How Can Specialists and Support Networks Improve Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care?

What can be helpful for myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) symptom management and disease progression awareness? Expert Dr. Andrew Kuykendall from Moffitt Cancer Center discusses education tools and interventions, support resources, and the value of both community oncologists and academic centers in MPN care. 


“…I think there’s a distinct role for community oncologists and specialists, and really this should be something that works really well together.”

See More From [ACT]IVATED MPNs

Related Resources:

What's Next for Improving Quality of Life in Polycythemia Vera?

What’s Next for Improving Quality of Life in Polycythemia Vera?

Advancing Therapies for Polycythemia Vera: Enhancing Control and Quality of Life

Advancing Therapies for Polycythemia Vera: Enhancing Control and Quality of Life

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Can Monitoring Albumin Levels Help Track Myelofibrosis Treatment Success?


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Kuykendall, can you discuss any specific interventions or educational tools that have proven effective in improving symptom management and disease progression awareness for patients facing PV, myelofibrosis, and/or essential thrombocythemia? 

Dr. Andrew Kuykendall:

Yeah, so I mean, I think when we’re talking about symptom management, disease progression, awareness, one of the things I think is very helpful is to have an expert or specialist in your corner. And that doesn’t mean that’s the person you’re seeing every month or every two months or every three months. It means you’ve seen them one time at least, right? And you’ve been able to sit down and ask every question you have, right? It is very important as medicine gets very, very specialized.

Just the amount of information that’s out there on every single one of these disease states is impossible to keep up with. If you’re a generalist, if you’re treating everything, you just can’t be completely up to date on everything that’s going on in myeloproliferative neoplasms when you’ve got a colon cancer patient, a breast cancer patient, a pancreatic cancer patient, anemic patient coming into your clinic.

And so having that specialist in your corner really gives you that resource of asking some of these challenging questions. And I think that more than specific medications, I think what a specialist can provide is that education and that lifeline. So beyond having that specialist in your corner, I think that it’s also helpful to have a network of kind of colleagues or patients that you have as a support group or as a resource group to bounce things off of.

And so there’s a number of patient networks, whether it’s Patient Empowerment Networks or MPN Advocacy & Education International or Facebook groups or whatever it is, right? There’s a lot of different resources where patients can reach out and touch base with other patients or you know look for programs, educational awareness programs that are out there and really become an advocate for themselves and really drive their own care.

So when we’re talking about interventions, educational tools for symptom management, disease awareness, I would say seek out and have a specialist that you see at least one time that you can reach out to with any questions. And also build a network of some sort of patient group where you can access real-time education and resources and also talk with other patients about their experiences.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay, thank you. So you mentioned having a specialist, and I also have a specialist for my particular blood cancer. I live in an area where we don’t have a multiple myeloma specialist, so I’ve had to go out of state for that. So one of my biggest fears when I did that, I have a very good oncologist locally. I did not want to offend him if I said I wanted to go seek out an expert opinion. Do you have any suggestions for patients who might be afraid to mention that to their community oncologist if they’re seeing a community oncologist? 

Dr. Andrew Kuykendall:

The first thing I’d say is that there’s probably nothing to be scared of. I think that community oncologists generally understand what specialists are there for. Honestly, it takes a bit of weight off their plate. If we spend an hour, hour-and-a-half with our patients talking about everything that comes with a diagnosis of myeloproliferative neoplasms, I think that’s time that, they can spend on other things in their clinic.

And they usually have very busy clinic schedules. And at the same time, I think that this is usually a kind of symbiotic or mutualistic relationship where both people involved or both physicians involved can really play a role and benefit the others. So I’m in Florida, and this is a big state, right? 

For me to get to Key West is going to take a while, for me to get to Tallahassee is going to take a while. Miami is a long way away, but I have patients from Key West and Tallahassee and Miami. And now with virtual medicine, we could do a little bit more virtual, but it still doesn’t replace the seeing the patient in person. And so I would say 80 to 90 percent of my patients have a community oncologist that they see that has my cell phone number or my email address, and is encouraged to reach out to me with any questions, concerns, thoughts. And when we see patients and we come up with treatment plans, I’m usually kind of reaching out to their community oncologists to say, hey, this is what we’re trying to execute, this is the plan.

Do you want us to help with that? Are you able to take it? Let’s work on this together. And so typically this isn’t something to worry a lot about if you really are concerned, I think one way is say, hey, I’d like to see a specialist to talk about clinical trials. And honestly, that’s one of the things that community oncologists are like oh, okay. Absolutely. That’s a great reason to see them. The two most common reasons for a community oncologist to refer someone to an academic center is probably clinical trials or discussion of transplant, right? And so you could say, hey, I want to talk about transplant, or I want to talk about clinical trials, and typically that’ll be a good reason to get in the door.

So yeah, my [ACT]IVATION tip for this is, I think there’s a distinct role for community oncologists and specialists, and really this should be something that works really well together.

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What’s Next for Improving Quality of Life in Polycythemia Vera?

What are key challenges in myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) care, and how do symptoms evolve over time? Expert Dr. Andrew Kuykendall from Moffitt Cancer Center discusses constitutional MPN symptoms, strategies to manage fatigue, neurovascular symptoms, and symptom management. 


“…we have a variety of symptoms that can be associated with kind of myeloproliferative neoplasms as a whole, as well as each one of these distinct disease entities. And the therapy for each of these differs based on the particular symptom.”

See More From [ACT]IVATED MPNs

Related Resources:

How Can Specialists and Support Networks Improve Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care?

How Can Specialists and Support Networks Improve Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care?

Advancing Therapies for Polycythemia Vera: Enhancing Control and Quality of Life

Advancing Therapies for Polycythemia Vera: Enhancing Control and Quality of Life

Empowering Patients: Enhancing Shared Decision-Making in Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care

Empowering Patients: Enhancing Shared Decision-Making in Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Kuykendall. I’d like you to speak to some of the key challenges in managing MPN symptoms. So based on the available treatment options, what are the most challenging symptoms associated with polycythemia vera, PV, or myelofibrosis and essential thrombocythemia, ET? And what are we learning about how these symptoms evolve as the disease progresses? 

Dr. Andrew Kuykendall:

When we think about myelofibrosis, that’s probably the disease we associate with the most clear, distinct symptoms. And patients often have what we call “constitutional symptoms.” And this could be fevers, chills, night sweats, bone pain, weight loss. These are classic symptoms of a disease that is really causing a lot of inflammation, right? And driving a lot of these inflammatory pathways, and these types of symptoms are quite well-addressed with JAK inhibitors, these disease specific anti-inflammatories, of which we now have four that are approved for myelofibrosis in different capacities. But there are more symptoms beyond those. I think when we think about polycythemia vera, we get less constitutional symptoms, although that certainly can be seen in a subset of patients.

But we see more itching is probably the classic polycythemia vera symptom. This itching that is quite challenging, doesn’t necessarily respond to antihistamines, and can be something that’s exacerbated by like taking hot showers or being in hot water. There’s a fancy name for it called aquagenic pruritus. And patients may not even be aware this is related to their disease. I’ve met many patients who’ve come in, who’ve been diagnosed with PV who complain of this challenge with showering or being in hot water, who really never put two and two together.

And sometimes the itching isn’t even described as itching. It feels like fire ants all over their body. And you have patients that are really avoiding right, showering. And so they’re doing it maybe once a week or once every two weeks. And so again, this is a symptom that responds quite well to ruxolitinib (Jakafi), which is approved in the second line here.

Beyond that, I think the biggest symptom across myeloproliferative neoplasms is fatigue. And I don’t have great magic tips for fatigue other than to say what we found out is probably non-pharmacologic interventions are better than pharmacologic interventions for fatigue. Things like just making sure you have good sleep hygiene, getting good sleep, healthy diet, exercise, yoga, mindfulness, resting, these probably are more successful in treating fatigue than any specific drug or agent that we have. And I think that speaks to really a failure on our part to develop better therapies. But certainly it’s something that we’re all very well aware of. And so it’s something we monitor in any of our clinical trials when we are developing agents is how does fatigue change over time? And lastly, I’d say for ET I think you can start to see some symptoms that are more kind of neurovascular.

So things like headaches, migraines, ringing in the ears, or tinnitus, or tinnitus. These can be unique to ET and may predate or preempt the actual diagnosis. So a lot of our young patients that are diagnosed with ET may come to attention of physicians because they’ve been dealing with migraines or headaches or fatigue plus migraines and headaches for a long time. Then lo and behold, blood work shows that they have a very high platelet count.

And so over time, I think when we look at these symptoms, certainly there can be waxing and waning of some symptoms, response to therapies, lack of response to therapies. But if the symptoms really do change rapidly, which we don’t see that often, oftentimes this can accompany a change in the disease, right? And that’s the time to go in and see if something’s changed. Sometimes reevaluate the disease status. And so my [ACT]IVATION tip for this is that we have a variety of symptoms that can be associated with kind of myeloproliferative neoplasms as a whole, as well as each one of these distinct disease entities. And the therapy for each of these differs based on the particular symptom.

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Advancing Therapies for Polycythemia Vera: Enhancing Control and Quality of Life

How are emerging polycythemia vera (PV) treatments addressing quality of life? Expert Dr. Andrew Kuykendall from Moffitt Cancer Center discusses disease control versus quality of life issues for PV patients and shares updates about rusfertide and hepcidin mimetic clinical trials. 


“…there’s a lot of things that factor into a suboptimal quality of life for patients with PV. And we need to think about all of those as we try to chip away and make patients’ quality of life as good as possible.”

See More From [ACT]IVATED MPNs

Related Resources:

How Can Specialists and Support Networks Improve Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care?

How Can Specialists and Support Networks Improve Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care?

What's Next for Improving Quality of Life in Polycythemia Vera?

What’s Next for Improving Quality of Life in Polycythemia Vera?

Empowering Patients: Enhancing Shared Decision-Making in Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care

Empowering Patients: Enhancing Shared Decision-Making in Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Kuykendall, since current treatments may help control polycythemia vera but don’t significantly improve symptoms, what steps are being taken to develop new therapies that not only control PV, but also improve patients’ overall quality of life? 

Dr. Andrew Kuykendall:

Yeah, so right now the therapies we have for polycythemia vera essentially the main goal is to reduce as I tell patients, to reduce the things that could kill you, right? To reduce the risk of thrombotic events, cardiovascular events, strokes, blood clots, heart attacks, things like that. As we know that that is a huge issue for these patients that are at increased risk for cardiovascular events.

So we do that with a variety of different strategies, but I think increasingly what we’re realizing is we need to make a primary focus of treatment being on improving and maximizing quality of life. And this is something that really we should be thinking about across all malignancies. But specifically polycythemia vera (PV), where this is a disease that if we are able to avoid some of these cardiovascular events, patients have a very good quantity of life expected with their disease.

So they may live with their disease for 15, 20, 30 years. So if that’s the case, we really need to be thinking about how we can do that as best as possible, right? We’re talking about a third of your life living with this disease. And so we need to do that in a quality way. So agents like ruxolitinib (Jakafi) that have been approved for polycythemia vera in the second-line setting.

Ruxolitinib is known that it is improving some of the disease-related symptoms that come with PV, fevers, chills, itching, night sweats, bone pain really does help with those things. But I think that we can move beyond that. And we’re developing agents like rusfertide. Rusfertide is the hepcidin mimetic that is aiming to reduce the amount of phlebotomies patients need. And for me, that’s important in a variety of ways.

One if you don’t need to get phlebotomies all the time, you’re not tied to the healthcare system, right? Nearly as much. And that could be a huge dissatisfactor. And so at the same time, getting a phlebotomy is not that fun either. It requires going in and sitting there getting blood drawn, you may get lightheaded, fatigued that comes with that.

So eliminating that aspect of negative quality of life. At the same time, we’re starting to see with rusfertide whispers that it may help with some of these symptoms that may be related to iron deficiency. Things like brain fog, concentration issues, fatigue. And so if we can help a little bit with that aspect of things too, man, we could start to kind of, you know, chip away at some of the quality of life issues that are ongoing.

And then down the road, I think some of these JAK2-specific inhibitors may have the continued ability to modify the underlying disease. And certainly that’s a huge goal, right? If we can actually start to get true responses really get at the core of the disease to get the disease to go away. And I think that ultimately that will hopefully result in better quality of life as well. So, at the same time, I think my [ACT]IVATION tip for this question is that there’s a lot of things that factor into a suboptimal quality of life for patients with PV. And we need to think about all of those as we try to chip away and make patients’ quality of life as good as possible.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay. Thank you. And is there any hope of any of these newer therapies being of limited duration, or are all of them continuous therapy? Because I know as a patient myself, that quality of life is impacted by knowing that I’ll be on therapy forever, some kind of therapy forever. Any hope for that? 

Dr. Andrew Kuykendall:

Yeah, so certainly with some agents there is hope for that. So some of the agents I referenced, ruxolitinib, rusfertide, these are agents that probably are, are going to be continued therapy. We always call it indefinite, right? As long as we think that the benefits outweigh the risks, we continue that. If we stop those, typically the reasons we’re using them, those come back quite quickly.

But I would say it’s not necessarily the case with agents like interferon. So interferon is an agent that’s less associated with symptomatic improvement, although we do see it in a subset of patients, it’s more associated with the ability to potentially modify the underlying disease. And so what we’ve seen with interferon is that we can measure patients’ JAK2 allele burdens, the number of cells that have the JAK2 mutation that drives the disease.

And in patients that are on interferon for 2, 3, 4 years, we see the number of cells that have the JAK2 mutation go down over time quite consistently. And even in the case that in some patients it goes less than 10 percent or to a level, we really can’t pick it up with our standard testing. And my experience with that is we can actually stop interferon in some of these patients for a pretty extended period of time.

So we have patients where we stopped for one or two years with blood counts that remain quite well-controlled, patients feeling well. In time, we might have to restart it as things start to to pop up, but I think that we are starting to get to these kind of at least treatment reductions, dose reductions where we can spread things out, but also kind of brief treatment interruptions where we get this kind of treatment-free period that certainly can be attractive to some patients.

Lisa Hatfield:

Okay. Thank you. And I’ll just do a quick shoutout to physicians like yourself who deal primarily with MPNs or work a lot with MPNs, that if a patient is watching this and doesn’t have somebody who really specializes in MPNs, everything you’re talking about, clinical trials, it might be helpful even to just get a consult or what I call an expert or second opinion on how to manage your MPNs. So anyway, thought I’d throw that out there. Thank you.

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Holistic Health Strategies for MPN Patients: Integrating Nutrition, Exercise, Mental Health, and Preventive Care


Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) expert Dr. Abdulraheem Yacoub discusses ways for MPN patients to make efforts toward optimal MPN, overall health and patient well-being, and proactive patient advice. 


“…as they are seeking the best care for their MPNs, they should also seek the best care for their global health like in nutrition, exercise, psychological health, cardiovascular risk reduction, primary cancer screening, and prevention, all the preventative healthcare vaccination. So all the global health interventions that improve your health are absolutely necessary for patients with MPNs.”


Related Resources:

Prioritizing Quality of Life: Addressing Symptom Management Challenges in MPNs

Prioritizing Quality of Life: Addressing Symptom Management Challenges in MPNs

Exploring New Frontiers: Innovative Drug Combinations and Clinical Trials in Myelofibrosis Care

Exploring New Frontiers: Innovative Drug Combinations and Clinical Trials in Myelofibrosis Care

Empowering Patients: Enhancing Shared Decision-Making in Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care

Empowering Patients: Enhancing Shared Decision-Making in Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care


Lisa Hatfield:

Can you discuss any specific interventions or educational tools that have proven effective in improving symptom management and disease progression awareness for patients facing PV, myelofibrosis, or ET?

Dr. Abdulraheem Yacoub:

Patients who live with MPNs are in this for the long run, and this is a chronic health challenge they would have to endure over the rest of their lives. And having access to tools that improve their health in general is instrumental. So as we advocate always for good nutrition in any other disease all the concepts that apply to healthy living apply here very vividly. So healthy nutrition is important. We like to involve a dietician early on in our patients, although there is no specific diet that is uniquely specific for MPN, but there are certain dietary interventions that are globally of benefit to patients to be healthier. We also advocate for mental health and psychological health, and we involve our oncology psychologists to be partners with us on patients’ care and to tackle the challenges that they have to cope with as they live with a chronic cancer.

We also endorse exercise as a method of improving functionality, improving strength, improving emotional well-being, and also as a tool to battle fatigue and musculoskeletal pains. So really many of the concepts that stand correct to everybody with any chronic disease stand correct here, but the impact in MPN is a lot more profound, because those patients will live with the diseases for a long time. And all the tools that you have to improve your global health will also improve your cancer health. We’re also very strong advocates of primary prevention. So patients with MPN are at an adverse cardiovascular risk and interventions that improve cardiovascular health such as exercise, maybe seeing a cardiologist management of cardiovascular risk factors like hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia can also improve the patient’s risk and reduce their MPN risks by lowering their other cardiovascular risks.

We also advocate for primary cancer prevention and screening. So patients with MPN should be also undergoing more meticulous cancer screening and prevention in order to be able to manage their…in the case of second primary malignancies to be able to address that a lot earlier in the course of those diseases and improve the patient’s odds of living a longer and healthier life. So really my [ACT]IVATION tip for patients is that as they are seeking the best care for their MPNs, they should also seek the best care for their global health like in nutrition, exercise, psychological health, cardiovascular risk reduction, primary cancer screening, and prevention, all the preventative healthcare vaccination. So all the global health interventions that improve your health are absolutely necessary for patients with MPNs.

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Navigating Disease Progression in MPNs: Strategies for Patient and Care Partner Awareness and Monitoring


Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) expert Dr. Abdulraheem Yacoub explains MPN disease progression, the difficulties with assessing MPN progression, factors that play into determining progression, and proactive patient advice for when MPN re-evaluation might be needed.


“…be able to be aware of the baseline and any change of baseline and when do you draw the line where you actually need to re-stage or re-evaluated the disease all together and decide if the patients have closed the line or have transformed or progressed that they need different care.”


Related Resources:

Prioritizing Quality of Life: Addressing Symptom Management Challenges in MPNs

Prioritizing Quality of Life: Addressing Symptom Management Challenges in MPNs

Exploring New Frontiers: Innovative Drug Combinations and Clinical Trials in Myelofibrosis Care

Exploring New Frontiers: Innovative Drug Combinations and Clinical Trials in Myelofibrosis Care

Empowering Patients: Enhancing Shared Decision-Making in Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care

Empowering Patients: Enhancing Shared Decision-Making in Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Yacoub, how do you and your colleagues enhance patient and caregiver understanding of disease progression in all of the main MPNs, polycythemia vera, myelofibrosis, and essential thrombocythemia, and what strategies can be implemented to monitor and respond to changes in the disease?

Dr. Abdulraheem Yacoub:

The concept of disease progression is an evolving field and even among experts is still something we debate a lot on how to better communicate that and how to better define that. So it is a challenge even for the most skilled physicians who manage patients with MPNs. However, we all understand what progression is or, and we all understand when things are going great. It’s very much obvious that patients are doing well. And when patients are not doing well there often it’s because they’re progressing.

So we have a vague understanding of the concept of what is going well, what is not going well, but to actually be able to be granular and describe what exactly that means. There’s a lot of uncertainty and vagueness in the field. But my two cents on this is that patients should be aware of what is their normal and was, is their usual abnormal symptoms, their usual abnormal findings in the blood and the trends in how their blood, and their symptoms are evolving over time.

And when there is a sudden change in an adverse or unfavorable way in the symptoms or the blood numbers, that this is definitely a trigger to evaluate for progression. I think being self-aware and being educated about what to expect with your disease allows you to be more capable of detecting when disease is progressing. We also try to explain to patients what the range of progression could sound like. It could be a change in symptoms, could be a change in labs, a change in physical exam, a change in how the bone marrow biopsy looks like, acquisition of new DNA errors and mutations.

So there are many different forms of progression. But as long as patients understand the science, as long as we can communicate to patients what is the usual path of normal or expected outcome of the disease and what’s not expected and what’s not normal and what’s above normal, and the patients and their physicians can pick that up as it happens, that’d be the best way to the best [ACT]IVATION tip for those patients and providers is to be able to be aware of the baseline and any change of baseline and when do you draw the line where you actually need to re-stage or re-evaluate the disease all together and decide if the patients have crossed the line or have transformed or progressed that they need different care.

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Empowering Patients: Enhancing Shared Decision-Making in Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care


Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) expert Dr. Abdulraheem Yacoub discusses how he approaches shared decision-making with patients, benefits of shared decision-making, and how to be proactive in elevating your own care.


“…you have to understand that your cancer is a disease you’re going to partner with for the rest of your life. And the more skilled and knowledgeable you are, the more you can get the best care you deserve and advocate for yourself and be able to communicate your challenges with your doctors and be a participating partner in your own care.”


Related Resources:

Prioritizing Quality of Life: Addressing Symptom Management Challenges in MPNs

Prioritizing Quality of Life: Addressing Symptom Management Challenges in MPNs

Holistic Health Strategies for MPN Patients

Holistic Health Strategies for MPN Patients: Integrating Nutrition, Exercise, Mental Health, and Preventive Care

Navigating Disease Progression in MPNs: Strategies for Patient and Care partner Awareness and Monitoring

Navigating Disease Progression in MPNs: Strategies for Patient and Care partner Awareness and Monitoring


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Yacoub, how can patients engage in shared decision-making with their healthcare providers to determine the most appropriate treatment approach for their myeloproliferative neoplasm? Whichever one that may be.

Dr. Abdulraheem Yacoub: 

Thank you. So I perceive my relationship with my patients as a partnership. I try to teach them, but I also learn a lot from them. Some patients keep up with newsletters and FDA approvals and press releases as much as, or better than any of the physicians that we work with. So, I think the more informed the patient is, the more able they are to contribute to their own well-being and to the improvement in healthcare. Many healthcare projects in the U.S. are led by patients and patient advocates. So the more involved patients are, the more aware they are of the moving parts in the field, the more they can contribute to their own improvement and their own health.

So my advice to patients is to be as involved as they can. And these are chronic cancers they will live with for the rest of their lives. So my [ACT]IVATION tip for these patients is that you have to understand that your cancer is a disease you’re going to partner with for the rest of your life. And the more skilled and knowledgeable you are, the more you can get the best care you deserve and advocate for yourself and be able to communicate your challenges with your doctors and be a participating partner in your own care.

Lisa Hatfield:

So when it comes to shared decision-making, is it very common for you to work with the patient and their local general oncologist for shared decision-making, or do you typically have a patient come talk with you, and then the patient takes the information back that they’ve learned from you to their local oncologist?

Dr. Abdulraheem Yacoub:

There are many phases and many methods of how we can collaborate with patients and their caregivers and their local providers and so forth. And this carries different forms. We see this a lot recently with the FDA approval of interferons and physicians who are in practice have not been trained to use that, and they all are interested in applying the new technology and using the new medicines in their patients. And they seek us. They actually send patients for us to co-manage so that they can learn from the process. So they’re very involved and they’re very curious and they want to learn the new medicines and how to use them and how to apply the new knowledge and how to interpret molecular results and so forth.

Everybody has a role to play. Community physicians who treat patients have a key role at delivering care to patients, patients also have a role at learning this. And our job is to teach patients and their doctors how to raise their levels to be able to to speak the same language, to be able to understand the same knowledge and to be able to contribute and make informed decisions. The more informed the patient, the more they can contribute and the more they can be active partners in the healthcare.

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Prioritizing Quality of Life: Addressing Symptom Management Challenges in MPNs


Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) expert Dr. Abdulraheem Yacoub discusses common challenges in managing MPN symptoms, goals for improving patient quality of life, and proactive patient advice for optimal care. 


“…you should be aware of your own health and your own health challenges and your symptoms, and you should bring to your doctor what is it that you’re bothered by. Some symptoms are a lot more challenging than others, like fatigue, fatigue, and bone pain. These are symptoms that are very resistant to many of our interventions. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t keep trying, and we should have an open communication between the patient and their doctors regarding methods to improve that, whether it’s drugs or non-pharmacological interventions or others that we can try for these patients.”


Related Resources:

Empowering Patients: Enhancing Shared Decision-Making in Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care

Empowering Patients: Enhancing Shared Decision-Making in Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care

Exploring New Frontiers: Innovative Drug Combinations and Clinical Trials in Myelofibrosis Care

Exploring New Frontiers: Innovative Drug Combinations and Clinical Trials in Myelofibrosis Care

Navigating Disease Progression in MPNs: Strategies for Patient and Care partner Awareness and Monitoring

Navigating Disease Progression in MPNs: Strategies for Patient and Care partner Awareness and Monitoring


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Yacoub, I’d like you to speak to some of the key challenges in managing symptoms based on the available treatment options. What are the most challenging symptoms associated with the different classic MPNs, PV, MF, and ET?

Dr. Abdulraheem Yacoub:

You know as we address patients with blood cancers ET, PV, and myelofibrosis, there are multiple priorities in these patients. One, we want patients to be safe and protected from the disease by lowering their blood counts to the right goal. For myelofibrosis, we want to achieve disease control by JAK inhibitors and reduction in spleen and consider curative therapy with bone transplantation. So the goals of care are multifaceted and multi-layered in these patients, but we always forget about the quality of life. So patients with ET, PV, and MF live with a high burden of constitutional symptoms that are non-relenting and they impact patients’ quality of life. They impact their psychological health and their physical health. They impact their personal lives and their professional careers. And we try as much as possible to mitigate that impact on patients’ lives and quality of life with the tools that we have. Our tools are imperfect.

Every time I go over all the things we can do, we can use hydroxyurea (Hydrea), interferon, JAK inhibitors, and then that’s it. And then we stop. And there’s really, we don’t have as many tools as we want. Of course, the field is getting better, we are getting better tools to help our patients, but we should always keep patients’ quality of life at the center point of healthcare. In addition to getting the objective metrics controlled, the counts in the right range, and the spleen the right size, we also need to make sure that what we’re doing to patients is also adding quality to their lives.

And my [ACT]IVATION tip for patients is that you should be aware of your own health and your own health challenges and your symptoms, and you should bring to your doctor what is it that you’re bothered by. Some symptoms are a lot more challenging than others, like fatigue, fatigue, and bone pain. These are symptoms that are very resistant to many of our interventions. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t keep trying, and we should have an open communication between the patient and their doctors regarding methods to improve that, whether it’s drugs or non-pharmacological interventions or others that we can try for these patients.

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Exploring New Frontiers: Innovative Drug Combinations and Clinical Trials in Myelofibrosis Care


Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) expert Dr. Abdulraheem Yacoub shares updates about additions in MPN treatment options, expansions in combination treatment options, and patient advice for locating clinical trials. 


“…keep up with the field through reliable sources of information that gives updates on clinical trials or by keeping up with website, which is a federally funded website that lists active and enrolling trials at any part of the country. And patients can look up their state or ZIP code and find clinical trials that are available to them in that area.”


Related Resources:

Empowering Patients: Enhancing Shared Decision-Making in Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care

Empowering Patients: Enhancing Shared Decision-Making in Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care

Prioritizing Quality of Life: Addressing Symptom Management Challenges in MPNs

Prioritizing Quality of Life: Addressing Symptom Management Challenges in MPNs

Navigating Disease Progression in MPNs: Strategies for Patient and Care partner Awareness and Monitoring

Navigating Disease Progression in MPNs: Strategies for Patient and Care partner Awareness and Monitoring


Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Yacoub, can you speak to active clinical trials for patients facing MPNs that you’re excited about, and are there any potential drug combinations that could enhance the efficacy of existing treatments?

Dr. Abdulraheem Yacoub:

The field of myelofibrosis is ever-evolving and never boring. We have had a lot of revolutionary projects and programs over the last few years. So we’ve had a standard of care therapy that is single-agent oral pills or JAK inhibitors for nearly a decade now, but in the last five years, we’ve had three other approved oral agents. So really we’ve quadrupled our options in the last four years of oral agents, and that’s really great, but not good enough.

So we’re experimenting with combinations. There have been at least three large clinical trials with combinations completed, and many, many ongoing trials that are accruing. So for patients with newly diagnosed myelofibrosis, there’s many options of enrolling into a clinical trial program to access combination of cutting edge agents that can provide higher quality responses and higher quality benefit to these patients.

There are many clinical trials in the second-line setting after patients progress or after first-line therapy fails them. So there are agents that are of benefit for control of myelofibrosis beyond the first-line therapy, and now there’s also clinical trials with agents that can improve patients’ quality of life or symptoms or low blood counts. So there’s really a lot of evolving and powerful options that patients can qualify for a very exciting field of research. It is an overwhelming task to keep up with that even experts in myelofibrosis get overwhelmed with the evolving field of clinical trial portfolio for myelofibrosis.

My [ACT]IVATION tip for patients is to keep up with the field through reliable sources of information that give updates on clinical trials or by keeping up with website, which is a federally funded website that lists active and enrolling trials at any part of the country. And patients can look up their state or ZIP code and find clinical trials that are available to them in that area. So in-patients can actually take charge in this. And that’s my activate tip for them, is to be proactive at seeking these options.

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How Can MPN Providers and Patients Guard Against Disease Progression?

How Can MPN Providers and Patients Guard Against Disease Progression? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How exactly can myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) providers and patients guard against disease progression? Expert Natasha Johnson explains the likelihood of disease progression and the importance of monitoring blood cell counts and symptoms for optimal care.


“…monitor your blood cell counts, be your own advocate. Think about if they’re changing, could it be medication, or is it disease progression? Monitor your symptoms. Look at the total symptoms score or write down your symptoms and try to record where you’re at in intervals. Are things getting worse? If they are, don’t wait three months for your next appointment. Contact your healthcare provider and ask to be seen. Ask about getting a repeat bone marrow biopsy to establish where the current disease status is because that can open up doors possibly to more treatments.”

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Natasha Johnson:

There is a risk for progression for patients with MPN. When we look at this, we know that myeloproliferative neoplasms is really an umbrella term for three different diseases that run along a continuum. And they all are unique in that they have an overactive JAK-STAT pathway. And in that, they have very similar disease characteristics and driver mutations. So with that, progression is possible. It doesn’t mean that it’ll happen. It doesn’t matter what the percentage is. We don’t know that, we can’t say it definitely happens, but it’s something that we watch for. We educate you on those signs and symptoms of progression. So this could be caught early and be activated on early. So what are signs of progression? Progression can be thought as if you start to see changes in blood cell counts.

So this could mean a decrease in hemoglobin or platelets, or a rise or decrease in white blood cell counts. Now it’s very important to remember that sometimes changes in blood cell counts is really a side effect to medication, and that needs to be thought of before you think about disease progression. But it’s changes in these counts that don’t improve despite modifying the dose of medication. Another sign of disease progression is an increase or worsening in symptoms.

And here is where it’s important to know what the symptoms are and try to think about or keep a record in where you were and then where you are at today. When we think progression may be happening, it is important that your provider order a bone marrow biopsy, because that helps to reestablish current disease status, and it helps to guide treatment. Maybe it opens doors for more treatments.

My activation tip here would be, number one, monitor your blood cell counts, be your own advocate. Think about if they’re changing, could it be medication, or is it disease progression? Monitor your symptoms. Look at the total symptoms score or write down your symptoms and try to record where you’re at in intervals. Are things getting worse? If they are, don’t wait three months for your next appointment. Contact your healthcare provider and ask to be seen. Ask about getting a repeat bone marrow biopsy to establish where the current disease status is because that can open up doors possibly to more treatments. 

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How Can MPN Experts Help Inform Patients About Clinical Trials?

How Can MPN Experts Help Inform Patients About Clinical Trials? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are optimal ways for myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) experts to inform patients about clinical trials? Expert Natasha Johnson shares how she prepares herself, her approach to informing patients, and how she reacts if she senses patient hesitancy.


“…go on, search up MPN trials, and that will first clue you into could you be eligible and where are they being done. And then you can contact that center or ask about it where you’re being seen locally and just get information. You’re not committing to it completely. Minds can be changed at any time.”

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Natasha Johnson:

As a provider of MPN patients, I first make sure that I am educated on what clinical trials are available and out there. And then when I see patients, I offer these options. I’m a strong, strong advocate for clinical trials because if it wasn’t for them, we wouldn’t have the medications that we have today. And just in the last several years, we’ve had many medications approved for MPNs that we didn’t have 15 years ago, and all that was done by clinical trials. I have on firsthand seen benefits of clinical trials.

So I strongly encourage patients to be a part of that. If there’s hesitancy from the patient or caregiver, I would take time to dig into that and help to answer or alleviate fears that come along with that. It’s important that the clinical trial coordinator who knows specific protocols of trials very, very well, they can come in the room or spend time on the phone with the patient to answer any questions, to alleviate fears and allow that opportunity if a patient is open and willing to do it.

So my activation tip would be first of all, go on, search up MPN trials, and that will first clue you into could you be eligible and where are they being done? And then you can contact that center or ask about it where you’re being seen locally and just get information. You’re not committing to it completely. Minds can be changed at any time. The clinical trials are greatly, greatly, greatly beneficial and as I said, we have what we have today because of patients who participated in clinical trials 10, 20 years ago and then have given these great opportunities to patients now. 

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How Can MPN Patient Advocacy Groups Help Patients?

How Can MPN Patient Advocacy Groups Help Patients? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are some ways myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patient advocacy groups can help support patients? Expert Natasha Johnson explains different ways that advocacy groups can help MPN patients in their care, her experience with advocacy groups, and other health professionals who can aid in patient support.


“…look out for and research MPN support groups. You can do this under the MPN Foundation, or there are other resources to find a way to attend those. You may get so much information that you were unaware of. And then also keeping in good communication with your nursing team, your healthcare team, and if any problems come up, or great barriers such as financial assistance for medication, reaching back out to the pharmacy or the pharmacist where that was sent through to ask for assistance and help.” 

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Natasha Johnson:

There are several unsung heroes that work with the MPN population and are just not known, but offer great, great resources and can be utilized. First, I’ll start off saying with, there are foundations, for example, the MPN Foundation where it’s a large patient advocacy group that comes along and they establish support groups all over the United States, and they invite patients and caregivers to come and join, whether in-person or through Zoom. And through those meetings, sometimes experts are brought in and taught. Sometimes the nurses are brought in and taught and just provide resources, education to patients, and also just to help answer questions. Through attending those meetings, maybe you can also get in to see an MPN expert. So I would strongly encourage the use of these foundations and these support groups because these are people, that they’re not in the clinic setting day-to-day.

They may be a patient themself who has had MPN for a long time, but now they’re overseeing and heading up the support group. Sometimes it’s a family member of a patient who’s now overseeing and heading up the support group. Additionally, there are pharmacists who are well-versed in MPNs and the medications and can guide and direct exactly where to go to get help when it comes to financial assistance for treatment. And then, of course, nurses. Nurses are just such a key player here that they take the time to listen and to educate and to answer questions or direct.

And so my activation tip would be to one, look out for and research MPN support groups. You can do this under the MPN Foundation, or there are other resources to find a way to attend those. You may get so much information that you were unaware of. And then also keeping in good communication with your nursing team, your healthcare team, and if any problems come up, or great barriers such as financial assistance for medication, reaching back out to the pharmacy or the pharmacist where that was sent through to ask for assistance and help. 

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How Can Underrepresented MPN Communities Access Support?

How Can Underrepresented MPN Communities Access Support? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What are some ways for underrepresented myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) communities to access support? Expert Natasha Johnson shares ways that she’s helped inform patients about resources and clinical  trial information to help bridge gaps in care.


 “…try to get into a large cancer center or academic center and see an MPN expert. Many times, this is just by self-referral. Charity is sometimes provided through these. Zoom visits can be done as consults or follow-up visits. So my encouragement would be search these out, find out who the experts are, and contact them directly and see if there is any possibility or a way that you can get in to see an MPN expert for a consult so you can get the best care possible.”

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Natasha Johnson:

From a nursing perspective, there are several gaps that affect our underrepresented communities. And unfortunately, these are patients who are very late diagnosed, maybe incorrectly diagnosed, and even underdiagnosed because there is difficulty with access to care and then getting treatment. And here’s where it’s important that as providers, as nurses, we’re educating the community. We’re educating the public health department on these diseases to help pick up for that. We’re making people and patients aware of these diseases to help pick up on that. And there are many resources that are available online for free.

There are also local support groups for patients with MPNs and their caregivers that you can join in-person or on Zoom that provide just education resources on new trials that are out there or new treatments that are out there. Patients themselves can research clinical trials by looking at and see what’s out there and contact the academic center that’s performing those trials. There’s free information online that provides recorded sessions from conferences or speakers or speaking done by the MPN experts that you can just look to and get to easily to help understand the disease, knowing the symptoms, and then guiding treatment.

If you belong to an underrepresented community, my activation tip would be to try to get into a large cancer center or academic center and see an MPN expert. Many times, this is just by self-referral. Charity is sometimes provided through these. Zoom visits can be done as consults or follow-up visits. So my encouragement would be search these out, find out who the experts are, and contact them directly and see if there is any possibility or a way that you can get in to see an MPN expert for a consult so you can get the best care possible. 

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Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Financial and Care Resources

Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Financial and Care Resources from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

Some myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) patients may run into care barriers, so what can be done to help them? Expert Natasha Johnson from Moffitt Cancer Center shares her perspective on how she assists MPN patients with resources and how healthcare providers can help in overcoming care barriers.


“…Let the healthcare team know, especially the great players here that are helpful are the nurses involved in the care team and the pharmacist who know of these outside resources to provide financial assistance so patients can get medication.”

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Natasha Johnson: 

When I’m speaking to MPN patients or caregivers about barriers, I really try to provide resources. All it takes is a Google search to look up the MPN Foundation or many other organizations that provide education. They provide direction to reach MPN experts. There are ways to get ahold of them and see them. Visits can be done through Zoom. Some large cancer centers even do charity care, so patients can get in who do not have insurance, but I would provide those resources whether I’m seeing that patient or I’m in the community teaching or at a supportive care group. I think it’s very, very important that patients need to know that they can access care, and it’s by researching, doing some research and being active in that care.

Secondly, when I’m speaking to patients about issues with medication costs, which can be a great barrier, my activation tip to them again, would be to let the healthcare team know, especially the great players here that are helpful are the nurses involved in the care team and the pharmacist who know of these outside resources to provide financial assistance so patients can get medication.

It’s very important, don’t let it be a barrier or stop anything or stop treatment, but pursue that by making us aware and then we can help you. 

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How Can Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care Barriers Be Overcome?

How Can Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Care Barriers Be Overcome? from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

How can myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) providers and advocates help patients overcome care barriers? Expert Natasha Johnson from Moffitt Cancer Center shares financial resources and additional ways MPN expert care can be accessed.


“…let the care team know there are financial resources available, whether that’s through foundations or the manufacturer itself, the care team, including the nurses and the pharmacists, can help direct and guide to get patients the medications that they need to treat their disease.

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How Can MPN Providers and Patients Guard Against Disease Progression?

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How Can MPN Experts Help Inform Patients About Clinical Trials

How Can MPN Experts Help Inform Patients About Clinical Trials?


Natasha Johnson: 

There are several barriers to accessing care for patients with MPNs. Specifically, the first one I would say is accessing an MPN expert. You know when people live out in the communities or there’s difficulty with transportation, or they don’t have insurance they may be seen by public healthcare or locally or not at all. And there are really minimal reasons that a patient should not be able to see an MPN expert. Nowadays that we have Zoom visits, consults can be done through Zoom, even follow-up appointments can be done through Zoom. Labs can be taken locally. We can review labs if they’ve been done by the health department or primary care physician.

But I strongly, strongly, strongly encourage all patients who are suspected to have an MPN or newly diagnosed with an MPN. Try to get in with an MPN expert. Secondly, a great barrier to MPN care is the cost of medication. We know medications are very, very expensive, and even patients that have great insurances still cannot afford these medications.

So my activation tip for that would be to let the care team know there are financial resources available, whether that’s through foundations or the manufacturer itself, the care team, including the nurses and the pharmacists, can help direct and guide to get patients the medications that they need to treat their disease.

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Emerging MPN Therapies in the Research Pipeline

Emerging MPN Therapies in the Research Pipeline from Patient Empowerment Network on Vimeo.

What emerging myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) therapies are in the research pipeline? Expert Dr. Idoroenyi Amanam from City of Hope discusses MPN treatments that are under study, what the therapies target in MPN patients, and the outlook for the future of MPN care.

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Lisa Hatfield:

Dr. Amanam, can you speak to any exciting new developments in MPN care or trials that you see moving forward with great progress?

Dr. Indoroenyi Amanam:

Yeah. I think for MPNs and namely really the classic BCR-able or Philadelphia chromosome-negative MPNs, which include essential thrombocythemia, polycythemia vera, and myelofibrosis. I think we have a lot of exciting therapies that are going to be possibly FDA-approved in the next couple of years. So currently, for essential thrombocythemia, really the dogma therapy is related to keeping the counts under control and giving a therapy to reduce the risk of having a blood clot or stroke. We actually are in a space where we have therapies that are going to be targeting the underlying clone or basically the cells that are driving the proliferation of these platelets that lead to high platelet counts. And so I think that’s exciting.

So we do know that, in MPN there is an overexpression of Bcl-xL, and there’s a drug that targets Bcl-xL. And we’ve seen really great responses in essential thrombocythemia. And as a segue, this drug also targets the same cells and polycythemia vera and myelofibrosis, and we’ve seen really great responses in those patients. We also have had difficulty in managing patients who have myelofibrosis, but have very low counts. And typically the FDA-approved drugs that we’ve been using actually make the counts worse.

And so there are multiple drugs that are in the pipeline that are helping patients with low blood counts. And what they do is they help increase your red blood cells and reduce your requirements for red blood cell transfusions.

And one of the drugs helps stimulate erythropoiesis, and it’s an injection. And we’ve seen really good results in reducing the risk of…or reducing the amount of transfusions that patients receive. And then another one of these drugs targets ACVR1, which we understand that in myelofibrosis, you have overproduction of hepcidin, which leads to worsening anemia. And so by targeting ACVR1, it helps control this hepcidin. And by doing that these patients have improved red blood cell counts. And so that’s another drug that likely will be coming…that will be FDA-approved very soon, and I think will help patients in this space.

We also are interested in immunotherapy. And I think in other cancers, immunotherapy has been very successful in eradicating those cancer cells and curing some patients. And so there are clinical trials looking at a vaccine which targets certain mutations that are relevant to MPN patients. And also we are interested in actually using other types of immunotherapy namely, CAR T, which really helps connect your own immune cells to these cancer cells to help clear them out. And so I think over in the next five to 10 years, there’re going to be a lot of drugs and a lot of therapies that are going to really help patients who have MPNs.

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