MPN-Related Complications | Are BIPOC Patients at Higher Risk?

MPN-Related Complications | Are BIPOC Patients at HIgher Risk? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Are BIPOC myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients at higher risk of MPN-related complications? Expert Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam from City of Hope explains risk factors for MPN-related complications and proactive questions to ask your doctor.


“If you have a myeloproliferative disorder, I would want you to check with your doctor if you have a risk or you do have diabetes or high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and if so, how can you improve that diagnosis in order to decrease your risk or complications related to your MPN.”

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Are MPN Risks and Outcomes Impacted by Race or Ethnicity

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Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Amanam, what risk factors put the Hispanic and/or the Black population at a larger risk for MPNs?

Dr. Indoroenyi Amanam:

Yeah. So conventional risk factors such as atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and smoking. We do know that in studies that those factors, potentially put you at higher risk for complications that are associated with myeloproliferative disorders. And we also know that, and, for example, if you’re an African American male, two in five African American males have high blood pressure. And when we look at all comers in the United States, only about a third of people have high blood pressure. So in that setting alone, we know that if you have high blood pressure, you have a higher risk for these complications-associated MPNs. And we know that African American males have a higher risk for that, so I think those things are…that example is a clear indicator that really identifying these basic risk factors that are related to diet, exercise, your weight, and other behavioral, possibly behavior-related factors may put you at higher risk to have complications from MPNs.

So, Hispanics, for example, have you twofold, they’re twofold higher risk to be diagnosed with diabetes than Caucasians. So that’s another example. And so I would say for MPN, that’s actually low hanging fruit. That means we don’t have to give you a new therapy or a MPN-related therapy. We can help you by improving your diet. Really giving counseling for cessation of smoking, really, education related to physical activity and exercise. I do believe that those are modifiable risk factors that we can address. And MPN physicians or cancer doctors can help their patients by really educating them in that way.

Activation tip for this question. If you have a myeloproliferative disorder, I would want you to check with your doctor if you have a risk or you do have diabetes or high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and if so, how can you improve that diagnosis in order to decrease your risk or complications related to your MPN. 

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Can Mobile Health Apps Lower the Burden of MPN Symptoms?

Can Mobile Health Apps Lower the Burden of MPN Symptoms? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How can the burden of myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) symptoms be lessened through the use of mobile health apps? Blood cancer patient Lisa Hatfield shares common MPN symptoms that patients experience and explains wellness strategies and mobile app study results that decreased the symptom burden for patients.

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How Can MPN Patients Continue to Use Telemedicine and Overcome Barriers

How MPN Providers Want You to Prepare for Telemedicine Visits

How MPN Patients Can Best Prepare for a Telemedicine Visit

How MPN Patients Can Best Prepare for a Telemedicine Visit


Lisa Hatfield:  

As an MPN patient, you might experience symptoms like fatigue, night sweats, difficulty sleeping, abdominal discomfort, bone pain and others. However, early data using integrative approaches for the treatment of MPNs are promising, including aerobic activity, yoga, meditation, and strength training, to reduce the symptom burden and improve inflammation. With the evolution of smartphone technology, mobile apps have been increasingly popular to document wellness strategies. With this in mind, the University of Arizona Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine developed and successfully piloted a global wellness mobile app, My Wellness Coach (MWC), to guide MPN patients on self-management strategies for their symptom burden. 

The app had patients set at least two wellness goals with clear action steps within these seven areas: nutrition, movement, sleep, resilience, environment, relationships and spirituality to work on over the course of 12 weeks. Within the app, there were links to curated resources and tips. Participants were sent 24- to 72-hour interval reminders before and after each action step and a goal deadline to encourage action throughout the intervention. At the end of the study, improvements were observed in inactivity, impaired concentration, dizziness, numbness, sexual dysfunction, night sweats, bone pain, and quality of life. 

If you’d like to implement something similar to what the participants did, try the following: 

  • Reflect on why you want to change your symptom burden so you feel motivated  
  • Determine which of these categories: nutrition, movement, sleep, resilience, environment, relationships, and spirituality would you like to set goals in 
  • Create two goals from those categories and make them SMART- specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. 
  • Utilize resources available to you through support groups or online tools 
  • Set reminders on your phone or calendar for each step you need to take to complete your SMART goals

Mobile-based apps are another example of how MPN patients can use telemedicine in their day-to-day life and improve care.

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How Can MPN Patients Continue to Use Telemedicine and Overcome Barriers?

How Can MPN Patients Continue to Use Telemedicine and Overcome Barriers? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What ways can myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients continue to use telemedicine to overcome barriers? Blood cancer patient Lisa Hatfield shares advice for coordinating with your MPN care provider to continue telemedicine visits and how to advocate for continued coverage of virtual visits.

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Related Resources:

What MPN Patient Type Is a Good Candidate for Telemedicine Visits

The Importance of Telegenetics Consultations for MPN Patients

Can Mobile Health Apps Lower the Burden of MPN Symptoms


Lisa Hatfield:

If you got used to and liked doing telemedicine appointments rather than going to in-person appointments during the COVID-19 pandemic, don’t worry – it seems like telemedicine is here to stay! In order to take forward what we have learned from telemedicine during the pandemic, here are a few things to keep in mind. 

  • Make sure you tell your doctor that you enjoyed telemedicine visits and would like to keep using them as much as possible. You and your doctor can work together to create a schedule of mixing in-person and virtual visits. For example, you might be able to do “remote monitoring,” where you feel your spleen daily to see if it’s more enlarged or keep an eye out if you feel more full or fatigued lately or if you’ve been losing weight unexpectedly and then you report back to your physician on any changes you are experiencing or if your symptoms are worsening. 
  • You can also complete symptom assessment forms online or discuss the forms through a virtual visit rather than completing and discussing forms in-person.
  • In-person appointments will still be necessary if you need blood drawn or if your doctor prefers to feel your spleen first-hand. Be sure to communicate with your healthcare team at what intervals of your MPN treatment you would need to come in office for. 
  • In a recent podcast interview with ASCO Daily News,  Dr. Ana Maria Lopez, Vice Chair of Medical Oncology of the New Jersey division of the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center, at Jefferson Health suggests that in order to keep telemedicine in the forefront of future care, to advocate for continued reimbursement for telemedicine. Always check with your healthcare provider on the cost or reimbursement for telemedicine appointments. 

With these things in mind, we can continue to use telemedicine as it evolves further in MPN care.

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The Importance of Telegenetics Consultations for MPN Patients

The Importance of Telegenetics Consultations for MPN Patients from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What role should telegenetics consultations take for myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients? Blood cancer patient Lisa Hatfield explains the rise of telegenetic consultations, how patients benefit from them, and how to learn more about access.

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Related Resources:

How MPN Patients Can Best Prepare for a Telemedicine Visit

How MPN Patients Can Best Prepare for a Telemedicine Visit

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Using Telemedicine to Help MPN Clinical Trial Enrollment After COVID-19


Lisa Hatfield:

According to the National Library of Medicine, less than 300 genetic tests were available in the 1990s; at the end of 2012, almost 3,000 genetic tests were available and now in 2023, +76,000 tests are available to the general public. Some of those genetic tests can be used on MPN patients through telegenetic consultations. These are appointments done via telemedicine with genetic counselors to determine what gene mutations you might have. They can be done by telephone or video conferencing. 

As you would imagine, this type of telemedicine became more common during the COVID-19 pandemic and should still remain in a patient’s tool box post-pandemic. While telegenetics consultations play an important role in a patient’s personalized care by determining if there are genetic mutations like JAK2 or MPL, the added benefit is that these online consultations protect the patient from exposure to viruses and potential infections as well as saves them valuable time, energy, and travel costs.

Telegenetic consultations are also beneficial for remote patients, including those in rural areas with limited or no access to genetic services. Be sure to talk to your doctor to see if you can benefit from telegenetic consults. This can be especially important or helpful to do at the beginning of your MPN journey or before switching treatments.

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Using Telemedicine to Help MPN Clinical Trial Enrollment After COVID-19

Using Telemedicine to Help MPN Clinical Trial Enrollment After COVID-19 from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How can myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) clinical trial enrollment be aided by telemedicine? MPN expert Dr. Jamile Shammo shares ideas for how clinical trial protocols can be adjusted with telemedicine and other remote options for improved patient care. 

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Pros and Cons of Telemedicine From an MPN Patient Perspective

What MPN Patient Type Is a Good Candidate for Telemedicine Visits

How Can MPN Patients Continue to Use Telemedicine and Overcome Barriers


Lisa Hatfield:  

With the nature of telemedicine being virtual and the fact that clinical trials, thus far, have only been conducted in-person, it may seem strange or impossible to try to move clinical trial participation to the virtual space. However, clinical trials are so important to research and getting the best care to patients, that researchers are beginning to figure out how to make this a reality. MPN expert Dr. Jamille Shammo reiterates the importance of clinical trials by saying:

Dr. Jamile Shammo:

There’s no doubt that COVID has certainly impacted our ability to enroll patients on clinical trials. There have been a lot of governing bodies that have created various rules and regulations around that to facilitate enrolling patients on clinical trials, and I think right now we are seeing that this has become feasible, such that we are able to enroll patients yet again on the clinical trial. So, now I think that we have the vaccine that is available, it has become a little bit more feasible and possible to do so. So, this should not stop us. I think we should continue to seek better treatments for MPN patients actually the only way to do so is by, you know, only patients on trials.

Lisa Hatfield:

So what ideas do researchers have, to start making clinical trials available via telemedicine? 

They believe in simpler clinical research protocols that not only allow telemedicine for nontreatment visits and consents, but also require fewer laboratory tests and imaging studies that may burden patients with extra visits and reduce the regulatory burden for research staff as well. It is important to specify that patient visits and/or consents can be conducted remotely in the trial protocol. 

A patient-centric approach toward clinical research needs to be explored in virtual trial assessments. A 2022 ESMO journal article by Sessa et al described new approaches to oncology clinical trials, including the use of electronic patient consent forms and medical updates, local laboratories for blood tests, home nursing visits for blood draws or infusions, and electronic patient-reported outcomes. It also stressed the importance of working together with local doctors, direct-to-patient drug delivery, and remote monitoring to increase patient convenience. 

While there is still more information to consider, this gives us hope on how trial access can be improved and approached in the future for better MPN care. 

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How MPN Providers Want You to Prepare for Telemedicine Visits

How MPN Providers Want You to Prepare for Telemedicine Visits from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are some ways myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) providers want patients to prepare for telemedicine visits? MPN expert Dr. Jamile Shammo shares advice to avoid common obstacles to optimal telemedicine visits.

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Pros and Cons of Telemedicine From an MPN Patient Perspective

Pros and Cons of Telemedicine From an MPN Patient Perspective

Using Telemedicine to Help MPN Clinical Trial Enrollment After COVID-19

Using Telemedicine to Help MPN Clinical Trial Enrollment After COVID-19

Can Mobile Health Apps Lower the Burden of MPN Symptoms


Lisa Hatfield:

Do you ever wonder what your doctor wishes you would do before having a telemedicine appointment with them? After all, they are meeting with patients almost daily for telehealth visits so they know what makes a successful appointment. Listen as Dr. Jamile Shammo shares her advice on how to prep to make the most of your time together: 

Dr. Jamile Shammo:

When preparing for a televisit, I think it’s so important to know whether or not you would have a connectivity issue. A lot of times, I’m trying to connect with the patient and then we realize that their phone isn’t equipped to handle the televisit and that is kind of disappointing to find that out a minute before you try to connect then that visit becomes a telephone encounter, which is again, less satisfying for some patients. I mean it does the job, but again, it doesn’t provide me with the exam…part of the exam that I’d like to do, at least in that way. 

Lisa Hatfield:

If you are unsure on what platform to use for your appointment or if you have to download an application, it is worth asking your care team ahead of time as Dr. Shammo says. Most institutions have a person that can assist you with setup prior to the appointment, especially if it is your first virtual appointment. 

Dr. Jamile Shammo:

It would be helpful to make sure that you have a blood draw or if your physician would like to have a blood draw in my case, I always like to have a CBC beforehand or perhaps a chemistry or maybe ion studies or what have you, to have that so that there will be something to discuss. Make sure that your physician has had those results before you have the visit. Sometimes it is also disappointing that the patient thinks I’ve received those results when I actually haven’t and I have no control over that, so that would be the other piece.

Lisa Hatfield:

Take control of your visit by asking staff ahead of time if you can have a blood draw or other testing and that those results are shared with the doctor prior to your visit, that way you can discuss them live. You can typically request this by calling or using a patient communication portal. Just like with in-person visits, have your questions ready or items you would like to talk about in order to utilize your time effectively. 

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What MPN Patient Type Is a Good Candidate for Telemedicine Visits?

What MPN Patient Type Is a Good Candidate for Telemedicine Visits? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patient type makes a good candidate for telemedicine visits? MPN expert Dr. Jamile Shammo shares her perspective of patient situations that work well for telemedicine and those who can benefit from in-person visits as part of ongoing care.

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Using Telemedicine to Help MPN Clinical Trial Enrollment After COVID-19

Using Telemedicine to Help MPN Clinical Trial Enrollment After COVID-19

How MPN Providers Want You to Prepare for Telemedicine Visits


Lisa Hatfield:

As more institutions start to have in-person visits instead of only telemedicine visits, you might be wondering if you should keep doing telemedicine visits or move back to seeing your physician in-person. Some people might want to continue doing telemedicine for a number of reasons, including convenience/no travel involved and  limiting your exposure to colds/infection from other patients. There are certain MPN patients that could be seen with telemedicine visits or fewer in-person visits. Listen as Dr. Jamile Shammo explains.

Dr. Jamile Shammo:

So, when I think of the patient that might benefit most from seeing the physician via televisit, for example, it would be someone who perhaps has a stable disease, someone who I may want to monitor perhaps every three to six months, someone who may have stable counts, and we’re just talking to about their symptoms and monitoring those types of things every so often. And perhaps I look at the labs, and you can discuss their symptoms and whether or not they have splenomegaly and issues like that. 

Lisa Hatfield:

As Dr. Shammo notes, if your MPN is considered stable and you typically only see your doctor every three to six months, it might be worth continuing telemedicine visits instead of going back to in-person visits. 

Dr. Jamile Shammo:

Someone who may already be on a stable dose of medication and we don’t have to do any dose adjustments and even if we have to do those adjustments, perhaps we could do labs a little more frequently, so that would be all right too.

Lisa Hatfield:

If you are on a stable dose of your medication and don’t need any modifications or just have minor adjustments, you could consider staying with telemedicine visits. 

But what patients should consider doing more in-person visits, now that COVID-19 precautions are lighter? Dr. Shammo goes on to explain THAT patient could be…

Dr. Jamile Shammo:

Someone in whom I would like to initiate in treatment, someone in whom the disease may be progressing a little too quickly, someone who I may want to do an exam and assess their spleen, I suppose you could send them to an ultrasound facility and obtain an MRI or a CT, or an ultrasound of the imaging study that is. But there’s nothing like an actual exam of the patient. You are thinking about the disease progression, so those sorts of patients in which the disease is actually changing its pace, you may want to take a look at it, the full smear look and examine the skin for certain TKI and signs and symptoms of low platelets and that sort of thing. Look in the mouth for ulcers and things of that nature. 

Lisa Hatfield:

As always, please discuss with your health care team before deciding to switch to only telemedicine visits or going back to in-person visits. They know your history and can help decide what is best for you and your care at this particular time. 

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Pros and Cons of Telemedicine From an MPN Patient Perspective

Pros and Cons of Telemedicine From an MPN Patient Perspective from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are the positives and negatives of telemedicine for myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients? MPN patient Debbie shares her perspective about benefits and drawbacks of telemedicine visits, and blood cancer patient Lisa Hatfield shares advice for preparing for telehealth visits and for staying connected with your healthcare team.

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Related Resources:

How MPN Patients Can Best Prepare for a Telemedicine Visit

How MPN Patients Can Best Prepare for a Telemedicine Visit

What MPN Patient Type Is a Good Candidate for Telemedicine Visits

How Can MPN Patients Continue to Use Telemedicine and Overcome Barriers



I think there is definitely a place for telemedicine in our care. It has enabled us to, or enable me to keep in touch with my hematologist and to understand where my blood counts currently are. What I would also say is, it’s…that there are positives and negatives. I think that the positive of it is the fact that I’ve got a regular update on what my blood counts actually are. I think the negatives of it can be, is that it is quite easy just to move the conversation quite quickly forward. It’s easier for me to just say, everything’s all okay. Thank you for updating me over the telephone, then it is perhaps if I was actually sat in front of somebody. I think that the challenges it presents is that personal touch, is that feeling of being able to have a one-to-one relationship with your consultant. I don’t think you have that over the telephone.

Lisa Hatfield:

You just heard from Debbie, who is living with an myeloproliferative neoplasm, share her positives and negatives of telemedicine but what can patients do so the positives outweigh the negatives? One suggestion is to treat a telehealth appointment the same way you would treat an in-person appointment, meaning you would write down all your questions ahead of time, make notes of the points you want to cover and keep information on your blood counts and medications handy. By looking at a telemedicine appointment with the same importance and preparedness as an in-person session, you will ensure you are making the most of the time. Another way to see the positives in telemedicine is to remember that telemedicine can be used beyond virtual visits. You can utilize telemedicine/telehealth technology to message and stay in contact with your care team and to share your records electronically with all the providers you see. Telemedicine can help us stay connected and informed of our health in this technology-heavy world!

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How MPN Patients Can Best Prepare for a Telemedicine Visit

How MPN Patients Can Best Prepare for a Telemedicine Visit from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are some ways that myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients can best prepare for telemedicine visits? Lisa Hatfield shares information about telemedicine, and MPN patient Summer Golden and care partner Jeff Bushnell share their tips for telemedicine best practices.

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Related Resources:

Pros and Cons of Telemedicine From an MPN Patient Perspective

Pros and Cons of Telemedicine From an MPN Patient Perspective

How MPN Providers Want You to Prepare for Telemedicine Visits

The Importance of Telegenetics Consultations for MPN Patients


Lisa Hatfield:

After the extensive use of it during the COVID-19 pandemic, it seems like telemedicine will be here to stay. It’s another technological advantage that people living with MPNs can put in their toolbox. Since MPNs are classified as a rare disease, and there might be a lack of doctors knowledgeable on how to treat it near you, telemedicine has made it easier to connect with MPN specialists via online consults. Telemedicine can include video or audio only, and you should receive instructions how to set up and what to expect prior to your appointment. 

Listen as MPN patient, Jeff Bushnell and his care partner, Summer Golden, share how they prepare for telemedicine visits 

Summer Golden and Jeff Bushnell:

A top tip I think, it’s sort of logical, but is to have the questions and issues written out because it’s a limited matter of time and to specifically jot down the answers. Another tip would be to ensure that you have the appropriate stuff on whatever device you’re using to talk to the doctor on. We’ve used about three or four different apps, as it were, on our phone to communicate with different doctors, and you need to make sure that that works ahead of time.

Usually, the way they do it is they set up the appointment, they contact you ahead of time, and make sure that it’s going to work before they put the doctor online. But that’s very important that you have the technical ability to ensure that your equipment can support telemedicine. They’re making it pretty easy, but you still have to do it.

Lisa Hatfield:

Follow these two tips from Summer and Jeff as part of what YOU do to be ready for your next telemedicine visit. If you are having trouble with the technology needed for telemedicine, be sure to reach out to your doctor, nurse, or care partner for assistance. 

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Understanding and Managing Common MPN Symptoms and Side Effects

Understanding and Managing Common MPN Symptoms and Side Effects from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How can MPN symptoms and side effects be managed? Dr. Raajit Rampal discusses strategies for managing PV-related itching, fatigue, and other common issues MPN patients face. 

Dr. Raajit Rampal is a hematologist-oncologist specializing in the treatment of myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) and leukemia at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. Learn more about Dr. Rampal.

Related Programs:

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Are There Predictors That an MPN May Be Progressing?

Understanding MPN Treatment Options _ What’s Available for MF, PV, and ET

Understanding MPN Treatment Options | What’s Available for MF, PV, and ET?

Thriving With an MPN: Advice for Setting Goals and Making Treatment Decisions

Thriving With an MPN | Advice for Setting Goals and Making Treatment Decisions


Katherine Banwell:

Let’s talk about MPN symptoms and treatment side effects. Here’s a question we received from a viewer before the program. How common is peripheral neuropathy in primary myelofibrosis? 

And what is the best treatment for it? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

Well, by itself, it’s not a very common symptom of MF by itself. Can it be a symptom? Sure. But there are also a number of things that can cause peripheral neuropathy. So, I’m not sure there’s a best treatment.  

But what needs to be done is a thorough investigation. There can be a number of causes. It could be nerve injury. It could be a deficiency in vitamins like B12. There are a lot of things that could cause it. So, that type of a symptom needs to be thought of in a broad way in terms of diagnosis.  

Katherine Banwell:

Jeff sent in this question, :How could I manage the itching? Are there new treatments or strategies to live with itching?”  

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

Very common thing. And it’s an interesting thing explaining to when we teach our trainees about this symptom, we have to impress on them the fact that itching is not the itching that everybody else experiences. 

This is a very profoundly different symptom. It’s debilitating for so many people. I have patients who go to the Emergency Room for that. That’s how terrible it could be. There are a lot of things that could be tried. JAK inhibitors, in my experience, work very well for itching but not in everybody. We use sometimes antihistamines that can work well. Sometimes, antidepressants can work well, not because they’re treating depression but because of other properties that they have. And sometimes, UV light therapy can be useful tool here, too. A lot of patients swear by it. 

Katherine Banwell:

Another common side effect is fatigue. Do you have any advice for managing this symptom? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

Fatigue is the most common symptom across MPNs. And it is also one of the most difficult things to treat. Part of the issue is trying to figure out what does fatigue mean to the patient.  

When someone says they’re tired, does that mean they’re sleeping all of the time? Does that mean they don’t have get up and go? The first step is always understanding what does fatigue mean to the patient? And then, the second is trying to dissect that. In some cases, it’s related to anemia, in some cases, it’s not related to anemia and it’s just the disease itself.  

And in some cases, you have to think outside of the box about general medical issues like thyroid dysfunction that could be at play here. So, there isn’t one best fit. 

But the first test is always to dig deep. When someone says they have fatigue to dig deeper and try to figure out what is that really. 

Katherine Banwell:

What other common symptoms do you hear about from patients? And what can be done about those? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

There are a lot of different things. It’s a spectrum. So, I think that itching and fatigue are very common. Feeling full early is, that’s a big thing, particularly in myelofibrosis patients.  

Bone pain, that’s another big one, particularly in myelofibrosis. There is not one therapy that is best for all. I think the JAK inhibitors, certainly, benefit many of these symptoms. But they don’t benefit everybody and not to the extent that makes it tolerable for everybody. So, often times, we struggle with this and try a lot of different things. But, again, I think one of the things to always remember is we don’t always want to say that this must be because of the MPN. Sometimes, symptom is arising because of another medical condition that’s going on concurrently. 

Are There Predictors That an MPN May Be Progressing?

Are There Predictors That an MPN May Be Progressing? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Many people living with MPNs are worried about progression. Dr. Raajit Rampal talks about possible indicators and discusses ongoing research to learn more about disease progression. 

Dr. Raajit Rampal is a hematologist-oncologist specializing in the treatment of myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) and leukemia at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. Learn more about Dr. Rampal.

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MPN Essential Testing | How Results Impact Care & Treatment Options

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Understanding MPN Treatment Options | What’s Available for MF, PV, and ET?

Understanding and Managing Common MPN Symptoms and Side Effects

Understanding and Managing Common MPN Symptoms and Side Effects


Katherine Banwell:

How do you know when it’s time to change treatments? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

Well, I think really two things. One is if we aren’t meeting our goals like we just talked about. But the other aspect of that is if we are incurring toxicities that are just not tolerable to the patient and that’s a reason to change therapy always. 

Katherine Banwell:

Many patients, of course, worry about disease progression. Are there key predictors or tests for progression that patients should know about? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

This is a key area of investigation currently. I think one of the things that patients say to us so often when we meet them is what’s going to happen to me. And right now, we don’t have great prediction tools. We can say on a population level well, there is X percent of chance of progression at 15 years. That’s useful if you’re talking about a population. That’s not really useful if you’re talking to an individual. Because if I say to somebody there’s a 20 percent chance of your disease progressing to leukemia, it doesn’t really make a difference. That’s a meaningless statement because if you’re in the 20 percent who progress, it’s not a relevant statistic anymore. 

It’s sort of a binary thing. We’ve got to do better at developing this. This is something that the MPN Research Foundation is really heavily invested in in trying to identify predictive biomarkers. 

If we can do that, then perhaps what we can do is say to a patient this is really what we think your actual risk is. And then, the next step is asking the question if we intervene early, can we prevent that progression from occurring. So, that’s where I think we need to go. We aren’t there yet. 

Katherine Banwell:

What signs or symptoms do you look for that may indicate that the disease is progressing? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

The blood counts are often the canary in the coal mine regardless of the disease. They can tell us if ET or PV is progressing into MF or whether MF is progressing to more of a leukemic phase. Changes in symptoms sometimes can be a harbinger of disease progression. So, Patient 2, for example, is doing really well and now, he’s having drenching sweats and losing weight. So, those types of symptoms are a sign that physical findings is the size of the spleen if it’s increasing. All of those things together give us a hint about progression.  

Katherine Banwell:

Well, is there any way to prevent progression? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

That is the million dollar question. Again, that’s where we ultimately need to be. We want to be able to intervene to a point where patients don’t get that sick. It would be amazing if we’d come to the point where we can intervene early and nobody progresses to late stage MF. Nobody gets leukemia. And I think that’s a worthy goal. That’s not something that we should think is too lofty of a goal. That should be our ultimate goal here. And a number of groups are investigating this exact question. It’s complicated and it’s going to take time. But I think that’s a worthwhile investment. 

Understanding MPN Treatment Options | What’s Available for MF, PV, and ET?

Understanding MPN Treatment Options | What’s Available for MF, PV, and ET? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How are myelofibrosis (MF), polycythemia vera (PV), and essential thrombocythemia (ET) treated? Dr. Raajit Rampal reviews the available therapies for each of the MPNs. 

Dr. Raajit Rampal is a hematologist-oncologist specializing in the treatment of myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) and leukemia at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. Learn more about Dr. Rampal.


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MPN Essential Testing | How Results Impact Care & Treatment Options

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Thriving With an MPN | Advice for Setting Goals and Making Treatment Decisions

Understanding and Managing Common MPN Symptoms and Side Effects

Understanding and Managing Common MPN Symptoms and Side Effects


Katherine Banwell:

So, what are the types of treatments available for MPNs?  And let’s start with myelofibrosis or MF. 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

If we had had this discussion five years ago, it would be pretty simple, and it would take a minute or two. And that’s completely changing and that’s amazing, and it’s good for all of our patients.  

Right now, for patients with MF, it depends on what the issue is. If the issue is symptoms or spleen, JAK inhibitors are our first line of therapy. Three approved JAK inhibitors are currently available, two on the first side ruxolitinib (Jakafi) and fedratinib (Inrebic). And pacritinib (Vonjo) can be used for patients with really low platelet counts.  

There is a fourth JAK inhibitor that we expect to be, hopefully, approved in June of this year, momelotinib. So, the landscape is about to complete broaden in terms of just JAK inhibitors. 

But beyond the JAK inhibitors themselves, there are a number of late stage clinical trials that are combining JAK inhibitors with agents that work through a different mechanism that don’t work through inhibition of the JAK pathway. So far, these drugs have all shown promise in early phase trials. Now, the definitive Phase III trials are being done. We have to wait and see what the data tells us. But if these are positive trials, this could completely alter the landscape of MPN. 

Katherine Banwell:

There’s also transplants available, right? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

Correct. Transplants for more advanced patients, which comes with some major risks. And so, that has to be thought of very carefully in terms of the risks and benefit. But it is a potentially curative strategy. 

Katherine Banwell:

Let’s turn to polycythemia vera or PV. What types of treatments are available? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

It’s really quite a range. So, there are things like phlebotomy and aspirin, which has been the mainstay of therapy for many years. There are drugs like hydroxyurea (Hydrea), interferons, JAK inhibitors. So, ruxolitinib is approved in certain settings for treating polycythemia vera. So, the landscape is broad. There are a lot of questions going on right now with polycythemia vera with regards to how it should best be treated. Is the mainstay of phlebotomy and aspirin really what we should be doing or should we be giving patients treatment earlier on. 

And there is some data to suggest that. There is this drug called ropeginterferon (Besremi) that’s FDA-approved for polycythemia, which was compared in the study to phlebotomy and aspirin.  

And at least the data suggests that there may be better control of the disease and less progression possibly, and it’s a small number of patients, by treating patients earlier. Whereas we would have just given phlebotomy and aspirin. So, it’s something to consider. There are drugs in clinical trials as well that look promising one of which is called rusfertide, which actually works by changing the way iron is used by the body. 

Iron is a key component to hemoglobin and it is, of course, a key component to polycythemia in the sense that we phlebotomize patients to make them iron deficient and that’s how we control the disease. But this is a pharmacological way to do that. So, that drug is now in Phase III trials. So, that may also alter the landscape of treatment of PV in the near future.  

Katherine Banwell:

Finally, how is essential thrombocythemia treated? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

So, in some cases, with absolutely nothing as we had talked about a moment ago. There is some thought that in really, really low-risk patients. Maybe you don’t need to do anything except observe them. Whereas most patients are on an aspirin. And beyond that, we have drugs like interferon, pegylated interferon, and hydroxyurea and anagrelide, all of which can be utilized. It’s not entirely clear if there is one distinct first line treatment that is the best but these drugs are all active. JAK inhibitors have been studied in this setting. And to date, the data hasn’t led to their approval but, certainly, people have studied it.   

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Rampal, how can you tell if a treatment is effective? Are there signs that you look for? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

Well, I think it’s a couple of things.  

One, are we meeting the treatment goals in terms of are we controlling blood counts with ET or PV? That’s one of the first principles in management. And with regards to MF, the same thing. Are patients’ symptoms being controlled? Is the spleen being adequately controlled? And then, there’s the symptom burden because just because the blood counts are being controlled, patients may still have symptoms, in which case, they are not being adequately treated. And then, we have to do our best to try to find a treatment strategy that does control their blood counts but also does control their symptoms. So, there is the blood count perspective but there is the symptom perspective as well. 

MPN Essential Testing | How Results Impact Care & Treatment Options

MPN Essential Testing | How Results Impact Care & Treatment Options from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How could molecular testing affect MPN treatment decisions? Dr. Raajit Rampal explains the purpose of this essential testing and how the results may impact prognosis and care. 

Dr. Raajit Rampal is a hematologist-oncologist specializing in the treatment of myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) and leukemia at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. Learn more about Dr. Rampal.


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Understanding MPN Treatment Options | What’s Available for MF, PV, and ET?

Understanding and Managing Common MPN Symptoms and Side Effects

Understanding and Managing Common MPN Symptoms and Side Effects


Katherine Banwell:

Let’s talk about what sort of tests should be done following an MPN diagnosis. Can you tell me about those? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

Yeah. Fundamental to the MPN itself, the things that we really want to know is, in most cases, a bone marrow examination is needed because that will tell us really what the disease is that we’re dealing with. It will tell us about the genetics. I strongly believe we have to be comprehensive in our genetic assessments because that does prognosticate and sometimes gives us an opportunity in terms of treatment. Chromosomal analysis. These are the basic bread and butter hematology tests we want to do from the bone marrow to really understand what the patient’s disease is. 

Beyond that, I think that particularly in patients with PV and ET, it’s important that we partner with their primary care physicians to make sure that they’ve had, for example, testing for diabetes, a recent lipid profile, any cardiovascular tests, particularly measurements of blood pressure because these things are all important in terms of an ET or PV patient’s risk of having a blood clot. So, there are, again, things that are within hematology realm but then, there are other general health things that become really important in somebody who is diagnosed with PV or ET. 

Katherine Banwell:

How often should lab tests of blood work be done? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

It really depends on the patient. For some patients with PV, for example, they need to have their blood checked every three weeks because they’re having frequent phlebotomies. Whereas some patients with ET could probably go forward to six months between blood tests. So, it depends on the individual. 

Katherine Banwell:

How can results of biomarker testing affect treatment choices for patients with MPNs? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

Great question. The genetics are becoming increasingly important in our treatment decisions. So, let’s take a simple example, which is patients with ET. Calreticulin and JAK2 and MPL are the three most common mutations that we see. But they have very different invocation. So, somebody could have a calreticulin-mutated ET and based on them having that calreticulin mutation and no other factors like no history of clotting, that patient may never need to go on a medication aside from aspirin. And even early on, it’s debatable whether or not some of these patients really need aspirin at all. 

Whereas somebody who had a JAK-2 mutant ET, our guidelines and data suggests that that person, once they reach a certain age, should probably be on medication. So, that’s kind of perhaps one of our more clearcut examples of a genetic biomarker telling us how to approach treatment. 

And then, it gets more nuanced from that and more exciting and interesting in the sense that there are mutations, for example, that occur in myelofibrosis and in patients whose disease is progressing towards leukemia, such as IDH mutations. And these are things that are now targetable with FDA-approved drugs.  

And there are now clinical trials combining JAK inhibitors and IDH inhibitors for patients who have more advanced disease who have these IDH mutations. So, you go from on one end, these genomic markers being of prognostic significance and now, on the other hand, we’re getting to a point where, in some cases, they might tell us how to best treat a patient.  

Katherine Banwell:

Dr. Rampal, should all patients diagnosed with MPNs undergo molecular testing?  

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

I strongly believe that. I think that we’ve learned so much that these tests have prognostic value. 

And in some cases, it may suggest a slightly different diagnosis. I definitely think that should be the case. 

Katherine Banwell:

What should patients be asking once they have the results? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

What does it mean? That’s the most basic and fundamental question. It’s one thing to get a list of mutations. But the real bread and butter question is what does this mean to the disease and my prognosis and my treatment?  Those are the key questions. 

Thriving With an MPN | Advice for Setting Goals and Making Treatment Decisions

Thriving With an MPN | Advice for Setting Goals and Making Treatment Decisions from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Dr. Raajit Rampal shares his perspective on what it means to thrive with an MPN. Dr. Rampal goes on to discuss the factors that impact therapy as well as advice for setting treatment goals for patients with essential thrombocythemia (ET), polycythemia vera (PV), and myelofibrosis (MF).

Dr. Raajit Rampal is a hematologist-oncologist specializing in the treatment of myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) and leukemia at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. Learn more about Dr. Rampal.


Related Programs:

MPN Essential Testing | How Results Impact Care & Treatment Options

MPN Essential Testing | How Results Impact Care & Treatment Options

Understanding MPN Treatment Options _ What’s Available for MF, PV, and ET

Understanding MPN Treatment Options | What’s Available for MF, PV, and ET?

Understanding and Managing Common MPN Symptoms and Side Effects

Understanding and Managing Common MPN Symptoms and Side Effects


Katherine Banwell:

In your experience, what do you think it means to thrive with an MPN? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

It’s a great question, right. I think taking a step back, when we think about our patients with MPNs, one of the questions I always have for patients are what are your goals? And inevitably and invariably, people want two things. They want to live longer and they want to live better. And so, I think that thinking about thriving with an MPN to me is about how do we minimize the impact of an MPN in someone’s life. And that means a couple of things. One that means how do we deal with symptoms or things that are causing medical problems. 

But two, how do we deal with the anxiety of a diagnosis? In many cases in my experience, that can be just as detrimental to somebody’s well-being as the actual physical symptoms of the disease.  

Katherine Banwell:

When it comes to choosing therapy for polycythemia vera essential thrombocythemia, or myelofibrosis, it’s important to work with your healthcare team to identify what is going to work best for you. So, to begin, would you define shared decision-making and why is this critical to properly managing life with an MPN? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

Yeah. Shared decision-making, to me, is really about the physician or whoever is on the healthcare team providing the patient all of the information needed to make a good decision. That means what are we trying to do? What is the medication or invention going to accomplish? What are the side effects because there are always side effects.  

And what do we think that’s going to do or how is that going to impact the patient’s life? Where things get nuanced is that patients come to us because we have expertise. There are two extremes. One extreme is that the physician says this is the medication you should take. End of discussion. The other extreme though is also not helpful, which is to say to a patient here are five choices. Here are the side effects. You pick one. Our job is to lay out those side effects and the benefits but then, also help guide a decision.  

Katherine Banwell:

What are treatment goals, and how are they determined? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

It depends on the disease to a large extent. Now, when we’re dealing with ET and PV, the primary goal of our interventions is to reduce the risk of a clotting event or bleeding event. And that usually involves controlling the blood counts in some cases, not in all patients with ET. 

Sometimes aspirin is all we do. Myelofibrosis is a little bit more complicated because it depends on what the problem is. Not all myelofibrosis patients have the same challenges. Some have anemia that needs treatment. Some have a big spleen. Some have symptoms and some have nothing and they just need observation. So, it’s a bigger list with MF patients. But I think the first part of the discussion always is defining what the goal needs to be. 

Katherine Banwell:

What factors are considered when choosing therapy for ET, PV, and MF? 

Dr. Raajit Rampal:

I think a couple of things. One is what medication we think is going to benefit the patient best. That has to take into account the individual, their willingness to take certain medications, for example, pills versus interferon injection. Some people have an aversion to self-injection, which we have to take that into account. What are the other medical conditions that the patient is dealing with? 

And the reality is, in some cases, it’s cost because these medications, depending on a patient’s insurance, can have quite a different spread in terms of cost. Unfortunately, that is something we have to take into account.  

What Are Potential Telemedicine Risks for Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Patients?

What Are Potential Telemedicine Risks for Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Patients? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What risks should myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients be aware of with telemedicine? Experts Dr. AnaMaria Lopez from Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center, Dr. Krisstina Gowin from University of Arizona Cancer Center, and patient Lisa Hatfield share their perspectives and advice. Watch as they discuss potential risks in MPN patient care, how to advocate for the continuation of telemedicine, and advice for patients to work toward optimal wellness.

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Lisa Hatfield: 

Are there any risks or drawbacks that you see to telehealth or telemedicine for digital health?

Dr. AnaMaria Lopez: 

The most important thing is to remember that the technology is a tool, and if the person feels that there’s a limitation, so, for example, if the patient is seen and they say their heart is racing or skipping beats or something, now, there are ways, there are electronic stethoscope, so you can really do a full exam except for palpation through telemedicine. But not everybody has that even in a clinic, but certainly in our own home, we don’t have that technology. So if a patient is expressing a concern for which the clinician really feels that needs a closer evaluation, then that’s the right next step, so we’re not…the technology is a tool to help us care for people, and if it’s not all available right there, then we need to see the patient in person. So I think that’s the risk is just sometimes people may feel limited like, “Oh, well, I’m not really sure It’s okay, I’m not really sure I need to see you, or you need to go here or go there for the care.”

And the other, which is a really big threat, is that part of the reason we did 70 years work in a couple months is because it was reimbursed, and we’re reaching the end of the pandemic, the federal…and with that, the payers may go backwards. We all know that if that happens, we will go backwards in telemedicine. [chuckle] There will just be decreased, decreased use. And it may lead to people then going back to traveling for four hours, waiting, only to be told, “Oh, you know what? There’s not this. This clinical trial doesn’t work for you.” So we don’t want to lose ground. And part of not losing ground is that we really need to continue to have advocacy around reimbursement.

Lisa Hatfield: 

Thank you, Dr. Lopez. And I feel compelled, just to follow up with one more question regarding that, because I’m very passionate about this. With some of these rules and guidelines coming to an end, I know in my particular state that I will no longer be able to access my specialist. I see a myeloma specialist. We do not have any here locally. I can access a specialist via telemedicine. I will not have that opportunity. So as all of us know, there are disparities and there are financial disparities in cancer patients. There are racial disparities in cancer patients, there are socioeconomic disparities. Telemedicine has been a tremendous…has had a tremendous impact on the care and the outcomes and the quality of life of so many patients. So as a patient and as an advocate, do you have any recommendations? Do I go to my doctor and say, “Okay, how can I move forward and still talk to my specialist, who’s out of state? Do I go to my state legislature? Do I talk to my insurance company? How can we get this to continue?” Because this has had such a significant impact on the quality of life and on the outcomes for patients, who otherwise, would not have been able to access that care.

Dr. AnaMaria Lopez: 

Yeah, I mean, I think all of the above. Partnering with other advocates, the American Telemedicine Association has a map that kind of says where are all the shifting sands regarding the different rules and legislative changes. But I think it’s led us to a place, where we are all advocates and where physicians, nurses, patients, pharmacists, everybody in the same way that we do team-based care, that we do team-based advocacy and it’s all for our patients.

Lisa Hatfield: 

Great. Thank you for that. Dr. Gowin, any last words that you may have about accessing specialists or telemedicine options?

Dr. Krisstina Gowin: 

Well, I think we covered the basics, but I just want to end with just how empowering the access to digital health interventions really is. And so I don’t think there is a one-size-fits-all approach to every patient. So what I would encourage patients to do is just to really think, “How do I compliment my care? What am I missing? How do I achieve my best wellness? And how do I get those resources in my home to make them more convenient for me?” And to start doing some research and self-advocacy to really get those resources because they are out there and in almost…in every domain, there is now a digital version that is accessible to you now.

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