generally, we’re giving more of these vascular inhibitors, these targeted therapies. And the latest advancement in this area, in the refractory setting, in other words post immunotherapy-based combination is the introduction of a new medicine called belzutifan (Welireg), which is not a classic vascular inhibitor, but is something called the HIF-2α inhibitor.

It’s a very well-tolerated therapy in many of the patients. And it does have activity in the right patient. And it’s now FDA-approved relatively recently for patients who have already had an immunotherapy-based combination. So that’s kind of the major update. The post-surgery treatment with immunotherapy, long-term data for immunotherapy-based combinations in the metastatic setting, and a novel therapy, a new mechanism of action with a pill with a therapy called belzutifan for patients whose kidney cancer is getting worse despite standard treatments upfront.

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Kidney Cancer Patient Expert Q&A: Start Here Resource Guide

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Kidney Cancer Patient Expert Q&A Start Here Guide

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