Tag Archive for: treatment

Tips for Managing Your Oral CLL Treatment Schedule

Tips for Managing Your Oral CLL Treatment Schedule from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Patients taking an oral CLL therapy have a responsibility in managing their own care. Dr. Jean Koff, a CLL expert from Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University, discusses the importance of staying on schedule with medications and shares advice for being consistent.

Dr. Jean Koff is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Hematology and Oncology at Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University. Learn more about Dr. Koff, here.

See More from Thrive CLL

Related Resources:

Anxious From CLL Watch & Wait? How to Cope.

Anxious from CLL Watch and Wait? How to Cope.

What is YOUR Role in Choosing a CLL Treatment Approach?

Setting CLL Treatment Goals WITH Your Team


Katherine Banwell:

With oral medications available to treat CLL, patients now have the role of self-administering with their treatment program. How does this work exactly?  

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, just as you would receive a prescription from one of your doctors to manage your high blood pressure with a bottle of pills, you would also receive a special prescription from the doctor who is managing your CLL, a prescription for one of these oral agents. Either the BTK inhibitors or a venetoclax. And you would be – you would have the instructions on the pill bottle, just as you would you know another prescription, and you would take the medication by mouth, every day, as instructed.  

Katherine Banwell:

Okay. What happens if a patient forgets to take their medication? Does it impact efficacy? 

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, forgetting a dose for one day, or having to skip a dose for another reason, or even a few days, shouldn’t have a major impact on controlling the CLL. And that’s true for two reasons. One, you’re going to start taking your medication again, you know fairly soon after you miss that dose. The next day or – or in a few days. But also, the – what we call the half-lives of these drugs are relatively long, and so you have some activity of the drug in your system in its ability to control the CLL, even though you haven’t taken the dose that you missed that day. In fact, sometimes we have to hold CLL medications.  

Maybe you’re getting a procedure, some sort of surgical procedure, and you might be at an increased risk of bleeding just in the day or two before and after that surgical procedure, so we would actually recommend that you hold a BTK inhibitor, if that was what you were receiving for your CLL, and then resume it once your risk of bleed had gone down a few days after the surgery.   

We do recommend that if you are going to miss a dose of your medication that you let your clinical team know, just so they can instruct you on how to resume your dose if you haven’t already gotten instructions from them about that. 

Katherine Banwell:

Okay. That’s really helpful information. What strategies are there to keep on schedule and remember to take the medication on time and regularly?  

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, I think these strategies are good whether you have CLL or some other type of disorder that you’re taking medication for. My patients often use labeled pill boxes with days of the week and a.m. and p.m., so that you know whether you took your pill that day and what time of day you took it. And so, setting that out for the week can be very helpful in organizing and making sure that you can check back and remind yourself whether or not you took your pill. 

Katherine Banwell:

How are patients monitored during treatment?  

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, your doctor is going to monitor you more closely when you first start a medication. So, I typically monitor my patients within one or two weeks of them starting an oral drug. One to make sure that they’re feeling okay on it, that they’re not having any side effects when they first start, but also to check lab values and make sure that the – the oral medication isn’t causing any problems with their blood counts or with other labs. Then, once we’ve established that they’re doing well on the medication, maybe they’ve come in every couple weeks for a month or six weeks, we start to space out those visits.  

I usually see my patients who are on active therapy about every three to six months to check and see whether they’re feeling okay, whether they’re having any side effects from the medicines, like I said to check their labs, make sure the medications aren’t causing any lab abnormalities. And also in the longer term, to make sure that their CLL is under good control on – on the medications. Because that’s one of our main goals is to keep the CLL under good control.  

Can a CLL Patient’s Response to the COVID Vaccine Be Boosted?

Can a CLL Patient’s Response to the COVID Vaccine Be Boosted? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Is there a way to boost COVID vaccine response in patients with CLL? Dr. Jean Koff explains ongoing progress being made to protect CLL patients from COVID.

Dr. Jean Koff is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Hematology and Oncology at Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University. Learn more about Dr. Koff, here.

See More from Thrive CLL

Related Resources:

What Do You Need to Know About CLL Treatment Side Effects?

What Do You Need to Know About CLL Treatment Side Effects?

What is YOUR Role in Choosing a CLL Treatment Approach?

Is the COVID Vaccine Safe and Effective for Waldenström Macroglobulinemia (WM) Patients?


Katherine Banwell:

We received another patient question prior to the program. Has there been any progress in helping CLL patients get a better reaction from COVID vaccines? 

Dr. Jean Koff:

That is a great question, and that is one that is near and dear to my heart and my colleagues at – at Emory. You raise a really good point, which is that CLL patients have altered immune systems just by virtue of their CLL. The CLL cells exert their influence on other immune cells and can cause your immune system not to respond to infections or immunizations the way it normally would. That’s without any medication in the mix. Now, when we look at patients who are on medications like the ones we’ve been talking about, the BTK inhibitors, venetoclax (Venclexta), but especially the monoclonal antibodies that react against CD20, we see that those patients really do not have an optimal response to vaccines, especially the COVID vaccine. 

Meaning, that patients who receive the COVID vaccine while they’re on that therapy, or even within 12 months of receiving a monoclonal antibody, often don’t mount the same strong immune response as somebody who’s not on those therapies. So, luckily, we – we don’t have to just depend on the vaccines. I still recommend that my patients get vaccinated, because it is safe and it might impart a little bit of efficacy, and it’s certainly more effective than not getting the vaccine. But we also have other approaches to increasing your protection against COVID, including the – the injection called tixagevimab co-packaged with cilgavimab (Evusheld), which can help protect patients specifically whose immune systems are not completely normal and are not expected to mount a strong response to COVID vaccines.  

So, that is definitely a discussion to have with your doctor about how your medications impact your protection from COVID, from vaccines, and whether there are other medications that might be used to help increase your protection.   

Katherine Banwell:

That’s great advice.  

What is YOUR Role in Choosing a CLL Treatment Approach?

What Is YOUR Role in Choosing a CLL Treatment Approach? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Dr. Jean Koff shares her perspective on the role of patient when deciding on a CLL treatment approach and reviews key factors that should be considered.

Dr. Jean Koff is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Hematology and Oncology at Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University. Learn more about Dr. Koff, here.

See More from Thrive CLL

Related Resources:

What Are the Current CLL Treatment Options?

What Do You Need to Know About CLL Treatment Side Effects?

What Do You Need to Know About CLL Treatment Side Effects?

What Helps Determine a CLL Patient’s Treatment Options


Katherine Banwell:

What is the patient’s role in deciding on a treatment plan? 

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, it’s very important that the patient be involved in deciding on a treatment plan. Especially in first-line. Because we have these two excellent classes of agents, the BTK inhibitors and the venetoclax- containing regimens. Both of them have been shown to have very good what we call efficacy CLL, meaning that they’re able to control the disease, patient’s symptoms largely at bay for long periods of time. You know, we’re talking an average of years that – that patients are on these therapies. And they each, like I said have different side effect profiles.  

And they’re given in slightly different ways. And so, right now we don’t have data from our clinical trials comparing a BTK inhibitor regimen to a venetoclax-containing regimen in CLL patients to tell us one is better than the other. And so, for that reason, a lot of the decision-making about which therapy is going to be better for you, or which therapy you would prefer, lies with the CLL patient rather than with the doctor. And the things that I ask my patients to consider, there are a couple different things. One is the side effect profile. So, patients may be more or less comfortable with certain  

side effects of one drug compared to another. Or there may be something in the patient’s medical history that puts them more at risk for a certain side effect than another. 

The other major player in this decision-making process is how these drugs are given. So, with ibrutinib (Imbruvica), the ibrutinib is given as a pill that you take once a day, and you take it indefinitely. Meaning you take that pill once a day for as long as it’s doing what it’s supposed to do, which is keeping your CLL under control, and as long as the patient is tolerating it well, meaning you’re not having a lot of uncomfortable side effects from the ibrutinib. So, I have patients who have been on ibrutinib for years and years and years and years.  

The venetoclax-containing regimen for patients who are getting their first-line treatment in CLL is different. It is designed as a – what we call time-limited therapy. And so, this regimen is given in – over about 12 months, 12 or 13 months, and then stopped, as long as the patient has had a good response. The other thing to consider with the venetoclax r egimen, it’s not just the pill. You do take a pill every day, but you also get a – an infusion for about six months of the monoclonal antibody. Meaning that you’ll have to come into the infusion center and get an infu – an IV infusion of this drug called obinutuzumab. The last consideration with the venetoclax regimen that differs in how it’s administered, is the venetoclax often works so well that it can break down the CLL cells a little bit too quickly. And so, for patients who have a very, very high white count, or large lymph nodes due to their CLL, there is a risk of something we call tumor lysis syndrome, which refers to the process where the tumor cells break down very, very quickly, and they produce molecules that are released into the bloodstream that can be dangerous if they get too high or too low. And so, sometimes, in some patients we have to monitor for the tumor lysis syndrome by checking labs fairly frequently after we start the venetoclax. And for some patients that means they have to stay overnight for a night or two in the hospital for lab monitoring.  

So, for some of my patients that I talk to about venetoclax, they say I want to stay out of the hospital, I just want to take a pill, I’m fine taking a pill, I’ll go with the BTK inhibitors. For other patients, they say I don’t want to be on a pill every single day, I will go through this year of therapy, I’m comfortable with that, and I’m happy that I’ll be able to take a break from therapy after one year. So, that ends up being a large factor in many of the conversations I have with my patients about which therapeutic approach we’re going to use in front-line therapy.  

What Do You Need to Know About CLL Treatment Side Effects?

What Do You Need to Know About CLL Treatment Side Effects? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

CLL Expert Dr. Jean Koff discusses common side effects of CLL treatment and explains how they can be managed.

Dr. Jean Koff is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Hematology and Oncology at Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University. Learn more about Dr. Koff, here.

See More from Thrive CLL

Related Resources:

How Are CLL Symptoms Treated?

CLL Treatment Approaches: What Are the Types?

What is YOUR Role in Choosing a CLL Treatment Approach?


Katherine Banwell:

What are the common side effects of treatments, and how are they managed? 

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, each of the different classes of agents has a different profile of side effects. The BTK inhibitors, the first class that I mentioned with ibrutinib (Imbruvica) and acalabrutinib (Calquence), are usually very well tolerated. The most common side effects that we tend to see are things that the patients can feel or see, but also things that we can see on the labs when we’re monitoring patients. So, sometimes you can see a lower platelet counts or lower blood cell counts with ibrutinib. That’s something that you may not notice, but your doctor’s going to notice on the – the blood counts when you come to the office. Sometimes ibrutinib can cause a rash or GI upset, this is usually easily managed with supportive care from your physician.  

And then some more – some more common effects of the BTK inhibitors include joint pain and headache. And again, many physicians, because we’ve been using BTK inhibitors for a long time, have a good regimen for treating these side effects. More uncommon side effects of BTK inhibitors, particularly ibrutinib that we look out for would be abnormal heart rhythms and some tendency for bleeding. But these are relatively uncommon and with newer BTK inhibitors, we’re seeing lower rates of these side effects.  

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, in terms of venetoclax side effects we have a little bit of a different profile. This agent is much more likely to cause lower cell counts, especially in a white blood cell count known as neutrophil count, and so your doctor will be monitoring you for that. In terms of patient side effects that you can feel, it can cause a rash, it can cause some GI upset. These are usually relatively easily managed but we want you as the patient if you’re on venetoclax to talk to your doctor about these side effects so that they can help you feel better and help you manage those. In terms of the anti-CV20 monoclonal antibodies, which we use a couple in CLL more frequently, they have very similar side effect profiles.  

So, one is rituximab, and one is obinutuzumab. Obinutuzumab is usually used in combination with venetoclax in front-line CLL.  

Like I mentioned before, this is an infusion and most of the side effects that we think about and most commonly see in these anti-CV20s are side effects that patients have during the infusion. And these are referred to as infusion reaction. And these are relatively common, around 30 percent in these anti-CV20 monoclonal antibodies. So, what is an infusion center react – er sorry, what does an infusion reaction look like? This looks sort of like an allergic reaction. 

Katherine Banwell:


Dr. Jean Koff:

So, your nurses in the infusion center are going to be monitoring you very carefully once you start the infusion, and they’re going to start it at a low dose, very slowly. But the side effects they’re monitoring for, they’re looking for changes in your heart rate or blood pressure. You may start to feel hot or cold or sweaty, you may have chills. Sometimes patients can have swelling in their throat or their tongue. And what will happen is because these are fairly common, is we’re still able to give the anti-CV20, but what we do is the nurse will stop the infusion, they may give you some medications that calm down that infusion reaction. So, medications like antihistamines –  

Katherine Banwell:


Dr. Jean Koff:

Or steroids that help tamp down that immune response, and then they start the anti-CV20 infusion at a lower rate. The vast majority of patients will be able to receive an anti-CV20 antibody even if they have an infusion reaction. They may just need a little bit more of those immune tamping-down medications like antihistamines and steroids. And then the last thing to consider, which I think we’ve mentioned, especially in the venetoclax-containing regimens, is the tumor lysis syndrome. And so, that is a side effect like we mentioned is kind of like the venetoclax working really, really, really well, of the tumor breaking down too quickly.  

And so, patients who have tumor lysis, if they’re at high-risk, hopefully they’re already being monitored very closely with frequent lab draws, and they may receive medications that – that diminish the risk of adverse events happening because your electrolytes are out balance, for instance, your potassium is too high, or your calcium is too low. Because your doctors are monitoring you closely, they can give you medications that can help balance  out those – those electrolytes and help protect the kidneys. The tumor lysis is typically not a risk after the initial doses of venetoclax.  

So, the first couple weeks is when we typically monitor that, and then once the CLL has been broken down, or as I like to say, once it’s been cooled off a little bit, then you no longer have this risk of tumor lysis and it – it doesn’t require further monitoring. 

Katherine Banwell:

That’s great information, thank you.  

What Are the Current CLL Treatment Options?

What Are the Current CLL Treatment Options? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

When is it time to treat CLL, and what are the current options? Dr. Jean Koff, from the Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University, reviews available CLL treatment approaches and discusses patient-specific factors that she considers when choosing therapy.

Dr. Jean Koff is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Hematology and Oncology at Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University. Learn more about Dr. Koff, here.

See More from Thrive CLL

Related Resources:

What Do You Need to Know About CLL Treatment Side Effects?

What Do You Need to Know About CLL Treatment Side Effects?

What is YOUR Role in Choosing a CLL Treatment Approach?

CLL Treatment Approaches: What Are the Types?


Katherine Banwell:

Many patients are overwhelmed by the different types and classes of treatment. When is it time to treat CLL, and what are the options? 

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, I boil down the criteria to when you need to treat your CLL to two main categories. One category is that the disease is progressing quickly, and the other category is the disease is causing problems of some kind, or getting ready to cause problems of some kind. Those are some of the broad categories that we think about when it’s time to start treatment for CLL. Now, this – the groups that research CLL have put out various criteria that help guide physicians about when it’s time to start treatment, and some of those more specific criteria include items like symptoms. So, symptoms are a very important part of that decision-making process.   

And the same symptoms that we mentioned, the B symptoms, fevers, chills, night sweats, weight loss that’s unintentional, or lymph nodes that you can feel, those would potentially be reasons that your doctor would want to start you on CLL therapy. But the CLL can cause issues even in a patient who’s not necessarily having symptoms. So, one of the most common ways that CLL can cause issues is the CLL cells can cause your other blood cells, the normal blood cells, to be low in number. There are several ways the CLL cells can do this. One of the most common ways is that the CLL cells, which are often circulating through your bloodstream, can also collect or overrun your bone marrow.  

And if you think about it, the bone marrow is the factory that makes all of your blood cells. So, when there are too many CLL cells in the bone marrow, they can crowd out the normal blood cells, like red blood cells or platelets. So, when red blood cells or platelets get low beneath certain thresholds, that’s a reason to start CLL therapy. 

Katherine Banwell:


Dr. Jean Koff:

So, there are a couple other criteria that we think about. CLL cells can collect in other areas, including the spleen. So – and if you remember, the spleen is a lymphoid organ that sits on the left side of your body that is right below the stomach. And so, if CLL cells collect in the spleen, they can cause it to be too big, it can press on the stomach, it can make it so you feel full, even if you haven’t eaten a full meal, that’s something we call early satiety. It can be uncomfortable, causing some abdominal pain. And if the spleen gets really, really big, it can cause it to not be able to do its normal job, which is to filter out the normal blood cells like it does every day. And so, that would be a reason to start therapy as well. And then the last – the last category I would think about is in CLL we have lots of – of CLL cells that are circulating in the blood that we can check with a routine blood count. And the absolute number of CLL cells is not as important as how fast that number is growing. So, your physician will track how fast that number of CLL cells is doubling.  

And if you meet criteria for what we call rapid doubling time, which is usually thought of as less than 12 months but certainly less than six months. So, if your count goes from 30,000 to 60,000 in under six months, then it may be time for you to start thinking about therapy. 

Katherine Banwell:

Right. So, Dr. Koff, would you briefly review the treatment classes? 

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, for first-line treatment, we have two main treatment classes that we think about at this time. The first is – is called BTK inhibitors, which is Bruton tyrosine kinase inhibitors. And these are oral medications, so medications that you take by mouth, and the most well-studied of these is called ibrutinib (Imbruvica), we typically prescribe ibrutinib by itself. There are other BTK inhibitors we are also now using in this space, one of them is called acalabrutinib  (Calquence), and that is often given with an IV monoclonal antibody called obinutuzumab (Gazyva).   

The other main class of drugs that we consider for first-line treatment of CLL is the BCL-2 inhibitors. Right now there’s only one BCL-2 inhibitor that’s approved for CLL and front-line and it’s called venetoclax (Venclexta). Usually, this drug is also given in the front-line with an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody. So, the venetoclax itself is a pill you take. And the monoclonal antibody is an – either an IV or a subcutaneous injection.  

Katherine Banwell:

Where do clinical trials fit into CLL treatment? 

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, clinical trials are part of the reason, a big part of the reason that we’ve been able to make so much progress in how we treat CLL over the past few years. Clinical trials are how we figure out what treatments work for CLL, how patients feel on them, what sort of adverse events or side effects they have on individual treatments, and which treatments do better for keeping CLL symptoms under control, keeping the disease under control, and allowing patients to live longer and have a higher quality of life with their disease.   

Katherine Banwell:

Are there any other options available for CLL patients?  

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, there are other options. A clinical trial, if that is available to you as a patient is nearly always a good thing to consider if you have CLL. Because the vast majority of patients will not be cured by CL – by their treatment for CLL. Meaning that the – even though the treatments we have usually work for a very long time in most patients, ultimately the CLL will at some point, perhaps years down the road, progress and need another therapy. For that reason, we know we can do better. And we are hoping that the next  clinical trial is going to lead to the discovery of a new agent or a new combination – new  combinations of agents that will allow patients to live longer with a better quality of life with CLL.  

Katherine Banwell:


Dr. Jean Koff:

So, that’s always a good option to consider.  

How Are CLL Symptoms Treated?

How Are CLL Symptoms Treated? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Dr. Jean Koff reviews common CLL symptoms and explains why patients should discuss any issues they experience with their healthcare teams.

Dr. Jean Koff is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Hematology and Oncology at Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University. Learn more about Dr. Koff, here.

See More from Thrive CLL

Related Resources:

What Are the Current CLL Treatment Options?

What Do You Need to Know About CLL Treatment Side Effects?

What Do You Need to Know About CLL Treatment Side Effects?

What is YOUR Role in Choosing a CLL Treatment Approach?


Katherine Banwell:

One part of thriving with CLL is managing the symptoms of the disease. What are the common symptoms of CLL? 

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, one thing that I see with nearly all of my CLL patients, regardless of where they are in the CLL journey, and regardless of whether they need active medications to manage their CLL, is some degree of fatigue. And this can range from just mild fatigue that patients notice that they need a little bit of a breather in the middle of the day, to needing more sleep at night, to not being able to exercise as much as they’re used to. And that is by far one of the most common symptoms we see. Again, whether or not their disease needs medication to manage it.  

The classic symptoms of CLL that often let us know that it’s time to start medical management are not just this fatigue. But the classic symptoms are  B symptoms. And we describe those as fevers, night sweats, and unintentional weight loss. Those are very common. And then some patients with CLL will also have what we call palpable lymphadenopathy, which is our term for lymph nodes that are enlarged that you can feel. And the most common places to feel these on the body are on the neck, under the arms, and in the groin.  

Katherine Banwell:

Okay. How are symptoms treated? 

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, if your symptoms progress to the point that your doctor thinks you need medication – they’re becoming disruptive to your life, or they are getting worse and worse over time, then there are a variety of medications that we can use in CLL. And this is actually a very exciting field. Right now, the state of the field is that most patients who are starting on their first treatment for CLL will use some sort of oral medication, and that may be accompanied by an IV – what we call monoclonal antibody, or it may not. But one thing that has really changed even since I very first started practicing, is that we no longer commonly use what I would call conventional chemotherapy to treat CLL – even though this was the standard of care just a few years ago. 

Katherine Banwell:

Wow. So, a lot has changed. 

Dr. Jean Koff:

Yes, definitely. 

Path to Empowerment: Multiple Myeloma | Treatment

Your Path to Empowerment | Myeloma: Treatment from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Navigating treatment for multiple myeloma can easily become overwhelming. What education can you receive prior to treatment or what impact will a specific treatment have on your daily life? Hear from a panel of myeloma patient advocates who share their personal experiences, advice and various resources.

See More from Your Path to Empowerment | Myeloma

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Path to Empowerment: Multiple Myeloma | Newly Diagnosed

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Path to Empowerment: Multiple Myeloma | Testing

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What Myeloma Patients Should Know About Treatment Monitoring 


Lisa Hatfield:

Okay, hello and welcome to our Path to Empowerment Living with Multiple Myeloma program here at Patient Empowerment Network. I am the myeloma Empowerment Lead here at Patient Empowerment Network. My name is Lisa, and I’m also a myeloma patient diagnosed back in April of 2018, I started having a pretty significant pain in my hip about one or two years before I was diagnosed, how to spine x-ray didn’t show anything in about five months later, went in for an MRI and was diagnosed with a large plasmacytoma that had eaten away a part of my spine, I have been fortunate enough to have care at MD Anderson. I was able to go down there, both for my spine and for my cancer. I met with the radiation oncologist immediately upon going to MD Anderson, who had me go through eight sessions of radiation. My treatment consisted of the radiation and then spine surgery to support my spine because my spine was compromised and close to the tumors close to my spinal cord, all of that was followed by… I met with myeloma specialist, Dr. Karina Patel at MD Anderson, and she wrote my prescription and orders for chemo to be done back in my hometown in Boise, Idaho. 

So, I came home for six months of chemo, and I had it every week for three weeks on one week off, and my chemo treatment consisted of KRD, which is carfilzomib, Revlimid and Dex also known as Kyrpolis, Lenalidomide and Dexamethasone. I did have that for six months on, like I said, three weeks on one week off. Had a great response. My last treatment that I had, I followed that up by going to Seattle to have stem cells collected and was also re-staged, my cancer was re-staged in Seattle was MRD negative, ten to minus five, but at that point, I opted to wait to have my stem cell transplant until first relapse, and since then I’ve been on maintenance therapy for about three and a half years, Revlimid also called Lenalidomide was on it every day until about a year ago when I was given one week off after three weeks on and for the past 10 weeks, I’ve been completely off of maintenance therapy due to side effects of getting progressively worse, including neuropathy and digestive side effects, so that is my history with myeloma, we are very fortunate today to have two other patient panelists, Jim and Sheri, who will introduce themselves. 

I’m going to back up for just a minute, people like to know the type of myeloma we have, I have kappa light chain only myeloma, which means I do not have an M spike, I’m followed with the free light chain that shows kappa light chains in my blood and also a 24-hour urine, that shows Bence-Jones proteins in the urine. So, kappa light chain only, my cytogenetics, I feel like I have to share my zodiac side too, but my cytogenetics are translocation, 11, 14 and monosomer 13. So we’ll move on to our patient panelists, welcome them. Sheri, she’s a support group leader for the International Myeloma Foundation here in the Treasure Valley and Boise, Idaho. So Sheri, if you could just introduce yourself, please, and explain your history with myeloma, the treatments you’ve had, current status and type of myeloma. That would be great. 

Sheri Baker:

I’m Sheri, and I was diagnosed in October 2011 with IgG Kappa myeloma. We found my myeloma because through blood work to check, just kind of more of a routine check, it was discovered that I had kidney failure, and my kidneys were only functioning at 8%… Normally should be 100% or close to that, so 8% kidney function. Didn’t know why. It took a couple of weeks and a bone marrow biopsy to figure out that it was because of myeloma. So, IgG Kappa, but no cytogenetic markers now, high risk markers, just standard, normal myeloma, but it did attack my kidneys versus my bones, very minor minor small lesions that I had. Anyways, that was 2011, in October, within a couple of weeks, I started dialysis and started my first treatment, which was in 2011, they weren’t really doing doublets and triplets very much, so it was, well, a doublet, if you want to consider Velcade, which is bortezomib plus Dexamethasone. So, I was on those two, and I did four cycles from October to the end of December to get me ready and see if I had a good response for a stem cell transplant. 

I had a stem cell transplant in March of 2012, I got a very good partial response for my stem cell transplant, still had a small M-spike, but because of the dialysis and my kidney issues, I decided not to do maintenance therapy, I’m really the only or the standard maintenance therapy was Revlimid, and I know Revlimid can be tough on your kidneys, so I decided after researching it and talking with my doctor not to do maintenance therapy, so I was off of therapy for two years, but my numbers had started to increase. So in April of 2014, when faced with having to go back on something, I asked my doctor if I could do Velcade again because I’d only done it for four cycles, really only about two months’ worth, and he looked into it and said, yeah, so that’s what I did for six years, Velcade as therapy, maintenance therapy, if you want to call it that, but I did it solid three weeks on, one week off for six years, when that started to quit working and I started looking at changing treatment again. I changed to Darzalex Faspro, Revlimid this time at a low dose and Dexamethasone. 

And it has been two years since I started that treatment. I’m now on monthly Darzalex, and I stopped the Revlimid in February because again, lower blood counts and it could be tough on your body, and I stopped the dexamethasone as well, so I’m only on Darzalex once a month, and it seems to be holding. It did finally put me into a zero M spike, complete remission, which I really hadn’t been in 10 years, so that’s a good thing, and I’m still holding my own with that right now, so that’s my story. And I was able to get off of dialysis. I was only on dialysis for two years, and my kidneys recovered just barely enough to stop dialysis and they have slowly improved over the 10 years or over the eight years, and my kidney functions generally around 25% right now. So that’s where I’m at. 

Lisa Hatfield:

Thank you. Well, thanks Sheri. Jim, if you would please introduce yourself and give a little bit about your history and the treatment that you’ve had. 

Jim Bond:

I am James Bond, and I’m the real James Bond, I’m not the movie actor. And my beautiful caregiving wife, Kathleen, if she were here with me, you would believe that I am the real James Bond. But I was diagnosed in 1992, so that was 30 years ago, and I was at stage three with Kappa light chain, like you, Lisa, and I’ve had some treatments during those 30 years, and I can recap those for you. It’s pretty easy. The first 10 years I had three transplants, there were no current day modern drugs for myeloma available, and I was one of the pioneers in the clinic trial that got Velcade approved. In fact, it saved my life when I was told to go to a hospice and I was lucky enough to get in the trial, and that was up in Boston, away from our home, and home run got saved and Velcade got approved, and I’ve really not been in danger with myeloma since then, although I have been in a total of six clinical trials, including Revlimid that you’ve been on Lisa and help that one get approved, but ever since, Velcade my myeloma has not been life threatening.   

Another highlight of the treatments that you asked her to sell is that I did get treatment-related leukemia, and they’re not… Positive why. One of my transplants, I had to have full body radiation as part of the protocol, and I took some other drugs like Melphalan and we all have to take for transplant, but those were leading suspects of what may have caused the treatment-related leukemia. But I was very, very fortunate and they were able to find an unrelated donor, and I haven’t matched my stem cells, and I had a fourth stem cell transplant over a decade ago, and that put the leukemia in remission and where I remained today on both cancers side note to the last allo transplant, my four transplants break down two autos and two allos, but my last allo was from a woman living in Germany and it kind of explained to me why ever since that transplant, I’ve had this urge to go to October Fest. 

More seriously, I’ve had some serious side effects, the most prominent of which is graph vs host disease from the other person cells, which affects my skin, my gut, and surprisingly the surface of my eyes. I had to get special contact lenses that I have to delicately put in, take out every day to return my sight to normal, but it’s worked out really well.   

Lisa Hatfield:

Thank you, Jim. And I’ll just provide a quick reminder that this program is based solely off of our patient experiences and should not be substituted for medical advice, so please see your physician or any qualified healthcare provider if you have any questions about your medical conditions including myeloma. You do have an opportunity to ask questions of the patient panelists at the end of this program. If you use on your zoom, there should be two little buttons one a Q and A function and one a chat box, submit your questions there and are behind the scenes, producer will be watching for those questions, and our patient panelists are available to answer those questions at the end of our program, just that reminder, but with our medical disclaimer.  

So, we’re going to jump right into our questions that we have now for the patient panelists, and Jim, I think I’ll start with you, you already established some of the treatments that you had, but sometimes when I go to our support group meetings for which Sheri leads this group here locally, people will say things like, I really wish I had known this about treatments. Is there any one or two things that you wish you had know looking back now, that you wish you had known going into any particular treatment that you do know now?

James Bond:

Yes, there are a couple that stand out and they’re the subject not only of my book and our talks, but I started doing episodes, four-minute episodes on YouTube, and one of those episodes is on my experience with using steroids, which one or both of you mentioned Dex is one of the components to one of your treatments. So, dexamethasone is the most powerful steroid that I use, and it was required with getting me ready for my first second, third and fourth transplants, and it was also a steroid that was used for a while I did do maintenance before I got leukemia. And the thing I wish I had known about steroids from beginning is after I had a hip or one of my two hips replaced, the hip surgeon told me, Jim, you cancer patients are higher risk for needing to get a hip replaced. Something called avascular necrosis because of the long-term use of steroids that you’re required to do. Well, when I found that out. It’s been 15 years ago. I started challenging my doctor, I said, look, can we try that maintenance that you’ve got me doing, but do it without the prednisone steroid, and he balked at that because that wasn’t the way that they were doing it. 

But I said, how can we work it out? Because I’d really rather not get the other hip replaced, lower my risk, and we agree to something in between, and he said If you’re willing to come in here every six weeks and monitor your blood, that I’d be happy with you staying on no maintenance. So that’s really what I’ve been doing. And I know that earlier on, I probably would stop the prednisone earlier on, there’s nothing I can do about the dex required for getting me ready for the transplant. That was part of my story. But that would have been helpful to know.  

 Lisa Hatfield:

So, one of the questions too that somebody asked me a while back, had been diagnosed for a few years, gone through induction, stem cell transplant, lived in the Boise area, had never seen a specialist. Can a person, if they haven’t seen a specialist from diagnosis or can they seek advice of a specialist anywhere during their myeloma journey?   

Sheri Baker:

Yeah, I think so, for sure. For the first, probably two and a half years, maybe. I didn’t consider seeing a specialist because what I was doing was pretty straightforward, I had standard risk myeloma, and I was a newbie, I was a rookie, and I just kind of went along with what my doctor said to do, and I don’t think I did anything wrong; I don’t think I made a wrong turn; I should have done something different. But the more I started reading and researching, the more I realized that being with someone who deals with just myeloma and a large number of myeloma patients, because like Jim said, everybody’s myeloma is different, so when you see someone who’s dealt with a variety of myeloma cases and can see the differences, it’s helpful, so that’s when I saw… It was probably closer to three years in my journey before I saw a specialist, and then I didn’t have… And I saw that specialist, I saw her for a couple of years, once a year, kind of a thing, and my myeloma was stable. Once my myeloma changed and I wanted to see somebody closer to home, relatively speaking, I changed specialist because it was easier to see and travel to, and again, I knew my myeloma was on the rise again, and I wanted to get a specialist opinion, because there are so many choices of treatment and this was just two years ago. 

And the landscape of myeloma had changed drastically, so I really wanted to see a specialist and find out… Now, what do I do now that I’m making a change? And so, I think anywhere in your journey, if you’ve never seen a specialist, you can certainly see one, and I know as a support group leader, I’m very happy that I have convinced some members of my support group to see a specialist because their myeloma is getting tricky to handle… And they need someone who has seen more cases and has a better idea of where, what they should do at that point. 

Lisa Hatfield:

How did you choose your myeloma specialist? 

Sheri Baker:

It was funny, my husband said, we’re going to go see a specialist, we’re going to see one of the best, so we kind of looked at the top 10 list, we went off of a website that had done a lot of research and ranked enlisted specialists and this specialist at Duke, my son was living in North Carolina and we thought, Well, she’s one of the best. We can visit him and we can go to the specialist, so that’s why we chose to go all the way across country and see a specialist. 

Sheri Baker:

When I changed specialist, one of the reasons was my son had moved back to Idaho, I didn’t need to go to North Carolina anymore, and I had met this specialist in person, really liked him, had a good rapport, my husband met him at a patient conference and really liked him as well, and he said, we should see if we can switch. And see him now because it’s closer, and I just really like him, so that’s how I made my decision there. 

James Bond:

One of the questions on the homework was, so what about access to treatments? And I’d like to say something about that. We had to pull up stakes at the drop of a hat and relocate 600 miles from Cleveland, Ohio to Boston, Mass for this all important turned out to be a Velcade trial and we were able to do that financially. I had a great job, I was still working, great insurance. And my wife and I looked at each other and thought, what about people who don’t have the resources to do this? And my wife is a 40-year volunteer for the American Cancer Society, and she’s become a real leader with them, including the national board of directors. Well, she pointed out that that’s why the American Cancer Society has over 30 hope lodges around the country, where cancer patients and a caregiver stay for free while they’re being treated typically for an out-of-town treatment they can’t get at home. 

And that’s really good information for people to know because even though there’s only 30, there are a lot of cities and states in our country, the American Cancer Society has a relationship with at least one hotel chain where they can help with very inexpensive accommodations while you’re out of town for cancer. So, the American Cancer Society, 24 hours, seven days a week, support line. It’s really some place to look, if you’re having trouble with finances on getting out of town. 

Lisa Hatfield:

Thanks, Jim. And you mentioned something too, I think we’re all on board with our feelings that seeing a specialist is critical on your myeloma journey at some point, however, that requires the financial means to be able to do that, to be able to travel, to pay any co-pays or out-of-pocket expenses that you might accumulate from that, or even when we went down to MD Anderson, I was scheduled to go to appointments for five days, we stayed down there for a month because I had to have an emergency spine surgery. All of those are unexpected expenses, so I just want to say if anyone has questions, as they’re watching this feel free to contact me. I have an email, cure4mm@gmail.com. It’s the number four. I won’t know all the answers, I have a lot of great resources, including Sheri, who leads our support group to help try to find resources for people who are seeking a second opinion or a myeloma specialist. Even if it’s just once during your myeloma journey, please reach out because there are resources out there, whether it’s through the IMF or the LLS, the Leukemia Lymphoma Society, there are resources, it’s critical to seek out the advice of a specialist at least once during your myeloma journey. 

So just wanted to put that out there. And Jim, I do have another question for you. I did read your book, I have it right here. Thank you for doing that is a very easy to read book and it provided a great perspective on because myeloma is incurable, how can we live with this for 30 years, and still live our lives while going through treatment after treatment, and you had great insight and inspiration in your book about that. So, thank you for putting that out there, but it brings up a big question that I had, and I still have… You had talked about the plasmacytoma that had developed on your head and had radiation, and I think it was that point, I have ear marked in the book, one of my big… I’m terrified when I ask a question of a doctor, because I’m afraid it’s going to appear that I’m questioning their expertise, if I disagree with the treatment or if I’m uneasy with the treatment. I have a hard time saying, hey, I think that this might be a better option for me. Well, in your story, you had during this time of this plasmacytoma, you mentioned that you were on a maintenance drug, your doctor, one of your doctors wanted to add a second drug, I believe, to your maintenance regimen, just to make sure that everything was knocked down as much as it could be your abnormal proteins for increasing, you felt you just want to increase the dose of the one drug you were on rather than adding another drug. 

My question for you is, you did approach your position, you had a method of doing it… How did you do that? 

James Bond:

Yes, that was the most contentious I’ve ever been with my myeloma expert, Paul Richardson. He and I and my wife are really good friends, I mean that. We’re talking close friends. So, I was at that point where I was on a little bit of a maintenance drug, I think it was Revlimid and my protein started to go up, and Paul wanted me to add Velcade to it. Well, my strategy is I wanted to hold on to Velcade in case my life was ever in danger because it was one that really saved me when it was, and so I resisted and I said, Paul, let’s just try increasing the dose. And he resisted, and there was a little contentious over the telephone, finally… And here’s the key, we have had a really good relationship with Paul’s oncology nurse, Debbie. Debbie is now retired. Debbie said, Jim, let me talk to you privately. She and I got on the phone primarily without Paul, and she said, Jim, here’s the thing, you’re not going to convince Paul based on the myeloma knowledge, he wins that argument every time because he knows it. She said, what you can make progress on is what you’re comfortable with, and if you come out of it at a standpoint say Paul, I’d be more comfortable trying to increase my dose and give it a month and see how that goes. 

That worked like a charm. And so, it was a study nurse who got involved, saw that she had two people who were kind of dug in and listened to her closely, and that really mitigated what could have been a difficult situation. Here’s the really surprising thing and great thing is then after I had the dose, and he had me do another this and another that to make sure there was no other problems in my body, and when the protein went down at the higher dose, I thought he might be a little bit remissed, dumb luck or not my call worked out. First thing out of his mouth on the phone was Jim, good call. Good for you. So that’s the kind of guy he is. He puts ego aside and he just wants to do the right thing for his patients. Same Doctor called me at 8 O’clock at night. I was having real difficulty with that fourth transplant, the one for leukemia, I was there for 75 straight days, and he called me one Sunday night and assured me I’d make it through. That meant a lot to me at the time and it still does and that did help me get through with the thing. 

So, our relationship with doctors is really important, and you’re right, not to want to rile your relationship with your doctor, but the words I’m more comfortable with go a long way with me and my doctor. 

Lisa Hatfield:

That’s a great piece of advice going in, especially for those of us who don’t want to question the medical expertise to say something like that, I’m more comfortable with this, and then they can consider it, and I think it’s a team effort, it’s a collaboration when you’re dealing with the lifelong disease like myeloma it has to be a collaborative effort. For the best outcome, so that.   

James Bond:

We look at it like you know the science and the biology, and that’s great, but we know 30 years of history and we know our own risk tolerance, and by putting those two together and collaborating, like you said, was… I think we get the best to answer. 

Lisa Hatfield:

Yeah. Great, thank you. So, Sheri, I know that you have gone through… Well, you had dialysis, there are all kinds of treatments that are involved with myeloma, we have radiation, we have surgery, we have chemo, some people have dialysis, stem cell transplant, so focusing on the chemo aspect, because I believe every myeloma patient will have chemo at some point. Some of the questions that come up with that, or what is that like when you go and did you… When you were first diagnosed, were you able to do some of your own prepping to develop questions, and did somebody prep you? Did they provide any education? What should it even look like when you went into the chemo… What did it feel like when you walked in there? I just figured when I went in, it would be people laying in bed getting sick, they’re all going through chemo, and nobody would have any hair, 80% of the people had hair still, so what was it like for you when you first started chemo? What kind of education did you get and what did it feel like just walking into that chemo suite the first time? 

Sheri Baker:

Well, it’s funny because it was almost 11 years ago, and it’s very different than it is now, there was kind of no real walking you around the chemo Suite and what not in my case, I think it’s because I saw my doctor downtown in Boise, but because I live in Meridian, just outside of Boise, I went to the facility that was there because it’s a little closer to home for most of my treatments, but I liked my doctor who was downtown, so I wanted to go there so anyway, I think because I was back and forth between the two, maybe.

But now I know that they have a program with new patients where they walk them around, they show them the chemo suite, they show where you’re going to get your treatments, and so it’s very different from when I first went in 11 years ago. In fact, when I went in, I really didn’t know what… I knew what the name of the treatment was, but I did not know anything else. I didn’t know how it would be administered, nothing. And they had just started in our hospital here locally, they had just… And I think most of the country had just started switching over from Velcade, which was given in the IV form in the beginning for years to the sub-q injection. So, when I sat down to get my first chemo, because I didn’t know any better, the nurse started an IV in my hand, but then somewhere along the lines in my head, I was like, I thought this was going to be a shot, but I just didn’t know what they were doing… And so, I asked her, I said, aren’t I supposed to get this as a shot in my arm at the time, I thought… 

And she’s like, oh my gosh, I am so sorry. And ended up taking the IV out, and to this day, I still tease her about that. But yeah, I feel like I was a little unprepared, I don’t think the hospital necessarily did a good job of preparing in the beginning, I think they have gotten much better about that, but I do always try to… I try to help the hospital from a patient perspective of, you really need to do this when I was a brand-new patient, this is what I would like to have had. I would like someone to have told me about a support group, I would like them to have told me what my treatment was actually going to be like on that first day, and I think they’re getting better about that, but a lot of that is on us as being your own best advocate, you know, like Jim said, you know they know the myeloma stuff, but you know your body, you know yourself, you know what you’re comfortable with, so you have to ask, at some point in my six… Six years of getting Velcade after I relapsed the first, probably two years, I got the shot in the back of my arm because that’s what everybody did, but then I read about it online and… 

Yeah, you can’t trust everything you read online, you have to be careful. But I read that it was… A lot of people were getting it in their belly, that it was originally intended to go in your belly, and I asked about it and they’re like, Well, yeah, we can do that, and now most people I know at the clinic do get it in their belly, so it’s just a matter of educating yourself and asking questions, and don’t hesitate to ask a question, that’s the only way that you will get answers, it’s the only way you learn, and sometimes it helps educate the doctors and nurses around you as well. 

Lisa Hatfield:

Thanks. So do you think of a patient… A new patient is going into chemo, it’s really uncomfortable. Do you think they would be able to ask, hey, can I have a tour of the chemo suite the week before or a day before my treatment begins. Do you think that would be a reasonable question?  

Sheri Baker:

I think it’s definitely a reasonable question, and obviously cancer centers across the country, I have no idea how they do it, but I know ours here locally is getting better about doing that, it’s a process now, before your first treatment, they’ll walk you around and show you everything so you have an idea of what to expect and you’re comfortable or as comfortable as you can be on your first treatment day. 

Lisa Hatfield:

I have one more or two more questions I’m going to have… I wanted to ask really quickly, both of you can respond to this Jim, we’ll start with you, during all of your treatments, have you had any unusual side effects that nobody was able to explain or that you hadn’t heard of prior to starting that treatment?   

James Bond:

Yeah, probably the emotions got away from me at one point, I lost my temper when I shouldn’t have, and I attribute that to everything about that. I don’t know if it’s just steroids or just the treatments or what… But I like to ask questions, I’m not afraid to ask questions. And I read the signals to my family that I needed to do something differently, and I asked my oncologist who had to become really good friends with here in Cleveland and he recommended a professional and I sought his help, and he sat me down and he gave me some really good advice that I still live by. So, you know, that’s something I didn’t expect and I don’t know if I could have prepared for it, but just being flexible in letting your ego leave at the door step and just realize, hey, you need these people’s help to get yourself going, and just accept, in my case, accept that I’m not as young as I used to be for one, 73 is not 43. And there’s certain things I just can’t do anymore. So, you just got to kind of roll with that, so I hope that’s of some value. 

Lisa Hatfield:

So, Sheri, I know you had an unusual side effect because we talked about it, it was to Revlimid, and I remember getting the same side effect early on in my treatment, I was a really, really itchy scalp in the middle of the night, scratching… And the pharmacist actually talked to, didn’t even know about it, so you and I talked about that, that was one of my unusual side effects that a lot of people didn’t know about. Have you had any other unusual side effects that even your providers were a little bit curious why that was going on, and you think it was from the treatment?   

Sheri Baker:

When I was on Velcade, I kept getting styes on my eye like right in my eye lash line, upper or lower. And we think that now that that… I’ve seen a lot of other people comment on Velcade, they have that as well, but at the time, doctors didn’t really seem to know that that was a side effect of the Velcade. I think that’s why it’s so important when you have a little… I shouldn’t say little, any kind of side effect or something that you have and you should ask and you need to report it to your doctor and kind of report it to the pharmaceutical company because if these things are happening with other patients, but nobody tells the pharmaceutical company then they don’t know that’s a side effect of that particular drug, so that’s probably one of the ones that we weren’t sure that and a lot of cramping, hands, feet, my face, that’s what led me to get blood work in the very beginning when I first got diagnosed was an excessive amount of cramping in my legs and feet, but after I started Revlimid, I had a lot of cramping, cramping, like my face would cramp, cramping in my hands, and we lowered my dosage of Revlimid and that did help, but I don’t know how many people get that to the point where I couldn’t even drive the car, my hands cramped up so bad that I had to pull over until the camping stopped because both hands were cramping, so those are probably the more… 

 I don’t know if they’re unusual, I think a lot of people may get them, but not an easy thing to solve, an itchy scalp…That is crazy. That is crazy. I just saw someone who just quit Revlimid and then got the itchy scalp and she asked, has anybody gotten that when they quit the Revlimid because she goes, now that I’ve been off of it, I have a really itchy scalp, like you say, the cancer itself is different in everybody… And then everybody’s side effects are just slightly different, so… 

Lisa Hatfield:

I think you’re right, that’s why I like talking to other patients because these unusual things the doctor does not know what it is, but you talked to somebody else, like I had that same exact thing happen. You’re right, I reiterate what you say let your provider know when you have side effects and maybe even let the pharmacy or a pharmacist at the cancer center now so they can report that accordingly.  

So that’s my last question is one takeaway that both of you have, whether it has to do with the emotional or mental health challenges of having myeloma or just dealing with even more acute things like, oh my gosh, I’ve got a new treatment, how to deal with that emotionally, one take away that each of you has to help my myeloma patients as they go through the treatments with myeloma. Sheri, do you have one thing that you can leave everyone with or talk about the emotional challenges that you have, how you’ve dealt with them?   

Sheri Baker:

You know, I think that I am different than most people in the beginning, it was a devastating diagnosis. When they tell you three to five years, that’s devastating, because then you start… I was only 49 so you start thinking about all the things that you thought you were going to have in your life, watching your kids get married, having grandchildren, retiring together, living out your… traveling, doing all these things you think you’re going to do, and when you get that first diagnosis it just throws everything in the trash can and so the first six months to a year probably, I focused a lot on that, but then you start to adapt and you’re living with it, and it’s not as bad as what you thought it was going to be in the beginning, and it’s a cancer that we will live with the rest of our lives most likely, hopefully 30 years like Jim. I’ve made it almost 11 years, which didn’t think would happen in the beginning, so now… It’s just part of my life, it’s like, I hate the term, that it’s a chronic illness. I don’t like that it is still cancer, it is not just a chronic illness, but yet that is how we live with it every day, like if you have diabetes, you get up and you take your insulin or whatever, you take every day for diabetes, same thing I get up every day, take a whole host of pills, go once a month for a treatment that keeps me going, it’s just a part of my life now, but being a patient advocate has made it a little different where it is always in the forefront of my mind. 

Everywhere I go, everything I do, I think about it from the support group standpoint or for me as a patient standpoint or whatever, but I think I like Jim, I do that maybe I need to not think about it so that I don’t get burned out. But I’m one of those people that has always had a positive attitude about it, and I feel like for me, it’s been easier to deal with than what a lot of other people go through, which is one of the reasons that I’m glad I started the support group to hopefully help people deal with it a little bit better, but yeah, it definitely changes what you thought he… And Jim was young when he was diagnosed, it changes what you think your life… The rest of your life is going to be like… You know, at least that little map you had in your head of how things would go, but I am just… I don’t know, I just deal with it, I think easier than a lot of other people, it’s never been out of my head to say to have a positive attitude, and I know people get sick of that, you got to have it. 

It’s all about the attitude, but that’s just been easy for me and that’s how I’ve always been… My whole life has been on the upbeat side. So, it’s been lucky for me. 

James Bond:

Thank you for being a support group leader, you help many others, they’re closing thought All The you with us. When we have this incurable deadly disease, keep making your long-term plans don’t feel like cancer will get in your way; you have to change a plan so be it. Keep making your plans. Live your life. You can do it. Hang in there. 

Lisa Hatfield:

Thank you so much to both of you for those positive words of wisdom, keep making your plans. The first thing I did when I found it was telling my husband, we have to update our will, so we move forward with our plans for travel and that type of thing. Great advice, and I really appreciate that. So, thank you to both of you so much for your information and for sharing your experience. We’re going to move on now to the Q and A section, so I’ll remind everybody who is watching this to use the little buttons at the bottom of your screen, the Q and A function, the chat function, and our producer will be forwarding those off to our patient panelists. Thank you.  

Well, welcome everybody to our live Q and A session, as you can see, it’s a different day, that was a pre-recorded session, so I’m going to welcome back Jim and Sheri, and they will be on to answer questions. We have a number of questions on the Q and A, we have a number of questions that were submitted via email and during registration, we’ll get through as many of those as we can, I just want to send a reminder to everybody that we are not…   

Your healthcare providers, we’re just strictly speaking from our own experiences, patients, we encourage you to talk to our healthcare team, and even if you get one little piece of information from this program and you’d like to take that back to your doctor… I’m sure they would be willing to talk with you about that. So please remember that as you’re asking questions to questions a little bit more general, and to understand that we can’t answer medical questions directly, but we will speak with our own experiences to your questions. I’m going to jump right in, and one of the questions that was submitted during registration will start with that, this point will be for sharing, and again, she can’t necessarily speak to the efficacy of treatment, but she can speak to come experience. So, the question is what other effective treatments are there for those in multiple myeloma remission, besides Revlimid. If you could just review again, you were on Revlimid for maintenance therapy. I assume this person is referring to maintenance therapy. What other medications have you been on? And again, she’s not endorsing these medications. She’s just strictly maybe giving you some ideas to talk to your doctor about. So, Sheri? 

Sheri Baker:

Yeah, in the beginning, when I decided to start treatment again, because I didn’t do maintenance right after my stem cell transplant, but when I decided to start treatment or needed to start treatment again, I was on Velcade. My husband always called it being on treatment, not maintenance, because it was three weeks on one week off, and I did that for six years, so that along with dexamethasone for probably two of those six years. That is a treatment option, and it’s typically an upfront treatment option for people, and it can be… I know quite a lot of people who are on Velcade as a maintenance program, there’s obviously Revlimid. And I’m on Darzalex now, which again was given when my cancer markers and numbers, my M spike was increasing and I needed to change treatment, so I was given Darzalex, Revlimid, and Dex, and I’m still on Darzalex now as by itself, if the Revlimid had not lowered my blood count, so drastically and they weren’t bouncing back on my weeks off, I would have still been on Darzalex and Revlimid as maintenance, but now I’m just on Darzalex maintenance. So, those are some options that I’ve had experience with. 

Lisa Hatfield:

And that’s great to hear because I know that kind of the go to for maintenance is Revlimid. That’s what I’ve always been on, so I don’t have experience with anything else, and as long as you were talking, Sheri there was a question that you were going to answer live about what you would do differently if you were diagnosed, could you answer that question for the audience, please?  

Sheri Baker:

Yeah, you know, years ago, before I was on Revlimid, in my head, I said If I had it to do differently, again, I do two things, one, I would have consulted with a specialist right from the very beginning, and through that, I probably would have gone ahead and gone on Revlimid maintenance after my stem cell transplant, even though I was on dialysis, because a couple of years later, speaking to a specialist, she said Revlimid can be dosed accurately to not totally affect your kidneys. So, looking back, I would have seen a specialist and I probably would have done some sort of maintenance therapy right after to give me a longer time before changing treatments. But now that I’ve had 18 months of experience with Revlimid and the way it was for me, by lowering my blood count so badly, I think now that I’m okay that I didn’t do any maintenance for two years, so that’s kind of a tough choice, but I would definitely have seen a specialist right from the get go. 

Okay, that’s good advice. Jim, how about you? Is there any piece of advice, if something you might do differently if you were diagnosed today? 

James Bond:

Very little. We try not to look back, we try to stay in the moment as best we can. I think all cancer patients, including me when into it with the idea that the doctor and nurses, they really had all the answers, we really should follow everything they say, but as I got more and more experience along with my wife… I guess looking back, maybe I could have spoken up earlier. For example, I haven’t done maintenance in 10 years, and that’s not the preference of my doctors, that’s my preference, and I’m willing to go ahead and get my blood checked every six weeks as something to make us kind of reconcile with the two views, but they’re just human beings like the rest of us, and I think just opening up and becoming… Developing a good relationship early is really helpful and it worked out, but maybe focusing on that more at the front would’ve helped.  

Lisa Hatfield:

Well, thank you for that. So, we do have a lot of questions about side effects and how to deal with those. I wanted to make a comment, we did have a question that came in via email, are red blotches on arms and legs and the chronic post side effects of Revlimid 5 milligrams taken while in remission. And just to answer this a little more generally, I think that your doctor may tell you, I told me that any medication can cause almost any effect that it’s hard to know which effects come with which medication. From my own experience, I did develop red blotches on my arms and on my hands, and they actually got swollen, and I did look at their website, it’s Bristol Myers Squib now formerly Celgene that manufactures Revlimid. That is a common side effect, both the rash and also the chronic cough, something you should definitely talk to your doctor about though, it’s always nice to kind of see those images… I actually was going to print a picture of what the rash looks like on my back, I also got it on my back, but I wasn’t sure my producer who’s also my boss would be super thrilled with me putting that you know on a live program.  

I know from my experience; my doctors did say that that rash on my arms and on my back and on my torso was caused by Revlimid. And when it comes to side effects, another comment I’m going to make about clinical trials is when clinical trials are done, they’re looking at the maximum tolerable dose of a medication not the minimum effective dose. So, for anybody who’s experiencing side effects, it might be helpful to ask your doctor if there is a lower dose that you can take of that medication and see how it goes, and we’re not saying that’s the best idea for you, but working as a team with your doctor, he or she may have an idea of how to reduce to that dose to see if the side effects can also be reduced with that. So, I’m going to move on to another question about, have either of you had different experiences with foods or supplements? I see that Sheri said that she does use… I don’t know how to say it, Curcumin. I don’t know if that helps. I don’t know if there’s any… There’s a study being done on that right now at clinicaltrials.gov.  

If you look it up and you can just search for that. Jim or Sheri, have you found any… Have you used any foods or heard from your providers that certain foods may help with not only the cancer, but also with side effects? Jim, do you want to start with that one?  

James Bond:

Sure. One point during one of the drugs I was taking, I also developed cramps, my cramps would be at night in my legs, and I was trying to sleep, and when I brought that up to my nurse and doctor… My nurse said, Jim, this doesn’t work for everybody. It might not work for you, but if you try just having a little bottle of tonic water next to your bed, the quinine that’s in tonic water, if it’s okay with your system, that may help and… It really did help. And so, for a long time while I was taking it, whatever drug it was, I’d take a few steps of tonic water and it made the cramps go away, so that was… That was one. I’m not sure I could think of another one. Why don’t you go ahead, Sheri.    

Sheri Baker: 

Yeah well, pickle juice is another thing, talking about foods or things that may help with the cramping, but I know that there are certain drugs when you’re on them, certain treatments when you’re on them that you maybe should avoid… I think Velcade is one, you shouldn’t be drinking green tea or grapefruit, it supposedly lessens the efficacy of the drug. Asparagus is another one, but those are all things that I would just maybe eat in moderation. Having kidney issues, I’ve always had to watch what I eat in relation to dairy products, and anything that has phosphorus in it, nuts are high in phosphorus and all dairy most dairy is high in phosphorus, so my kidneys don’t process it well because of the reduced function. But as far as the actual myeloma, any foods, obviously a Mediterranean diet, Whole Foods, anything like that’s better for any of us cancer or not, but in particular with the myeloma… No, I don’t know. Anything that’s said, eat this and you’re going to do better or don’t eat this because it will make your cancer worse.  

Lisa Hatfield:

And one thing I would comment on too is if your cancer center has an Integrative Medicine department, that might be a great place to go visit to ask them that question too, and I know they have other therapies like massage and acupuncture. 

We had a nutritionist or dietician for a while, I’m not sure if she is still there, I know they have one in the cancer center itself, so that might be a place to go and look into that too. Moving on to another question that’s a little bit different, is there’s somebody who’s asking online about wanting to know a couple of people have asked about a cure, if there’s an algorithm for a cure. And I probably will ask Sheri that question in a moment because I’m not certain yet. I’ve heard some things from different webinars, but there was another question on that same one,  is it possible to have bone marrow transplant or CAR T, I’m kind of skimming along here for storage stem cells over two years or five years or ten years longer? I think that that person is asking, can those stem cells be used? I’m guessing that… I do know from my specialist, she said that she has used stored them cells thirteen years after they were collected and they were found to be viable and it was a successful stem cell transplant, so that would be something else to ask your doctor is if you have had those stem cells collected stored, how long are they viable for and are they useful if you need a time company that they can best be viability.  

Sheri Baker:

I don’t think those can be used for CAR T though, because those are… Those are different cells. They’re harvesting T-cells versus stem cells.  

Lisa Hatfield:

Yes, you’re right. So, thanks for that clarification, Sheri. Yes, they may be used for stem cell therapy or even for… I think there’s something called stem cell boosting, if somebody needs to have their stem cells boosted or transplanted. Again, something to talk to your doctor about, which should be great. This is a really quick question; I think it’s a solid… I don’t know the answer to that. I don’t know if either of you do, but can a myeloma patient be an organ donor? Do you know that either one of you?   

Sheri Baker:

I don’t think so, especially because myeloma being a blood cancer and it’s systemic running through our body, I think even if you were at MRD negative, I would not think… And I don’t know 100%, but I would think you’re not eligible. 

James Bond:

I don’t even like the mosquitoes to bite me. 

Lisa Hatfield:

Jim, when I was on Revlimid, I had three years, no mosquito bites, I think they knew not to bite me, so I’ve been off of it now for a couple of months and I have gotten eaten alive by mosquitoes just saying, maybe they know something too.  

James Bond:

Maybe, they do.   

Lisa Hatfield:

Go ahead, Jim.  

James Bond:

Well, in terms of supplements, checking with your medical team is vital, no matter what it is, wherever I mentioned about tonic water, check with your doctor first because I was amazed when I had a cold years ago, and I probably reported to my doctor is through cold medication I was taking… And he said, Jim, don’t do that without asking me that contains zinc, and zinc is bad for your kidneys, and my kidneys are okay, but they’re not great, and so that was a good lesson in things. Even if it sounds faint, it could not be hurtful. It’s wise for us blood cancer patients to check with our medical team first. 

Lisa Hatfield:

Sure, yeah, good idea, Jim, thanks for that. Sheri, there are a couple of questions that have come in via email during registration, and now I see one that’s on the chat. If people don’t have a local support group or group to go to, what are some options for them to find a virtual group or to find a group to attend?  

Sheri Baker:

Yeah, so I’m involved with the International Myeloma Foundation and our support group who prior to covid was meeting in person, but we’re now meeting virtually, sometimes maybe a hybrid where some of us are in person and some are virtual. So, if you go to myeloma.org, you can look up support groups, and you can find support groups that are meeting virtually. I mean it’ll take you to their different websites, which will tell you whether they’re meeting virtually or in person still, and so you can join those from anywhere, you just send an email to that support group leader and tell them you’d like to join their next meeting, and they can send you the link. Also, Health Tree Foundation has all virtual support groups, and they are done geographically, they’re also done whether you’re smoldering myeloma or MGUS, different people who are on different types of treatments, so they have virtual support groups based on the Mountain West, Southern California, several in Florida. 

People who have patients with young children, they both, International Myeloma Foundation and Health Tree have Spanish-speaking support groups, so there’s a lot of options out there for virtual support groups and you can join from anywhere in the country.  

Lisa Hatfield:

Thank you. Okay, that’s great advice on that, trying to skim through some of these questions also, so there were a couple of questions also, that came up regarding using novel therapies and not going down the stem cell transplant. So autologous stem cell transplant, Jim has had an allergenic transplant, which is not very common anymore, the stem cell transplants have been the standard of care, I also opted to delay mine. There was just at the most recent ASCO, Dr. Paul Richardson, who Jim knows from Dana Farber, completed the determination trial, which had two arms to it, and I’ll just go briefly through this because we’ve had several questions with two arms, one was BRD plus stem cell transplants plus Revlimid maintenance until progression. The other arm was VRD, I can’t remember now if there’s consolidation therapy, I don’t know if you know that Sheri, but no stem cell transplant, Revlimid maintenance until progression. Basically, the findings on that were really interesting, they found that progression-free survival increased for those patients was great for those patients who did have the stem cell transplant, however, that did not translate to overall survival benefits. 

The one caveat to that was for patients who reached MRD negativity after induction, they saw the same progression-free survival, it was similar for both the transplant and the non-transplant arm. It’s a really interesting study. Dr. Richardson explains it really well, I just listened to Sheri had mentioned Health Tree, so if you go to Health Tree’s website and look up, I think it’s called myeloma radio or something. Jenny Ahlstrom from Health Tree did an interview with Dr. Richardson about this determination trial, really interesting. For those of you interested in hearing more about stem cell transplant versus no, stem cell transplant., that would be something I would recommend. We’ve several questions about that. Okay, so we’ve got just a few more minutes left. We’re going to save these questions and we can reach out to you via email if you provided an email address, I do want to look up the organ donor question and might try to post that somewhere because I’m curious about that myself. We’ve got a few, too many questions to answer.  

Sheri Baker:

Lisa, can I say something real fast? There was at least one question about African-Americans. I would like to say that both International Myeloma Foundation, which is at myeloma.org they have a program called M-Power, they’ve done presentations, you can find those on myeloma.org about myeloma related to the African-American community, and also health tree also has another…  

They also have an initiative, again, specifically for black Americans, well, just African-Americans in general, no matter where we live in the world related to myeloma, and so my advice would be, go look at those and definitely, just like you do, Lisa and Jim and I both do you have to be an advocate for yourself. You have to be your own best advocate when it comes to your cancer, no matter what your ethnicity or nationality is, and so the best thing you can do is speak out, but in particular for that subset of myeloma patients, go look at those websites for more information.  

Lisa Hatfield:

Great, thanks Sheri. Jim, there were a couple of questions that came up for you, and I will mention that your book is called The Man in the Arena. it Could be ordered via Amazon. There’s a link that I think was put in the chat or in the Q and A, but one of the questions, I think it’s relevant because this does come up with some patients been treated for myeloma, the question is if you get… What types of leukemia did you get? What was your second cancer that you developed? Somebody’s asking if that was MDS? 

James Bond:

Well, it started out as MDS, and the progression from MDS to the type of leukemia, it was AML leukemia. The progression from MDS to AML is detailed in the book, I would like to make sure you understand the profits from the book go to cancer charities, so the book was only written to try to give some people some out there. 

Lisa Hatfield:

Yeah, alright, thank you, Jim. And I know there is some concern when people go on these therapies something, they need to talk to their doctor or they’re specialists about what are the short-term side effects of every medication, and also ask what are the potential long-term side effects? That’s something that I’ve always been cognizant of. and a little bit worried about, so something to not only ask the question about, but to keep an eye on too. So I just want to comment too, I’ve had a couple of people ask about chemo brain, the brain fog, the kind of fatigue and one person mentioned clumsy feelings, so when it comes to chemo brain, I have found… We can mention that to our providers and the nurses, and that it’s just something you’re going to have… But that’s hard to hear that what I have found is that when I talk to other patients, when I go to the support groups, when I have met patients like we’re doing here, and hear their stories, it almost makes me feel like I’m not alone, so when people are going through that. And there’s one person here who I saw comment on other myeloma patients who seem to know exactly what I’m describing. 

That is one of the benefits of connecting through these webinars and through some of the support groups, is we kind of understand each other, it helps us understand or support each other because we understand each other.  

James Bond:

One of my doctors gave me great advice in that regard, he said to me, Jim, you have to remember you’re older now than you used to be. So, guys, it’s not all cancer.  

Lisa Hatfield:

That’s true, that is true. So I’m going to put my email address here; this is super unprofessional and my engineer husband would be dismayed because I’m not very text-savvy. This is my email address, cure4mm@gmail.com It’s probably backwards too… Sorry about that. I put that out there, just so that if you do have questions, you could email me. I may not have the answer an oftentimes don’t have the answer, but I usually call Sheri if I don’t because she can find the resources.  Please feel free to email me directly if we have your email address. Like I said, we will get back to you on your email if you have questions, I think we’re going to have to close up this Q and A, I have so many more questions I’d like to answer. It sounds like a lot of people have the cramps, different side effects, how they deal with that, is that common? We’re going to close this up for now, we are hoping to have another one of these programs in about two months. Jim and Sheri, thank you so much for sharing your stories and your experience. 

For all of you at home, thank you for joining us, I love hearing stories of other people, that’s why I do this, I love to hear their experience, I hope that even if they’re just like I said before, one little piece of information that somebody can take from this, and ask their doctor about which we want you to do… Please do so we all have a hope for a cure. I wanted to talk about an algorithm for a cure Sheri I said that… I don’t know if there actually is. Everybody is different. There’s nothing definitive that I’ve heard Doctors say, well, if you’re 10 years out without treatments one, Doctor said Well I would call that a cure, so it just depends on who you’re talking to. I have high hopes for a cure and I hope it’s soon for all of us patients dealing with this, so thank you again. Thank you for joining us from home. We really appreciate you taking time out of your day. Have a great afternoon.  

Thriving With CLL: Your Role in Managing Your Care

Thriving with CLL: Your Role in Managing Your Care from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

 How can patients thrive with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)? Dr. Jean Koff discusses CLL treatments approaches, strategies for managing disease symptoms and treatment side effects, and shares advice on how patients can be proactive in their care.

Dr. Jean Koff is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Hematology and Oncology at Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University. Learn more about Dr. Koff, here.

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Related Resources:

Setting CLL Treatment Goals WITH Your Team

Expert Advice for CLL Self-Advocacy

Expert Advice for CLL Self-Advocacy

CLL Treatment Approaches: What Are the Types?


Katherine Banwell:  

Hello, and welcome. I’m Katherine Banwell, your host for today’s program. Today we’re going to discuss what it means to thrive with CLL. And how you can play an active role in your care. Before we meet our guest, let’s review a few important details. The reminder email you received about this program contains a link to program materials. If you haven’t already, click that link to access information to follow along during the webinar. At the end of this webinar, you’ll receive a link to a program survey. Please take a moment to provide feedback about your experience today, in order to help us plan future webinars.  

And finally, before we get into the discussion, please remember that this program is not a substitute for seeking medical advice. Please speak to your healthcare team about what might be best for you. Well, let’s meet our guest today. Joining me is Dr. Jean Koff. Dr. Koff, welcome! Would you please introduce yourself? 

Dr. Jean Koff:

Hi, I’m Jean Koff. I’m a lymphoma and CLL specialist from Emory University and it’s a pleasure to be with you here today. 

Katherine Banwell:

Thank you for taking the time to join us. We start all of our webinar in our CLL Thrive series with the same question. In your experience, what does it mean to thrive with CLL? 

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, I think thriving with CLL means that a patient is informed about their disease, they are comfortable with the physician who’s helping them navigate their disease and their management plan. And their management plan, whatever that might be, is really allowing them to focus on their life outside of CLL. So, keeping their symptoms to the absolute minimum, their physician keeping them informed about their disease progress, or lack thereof, in terms of keeping the disease at bay so they can focus on all of those things that bring them enjoyment outside of the CLL world. 

Katherine Banwell:

That’s great. Thank you for your perspective. One part of thriving  with CLL is managing the symptoms of the disease. What are the common symptoms of CLL? 

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, one thing that I see with nearly all of my CLL patients, regardless of where they are in the CLL journey, and regardless of whether they need active medications to manage their CLL, is some degree of fatigue. And this can range from just mild fatigue that patients notice that they need a little bit of a breather in the middle of the day, to needing more sleep at night, to not being able to exercise as much as they’re used to. And that is by far one of the most common symptoms we see. Again, whether or not their disease needs medication to manage it. The classic symptoms of CLL that often let us know that it’s time to start medical management, are not just this fatigue. But the classic symptoms are B symptoms. And we describe those as fevers, night sweats, and unintentional weight loss. Those are very common. And then some patients with CLL will also have what we call palpable lymphadenopathy, which is our term for lymph nodes that are enlarged that you can feel. And the most common places to feel these on the body are on the neck, under the arms, and in the groin.  

Katherine Banwell:

Okay. How are symptoms treated? 

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, if your symptoms progress to the point that your doctor thinks you need medication – they’re becoming disruptive to your life, or they are getting worse and worse over time, then there are a variety of medications that we can use in CLL. And this is actually a very exciting field. Right now, the state of the field is that most patients who are starting on their first treatment for CLL will use some sort of oral medication, and that may be accompanied by an IV – what we call monoclonal antibody, or it may not. But one thing that has really changed even since I very first started practicing, is that we no longer commonly use what I would call conventional chemotherapy to treat CLL. Even though this was the standard of care just a few years ago. 

Katherine Banwell:

Wow. So, a lot has changed. 

Dr. Jean Koff:

Yes, definitely. 

Katherine Banwell:

Why is it so important for patients with CLL to speak up and communicate with their healthcare team about some of their symptoms? 

Dr. Jean Koff:

Well, for starters we want you to feel better. That’s our number one job as – as physicians, is we want to get you to feeling to – to where you are feeling like your best self. CLL or not. So, we want to make you feel better. But in CLL your symptoms are actually one of the criteria we consider when we’re thinking about whether or not we need to start a new therapy, or if you’re somebody who’s already on therapy, whether we need to change your therapy. So, it’s actually very important and your CLL doctor should be checking in with you regularly to see if you have new or worsening symptoms that might be due to your CLL.  

Katherine Banwell:

Mm-hmm. It sounds like treatment of the disease is key to controlling your symptoms. So, let’s talk about treatment. Many patients are overwhelmed by the different types and classes of treatment. When is it time to treat CLL, and what are the options?  

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, I boil down the criteria to when you need to treat your CLL to two main categories. One category is that the disease is progressing quickly, and the other category is the disease is causing problems of some kind, or getting ready to cause problems of some kind. Those are some of the broad categories that we think about when it’s time to start treatment for CLL. Now, this – the groups that research CLL have put out various criteria that help guide physicians about when it’s time to start treatment and some of those more specific criteria include items like symptoms. So, symptoms are a very important part of that decision-making process.  

And the same symptoms that we mentioned, the B symptoms, fevers, chills, night sweats, weight loss that’s unintentional, or lymph nodes that you can feel, those would potentially be reasons that your doctor would want to start you on CLL therapy. But the CLL can cause issues even in a patient who’s not necessarily having symptoms. So, one of the most common ways that CLL can cause issues is the CLL cells can cause your other blood cells, the normal blood cells, to be low in number. There are several ways the CLL cells can do this. One of the most common ways is that the CLL cells which are often circulating through your bloodstream can also collect or overrun your bone marrow.   

And if you think about it, the bone marrow is the factory that makes all of your blood cells. So, when there are too many CLL cells in the bone marrow, they can crowd out the normal blood cells, like red blood cells or platelets. So, when red blood cells or platelets get low beneath certain thresholds, that’s a reason to start CLL therapy. 

Katherine Banwell:


Dr. Jean Koff:

So, there are a couple other criteria that we think about. CLL cells can collect in other areas, including the spleen. So – and if you remember, the spleen is a lymphoid organ that sits on the left side of your body that is right below the stomach. And so, if CLL cells collect in the spleen, they can cause it to be too big, it can press on the stomach, it can make it so you feel full, even if you haven’t eaten a full meal, that’s something we call early satiety. It can be uncomfortable, causing some abdominal pain. And if the spleen gets really, really big, it can cause it to not be able to do its normal job, which is to filter out the normal blood cells like it does every day. And so, that would be a reason to start therapy as well. And then the last – the last category I would think about is in CLL we have lots of – of CLL cells that are circulating in the blood that we can check with a routine blood count. And the absolute number of CLL cells is not as important as how fast that number is growing. So, your physician will track how fast that number of CLL cells is doubling.  

And if you meet criteria for what we call rapid doubling time, which is usually thought of as less than 12 months but certainly less than six months. So, if your count goes from 30,000 to 60,000 in under six months, then it may be time for you to start thinking about therapy. 

Katherine Banwell:

Right. So, Dr. Koff, would you briefly review the treatment classes? 

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, for first-line treatment, we have two main treatment classes that we think about at this time. The first is – is called BTK inhibitors which is Bruton tyrosine kinase inhibitors. And these are oral medications, so medications that you take by mouth, and the most well-studied of these is called ibrutinib, we typically prescribe ibrutinib by itself. There are other BTK inhibitors we are also now using in this space, one of them is called acalabrutinib and that is often given with an IV monoclonal antibody called Obinutuzumab.   

The other main class of drugs that we consider for first-line treatment of CLL is the BCL-2 Inhibitors. Right now there’s only one BCL-2 Inhibitor that’s approved for CLL and front-line and it’s called venetoclax. Usually, this drug is also given in the front-line with an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody. So, the venetoclax itself is a pill you take. And the monoclonal antibody is an – either an IV or a subcutaneous injection.  

Katherine Banwell:

Where do clinical trials fit into CLL treatment? 

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, clinical trials are part of the reason, a big part of the reason that we’ve been able to make so much progress in how we treat CLL over the past few years. Clinical trials are how we figure out what treatments work for CLL, how patients feel on them, what sort of adverse events or side effects they have on individual treatments, and which treatments do better for keeping CLL symptoms under control, keeping the disease under control, and allowing patients to live longer and have a higher quality of life with their disease.  

Katherine Banwell:

Are there any other options available for CLL patients? 

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, there are other options. A clinical trial, if that is available to you as a patient is nearly always a good thing to consider if you have CLL. Because the vast majority of patients will not be cured by CL – by their treatment for CLL. Meaning that the – even though the treatments we have usually work for a very long time in most patients, ultimately the CLL will at some point, perhaps years down the road, progress and need another therapy. For that reason, we know we can do better. And we are hoping that the next clinical trial is going to lead to the discovery of a new agent or a new combinations – new combinations of agents that will allow patients to live longer with a better quality of life with CLL.   

Katherine Banwell:


Dr. Jean Koff:

So, that’s always a good option to consider. 

Katherine Banwell:

Mm-hmm. What are the common side effects of treatments, and how are they managed? 

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, each of the different classes of agents has a different profile of side effects. The BTK inhibitors, the first class that I mentioned with ibrutinib and acalabrutinib, are usually very well tolerated. The most common side effects that we tend to see are things that the patients can feel or see, but also things that we can see on the labs when we’re monitoring patients. So, sometimes you can see a lower platelet counts or lower cell counts with ibrutinib. That’s something that you may not notice, but your doctor’s going to notice on the – the blood counts when you come to the office. Sometimes ibrutinib can cause a rash or GI upset, this is usually easily managed with supportive care from your physician.  

And then some more – some more common effects of the BTK inhibitors include joint pain and headache. And again, many physicians, because we’ve been using BTK inhibitors for a long time, have a good regimen for treating these side effects. More uncommon side effects of BTK inhibitors, particularly ibrutinib that we look out for would be abnormal heart rhythms and some tendency for bleeding. But these are relatively uncommon and with newer BTK inhibitors, we’re seeing lower rates of these side effects.  

So, in terms of venetoclax side effects we have a little bit of a different profile. This agent is much more likely to cause lower cell counts, especially in a white blood cell count known as neutrophil count, and so your doctor will be monitoring you for that. In terms of patient side effects that you can feel, it can cause a rash, it can cause some GI upset. These are usually relatively easily managed but we want you as the patient if you’re on venetoclax to talk to your doctor about these side effects so that they can help you feel better and help you manage those. In terms of the anti-CV20 monoclonal antibodies, which we use a couple in CLL more frequently, they have very similar side effect profiles.   

So, one is rituximab, and one is obinutuzumab. Obinutuzumab is usually used in combination with venetoclax in front-line CLL.  

Like I mentioned before, this is an infusion and most of the side effects that we think about and most commonly see in these anti-CV20s are side effects that patients have during the infusion. And these are referred to as infusion reaction. And these are relatively common, around 30 percent in these anti-CV20 monoclonal antibodies. So, what is an infusion center react – er sorry, what does an infusion reaction look like? This looks sort of like an allergic reaction.  

Katherine Banwell:


Dr. Jean Koff:

So, your nurses in the infusion center are going to be monitoring you very carefully once you start the infusion, and they’re going to start it at a low dose, very slowly. But the side effects they’re monitoring for, they’re looking for changes in your heart rate or blood pressure. You may start to feel hot or cold or sweaty, you may have chills. Sometimes patients can have swelling in their throat or their tongue. And what will happen is because these are fairly common, is we’re still able to give the anti-CV20, but what we do is the nurse will stop the infusion, they may give you some medications that calm down that infusion reaction. So, medications 

 like antihistamines –  

Katherine Banwell:


Dr. Jean Koff:

Or steroids that help tamp down that immune response, and then they start the anti-CV20 infusion at a lower rate. The vast majority of patients will be able to receive an anti-CV20 antibody even if they have an infusion reaction. They may just need a little bit more of those immune-tamping down medications like antihistamines and steroids. And then the last thing to consider, which I think we’ve mentioned, especially in the venetoclax-containing regimens, is the Tumor lysis syndrome. And so, that is a side effect like we mentioned is kind of like the venetoclax working really, really, really well, of the tumor breaking down too quickly.  

And so, patients who have Tumor lysis, if they’re at high-risk, hopefully they’re already being monitored very closely with frequent lab draws, and they may receive medications that – that diminish the risk of adverse events happening because your electrolytes are out balance, for instance, your potassium is too high, or your calcium is too low. Because your doctors are monitoring you closely, they can give you medications that can help balance out those – those electrolytes and help protect the kidneys. The Tumor lysis is typically not a risk after the initial doses of venetoclax.  

So, the first couple weeks is when we typically monitor that, and then once the CLL has been broken down, or as I like to say, once it’s been cooled off a little bit, then you no longer have this risk of Tumor lysis and it – it doesn’t require further monitoring.  

Katherine Banwell:

That’s great information, thank you. What is the patient’s role in deciding on a treatment plan? 

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, it’s very important that the patient be involved in deciding on a treatment plan. Especially in first-line. Because we have these two excellent classes of agents, the BTK inhibitors and the venetoclax- containing regimens. Both of them have been shown to have very good what we call efficacy in CLL, meaning that they’re able to control the disease, patient’s symptoms largely at bay for long periods of time. You know, we’re talking an average of years that – that patients are on these therapies. And they each, like I said have different side effect profiles.  

And they’re given in slightly different ways. And so, right now we don’t have data from our clinical trials comparing a BTK inhibitor regimen to a venetoclax-containing regimen in CLL patients to tell us one is better than the other. And so, for that reason, a lot of the decision-making about which therapy is going to be better for you, or which therapy you would prefer, lies with the CLL patient rather than with the doctor. And the things that I ask my patients to consider, there are a couple different things. One is the side effect profile. So, patients may be more or less comfortable with certain side effects of one drug compared to another. Or there may be something in the patient’s medical history that puts them more at risk for a certain side effect than another. 

The other major player in this decision-making process is how these drugs are given. So, with ibrutinib, the ibrutinib is given as a pill that you take once a day, and you take it indefinitely. Meaning you take that pill once a day for as long as it’s doing what it’s supposed to do, which is keeping your CLL under control, and as long as the patient is tolerating it well. Meaning you’re not having a lot of uncomfortable side effects from the ibrutinib. So, I have patients who have been on ibrutinib for years and years and years and years.  

The venetoclax-containing regimen for patients who are getting their first-line treatment in CLL is different. It is designed as a – what we call time-limited therapy. And so, this regimen is given in – over about 12 months, 12 or 13 months, and then stopped. As long as the patient has had a good response. The other thing to consider with the venetoclax regimen, it’s not just the pill. You do take a pill every day, but you also get a – an infusion for about six months of the monoclonal antibody. Meaning that you’ll have to come into the infusion center and get an infu – an IV infusion of this drug called Obinutuzumab. The last consideration with the venetoclax regimen that differs in how it’s administered, is the venetoclax often works so well that it can break down the CLL cells a little bit too quickly.  

And so, for patients who have a very, very high white count, or large lymph nodes due to their CLL, there is a risk of something we call Tumor lysis syndrome, which refers to the process where the tumor cells break down very, very quickly, and they produce molecules that are released into the bloodstream that can be dangerous if they get too high or too low. And so, sometimes, in some patients we have to monitor for the Tumor lysis syndrome by checking labs fairly frequently after we start the venetoclax. And for some patients that means they have to stay overnight for a night or two in the hospital for lab monitoring.  

So, for some of my patients that I talk to about venetoclax, they say I want to stay out of the hospital, I just want to take a pill, I’m fine taking a pill, I’ll go with the BTK inhibitors. For other patients, they say I don’t want to be on a pill every single day, I will go through this year of therapy, I’m comfortable with that, and I’m happy that I’ll be able to take a break from therapy after one year. So, that ends up being a large factor in many of the conversations I have with my patients about which therapeutic approach we’re going to use in front-line therapy. 

Katherine Banwell:

Hm. Dr. Koff, we received a patient question prior to the program. If I’ve had FCR for my first treatment, does that prevent me from having – or having to take an oral drug later on? 

Dr. Jean Koff:

Absolutely not. So, the very first clinical trials that we did studying these regiments, especially the BTK inhibitors, were performed in patients who had received conventional chemotherapy like FCR. And what we saw is that patients who had received conventional chemotherapies and had – and needed retreatment of their CLL responded very, very well to agents like ibrutinib. And ibrutinib was able to control their disease, control their CLL, without them needing additional therapy for a long time. And that was actually the original indication for ibrutinib, was patients who had what we call relapsed CLL, often after these conventional therapies.   

Katherine Banwell:

Hm. Let’s turn to medication management. Excuse me. With oral medications available to treat CLL, patients now have the role of self-administering with their treatment program. How does this work exactly? 

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, just as you would receive a prescription from one of your doctors to manage your high blood pressure with a bottle of pills, you would also receive a special prescription from the doctor who is managing your CLL, a prescription for one of these oral agents. Either the BTK inhibitors or a venetoclax. And you would be – you would have the instructions on the pill bottle, just as you would you know another prescription and you would take the medication by mouth, every day, as instructed. 

Katherine Banwell:

Okay. What happens if a patient forgets to take their medication? Does it impact efficacy? 

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, forgetting a dose for one day, or having to skip a dose for another reason, or even a few days, shouldn’t have a major impact on controlling the CLL. And that’s true for two reasons. One, you’re going to start taking your medication again, you know fairly soon after you miss that dose. The next day. Or – or in a few days. But also, the – what we call the half-lives of these drugs are relatively long, and so you have some activity of the drug in your system in its ability to control the CLL, even though you haven’t taken the dose that you missed that day. In fact, sometimes we have to hold CLL medications.   

Maybe you’re getting a procedure, some sort of surgical procedure, and you might be at an increased risk of bleeding just in the day or two before and after that surgical procedure, so we would actually recommend that you hold a BTK inhibitor, if that was what you were receiving for your CLL, and then resume it once your risk of bleed had gone down a few days after the surgery.  

Katherine Banwell:


Dr. Jean Koff:

We do recommend that if you are going to miss a dose of your medication that you let your clinical team know, just so they can instruct you on how to resume your dose if you haven’t already gotten instructions from them about that. 

Katherine Banwell:

Okay. That’s really helpful information. What strategies are there to keep on schedule and remember to take the medication on time and regularly?  

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, I think these strategies are good whether you have CLL or some other type of disorder that you’re taking medication for. My patients often use labeled pill boxes with days of the week and a.m. and p.m., so that you know whether you took your pill that day and what time of day you took it. And so, setting that out for the week can be very helpful in organizing and making sure that you can check back and remind yourself whether or not you took your pill. 

Katherine Banwell:

How are patients monitored during treatment? 

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, your doctor is going to monitor you more closely when you first start a medication. So, I typically monitor my patients within one or two weeks of them starting an oral drug. One to make sure that they’re feeling okay on it, that they’re not having any side effects when they first start, but also to check lab values and make sure that the – the oral medication isn’t causing any problems with their blood counts or with other labs. Then, once we’ve established that they’re doing well on the medication, maybe they’ve come in every couple weeks for a month or six weeks, we start to space out those visits.  

I usually see my patients who are on active therapy about every three to six months to check and see whether they’re feeling okay, whether they’re having any side effects from the medicines, like I said to check their labs, make sure the medications aren’t causing any lab abnormalities. And also in the longer term, to make sure that their CLL is under good control on – on the medications. Because that’s one of our main goals is to keep the CLL under good control.  

Katherine Banwell:

We received another patient question prior to the program. Has there been any progress in helping CLL patients get a better reaction from COVID vaccines? 

Dr. Jean Koff:

That is a great question, and that is one that is near and dear to my heart and my colleagues at – at Emory. You raise a really good point, which is that CLL patients have altered immune systems just by virtue of their CLL. The CLL cells exert their influence on other immune cells and can cause your immune system not to respond to infections or immunizations the way it normally would. That’s without any medication in the mix. Now, when we look at patients who are on medications like the ones we’ve been talking about, the BTK inhibitors, venetoclax, but especially the monoclonal antibodies that react against CD20, we see that those patients really do not have an optimal response to vaccines, especially the COVID vaccine. 

Meaning, that patients who receive the COVID vaccine while they’re on that therapy, or even within twelve months of receiving a monoclonal antibody, often don’t mount the same strong immune response as somebody who’s not on those therapies. So, luckily, we – we don’t have to just depend on the vaccines. I still recommend that my patients get vaccinated, because it is safe and it might impart a little bit of efficacy, and it’s certainly more effective than not getting the vaccine. But we also have other approaches to increasing your protection against COVID, including the – the injection called Evusheld, which can help protect patients specifically whose immune systems are not completely normal and are not expected to mount a strong response to COVID vaccines.  

So, that is definitely a discussion to have with your doctor about how your medications impact your protection from COVID, from vaccines, and whether there are other medications that might be used to help increase your protection.  

Katherine Banwell:

That’s great advice. Dr. Koff I’d like to get your thoughts on where we stand with progress with helping people live longer and truly thrive with CLL. What would you like to leave the audience with? 

Dr. Jean Koff:

So, I think that one thing to remember with CLL is over the past few years we’ve seen an explosion in how we manage the disease because we have newer agents and therapeutic combinations that are helping people control their CLL for much longer than was possible 10 or 15 years ago. We still have a long way to go because ideally, we want every patient to be able to control their CLL and thrive with CLL for as long as possible. And, right now like I said before, we are not curing patients yet. Meaning that we don’t have a therapy that can get rid of the CLL, make it go away, and keep it away forever.  

That’s where clinical trials come in. That’s where we are able to make progress, is we’re able to study what therapies work, what therapies don’t, how they perform against each other, how they make patients feel, and what sort of side effects might be associated with them. And so, that’s really the next step, is continuing the work that has already been done in clinical trials and exploring these new therapeutical approaches. 

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Koff, thank you so much for taking the time to join us today.   

Dr. Jean Koff:

Thank you for having me. 

Katherine Banwell:

And thank you to all of our collaborators. If you would like to watch this webinar again, there will be a replay available soon. You’ll receive an email when it’s ready. And don’t forget to take the survey immediately following this webinar. It will help us as we plan future programs. To learn more about CLL and to access tools to help you become a more proactive patient, visit powerfulpatients.org. I’m Katherine Banwell. Thanks so much for being with us today. 

Clinical Trials As a CLL Treatment Option: What You Should Know

Clinical Trials As a CLL Treatment Option: What You Should Know from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

 Should you consider participating in a CLL clinical trial? In this webinar, Dr. Adam Kittai provides an overview of the clinical trial process and addresses common misconceptions. Dr. Kittai shares an update on the latest advances in CLL research and discusses key advice for patients considering trial participation.

Dr. Adam Kittai is a hematologist and an assistant professor at the The Ohio State University
Comprehensive Cancer Center – The James. Learn more about Dr. Kittai, here.

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See More from CLL Clinical Trials 201

Related Resources:

What Helps Determine a CLL Patient’s Treatment Options

Setting CLL Treatment Goals WITH Your Team

Expert Advice for CLL Self-Advocacy



Hello and welcome. I’m Katherine Banwell, your host for today’s program. Today we’re going to discuss the latest research advances in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and discuss the role of clinical trials in patient care. Before we meet our guest, let’s review a few important details. The reminder email you received about this program contains a link to program materials. If you haven’t already, click that link to access information to follow along during the webinar. At the end of this program, you’ll receive a link a link to a program survey. This will allow you to provide feedback about your experience today and it will help us plan future webinars.  

Finally, before we get into the discussion, please remember that this program is not a substitute for seeking medical advice. Please refer to your health care team about what might be best for you. Okay, let’s meet our guest today. Joining me is Dr. Adam Kittai. Doctor, welcome. Would you please introduce yourself?  

Dr. Kittai:

Thanks for having me. My name is Dr. Kittai, I’m an Assistant Professor at the Ohio State University, and I specialize in research and clinical research in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.   


Great. Thank you so much for taking the time to join us today.  

Dr. Kittai:

Happy to be here.  


I understand that CLL researchers met recently at the annual American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting, also known as ASCO, to share their research. Are there highlights from the meeting that patients should know about?  

Dr. Kittai:

Yeah, so this time of year, there are two main conferences actually that are very important to the CLL groups at large, as well as the oncology community. So, there’s ASCO and then there’s EHA, the European Hematology Association. And in general, there was a lot of exciting things at both of these conferences. 

In CLL, we have two main treatments that we’re really focused on. One is called the BTK inhibitors, which is ibrutinib, acalabrutinib, and zanubrutinib that you may have heard about. And the other treatment regimen is called venetoclax, and that’s usually paired with something called obinutuzumab. So, right now we’re either using the BTK inhibitors or the venetoclax as our frontline therapies. And typically, when patients progress on either one of those treatments – their disease gets worse – we switch to the other one. 

And so, what I’m getting to be that right now, that paradigm of starting with one therapy – the BTK inhibitors or the venetoclax – and then switching to the other, or vice versa, is being challenged. How that’s being challenged is combining the two medications together to see if combining them together is better than giving them sequentially. So, I think this is the primary research that’s being looked at in the world of CLL and we got some updates to show that the combination of the BTK inhibitors, plus the venetoclax, is looking quite good. It’s looking like it’s inducing deep remissions in some of our patients.  

Some of the challenges here though that we still need to figure out is that a lot of these combinations are leading to more toxicity. So, ultimately, I think we’re going to have a discussion about who is the appropriate patient for the combination, as opposed to giving it sequentially. 

There’s also a lot more research going on, looking at what we call randomized trials, which we’ll get to in a second, to determine if the combination is better than giving it sequentially. Right now, we just have what we call single-arm studies that kind of show safety and how well the trial works. But really, the definitive clinical trials – and once again, we’ll get to this a little bit later – are going to be randomized study where we randomize patients to the combination versus the sequential therapy to determine if doing it together is better than doing it sequentially.  

So, I would say that this new treatment paradigm of combining our two main treatments up front is looking quite good. We’re worried about some of the toxicities when we combine these medications, and we’re still not quite sure if combining them is the right approach, if it actually is superior to giving them sequentially. So, I think that’s the name in research right now for CLL, whether or not combination therapy is better than sequential therapy. The jury is still out, but some of the new data we saw was exciting. 


So, how can patients stay up to date on research like this as it develops? 

Dr. Kittai:

Yeah, great question. So, for one, you can talk to your physician. A lot of the physicians will go to either ASCO or the European Hematology Association and be able to come back with some of this data to share with their patients. And then also, there’s a lot of smaller conferences that local oncologists will go to get highlights from these particular conferences, where they also will come back to the patient to let them know some of this highlighted research. I think that’s probably the easiest way for patients to get access to this research. And Google’s our friend, right? And so, a lot of things are available on Google if you know where to look for them. 


Right. So, a key part in moving forward with CLL research is clinical trials, right? So, for people who may not know the term, what is a clinical trial? 

Dr. Kittai:

Yeah. So, a clinical trial is an experiment where patients are enrolled to receive a treatment that is either new or new in a new setting – so, an old treatment in a new setting – and we’re looking to see whether or not the treatment leads to improved outcomes for our patients.  


Why would a CLL patient consider participating in a trial? What’s the benefit for them? 

Dr. Kittai:

Yeah, great question again. The benefit of a clinical trial is two-fold. One is that by participating in a clinical trial, we are collecting data to determine what’s best for patients moving forward. [00:07:06] So, in a way, by participating in a trial, you’re contributing to the benefit of CLL patients in the future to help us determine what’s best for everybody moving forward. That’s one reason to go on a clinical trial. Another reason to go onto clinical trials is that it allows for access to therapies that may not be available otherwise, which may work better than what we already have and may be safer.  


Right. So, I’d like to walk through a few common questions that patients have about clinical trials. And here’s a concern we received from a patient prior to the webinar. “I’m nervous that I will receive a placebo if I join a clinical trial.” So, first of all, would you define a placebo?  

Dr. Kittai:

Sure. A placebo is usually a sugar pill or something that has no effect. That’s what a placebo is.  


And is it true then, would a patient possibly get a placebo in a CLL clinical trial? 

Dr. Kittai:

Not typically. So, in terms of clinical trials for CLL, we have a lot of treatments that are effective and safe in CLL. And so, we don’t typically design trials where you’re not getting some kind of active therapy. It would be extremely rare, and I don’t know of any trials currently that involve patients getting a placebo for CLL. Because it wouldn’t be ethical for us to enroll a patient on a trial where they would get a placebo instead of active therapy. 


Right. That makes sense. Here’s another question from an audience member, and I think this is probably a common concern for patients. “Is a clinical trial only something I should consider if there are no other options?” 

Dr. Kittai:

So, in my opinion, you should always consider a clinical trial, even if there are other options. And it’s because of those two reasons that I mentioned earlier. Number one, it benefits the CLL community as a whole to participate in the trial so that way doctors and researchers can collect data to improve outcomes for patients with CLL. And also, even though our drugs currently work really well, we don’t know how well they’ll last for, right? So, they still don’t know for certain how long our current drugs are going to work for in the future.  

And we’re always trying to do better. We’re always trying to create some sort of treatment, some sort of treatment paradigm that might be safer, as well as work better, and either of those goals is approvable. All of our drugs come with toxicity, right? And even though they’re really safe and they work really well, we’re hoping to develop something that is even safer and works even better.  


Yeah. It sounds, then, like trials can be considered throughout a patient’s life with CLL. What concerns do you hear from your patients?  

Dr. Kittai:

Yeah, so I think the primary concern I hear about a trial and the difference between going on a trial and standard of care, is that typically for a trial, it does require a little bit more from the patient. Meaning that there’s usually more visits – whether it is to monitor the effect of the new medication or new medication combination on the patient, whether or not it’s affecting their laboratory values or how they’re feeling.  

Or there might be parts of the trial that require invasive procedures. So, for instance, many trials will require bone marrow biopsies where a standard of care won’t. And the reason why the collection of those bone marrow biopsies is important for the trial is to better get an idea of how the treatment is working on a patient’s body.  

So, I think those are the two primary concerns I hear from the patient. Number one, it typically is a bigger time commitment with more visits to the doctor because we have to closely monitor the patients while they’re on trial. And number two is sometimes the trial involves procedures that otherwise wouldn’t be indicated for standard of care.  


Let’s talk a bit about how trials work, starting with the phases. What happens at each phase?  

Dr. Kittai:

There are actually four phases of clinical trials, although three phases are typically what’s talked about. So, Phase I is when we are first introducing the new medication, the combination, or the old medication in a new scenario for the first time in a human being.  

Phase one encompasses a lot of different things. It could be a first in-human phase one, where we’re giving the drug for the first time in a human being. It could be, as I said, the combination of drugs being used for the first time in a human being. Or it could be that we have this drug that works for this other cancer and we’re trying it out on this new cancer. So, we might have experience with this drug in another scenario, but not in the scenario we’re trying to do.  

And the primary purpose of the phase one clinical trial is to see if it’s safe. So, that’s the primary purpose of a phase one clinical trial – see if this new medication, this old medication in this new scenario, or this new combination is safe to use going forward.  



Dr. Kittai:

We are able to see if it works to a small degree in the phase one trial, but typically these trials are very small with somewhere between 10 to 50 patients. And so, it’s hard to know how well this works by looking at such a small amount of patients.  

Once the Phase I trial goes forward, we usually go onto Phase II. So, one of the other points about Phase I is to determine the correct dose. Usually in phase ones, we increase the dose of the drug slowly until it meets some sort of toxicity cut-off for our patients. So, once that dose is discovered, then we move onto Phase II, and Phase II is usually a small study, usually about 50-100 patients where we’re looking at preliminary efficacy, to see if this drug, this new combination, or the drug in a new scenario, is actually working.   

And so, Phase II will tell us we think it’s working and if it looks good in phase two, it gets moved onto Phase III. Phase III is the final part of the drug development, where if it passes Phase III, it usually gets approved by the Federal Drug Administration. And Phase III is usually a randomized trial where you’re giving the new drug, the combo, or the old drug in a new situation, and you’re comparing it to whatever’s used as standard of care in that particular scenario.  



Dr. Kittai:

And that’s usually a randomized study where patients are either getting the new thing or the old thing. And then, we’re determining which one works better. Lastly is Phase IV, and this is post marketing. So, after a drug gets approved, the drug company and the FDA requires just a wide scope of just data that’s collected to see how well the drug is working and if it’s safe once it’s brought out to the wider community.  


Okay. You mentioned randomized clinical trials. There are a couple of other clinical trials as well. Would you define them and tell us how they’re different from one another?  

Dr. Kittai:

Yeah. So, a randomized trial is when you enroll onto a study, and you get randomly assigned to either the experimental arm or the control arm. The experimental arm is that new drug that we talked about. And the control arm is usually the standard of care. So, that’s a randomized study. 

And randomized studies are usually Phase III trials, but they can be phase two in some scenarios as well. You have – usually that’s paired with a randomized control study. So, a control study is just there’s a control arm, that’s what that means. But those usually go hand in hand. Those are usually together.  

And then another trial is the double-blind clinical trial. So, a double-blind clinical trial means that once you’re randomized to either the experimental or the control, neither you nor the physician know what drug you’re taking. And that usually is not used in CLL trials. Usually, we know what drug the patient is assigned to. And the reason why that is, is because oftentimes we’re looking out for specific adverse events or toxicities of the drugs we’re implementing at Phase III.  

And then, also, if you’re getting a triplet versus a doublet, meaning three drugs versus two drugs, it’s very hard to blind somebody to know which drug they’re on because obviously you’re getting three drugs versus two drugs. Or if an infusion is involved in one arm but not in the other arm, you obviously know that you’re getting an infusion versus an oral drug. 


Ah, okay. Are there common clinical trial terms that you think patients should know about? 

Dr. Kittai:

I think we covered most of them. So, knowing that phase one is typically the first in the sequence of events that I would ask your physician if this was a first in human study, right, because that comes with some special considerations knowing that you are the first human to receive a new drug is very important. Versus a phase three study where, you know, you know this drug has already gone through phase one and two in development, meaning it’s been given to a lot of patients, and they’re just looking to see if it’s better than standard of care. So, I think knowing those general concepts about what’s the difference between a phase one and a Phase III study, it’s very different. I think it’s important to keep those in mind when talking about clinical trials and discussing with your doctor.  


Patients often have questions about safety. What are the risks of clinical trial participation?  

Dr. Kittai:

Yeah, so before anybody enrolls onto a clinical trial, you should sit with your doctor to talk about the pros and cons of entering this clinical trial. One of the things that they will talk to you about is what the expected safety of this drug is. So, you might ask yourself, well, if it’s a phase one study, first in human study, how do they know what toxicity to expect? 



Dr. Kittai:

The answer is that there’s a lot of pre-human studies that occur, both in mice and monkeys and other animals, and researchers often have a good idea of what to expect in human. But there is a lot of unknowns in a phase one clinical trial. And after discussing with your doctor the pros and cons of going on a clinical trial and what side effect profile to expect from whatever drug or combination that you are about to be using, usually you go through a consent.  

Usually, you’ll get a packet, it’s about 10 to 20 pages long, written in a way that patients can understand. And it’ll have a list of toxicities that are associated with the research that is occurring. In terms of knowing what adverse events might happen, the consent is key, because it’ll have those all listed out.  

And also having the conversation with your physician about either what they’ve experienced giving this clinical trial, or what is to be expected after this drug had been introduced pre-humans.  


Mm-hmm. Are there protocols in place to protect patients? 

Dr. Kittai:

Yes. So, remember how we talked about in the phase one trials, we dose escalate the drug until we’ve reached some toxicity limit? There are specifically rules written out in a protocol that the doctor must follow that ensures safety for the patients that enroll in clinical trials. And that dose escalation part where we reach a toxic limit is a key part of those phase one trials that is spelled out before you even enroll.  

Usually, there’s also something called a Data Safety Monitoring Committee, as well as other committees that are looking at patients as they are receiving these drugs and move forward on clinical trials to make sure that the investigators are following the protocol as printed. That if anything happens, they document why it happened and fix the problem before it becomes another problem for a patient. So, there are very specific safety rules and a lot of redundancy to protect our patients, because the number one priority is to protect the patient. 


Yeah. I think you’ve already answered this, Dr. Kittai, but how do you know the medicine is safe before a human trial even begins? 

Dr. Kittai:

The answer is you don’t. There is some risk. As I said, they do test it in animals before they give the drug to humans, and they usually start at the lowest dose possible. But there are certain circumstances where there are surprising side effects that are not expected. And so, when you’re entering a first in human, Phase I trial, that is a specific risk that you do need discussed with your physician about before you enroll. 


Can a patient change their mind once they’ve enrolled in a clinical trial? 

Dr. Kittai:

Always. Always.  



Dr. Kittai:

They can come off the clinical trial at any point if they choose to.  


Okay. Now that we know what trials are and how they work, how can people find out what trials are available to them? 

Dr. Kittai:

Yeah. So, I’ll come back to this, but once again, talk to your physician. They’ll know what clinical trials are available at whatever site you are seeing them in. If there’s a local academic sector, the academic sector typically has clinical trials available there as well. So, it’s always good to get a second opinion in that regard.  

But one of the open access places that you can find all clinical trials is clinicaltrials.gov. This has all active running clinical trials listed out and anyone can access it. There are other societies out there that often post about clinical trials. So, there’s the CLL Society. It’s a website that you can check out that has a lot of information on there about active clinical trials in CLL. There’s also The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, the Lymphoma Research Foundation, they all have websites available that have a lot of clinical trials listed and how to access them.  


Are there key questions that you think patients should ask their health care team about participating in a trial?  

Dr. Kittai:

Yeah, for sure. I think one of the key questions to ask is, is the control arm appropriate. So, what do I mean by that? Sometimes people who design a clinical trial will design a trial where the control arm is an easy control arm to beat, meaning that it’s a treatment that we wouldn’t necessarily put you on as standard of care.  

And so, I think this is a real question and an honest question that you should ask your physician prior to enrolling on a trial is, is the control arm something you would give me as standard of care. And if the answer is no, you should really consider not going on that trial or talking about why you would want to go on that trial if the control arm is not something they would put you put you on as standard of care.  



Dr. Kittai:

That’s, I think, a key question to ask. And again, asking what phase it is and understanding where we are in the development.  


What do you feel are the barriers to accessing clinical trials for patients?  

Dr. Kittai:

So, unfortunately, a lot of clinical trials are at academic centers, and so there are – and the reason that is, is that the academic centers have the infrastructure to run the clinical trial. So, as we have mentioned before, there’s a lot of visits with a lot of extra science and labs that are done associated with the clinical trial. And a lot of those things and the coordination can only be done at large centers that can open clinical trials and know how to run them.  

Similar explanation could be that that safety monitoring committee that I’d mentioned before, where the academic centers have the infrastructure to ensure safety for the patients. So, access to academic centers is a limitation to enrolling in clinical trials. That being said, there are a lot of centers that are associated with an academic center and do have a lot of the clinical trials that are available at the academic center.  

And there are also cooperative groups. These cooperative groups are called Alliance and ECOG and SWOG. And these cooperative groups are national groups that are headed by multiple academic centers in partnership with pharmaceutical companies and they typically run large Phase III medical trials that help redefine standard of care. And those particular clinical trials are often available at private practices as well.  


Oh, that’s great. So, patients don’t necessarily have to think about traveling to a large educational institution then to become part of the clinical trial?  

Dr. Kittai:

Not always. Not always. Typically for the Phase I, the answer is yes. But for Phase III trials, usually there’s a lot of access available for Phase III trials.  


What would you say to patients who may be hesitant about participating in a trial?  

Dr. Kittai:

I would say that it’s important to at least ask about what’s available. And knowing what’s available and the risks and benefits of going on a clinical trial is how you should make the determination if you should go on a clinical trial.  

Remember what I said earlier that the clinical trial is really meant to help improve safety or efficacy. So, we don’t open clinical trials that we are not hoping to improve one of those two things. And so, that is something that we should be able to put in words to you when inquiring about the clinical trial. What is the goal of this trial, and why do you think it’s going to improve safety or efficacy? And the physician who’s talking the trial with you about it should be able to answer those questions for you. So, if you have some hesitance about going in clinical trials, I would say gather your information first before making a final decision.  


Some patients worry about the financial aspect or impact of a clinical trial. Aren’t trials expensive?  

Dr. Kittai:

So, actually, most clinical trials are less expensive than enrolling a standard of care. So, this is actually a benefit of going on a clinical trial. Often times, the drugs in the clinical trial are a cover. So, that’s something to ask too. And so, if somebody’s having trouble getting access to novel therapy that is looking good in a specific cancer, a clinical trial is actually a way to get access to that drug without paying for it.  

Also, all clinical trials when they’re being developed are looked at by the finance committees of the hospital or wherever it’s being developed. All standard of care options are billed through the patient insurance, but all the extra stuff is usually covered by the pharmaceutical company that’s enrolling those patients onto the trial. Or I should say the supporting the clinical trial, excuse me. 


That’s really good information to have.  

We touched on research at the top of the program, but are there other areas of research that you’re excited about and that patients should know about? 

Dr. Kittai:

Yeah, so one of the things that I think is being really talked about in cancer care – and medical care in general – is if disparities exist between minority patients and white patients. And I think this is a really, really important topic.   

So, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, which had the conference recently, really made this a mainstay point of the conference this year and there were a lot of abstracts that were defining whether disparities exist and hopefully, by defining whether disparities exist, we’re able to target those disparities in order to make outcomes equal for all of our patients.  

So, in the CLL world, one of the things that I alluded to is a lot of our therapies can be really expensive. So, these new therapies are really expensive, they really widen the disparity gap for patients who are minorities, as well as patients who come from socioeconomic status.  



Dr. Kittai:

And so, there were two abstracts. One was an oral presentation that looked at the National Cancer Database in ASCO that showed that Black patients do have worse overall survival than white patients. And then, I actually did my own study looking at the SEER database, which also showed the same exact thing. Even when controlling for socioeconomic status.  

So, I think addressing these disparities, making sure that there’s equity amongst our patients, that everyone has access to these drugs and can afford them, especially when they make our patients live longer and are safer than chemoimmunotherapy in CLL is very, very important.  


Dr. Kittai, if a patient feels like they’re not getting equitable care, are there resources available for them?  

Dr. Kittai:

Yeah, so one of the things that I love about the CLL society, is that they have a section called Access an Expert, I believe. So, look on the website, I’m not sure it’s actually called Access an Expert, but it’s a way for all patients to get a second opinion from one of the CLL experts listed on the website. And so, if somebody is feeling like they’re not getting access to the most beneficial treatment, for whatever reason, seeking a second opinion and using the CLL Society’s website to find that second opinion, I think would be a great way for someone who feels that way to get access to the care that they deserve.  

I believe there are other ways to do this through the Lymphoma Research Foundation, as well as LLS. But I know for sure on the CLL Society, there is a link that you can click that you can get access to a second opinion.  


Yeah. I’m glad you brought that up. As we wrap up the program, Dr. Kittai, I’d like to get your final thoughts. What message do you want to leave the audience with related to clinical trial participation?  

Dr. Kittai:

Yeah. So, I would say that in the last ten years, there’s been a revolution in the way we treat CLL, and we wouldn’t have gotten here without clinical trials. So, the reason why we have the BTK inhibitors – the ibrutinib, acalabrutinib, and zanubrutinib – and the reason why we have the BCL-2 Inhibitor venetoclax, and the reason why these have changed the way that we treat CLL making our patients live longer with better safety profiles is because of clinical trials. And so, I am a firm believer that if we can enroll a patient onto a clinical trial that’s appropriate, who might benefit from the trial, then they should enroll in the clinical trial if possible.  

So, I strongly encourage everybody to enroll onto clinical trials, to get access to, you know, groundbreaking new therapies. And once again, I want to highlight that the point of a clinical trial is to improve safety or to improve efficacy and that’s why we develop clinical trials and that’s the hope by running it.  


Okay, that’s great advice. Dr. Kittai, thank you so much for joining us today. It’s been a pleasure.  

Dr. Kittai:

Yeah, it’s been a pleasure to you. Happy to be here. 


Thank you.  

And thank you to all of our partners. If you would like to watch this webinar again, there will be a replay available soon. You’ll receive an email when it’s ready. And don’t forget to take the survey immediately following this webinar. It will help us as we plan programs in the future.  

To learn more about CLL and to access tools to help you become a proactive patient, visit powerfulpatients.org. I’m Katherine Banwell. Thanks for being with us today. 

What Could Boost COVID Vaccine Effectiveness in CLL Patients?

What Could Boost COVID Vaccine Effectiveness in CLL Patients? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Many patients with CLL worry about whether the COVID vaccine will be effective for them. Dr. Catherine Coombs explains how the vaccine works for CLL patients and available options to boost its efficacy. 

Dr. Catherine Coombs is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology at The UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Coombs here.

See More from Thrive CLL

Related Resources:

Setting CLL Treatment Goals WITH Your Team

Signs It Is Time to Treat Your CLL

Signs It Is Time to Treat Your CLL

CLL Treatment Approaches: What Are the Types?



COVID is of course another factor that impacts a patient’s ability to fully thrive with CLL in today’s world. Many CLL patients are concerned about the effectiveness of the COVID vaccines and their ability to make enough antibodies to fight the virus. So, what do we know about how effective the COVID vaccines are for people with CLL? 

Dr. Coombs:

The COVID vaccines – we were fortunate in being able to build on some earlier research. Even prior to being able to look at the data for COVID vaccines, there have been studies looking at vaccines in general in CLL. That’s actually been a long-term established issue, which is that based on earlier studies we knew most vaccines were not as efficacious in individuals with CLL compared to people without.  

That’s due to this underlying immune deficiency. Since then, they’ve done studies looking at COVID specifically, and we have found lower rates of production of antibodies in individuals with CLL compared to regular, non-CLL controls. There have been a few different studies looking at this. I think the things that have been seen universally is that the CLL patients that are the most severely affected are those that are actively on therapy or have had recent anti-CD20. The CD20 drugs really wipe out the ability to make antibodies probably for a year, if not up to two years.  

The other drug class that can really hamper the ability to make antibodies are these BTK inhibitors. Then, venetoclax to some extent, it’s often paired with the CD20, so it’s hard to tease out the effect. But it likely hampers the ability to make antibodies as well, but just not as much as the CD20, which it’s often given concurrently with.  

CLL patients who have never had therapy can make a decent amount of antibodies, but still quite a bit less than an age-matched control. So, someone also your age without CLL. That was a lot of data based on the original two vaccine series. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society did a study that I actually referred a lot of my patients to, where they collected samples, looked at antibody levels, and they found that giving the booster did seroconvert a good amount of patients who were negative that then became positive for antibodies.  

That’s one of the reasons I’ve really encouraged the booster. This is now talking about the third shot. Now there’s this whole separate discussion about doing a fourth shot. I think the data’s a little too early to say it’s definitely helpful. But I think it’s certainly unlikely harmful. The vaccines don’t quite work as well. I feel very strongly they’re not harmful.  

Not to say any shot can’t cause some issue occasionally. But I think that’s very, very rare. I always encourage my patients to get the vaccine, but I separately say, “Gosh, I wouldn’t use this as an end-all cure because it may not work at its 100 percent efficacy level due to the underlying CLL, and worse when you’re under treatment.” 


We had another audience member send in a related question: “I’ve heard there is a treatment to help boost COVID antibodies. What is it, and how can I get access to it?” 

Dr. Coombs:

I was going to bring that up actually, then I figured there was probably another question coming. I’m hugely enthusiastic about the drug that this person is speaking about. It’s called Evusheld. E-V-U-S-H-E-L-D. It got this emergency use authorization designation in December of 2021, so it’s pretty new. The idea behind this drug is that “Gosh, we know that not everyone is going to mount an effective immune response to vaccines, based on their own immune system, inability to make good levels of antibodies.”  

So, it’s two antibodies that were manufactured as this drug. So, it’s a drug that’s actually two different antibodies. It ends up being in two different vials, so you get two shots. It provides really remarkable protection against COVID. They’re long-acting antibodies, so they last for six months.  

The publication from the study that led to this being released showed an approximately 80 percent reduction in COVID for the people who got the shot as opposed to the people who got the placebo.  


It sounds like patients could ask their doctors about where they might be able to access this? 

Dr. Coombs:

Yeah. I think the best person to ask would be your CLL doctor. Because the drug, unless things have changed recently, it’s largely being focused for immunosuppressed individuals. Primary care doctors may not necessarily know a lot about it, but most oncologists are the ones who should have access to it. So, I would say ask your CLL doctor. If you’re in a smaller site that doesn’t have it, they may know in your geographic region where it could be gotten. 

Expert Advice for CLL Self-Advocacy

Expert Advice for CLL Self-Advocacy from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Some CLL patients struggle to find the confidence to speak up in their care. Dr. Catherine Coombs encourages patients to discuss their treatment and lifestyle goals with their CLL teams and provides advice for being proactive in their care.

Dr. Catherine Coombs is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology at The UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Coombs here.

See More from Thrive CLL

Related Resources:

Setting CLL Treatment Goals WITH Your Team

What Helps Determine a CLL Patient’s Treatment Options?

Anxious From CLL Watch & Wait? How to Cope.



Dr. Coombs, why should patients feel confident in speaking up and being a partner in their care? Do you have any advice for helping them find their voice? 

Dr. Coombs:

Great question. I think a patient is their own best advocate. We as their physicians always try to advocate for them, but we often don’t know what their wishes and desires are. I think through speaking to what’s important to you, that can help me know a little more about what path we should take. There’s not always one right path.  

I’ve talked about these two great treatment options we have. I had one patient who loved fishing and he just didn’t want to be in the infusion center. That’s the person that should go on the oral drug, where he doesn’t have to come to and from as often.  

If you tell us about your goals and your desires, that helps us also be your top advocate because then we have a little more background for what’s important to you. I think that’s my main thought. We’re here for you, but we need to know what you value the most. We don’t always know that.  


When should a patient consider a second opinion or a consultation with a specialist? 

Dr. Coombs:

I never discourage a second option. I’m a CLL specialist, but I’ve had patients ask for a second opinion. I’m always enthusiastic about it. If a patient feels that they need another set of eyes on their case, I’ve learned some things from some of my patients who have seen specialists in different areas of the country or locally. We have Duke down the street. Sometimes different providers just have different perspectives.   

Or, sometimes the patient just needs to hear something again if it doesn’t sound right to them. I’ve had patients for example who are one watchful waiting who really just had trouble believing. “I have leukemia, and you’re really telling me to do nothing.” But then they hear it from someone else and it just helps it sink in. I’d say the answer is anytime. Anytime you think you need another set of eyes on the case.  

But I would say especially for people in the community. I do think there’s a lot of value in seeing a CLL specialist once if it’s something that you’re interested in and your insurance pays. I think the community docs have one of the hardest jobs, and I don’t think I could do it. There are so many different cancers that they have to know about. I think, if anything, I have the easy job; I have one tiny slice of the pie that I know a ton about. Not to say they don’t do great jobs; I’m actually phenomenally impressed with most of the community.  

However, they have so much to know, often you can maybe get a little more of a unique view on CLL by seeing a CLL expert. If that’s in your interest but certainly not mandatory, especially if your goal is to stay away from doctors.  

What Helps Determine a CLL Patient’s Treatment Options?

What Helps Determine a CLL Patient’s Treatment Options? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What guides a CLL treatment choice? Dr. Catherine Coombs discusses genetic mutations and factors that may help determine a CLL patient’s therapy .

Dr. Catherine Coombs is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology at The UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Coombs here.

See More from Thrive CLL

Related Resources:


Setting CLL Treatment Goals WITH Your Team

Signs It Is Time to Treat Your CLL

Signs It Is Time to Treat Your CLL

CLL Treatment Approaches: What Are the Types?



There’s not necessarily a one-size-fits-all approach to treating CLL, so how do you decide which treatment is right for a patient?  

Dr. Coombs:

I always look at their underlying disease biology. There’s a couple really important tests that I send for all of my CLL patients by the time that they need therapy. The first is to see what their underlying cytogenetics and molecular findings are. There are certain good findings, and then certain bad findings.  

One of the bad findings is having a deletion in the 17th chromosome in the short arm of that chromosome. The chromosomes are the big pieces of DNA within everyone’s cells. There are findings that are common in CLL: a 17p deletion is a poor prognostic feature. There’s a separate test where we can actually identify mutations in a gene called TP53. And these behave largely the same as 17p deletions, so I always check for both. It’s two different tests.  

Oftentimes patients have both of these findings: a 17p deletion and a TP53 mutation. But sometimes you can have the mutation without the deletion and vice versa. That is one finding that’s important when talking about different therapies. The other really important prognostic test is the IGHV gene mutation status. This is another specialized sequencing test. It looks to see if the patient’s heavy chain, if their immunoglobulin protein has undergone something called somatic hypermutation or not.  

It’s actually good to be mutated. What we know about people who are mutated is that they typically have better responses to most therapies and their disease typically is one that grows slower. So, I use those factors and then I have a conversation with the patient. The two main treatment classes that I spoke about – so the BTK inhibitors, those work actually really well and even the people with these bad prognostic features.  

So, people with the 17p deletion, people with the TP53 mutation, they can have disease control for six plus years on a BTK inhibitor, which is really good.  

That was not the case a decade ago when we didn’t have these drugs. That’s something that’s been hugely beneficial for our patients. The venetoclax/obinutuzumab regimen, that still works when people have the 17p or the TP53, but it probably doesn’t work as well.   

I’d mentioned the median time for disease to come back hadn’t been reached yet. It had been reached for that poor risk subset. The expectation for people with that poorest marker is that the median PFS, progression-free survival. So, again, when after someone starts therapy, when the disease then progresses is 49 months. It kind of gives me a rough estimate of, “Gosh, these are your therapy options and based on your underlying biologic factors unique to your disease, this is what you can expect out of therapy A or therapy B.”  

The mutated or unmutated IGHV, similarly, those BTK inhibitors work extremely well, even in people with the bad unmutated finding. I think those are always an option. The other treatment is an option, but the people with that bad finding do have a shorter time until they progress of just under five years.  

Refractory vs Relapsed CLL: What’s the Difference?

Refractory vs Relapsed CLL: What’s the Difference? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What is the difference between refractory and relapsed CLL? Dr. Catherine Coombs, a CLL expert from UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, explains.

Dr. Catherine Coombs is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology at The UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Coombs here.

See More from Thrive CLL

Related Resources:

CLL Treatment Approaches: What Are the Types?

Signs It Is Time to Treat Your CLL

Signs It Is Time to Treat Your CLL

What Helps Determine a CLL Patient’s Treatment Options?



We received an audience question prior to the program. They asked, “What does it mean to be refractory, and how is that different from relapsing?” 

Dr. Coombs:

I actually just had a conversation about this. I’m not sure that’s formally defined. I have heard one definition suggested is – I think everyone agrees refractory means you did not respond to your last therapy. That’s actually really bad. Most of our therapies work in almost everyone. So, refractory is a term that is generally accepted means no response. So, whatever therapy you’re on, the CLL did not get better, it got worse. That’s refractory.  

Another definition that I’ve heard based on this recent discussion is if you had a short remission duration, such as six months or shorter. Most of the therapies we use should work for quite a while, usually on the order of years. So, some people also consider refractory a short remission duration, six months or shorter.  

Relapse is probably the more common scenario. That’s a patient who has had some type of therapy, but they had a decent response, but that response wore off, more on a normal pace. Again, not on the order of months, but usually on the order of years.  

Signs It Is Time to Treat Your CLL

Signs It Is Time to Treat Your CLL from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

When is it time to treat your chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)? Dr. Catherine Coombs reviews the criteria doctors consider when deciding whether it is time to begin therapy. 

Dr. Catherine Coombs is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology at The UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Coombs here.

See More from Thrive CLL

Related Resources:

What Helps Determine a CLL Patient’s Treatment Options?

Expert Advice for CLL Self-Advocacy

Refractory vs Relapsed CLL: What’s the Difference?



When is it time to treat? What factors do you look at? 

Dr. Coombs:

There’s pretty well-established guidelines for when treatment is indicated. The international workshop for CLL has these published guidelines, so it’s something you could Google. Off the top of my head, the main reasons that I do treatment, which are included in these guidelines, are one, if the patient has low blood counts due to the CLL, so that could be anemia or low platelets. Two, if they have bulky lymph nodes. They actually define bulky as 10 centimeters. So, that’s pretty big.  

Or, if the lymph nodes are being symptomatic in some way, they’re bothering the patient, they don’t have to be that big. Three, if the patient has bulky spleen enlargement or if it’s causing symptoms. The spleen is next to the stomach. So, say some patients may not be able to eat a full meal, that’s another reason we could do treatment.   

Another reason is if the CLL is causing constitutional symptoms. Sometimes these are black and white. One is unintentional weight loss of 10 percent or more of the body weight. The one that’s not always black and white is fatigue. Patients can have fatigue from the CLL, but I’ve found often fatigue can be due to other causes. So, that’s something I consider an important job of mine is to make sure we don’t jump into CLL treatment if say, there’s some other cause for the tiredness, such as, say the thyroid’s off, or there’s a huge amount of stress due to some other factor outside of the CLL.  

Then, some other constitutional symptoms are CLL can cause fever or drenching night sweats. Those two it’s important to make sure that there’s not a concurrent infection because infections can also cause those symptoms. The last indication is patients with CLL can develop autoimmune cytopenias. That’s when the immune system attacks some component of the blood cells. Most commonly that’s an autoimmune anemia or autoimmune thrombocytopenia. That’s the term for low platelets.  

Usually, we can treat that with steroids or occasionally CD-20 by itself like rituximab to calm down the immune system. However, if those immune-based therapies fail the patient, then we could consider treating the CLL to help fix that problem.  

CLL Treatment Approaches: What Are the Types?

CLL Treatment Approaches: What Are the Types? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What treatment options are there for CLL patients? Dr. Catherine Coombs explains the types of CLL approaches available and who they may be appropriate for.

Dr. Catherine Coombs is an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Hematology at The UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. Learn more about Dr. Coombs here.

See More from Thrive CLL

Related Resources:

What Helps Determine a CLL Patient’s Treatment Options?

Signs It Is Time to Treat Your CLL

Signs It Is Time to Treat Your CLL

Refractory vs Relapsed CLL: What’s the Difference?



Let’s walk through the types of treatments that are used today to treat CLL.  

Dr. Coombs:

So, for the non-watch-and-wait category, that means we are now thinking about therapy. Most of the time that involves a targeted agent.  

We largely are using a lot less in the way of cytotoxic chemotherapy. Not to say there isn’t a role for it, but in my own practice, it’s not something that I have been using in the past several years because it’s highly toxic. It is effective, but it can lead to some long-term toxicities. And it’s also not quite as effective as these new targeted agents. So, those fall into two major classes.   

The first class is a class of drugs called BTK inhibitors. That stands for Bruton’s tyrosine kinase. That’s an important target in the CLL cells, specifically. The CLL cells are a type of B cell. So, BTK is important for the signaling of both normal and cancerous B cells. When we use drugs to block that protein, that impairs the CLL cells’ ability to multiply. Then we ultimately are able to control the disease with prolonged administration of one of these drugs.  

There are two FDA-approved BTK inhibitors. The first FDA-approved agent is a drug called ibrutinib (Imbruvica). And then the newer agent is called acalabrutinib (Calquence). There’s another drug that you may have heard of called zanubrutinib (Brukinsa). That is not technically yet FDA-approved for CLL, but it is occasionally used given that it is FDA-approved for other lymphomas, and it is within the national cancer center network guidelines for CLL treatment.   

The big benefit of these drugs is they work phenomenally well at controlling the CLL. I would say the major downside is that they do have to be taken indefinitely. So, patients ask, “Am I going to be on it forever?” Well, it depends on what you mean by forever. We generally keep patients on these drugs as long as number one, they’re tolerating them, so no bad side effects, and then number two, as long as the CLL is staying under control.  

So, for that 85-year-old patient that I gave as an example, forever may be until the rest of their life. Because they can work for six, seven, eight plus years; so, they’re highly effective. Some patients may go on them and then die from something else years down the road. For the younger patients, or patients who progress faster, we would then put them on something else whenever the drug stopped working, provided that they didn’t have a significant side effect to the drug class. So, that’s a big first class.  

The second large subset of therapies is a drug called venetoclax (Venclexta), which we typically combine with an anti-CD20 drug. The one that we use for patients who are getting their first treatment is called obinutuzumab (Gazyva). Venetoclax is a BCL-2 inhibitor that inhibits this pathway within CLL cells. It’s not unique to CLL cells, but the CLL cells are particularly dependent upon it called apoptosis.  

So, when they get exposed to this drug, the CLL cells just die; they can’t continue living, they die off. So, venetoclax works really exquisitely well at killing off CLL cells. Probably works better when it’s paired with this drug obinutuzumab. That’s how it was approved in the frontline setting: those two drugs together. The big risk of that therapy, essentially, it’s kind of a weird risk, when the CLL cells die too quickly that can cause some problems in the human body because one has to metabolize all the debris left over from these dead cancer cells. The medical term we use for that is tumor lysis syndrome.  

That can actually be fatal if not done in a safe way. Fortunately, when we do it as per the recommendations by the manufacturer, we’ve not had any adverse severe problems from it. It ends up being that the patient has to come in weekly every five weeks to do a slow ramp-up of the drug to kind of slowly kill off the cancer cells so that the body isn’t overwhelmed by the contents of these dead cancer cells.  

The big advantage of this regimen is that because it kills the CLL so well, people can get into very deep remissions. So, instead of being a therapy that people are on indefinitely, it’s designed as a one-year therapy when given as the first therapy. So, it’s one year and then they’re done. People after that are in remission, they’re not on any treatment. They may feel like they don’t have CLL.  

Most of the time the CLL does come back. It depends on does the patient come back for something else? Which does happen when people are older. But it appears that it keeps people in remission for several years. The median, which is how long it takes for half of patients to have their disease come back, the median progression for survival has not yet been reached for the trial that was done using this therapy.  

So, that’s at least three, four plus years that we’ve been able to follow people. So, very attractive in that you’re done, and then you just wait for the disease to come back but largely feel good in the interim.