digital sherpa® Icebreaker
If you are unsure where to begin your 1:1 call, ask your assigned patient these sample questions below to help you get started.
1. What are your expectations of this workshop? What motivated you to register for the digital sherpa Workshop?
2. What is the number one thing you would like to learn today?
3. What category/categories that you would like to learn more about?
- Basics
- MyLifeLine
- CSC Events
- Ridesharing
- Patient Communities
- YouTube
- Clinical Trials
- Video Chatting
4. Is there one thing (or more!) that we can help you with today that would make your life easier or more efficient? Examples:
- Where can you find support?
- Where can you look for reliable information about your condition?
- What are the latest treatments and innovations for my condition?
- I have a specific tech issue(s)